Chap 13 Endocrine

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Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones ▪ Also known as pars intermedia

Chapter 13 – Human Anatomy and Physiology ▪ It is the boundary between the anterior
and posterior lobes of the pituitary
▪ The endocrine system consists of ductless
glands that secrete hormones into the
▪ In human fetal life, this area produces
interstitial fluid and then the blood
melanocyte-stimulating hormone
▪ The organs in the body with the richest
(MSH) which causes the release of
blood supply are the endocrine glands, such
melanin pigment in skin melanocytes
as the adrenal gland and the thyroid gland
▪ The pars intermedia is normally either
▪ Some glands of the endocrine system
very small or entirely absent in
perform functions in addition to hormone
▪ For example, the endocrine portion of the Posterior Pituitary Gland
pancreas has cells that secrete hormones,
▪ Also known as neurohypophysis or pars
whereas the much larger exocrine portion
of the pancreas secretes digestive enzymes
▪ It is an extension of the brain and is
▪ Portions of the ovaries and testes produce
composed mainly of glial-like cells called
oocytes (female sex cells) and sperm cells
(male sex cells), respectively
▪ Pituicytes do not secrete hormones but
Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus they act simply as supporting structure for
Section 13-1 large numbers of terminal nerve fibers and
terminal nerve endings from fiber tracts
▪ The pituitary gland is also called the
that originate in the supraoptic and
paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
▪ It is a small gland (1 cm in diameter and 0.5
▪ These tracts pass to the neurohypophysis
to 1 g in weight) about the size of a pea,
through the infundibulum or pituitary stalk
which rests in a depression of the sphenoid
bone (sella turcica) inferior to the Hormones from the pituitary gland control the
hypothalamus of the brain functions of many other glands in the body,
▪ The hypothalamus is an important such as the ovaries, testes, the thyroid gland,
autonomic nervous system and endocrine and the adrenal cortex
control center of the brain located inferior
The pituitary gland also secretes hormones that
to the thalamus
influence growth, kidney function, birth, and
▪ The pituitary glands lies posterior to the
milk production by the mammary glands
optic chiasm and is connected to the
hypothalamus by a stalk called the Historically, the pituitary gland is also known as
infundibulum the master gland because it controls the
▪ The pituitary gland is divided into three function of so many other glands
parts – the anterior pituitary gland, the
However, we now know that the hypothalamus
intermediate lobe, and the posterior
controls the pituitary gland in two ways:
pituitary gland
hormonal control and direct innervation
Anterior Pituitary Gland
▪ Also known as adenohypophysis or pars
▪ Neurons of the hypothalamus produce and
secrete neuropeptides that act on cells of the
▪ It is made up of epithelial cells from
anterior pituitary gland
Rathke’s pouch, which is an embryonic
▪ They act as either releasing hormones or
invagination of the pharyngeal
inhibiting hormones
▪ Each releasing hormone stimulates the
▪ There are five cell types of the anterior
production and secretion of a specific hormone
pituitary gland: somatotropes (30% to
by the anterior pituitary
40%), corticotropes (20%), thyrotropes
▪ Each inhibiting hormone decreases the
(3% to 5%), gonadotropes (3% to 5%),
secretion of a specific anterior pituitary
and lactotropes (3% to 5%)
Intermediate Lobe
▪ Releasing and inhibiting hormones enter a 2. Increased mobilization of fatty acids
capillary bed in the hypothalamus and are from adipose tissue, increased free
transported through veins to a second capillary fatty acids (FFA) in the blood, and
bed in the anterior pituitary increased use of fatty acids for energy
▪ There they leave the blood and bind to
3. Decreased rate of glucose utilization
membrane-bound receptors involved with
throughout the body
regulating anterior pituitary hormone secretion
▪ The capillary beds and veins that transport the ▪ Thus, in effect, GH enhances the body protein,
releasing and inhibiting hormones are called the uses up the fat stores, and conserves
hypothalamic-pituitary portal system or carbohydrates
hypophyseal-hypothalamic tract
▪ Necessity of insulin and carbohydrate for the

▪ Stimulation of neurons within the o GH fails to cause growth in an animal

hypothalamus controls the secretion of that lacks a pancreas and also fails to
hormones from the posterior pituitary cause growth if carbohydrates are
▪ The cell bodies of these neurons are in the excluded from diet
hypothalamus, and their axons extend through
o Therefore, adequate insulin activity as
the infundibulum to the posterior pituitary
well as availability of carbohydrates are
▪ Hormones are produced in the nerve cell bodies
necessary for GH to be effective
and are transported through the axons to the
posterior pituitary, where they are stored in the o Part of this requirement is to provide
axon endings the energy needed for the metabolism
▪ When these nerve cells are stimulated, action of growth
potentials from the hypothalamus travel along
o Insulin also enhances the transport of
the axons to the posterior pituitary and cause
amino acids into cells in the same way
the release of hormones from the axon endings
that it enhances glucose transport
▪ Within the hypothalamus and pituitary gland,
the nervous and endocrine systems are closely  Stimulation of Cartilage and Bone Growth
o Increased deposition of protein by the
▪ Emotions such as joy and anger, as well as
chondrocytic and osteogenic cells that
chronic stress, influence the endocrine system
cause bone growth
through the hypothalamus
▪ Conversely, hormones of the endocrine system o Increased rate of reproduction of these
can influence the functions of the cells as well
hypothalamus and other parts of the brain
o Specific effect of converting
HORMONES OF THE ADENOHYPOPHYSIS chondrocytes into osteogenic cells, thus
causing specific deposition of new bone
Growth Hormone (GH)
▪ GH exerts much of its effects through
▪ Growth hormone is a small protein molecule
intermediate substances called somatomedins
that contains 191 amino acids in a single chain
or insulin-like growth factors (IGF)
and has a molecular weight of 22,005
▪ Stimulates the growth of bones, muscles, and ▪ GH increases IGF secretion from tissues
other organs by increasing gene expression such as the liver, and the IGF molecules
▪ Promotes increased cell size and increased bind to receptors on the cells of tissues
mitosis with development of increased numbers such as bone and cartilage, where they
of cells and specific differentiation of certain stimulate growth
types of cells such as bone growth cells and
early muscle cells ▪ The IGF are similar in structure to
insulin and can bind, to some degree, to
▪ GH has many specific metabolic effects as well: insulin receptors
1. Increased rate of protein synthesis in all ▪ Also, insulin, at high concentrations, can
cells of the body bind to IGF receptors

▪ Regulation of Growth Hormone Secretion

▪ It was believed that GH was secreted containing 14 amino acids
primarily during the period of growth
but then disappeared from the blood at  Ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus
adolescence is responsible for GHRH secretion, which is
the same area of the hypothalamus that is
▪ This was proven to be untrue because
known to be sensitive to hypoglycemia and
after adolescence, GH secretion
to cause hunger in hypoglycemic states
decreases only slowly with aging, finally
falling to about 25 percent of the
 Secretion of somatostatin is controlled by
adolescent level in very old age
other nearby areas of the hypothalamus
▪ The rate of growth hormone secretion  Hypothalamic signals depicting emotions,
increases and decreases within minutes stress, and trauma can all affect
hypothalamic control of GH secretion
▪ This is in relation to the person’s state
of nutrition or stress:
 Catecholamines, dopamine, and serotonin,
1. Starvation, especially with severe
each of which is released by a different
protein deficiency
neuronal system in the hypothalamus,
2. Hypoglycemia or low concentration of
increase the rate of GH secretion
fatty acids in the blood
 Most of control of GH secretion is mediated
3. Exercise
through GHRH rather than through the
4. Excitement
5. Trauma
▪ GH increases during the first two hours of deep GHRH stimulates GH secretion by attaching to
sleep membrane-bound receptors on somatotropes
▪ Most people have a rhythm of GH secretion,
with daily peak levels occurring during deep  Aside from inhibiting GH secretion,
sleep somatostatin also inhibits the release of
▪ GH secretion also increases during periods of glucagon and insulin from the α and β cells of
fasting and exercise the pancreas respectively
▪ Blood GH levels do not become greatly elevated  Somatostatin is also secreted by delta cells of
during periods of rapid growth, although the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas
children tend to have somewhat higher blood Pathophysiology
levels than do adults
▪ In addition to GH, genetics, nutrition, and sex ▪ Too little growth hormone secretion can result
hormones influence growth from abnormal development of the pituitary
▪ Normal concentration of GH in the plasma of an gland
adult is between 1.6 and 3 ng/mL ▪ A young person suffering from growth hormone
▪ In a child or adolescent, it is about 6 ng/mL deficiency remains small, although normally
▪ Values often increase to as high as 50 ng/mL proportioned, and is called a pituitary dwarf
after depletion of body stores of proteins or ▪ This condition can be treated by administering
carbohydrates during prolonged starvation growth hormone
▪ Excess growth hormone secretion can result
Role of Hypothalamus, GHRH, and GHIH in Control from hormone-secreting tumors of the pituitary
of GH Secretion gland
 GH secretion is controlled almost entirely in ▪ If excess growth hormone is present before
response to two factors secreted in the bones finish growing in length, exaggerated
hypothalamus and then transported to the bone growth occurs and the person becomes
adenohypophysis through the abnormally tall, a condition called gigantism
hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal vesselS ▪ If excess hormone is secreted after growth in
bone length is complete, growth continues in
 They are growth hormone releasing bone diameter only
hormone (GHRH) and growth hormone ▪ As a result, the facial features and hands
inhibiting hormone (GHIH) or somatostatin become abnormally large, a condition called
 Both are polypeptides with GHRH Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (thyrotropin or TSH)
containing 144 amino acids and GHIH
▪ TSH binds to membrane-bound receptors on ▪ Also known as luteotropic hormone or
cells of the thyroid gland and causes the cells to luteotropin
secrete thyroid hormones ▪ Binds to membrane-bound receptors in
▪ When too much TSH is secreted, the thyroid cells (lactotrophs) of the breast where it
gland enlarges and secretes too much thyroid helps promote development of the breast
hormones during pregnancy and stimulates
▪ When too little TSH is secreted, the thyroid production of milk during pregnancy
gland decreases in size and secretes too little ▪ Main regulatory hormone of prolactin is
thyroid hormone prolactin inhibitory hormone (PIH) which
▪ The rate of TSH secretion is regulated by a inhibits prolactin secretion
releasing hormone (thyrotopin-releasing ▪ TRH has a stimulatory effect on PRL release;
hormone or TRH) from the hypothalamus however, PRL is the only adenohypophyseal
hormone whose principal control is
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
▪ Binds to membrane-bound receptors on
Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone (MSH)
cells of the adrenal cortex
▪ Increases the secretion of a hormone from ▪ Binds to membrane-bound receptors on
the adrenal cortex called cortisol, also melanocytes and causes them to synthesize
called hydrocortisone melanin
▪ ACTH is required to keep the adrenal cortex ▪ Structure of MSH is similar to ACTH, and
from degenerating over secretion of either hormone causes
▪ Also binds to melanocytes in the skin and the skin to darken
increase skin pigmentation; one sign of too ▪ Regulation of MSH is not well understood,
much ACTH secretion is darkening of the but there appears to be two regulatory
skin hormones from the hypothalamus – one
▪ Rate of ACTH secretion is increased by that increases MSH secretion and one that
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) or decreases it
factor (CRF), from the hypothalamus
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) or Vasopressin
▪ Primarily synthesized in the supraoptic
▪ These hormones bind to the membrane nuclei of the hypothalamus
receptors on cells of the gonads (ovaries and ▪ Although the paraventricular nuclei of the
testes) hypothalamus primarily produce oxytocin, it
▪ Regulate growth, development, and functions can also synthesize one-sixth as much of
of the gonads ADH
▪ In females, luteinizing hormone (LH) causes the ▪ ADH is a polypeptide containing nine amino
ovulation of oocytes and the secretion of acids
hormones estrogen and progesterone from the ▪ Binds to membrane-bound receptors on
ovaries cells of the DCT and collecting ducts of the
▪ In males, LH stimulates interstitial cells of the kidneys, thereby increasing water
testes to secrete sex hormone testosterone and reabsorption by these structures
thus is sometimes referred to as interstitial cell- ▪ In the absence of ADH, the DCT and
stimulating hormone (ICSH) collecting ducts of the kidneys are
▪ Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates impermeable to water, which prevents
the development of follicles in the ovaries and significant reabsorption of water and
sperm cells in the testes therefore allows extreme loss of water into
▪ Without LH and FSH, the ovaries and testes the urine, causing extreme dilution of urine
decrease in size, no longer produce oocytes or ▪ In the presence of ADH, the permeability of
sperm cells, and no longer secrete hormones the DCT and collecting ducts to water
▪ A single releasing hormone from the increases greatly and allows most of the
hypothalamus called gonadotropin-releasing water to be reabsorbed as the tubular fluid
hormone (GnRH) increases the secretion of passes through these ducts, thereby
both LH and FSH conserving water in the body and producing
very concentrated urine
Prolactin (PRL)
▪ Regulation of ADH production is by means
of osmotic regulation
▪ Somewhat in or near the hypothalamus are ▪ In less than a minute after the beginning of
modified neuron receptors called suckling, milk begins to flow – a process
osmoreceptors called milk letdown or milk ejection
▪ When the ECF becomes too concentrated,
fluid is pulled by osmosis out of the
osmoreceptors cell, decreasing its size and ▪ The thyroid gland is made up of two lobes
initiating appropriate nerve signals in the connected by a narrow band called the
supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus to isthmus
cause additional ADH secretion ▪ It is located immediately below the larynx
▪ Conversely, when the ECF becomes too on either side of and anterior to the trachea
dilute, water moves by osmosis in the ▪ It is one of the largest endocrine glands
opposite direction into the osmoreceptors, ▪ It appears redder than the surrounding
and this decreases the signal for ADH tissues because it is highly vascular
secretion ▪ It is surrounded by a connective tissue
▪ Higher concentrations of ADH also have a capsule
potent effect of constricting the arterioles
▪ The thyroid gland secretes two significant
everywhere in the body and therefore
increasing the arterial pressure hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
▪ For this reason, ADH is also known as (T3), that have the profound effect of increasing
vasopressin the metabolic rate of the body (basal metabolic
rate or BMR)
▪ One of the stimuli for causing intense ADH
secretion is decreased blood volume ▪ It also secretes calcitonin, a hormone for
▪ A lack of ADH secretion causes diabetes calcium metabolism
insipidus, which is the production of a large
amount of dilute urine ▪ Complete lack of thyroid secretion causes the
▪ The diuretic actions of alcohol are due to its BMR to fall 40% to 50% below normal, and
inhibition of ADH secretion extreme excesses of thyroid secretion can cause
the BMR to rise 60% to 100% above normal

▪ Thyroid secretion is controlled primarily by

Oxytocin thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), secreted by
▪ Polypeptide containing nine amino acids the thyrotropes of the anterior pituitary
▪ Powerfully stimulates the pregnant uterus THYROID HORMONE
by causing it to contract especially towards
the end of gestation ▪ About 93 percent of metabolically active
▪ Many obstetricians believe that this thyroid hormones secreted by the thyroid
hormone is at least partially responsible for gland is thyroxine and 7 percent is
effecting birth triiodothyronine
▪ Oxytocin also plays an important role in ▪ However, almost all the thyroxine is
lactation eventually converted to triiodothyronine in
▪ In lactation, it causes milk to be expressed the tissues, so that both are important
from the alveoli into the ducts so that the functionally
baby can obtain it by suckling ▪ The functions of the two hormones are
▪ Suckling stimuli on the nipple of the breast qualitatively the same, but they differ in
cause signals to be transmitted through the rapidity and intensity of action
sensory nerves to the brain ▪ T3 is about 4 times as potent as T4, but it is
▪ Signals reach the paraventricular and present in the blood in much smaller
supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus, quantities and persists for a much shorter
causing release of oxytocin by the time than does T4
neurohypophysis ▪ Thyroid gland is composed of large numbers
▪ Oxytocin is then carried by blood to the of closed follicles filled with a secretory
breasts, where it causes contraction of substance called colloid and lined with
myoepithelial cells that lie outside of and cuboidal epithelial cells that secrete into
form a latticework surrounding the alveoli the interior of the follicles
of the mammary glands
▪ Major constituent of colloid is the large ▪ When the thyroid gland becomes maximally
glycoprotein thyroglobulin, which contains active, the concentration ratio can rise to as
the thyroid hormones within its molecule high as 250 times
▪ Once the secretion has entered the follicles,
▪ Iodide pumping consists of the following
it must be absorbed back through the
carrier-mediated transport mechanisms:
follicular epithelium into the blood before it
can function in the body o Sodium-potassium pump at the basal
▪ The thyroid gland has a blood flow about membrane
five times the weight of the gland each o Sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) at the
minute basal membrane
o Pendrin (sodium-independent
chloride/iodide transporter) at the
Iodine Requirements for Formation of Thyroxine apical membrane

▪ To form normal quantities of T4, about 50 Formation and Secretion of Thyroglobulin

mg of ingested iodine in the form of iodides
▪ Thyroid cells are typical protein-secreting
are required each year, or about 1 mg/week
glandular cells
▪ To prevent iodine deficiency, common table
▪ ER and Golgi apparatus synthesize and
salt is iodized with about 1 part sodium
secrete into the follicles a large glycoprotein
iodide to every 100,000 parts sodium
called thyroglobulin
▪ Each thyroglobulin contains 70 tyrosine
▪ Iodides ingested orally are absorbed from
residues, which are the major substrates
the gastrointestinal tract
that combine with iodine to form thyroid
▪ Normally, only 1/5 of iodides in the blood
hormones that form within the
are removed by the thyroid gland for
thyroglobulin molecule
synthesis of thyroid hormones, and the rest
▪ T4 and T3 hormones formed from tyrosine
are rapidly excreted by kidneys
remain a part of thyroglobulin during
1. Iodide trapping synthesis and are stored in the follicular
2. Formation and secretion of thyroglobulin
▪ In addition to secreting thyroglobulin, the
3. Oxidation of the iodide ion glandular cells process the iodine and
provide the enzymes and other substances
4. Organification of thyroglobulin
necessary for thyroid hormone synthesis
5. Storage of thyroglobulin
Oxidation of the Iodide Ion
6. Release of thyroxine and triiodothyronine from
▪ Next essential step in thyroid hormone
the thyroid gland
synthesis is oxidation of iodide ions to either
nascent iodine (I0) or I3-, which is then capable
of combining directly with the amino acid
tyrosine of thyroglobulin

▪ The oxidation process is catalyzed by the

Iodide Trapping enzyme peroxidase and requires the presence
of another reactant, hydrogen peroxide
▪ First stage in the formation of thyroid hormones
is transport of iodides from the blood into the
thyroid glandular cells and follicles

▪ Basal membrane of the thyroid cell has the

Organification of Thyroglobulin
specific ability to pump iodide actively to the
interior of the cell – iodide trapping ▪ Binding of oxidized iodine with tyrosine
residues of thyroglobulin is called
▪ In a normal thyroid gland, the iodide pumping
organification of thyroglobulin
concentrates the iodide to about 30 times its
▪ In thyroid cells, oxidized iodine is associated
concentration in the blood
with an iodinase enzyme that causes the
process to occur in seconds or minutes
▪ Oxidized iodine binds with 1/6 of ▪ About 93 percent of thyroid hormone
thyroglobulin tyrosine residues secreted is normally thyroxine and only 7
▪ Major product of the coupling reaction is percent is triiodothyronine
thyroxine, which remains part of the ▪ However, during the ensuing few days,
thyroglobulin molecule most of thyroxine is slowly deiodinated to
▪ Triiodothyronine represents about 1/15 of form triiodothyronine
the stored hormone ▪ Therefore, the hormone finally delivered to
and used by tissues is mainly
Storage of Thyroglobulin
triiodothyronine, a total of 35 micrograms
▪ After synthesis of thyroid hormones, each of T3 each day
thyroglobulin molecule contains 1 to 3 ▪ Another 35 micrograms of so-called reverse
thyroxine molecules and an average of 1 T3 is formed each day due to removal of
triiodothyronine for every 14 molecules of iodine (“wrong iodine”) from the carboxyl
thyroxine end instead of the hydroxyl end of
▪ In this form, the thyroid hormones are thyroxine
stored in the follicles in an amount ▪ Reverse T3 is almost totally inactive and
sufficient to supply the body with its normal eventually destroyed
requirements of thyroid hormones for 2 to
3 months
▪ In the blood, all but a fraction of 1 percent
Release of Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine from the
of T4 and T3 combine immediately with
Thyroid Gland
plasma proteins, mainly thyroxine-binding
▪ This process occurs as follows: globulin (TBG), but less so with thyroxine-
binding prealbumin and albumin
1. Apical surface of thyroid cells sends
▪ Because of high affinity of plasma proteins,
out pseudopod extensions that
thyroid hormones are released to tissue
close around small portions of the
cells slowly
colloid to form pinocytic vesicles
▪ Half of T4 in blood is released to tissue cells
that enter the apex of the thyroid
every 6 days, whereas half of T3 is released
to the cells in about 1 day
2. Lysosomes fuse with these vesicles
▪ On entering tissue cells, both of these
containing the colloid
thyroid hormones again bind with
3. The enzyme proteases (hydrolytic
intracellular proteins with T4 binding more
enzyme) from these lysosomes
strongly than T3
digest the thyroglobulin, releasing
▪ They are again stored in the target tissues
T4 and T3
and are used slowly over a period of days or
4. The free T4 and T3 diffuse through
the basal membrane of the thyroid
▪ When being used, thyroid hormones bind to
cell into the surrounding capillaries
intracellular receptors, but before binding,
▪ Therefore, thyroglobulin is not released into
almost all of the thyroxine is converted to
the circulating blood
▪ About 3/4 of iodinated tyrosine in
▪ About 90 percent of the thyroid hormones
thyroglobulin never becomes thyroid
that bind with intracellular receptors is
hormones but remains as
triiodothyronine and only 10 percent is
monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine
▪ Thyroid hormone-receptor complex enter
▪ During digestion by proteases, MIT and DIT
the nucleus and then bind to hormone-
are also freed from thyroglobulin; however,
response elements in DNA to initiate
they are not secreted into the blood
transcription of large number of genes
▪ Enzyme deiodinase cleaves iodine from
freed MIT and DIT, making the cleaved FUNCTIONS OF THYROID HORMONES
iodine molecules available for forming
▪ Thyroid hormones increase transcription of
additional thyroid hormones
large numbers of genes
DAILY RATE OF T4 AND T3 SECRETION ▪ Increase basal metabolic rate to 60 to 100
percent above normal
▪ Rate of food utilization for energy is greatly ▪ Tremor is an important means of
accelerated, hence, increased appetite assessing the degree of thyroid
▪ Increase protein synthesis and protein hormone effect on the CNS
▪ Increase the number and activity of
mitochondria, which in turn increase the
rate of ATP formation
▪ Effect on sleep
▪ Increase active transport of ions through
cell membrane, especially the sodium- ▪ Because of exhausting effect on
potassium pump musculature and CNS, a hyperthyroid
▪ Promote growth and development of the has a feeling of constant tiredness, but
brain during fetal life and for the first few because of the excitable effects of
years of postnatal life thyroid hormones on synapses, it is
▪ Growth rate of young people is greatly difficult to sleep
increased ▪ On the other hand, extreme
▪ Effect on vitamin metabolism – increased somnolence is a characteristic of
need for vitamins because of increased hypothyroidism, with sleep lasting 12 to
quantities of enzymes 14 hours a day
▪ Effect on body weight – greatly increased
▪ Effect on other endocrine glands – increased
thyroid hormone almost always decreases
thyroid hormone increases the rates of
body weight and greatly decreased almost
secretion of most other endocrine glands, but
always increases the body weight
also increases the need of the tissues for the
▪ Effect on cardiovascular system hormones

▪ Increase in blood flow and cardiac ▪ Effect on sexual function

▪ In men, great excesses of hormone
▪ Positive chronotropic and inotropic
frequently cause impotence, but lack of
hormone is likely to cause loss of libido
▪ Slightly increase in blood volume due to
▪ In women, lack of thyroid hormone
often causes menorrhagia and
▪ Elevated systolic pressure and reduced
diastolic pressure
▪ Effect on the central nervous system (CNS)
▪ Thyroid hormone secretion is regulated by
▪ Increases the rapidity of cerebration
hormones from the hypothalamus and the
but also often dissociates this
anterior pituitary gland
▪ Lack of thyroid hormone decreases
cerebration ▪ The hypothalamus secretes thyrotropin-
▪ A hyperthyroid is likely to have extreme releasing hormone (TRH), which travels to the
nervousness and many psychoneurotic anterior pituitary gland and stimulates the
tendencies (anxiety, extreme worry, secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
▪ In turn, TSH stimulates the secretion of thyroid
▪ Effect on the function of the muscles hormones from the thyroid gland
▪ Increase in thyroid hormone usually ▪ Increasing blood levels of TSH increase the
makes the muscles react with vigor, but synthesis and release of thyroid hormones from
when excessive, muscles become thyroglobulin while decreasing blood levels of
weakened due to excessive protein TSH decreases the synthesis and release of
catabolism thyroid hormones
▪ On the other hand, lack of thyroid
▪ The result is both an immediate increase in the
hormone causes the muscles to become
secretion of thyroid hormones and prolonged
sluggish and they relax slowly after
growth of the thyroid glandular tissue
▪ Fine muscle tremor (10 to 15 times per ▪ Thyroid hormones have a negative-feedback
second) effect on the hypothalamus and anterior
pituitary, so that increasing levels of thyroid ▪ Calcitonin causes Ca2+ levels to decrease to their
hormones inhibit the secretion of TRH and TSH normal range

▪ Because of the negative-feedback effect, ▪ Refer to Chapter 5-4: Bone and Calcium
thyroid hormones fluctuate within a narrow Homeostasis
concentration range in the blood
▪ Four tiny parathyroid glands are embedded in
the posterior wall of the thyroid gland

▪ The chief cells of the parathyroid gland secrete

a hormone called parathyroid hormone (PTH),
which is essential for the regulation of blood
▪ A loss of negative feedback will result in excess calcium levels
TSH, which causes the thyroid gland to enlarge,
▪ PTH is more important than calcitonin in
a condition called goiter
regulating blood Ca2+ levels
▪ One type of goiter, called endemic goiter,
▪ Refer to Chapter 5-4: Bone and Calcium
develops if iodine in the diet is too low
▪ As less thyroid hormone is synthesized and
secreted, TRH and TSH secretions increase
above normal levels and cause dramatic Abnormalities in PTH Secretion and Calcium
enlargement of the thyroid gland Metabolism
▪ Without normal rate of thyroid hormone ▪ Rickets
secretion, growth and development cannot ▪ Osteomalacia
proceed normally ▪ Osteoporosis
▪ Hypoparathyroidism
▪ Lack of thyroid hormone is called
▪ Hyperparathyroidism

▪ In infants, hypothyroidism can result in ADRENAL GLANDS SECTION 13-4

cretinism, characterized by mental retardation, ▪ The adrenal glands are two small glands located
short stature, and abnormally formed skeletal at the superior pole of the kidneys
▪ Each adrenal gland has an inner part, called the
▪ In adults, hypothyroidism results in decreased adrenal medulla, and an outer part, called the
BMR, sluggishness, reduced ability to perform adrenal cortex
routine tasks, and myxedema
▪ The adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex
▪ An elevated rate of thyroid hormone secretion, function as separate endocrine glands
known as hyperthyroidism, causes an increased
BMR, extreme nervousness, and chronic fatigue HORMONES OF THE ADRENAL MEDULLA

▪ Graves’ disease is a type of hyperthyroidism ▪ The adrenal medulla, the central 20 percent
that results when the immune system produces of the adrenal gland, is functionally related
abnormal proteins, called thyroid-stimulating to the sympathetic nervous system
immunoglobulin (TSI), that are similar in ▪ The principal hormone released from the
structure and function to TSH adrenal medulla is epinephrine, or
adrenaline, although small amounts of
▪ Graves’ disease is often accompanied by bulging norepinephrine are also released
of the eyes, a condition called exophthalmia ▪ The adrenal medulla releases these
CALCITONIN hormones in response to stimulation by the
sympathetic nervous system, which
▪ In addition to thyroid hormones, the becomes most active when a person is
parafollicular cells or C cells of the thyroid gland excited or physically active
secrete calcitonin, which is secreted if blood ▪ These hormones bind to membrane-bound
concentration of calcium ion becomes too high receptors in their target tissues
▪ Stress and low blood glucose levels can also as important to body function as their
increase sympathetic stimulation of the effects on carbohydrate metabolism
adrenal medulla
▪ Small amounts of sex hormones are
▪ Epinephrine and norepinephrine are
secreted, especially androgenic hormones,
referred to fight-or-flight hormones
which exhibit about the same effects in the
because of their role in preparing the body
body as the male sex hormone
for vigorous physical activity
Major Effects of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
▪ Androgenic hormones are normally of only
1. Increased breakdown of glycogen to slight importance, although in certain
glucose in the liver abnormalities of the adrenal cortex,
2. Increased release of glucose into the extreme quantities can be secreted and can
blood then result in masculinizing effects
3. Increased mobilization of free fatty
▪ More than 30 steroids have been isolated
acids from adipose tissue
from the adrenal cortex, but only two are of
4. Positive chronotropic effect, which
exceptional importance to the normal
causes blood pressure to rise
endocrine function of the human body:
5. Stimulation of smooth muscle in walls
of arteries supplying the internal organs o Aldosterone, which is the principal
and the skin, but not those supplying mineralocorticoid, and accounts for
the skeletal muscle about 90 percent of all
6. Blood flow to internal organs and the mineralocorticoid activity
skin decreases, as do the functions of
o Cortisol, which is the principal
internal organs, but blood flow through
glucocorticoid, and accounts for
skeletal muscles increases
about 95 percent of all
7. Increased blood pressure due to
glucocorticoid activity
smooth muscle contraction in walls of
blood vessels in internal organs and the Transport and Fate of Adrenal Cortex Hormones
▪ Cortisol binds in the blood mainly with a
8. Increased metabolic rate of several
globulin called cortisol-binding globulin, or
tissues, especially skeletal muscle,
transcortin, and to a lesser extent with
cardiac muscle, and nervous tissue
HORMONES OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX ▪ About 95 percent of cortisol is normally
transported in the bound form and about 6
▪ Adrenal cortex secretes an entirely different
percent is free
group of hormones called corticosteroids –
▪ Aldosterone combines only loosely with
mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and
plasma protein so that about 50 percent is
in the free form
▪ These hormones are all synthesized from
▪ The hormones become fixed in the target
the steroid cholesterol, and they all have
tissues or destroyed within 1 to 2 hours for
similar chemical formulas
cortisol and within about 30 minutes for
▪ However, slight differences in their
molecular structures give them several very
▪ Adrenal steroids are degraded mainly in the
different but very important functions
▪ Mineralocorticoids have gained this name
▪ About 25 are excreted in the bile and then
because they especially affect the
in the feces and the remaining 75 percent in
electrolytes of the extracellular fluids –
the urine
sodium and potassium, in particular
▪ Normal concentration of aldosterone in
▪ Glucocorticoids have gained their name blood is about 6 nanograms per deciliter,
because they exhibit an important effect in and the secretory rate is 150 to 250 µg/day
increasing blood glucose concentration ▪ The concentration of cortisol in blood
averages 12 µg/dL, and the secretory rate
▪ Glucocorticoids also have additional effects
averages 15 to 20 mg/day
on both protein and fat metabolism that are
Functions of Mineralocorticoids – Aldosterone
▪ Total loss of adrenocortical secretion usually alkalosis – increased tubular secretion of
causes death within 3 days to 2 weeks unless hydrogen ions in exchange for sodium (Na+/H+
the person receives salt therapy or injection of antiport)
▪ Aldosterone greatly increases the reabsorption
▪ Without mineralocorticoids: of Na+ and Cl- and the secretion of K+ by the
ducts of sweat glands and salivary glands
▪ K+ concentration in ECF rises markedly
▪ Na+ and Cl- concentrations in ECF ▪ Aldosterone also greatly enhances Na+
decrease absorption by the intestines, especially in the
▪ Total ECF volume and blood volume colon, which prevents loss of Na+ in the stools
become greatly reduced
▪ In the absence of aldosterone, sodium
▪ The person soon develops diminished
absorption in the intestines is poor, leading to
cardiac output, which proceeds to a
failure to absorb chloride, other anions, and
shock-like state followed by death
water – the unabsorbed Na+ and Cl- as well as
▪ Although aldosterone accounts for
water then lead to diarrhea, with further loss of
nearly 90 percent of the
salt from the body
mineralocorticoid activity of the
corticosteroids, cortisol also provides a Regulation of Aldosterone Secretion
significant mineralocorticoid activity
1. Increased K+ concentration in the ECF greatly
▪ Although the mineralocorticoid activity
increases aldosterone secretion (most potent
of cortisol is only 1/400 that of
aldosterone, it is secreted about 80
times as much as aldosterone 2. Increased activity of the renin-angiotensin
system also greatly increases aldosterone
▪ Effect on renal tubular reabsorption of sodium
secretion (most potent stimuli)
and renal tubular secretion of potassium
3. Increased Na+ concentration in the ECF very
▪ Increased absorption of sodium and
slightly decreases aldosterone secretion
simultaneous excretion of potassium
by the renal tubular epithelial cells, 4. ACTH from the anterior pituitary gland is
especially in the collecting tubule and to necessary for aldosterone secretion but has
a lesser extent in the distal tubule and little effect in controlling the rate of secretion
collecting duct
Functions of Glucocorticoids
▪ Aldosterone conserves sodium in the
▪ At least 95 percent of glucocorticoid activity
expense of potassium
results from secretion of cortisol, also known as
▪ Effect on ECF volume and arterial pressure hydrocortisone

▪ Even though aldosterone has a potent ▪ In addition to this, a small but significant
effect in decreasing the rate of sodium amount of glucocorticoid activity is provided by
ion excretion by the kidneys, the corticosterone
concentration of sodium in ECF rises
▪ Effects of cortisol on carbohydrate metabolism
very little
– elevates blood glucose concentration and
▪ This is because when Na+ is reabsorbed
causes adrenal diabetes
by the renal tubules, there is
simultaneous osmotic absorption of ▪ Effects of cortisol on protein metabolism -
almost equivalent amounts of water reduction in cellular protein of all body cells
▪ Therefore, ECF volume increases but except the liver via decreased protein synthesis
without much change in Na+ and increased protein catabolism
▪ Effects of cortisol on fat metabolism – increased
▪ Excess aldosterone causes hypokalemia and use of fatty acids for energy, which is an
muscle weakness while too little aldosterone important factor for long-term conservation of
causes hyperkalemia and cardiac toxicity, body glucose and glycogen
inevitably leading to cardiac failure
▪ Almost any type of stress, whether physical or
▪ Effect of aldosterone on increasing renal neurogenic, will cause an immediate and
tubular hydrogen ion secretion, resulting in mild marked increase in ACTH secretion by the
anterior pituitary gland, followed within Abnormalities of Adrenocortical Secretion
minutes by greatly increased cortisol secretion
▪ Hypoadrenalism – Addison’s disease
▪ Anti-inflammatory effects of cortisol through
▪ Mineralocorticoid deficiency
two mechanisms:
▪ Glucocorticoid deficiency
1. Blocking the early stages of ▪ Melanin pigmentation of the mucous
inflammation process before membranes and skin – uneven melanin
inflammation even begins, or; deposition, occasionally in blotches

2. If inflammation has already begun, it ▪ Addisonian crisis – a condition where there is a

causes rapid resolution of inflammation critical need for extra glucocorticoids due to
and increased rapidity of healing associated severe debility in times of stress

▪ Effect on allergy ▪ Hyperadrenalism – Cushing’s syndrome

▪ Cortisol blocks the inflammatory ▪ Hypersecretion by the adrenal cortex

response to allergic reactions often causes a complex of hormonal
▪ But cortisol does not prevent the basic effects called Cushing’s disease
allergic reaction between antigen and
▪ Results from either a cortisol-secreting
tumor of one adrenal cortex or general
▪ Effect on blood cells and on immunity in hyperplasia of both adrenal cortices
infectious diseases due to ectopic secretion by ACTH by a
tumor elsewhere in the body, such as
▪ Cortisol decreases the number of
an abdominal carcinoma
eosinophils and lymphocytes in blood
▪ Disadvantage: Level of immunity for ▪ Moon facies, buffalo-hump
almost all foreign invaders of the body
▪ Primary Aldosteronism
is decreased
▪ Advantage - useful in preventing ▪ Adrenogenital syndrome
rejection of transplanted organs
▪ By some unknown mechanism, cortisol ▪ The pancreas is composed of two major types
increases the production of red blood of tissues:
cells o Acini, which secrete digestive juices
into the duodenum (exocrine portion)
Regulation of Cortisol Secretion
o Islets of Langerhans, which is the
▪ Almost no stimuli have direct control effects on endocrine part of the gland and are
the adrenal cells that secrete cortisol dispersed throughout the acini
▪ A human pancreas has 1 to 2 million islets of
▪ Instead, secretion of cortisol is controlled
Langerhans, each organized around capillaries
almost entirely by ACTH (corticotropin or
into which its cells secrete their hormones
adrenocorticotropin) secreted by the anterior
pituitary gland ▪ Three major types of cells in the islets of
▪ ACTH also enhances production of adrenal
androgens o Beta cells, constituting about 60
percent of all the cells, lie mainly in the
▪ ACTH is a large polypeptide, containing 39
middle of the islet and secrete insulin
amino acids
o Alpha cells, about 25 percent of the
▪ Mechanism by which ACTH activates total, secrete glucagon
adrenocortical cells to produce steroids is by o Delta cells, about 10 percent of the
binding to membrane-bound receptors of total, secrete somatostatin
adrenocortical cells o In addition, at least one other type of
cell, the PP cell, is present in small
▪ Control of ACTH secretion is performed by the
numbers in the islets and secretes a
hypothalamus through the secretion of
hormone of uncertain function called
corticotropin-releasing hormone or factor (CRH
pancreatic polypeptide
or CRF), a peptide containing 41 amino acids
▪ The close interaction among these cell types in ▪ It is synthesized by the beta cells of the
the islets of Langerhans allow direct control of pancreas through the usual cell machinery for
secretion of some of the hormones by the other protein synthesis
▪ The insulin mRNA produced from transcription
▪ For instance, insulin inhibits glucagon secretion,
of the insulin gene attaches to the ribosomes of
and somatostatin inhibits the secretion of both
rough ER for translation to form an insulin
insulin and glucagon
preprohormone (MW 11,500)
▪ This initial preprohormone is then cleaved in
▪ Insulin was first isolated from the pancreas in the rough ER to form proinsulin (MW 9000),
1942 by Banting and Best which is then further cleaved in the Golgi
apparatus to insulin before being packaged in
▪ Profound effects on carbohydrate metabolism;
the secretory granules
however, it is the abnormalities of fat
metabolism which cause conditions such as ▪ However, about one sixth of the final secreted
acidosis and arteriosclerosis, which are usual product is still in the form of proinsulin, which
causes of death of a diabetic patient has virtually no insulin activity

▪ In patients with prolonged diabetes, diminished ▪ In the blood, insulin circulates almost entirely in
ability to synthesize proteins leads to wasting of an unbound form
tissues as well as many cellular disorders
▪ It has a plasma half-life that averages only
▪ Therefore, it is clear that insulin affects fat and about 6 minutes, so that it is mainly cleared
protein metabolism almost as much as it does from the circulation within 10 to 15 minutes
carbohydrate metabolism
▪ Degraded by the enzyme insulinase mainly in
▪ Insulin is a hormone associated with energy the liver, to a lesser extent in the kidneys and
abundance muscle, and slightly in most other tissues

▪ When there is abundance of energy-giving food ACTIONS OF INSULIN

in the diet, especially excess amounts of
Activation of Target Cell Receptors by Insulin
carbohydrates and proteins, insulin is secreted
in great quantity ▪ Within seconds after insulin binds to its
receptor, the membrane of about 80
▪ This is especially true for excess carbohydrates,
percent of the body’s cells (especially of
less for excess proteins, but only slightly even
muscle and adipose cells, but not true of
for fats
most neurons in the brain) become highly
▪ Plays an important role in storing the excess permeable to glucose
energy substances ▪ In addition, the cell membrane becomes
more permeable for many of the amino
o Excess carbohydrates stored as
acids, potassium ions, and phosphate ions
glycogen mainly in the liver and muscles
▪ Slower effects occur during the next 10 to
o Causes fat storage in adipose tissue
15 minutes to change the activity levels of
o Excess carbohydrates that cannot be
many intracellular metabolic enzymes
stored as glycogen are converted into
▪ Much slower effects continue to occur for
fats and also stored in adipose tissue
hours and even several days as a result
o In the case of proteins, it has direct
from changed rates of translation of
effect in promoting amino acid uptake
messenger RNA at the ribosomes to form
by cells and conversion of these amino
new proteins and still slower effects from
acids into protein
changed rates of transcription of DNA in the
o In addition, it inhibits the breakdown of
cell nucleus
proteins that are already in the cells
Effect of Insulin on Metabolism
▪ Immediately after a high-carbohydrate meal,
▪ Human insulin, a small protein, has a molecular
glucose that is absorbed into the blood causes
weight of 5808
rapid secretion of insulin, which, in turn, causes
▪ It is composed of two amino acid chains, rapid uptake, storage, and use of glucose by
connected to each other by disulfide linkages
almost all tissues of the body, but especially by ▪ Glucagon in very abnormally large
the muscles, adipose tissue, and liver concentrations also:
▪ Increases the utilization of glucose by most of
1. Enhances the strength of the heart
the body’s tissues, which automatically
2. Enhances bile secretion
decreases the utilization of fat, thus
3. Inhibits gastric acid secretion
functioning as a “fat sparer”
▪ Promotes protein formation and prevents CONTROL OF GLUCAGON SECRETION
protein degradation, thus functioning as a
▪ Increased blood glucose inhibits glucagon
“protein sparer”
Effect of Insulin on Growth ▪ High concentrations of amino acids in the
blood, especially after a protein meal, stimulate
▪ Synergistic effect with growth hormone
glucagon secretion – in this instance, glucagon
▪ Administration of either growth hormone or
and insulin responses are not opposites
insulin one at a time causes almost no growth
▪ In exhaustive exercise, the blood concentration
▪ A combination of these hormones, however,
of glucagon often increases fourfold to fivefold
cause dramatic growth
▪ Perhaps a small part of this necessity for both SOMATOSTATIN
hormones results from the fact that each
▪ The delta cells of the islets of Langerhans
promotes cellular uptake of a different selection
secrete the hormone somatostatin, a
of amino acids, all of which are required if
polypeptide containing only 14 amino acids that
growth is to be achieved
has an extremely short half-life in the
circulating blood of only 3 minutes
▪ Factors related to ingestion of food stimulate
▪ Stimulation of insulin secretion by blood somatostatin secretion:
glucose levels
1. Increased blood glucose
▪ Amino acids, most potent of these are arginine
and lysine, strongly potentiate the glucose 2. Increased amino acids
stimulus for insulin secretion
3. Increased fatty acids
▪ However, amino acids in the absence of
glucose stimulus cause only a small increase in 4. Increased concentrations of several GIT
insulin secretion hormones released from the upper GIT
▪ Mixture of several important GIT hormones – in response to food intake
gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin, and gastric
▪ In turn, somatostatin has the following
inhibitory peptide (the most potent) - will
inhibitory effects:
cause a moderate increase in insulin secretion
▪ Other hormones that either directly increase 1. Acts locally within the islets of
insulin secretion or potentiate the glucose Langerhans to depress secretion of both
stimulus for insulin secretion include growth insulin and glucagon
hormone, cortisol, and to lesser extent,
progesterone and estrogen 2. Decreases the motility of the stomach,
▪ Stimulation of the parasympathetic nerves to duodenum, and gallbladder
the pancreas can increase insulin secretion 3. Decreases both secretion and

▪ Glucagon, a hormone secreted by the alpha ▪ It has been suggested that the principal role of
cells of the islets of Langerhans when blood somatostatin is to:
glucose concentration falls, has several 1. Extend the period of time over
functions that are opposed to those of insulin which food nutrients are
▪ Most important of these functions is to increase assimilated into the blood
the blood glucose concentration 2. At the same time, the effect of
somatostatin to depress insulin and
▪ Large polypeptide with a MW of 3485 and is glucagon secretion decreases the
composed of a chain of 29 amino acids utilization of absorbed nutrients by
tissues, thus preventing rapid
▪ Hyperglycemic hormone
exhaustion of food and therefore
making it valuable over a long
period of time

▪ Somatostatin is also known as growth hormone

inhibitory hormone, which is secreted by the
hypothalamus to suppress secretion of growth
hormone by the anterior pituitary gland

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