Homework 2 4º Ano March 2022

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Grade: 4 A( ) B( )
Name____________________________________ Date: 03/____ / 2022
1-Write the sentences about the images bellow in the correct order.
e) ______________________________________.
has / She/ freckles/

a) ____________________________________________.
has/ The girl /curly / fair / girl.
f) _______________________________________.
girl/ is/ The/ tall

b) ___________________________________________.
has/ He/ short/ hair/ straight g) ____________________________________________.
has/ She/ wavy/ long /hair

c) _____________________________________________. h) __________________________________________.
are/ We/ friends/best. has He/ body/ athletic.

d) ______________________________________.
has/ She/ straight/ hair /long. i) ______________________________________.
thin / is/ The/ boy.
2. Match the sentences. 5. Draw your best friend in the rectangle below and write his or her
Example: My best friend’s name is Arthur.
He is really funny and outgoing.
He has curly black hair e brown eyes.
He is 9 years old and lives in Teixeira de Freitas.
He loves to play soccer and videogame.

1 2 3 4

( ) She is a talkative girl.

( ) Paul is really funny.
( ) John is little shy, but he loves Anne.
( ) Ryan is naughty; he disobeys his teacher and his mother.

3. Make a sentence to each image below.

a) b) d) _______________________________________________________________
a)_____________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________
b) _____________________________________________________________.
6. Now draw yourself and write your own
c) _____________________________________________________________. characteristics.
4. Complete about yourself. See the example:
My name is________________________. I live in_______________________. I am a girl, my name is Sophia.
I have______________hair and _________________eyes. I am neat and serious. I have straight long
I am a__________________________________________________________. brown hair and black eyes.
My best friend at school is___________________,She/He is______________ I am 10 years old and I live in Teixeira de
and________________________. My school is_________________. I like my Freitas.
school because it is ______________________________________________. I love reading books and surfing on the

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