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Narrative reports


On June,6,2022 Our Immersion at Vito National High School in Vito Siruma Camarines Sur. On the first
day,we wear our business attire and we went to school early because our Adviser Ma'am Arojado will
going to discuss some important information and we take some pictures for documentation. On my first
day,my Teacher Ma'am Saez give me a paper to copying and I was overwhelmed cause she Teach me
how to do it. On the second day, I arrange some papers files and disk of Ma'am Saez. And for the short
of time, I handle Grade 10 student. It was a good experience and I learned from it. On the Third day I
check some quizzes and recording's students works/ was quite so confusing cause of the
numbers but it's fun. On my Fourth day of my work Immersion , Ma'am Saez give a task to do. I wrote in
Manila papers some lessons that I have to discuss for Grade 8 student so they will understand and
answering some of my question. I was nervous but best experience that I will be treasure from the rest
of my life. in my Fifth day I check the quizzes that Grade 8 student do yesterday and Creating and fixing
my Portfolio. I'm thankful for my Adviser Ma'am Arojado Cause she assign me to Ma'am Saez And for my
Teacher Ma'am Saez, for teaching me, encourage me, and for letting me know about some of things that
I didn't learn from anybody. And also for Sir Mariano for giving approval and letting us to experience this
work Immersion even we have this Pandemic. It was best experience and I am proud of self cause I finish
my work Immersion that I have a knowledge and skills to gained.



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