Summary Pages 125 To 133

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Summary pages 125 to 133

Hunahpu is one of the hero twins in the Popol Vuh. With his brother, Xbalanque, he rids the pre-
human world of all manner of villainous gods, including Seven Macaw, Zipacna, One Death, and
Seven Death. Hunahpu is a skilled trickster and is referred to by the narrator as genius.

Though the twins are physically strong and are skilled at physical pursuits such as playing ball and
shooting birds with blowguns, their genius is their most important asset and is the primary reason
why the twins are so successful in ridding the world of evil. Hunahpu's genius is apparent even
before his birth, when the narrator suggests that he and Xbalanque are responsible for leaving
signs that allow his grandmother, Xmucane, to understand that Blood Moon is telling the truth
about the twins' immaculate conception.

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