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2. Complete with your mother information.

Name: ___________________________.
Grade: 4 A( ) B( ) ( ) C Age: _____________________________.
Birth date: _________________________.
1. Circle and write the correct question word in the blanks below.
Hair color: _________________________.
1._________________ is the president of the USA?
Eyes color: ________________________.
Hobby: ____________________________.

a. How She likes: _________________________.

Paste an image or make a drawing of your She doesn’t like: ____________________.
b. When mother
c. Who

d. When 3) Complete with your father information.

Name: ___________________________.
2.__________________does the president of the USA live?
Age: _____________________________.
Birth date: ________________________.
a. Who Hair color: ________________________.
Eyes color: ________________________.
b. Why
Hobby: ___________________________.
c. When
He likes: _________________________.
d. Where Paste an image or make a drawing of your He doesn’t like: ____________________.
3. ____________________eggs are there in a dozen? _________________________________

4) Answer the question about yourself.

a. Which a) What color are your eyes? ___________________________________.
b. How many b) What is your favorite month of year? ___________________________.
c) What’s your favorite day of the week? __________________________.
c. How long
d) When is your birthday? ______________________________________.
d. How much
e) How old are you? __________________________________________.
5) Write: She, He, it, they. 6) Complete the sentences with are or is.
a) The girl_________smart and outgoing.
b) The boy ____________ always active.
c) The dog____________brave.
d) They _____________good friends at school.
e) The book ____________old.
a) _____________b) ________________
f) They___________best friends.
g) The boys ___________funny.
h) The flower ___________beautiful.
7) Choose the best option to the images below.

a) She is happy.
c) __________________d) ____________ b) He is excited.
c) They are calm.
d) He is sad.

a) She is happy.
b) He is calm.
c) They are calm.
e) ___________f) ___________ d) He is funny.

a) She is happy.
b) She is calm.

g) ______________h) ___________ c) They are calm.

d) He is funny.

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