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First step 1

In this section of the program:

• We will put the path of the main folder of the proyect or write ‘ . ’ to use the same path that the program, for select
the folder we going to click the buttom on the right side called “…”, the path must be selected always.
• Now in the nex textfield, we going to write the name of the proyect, it must be filled always, in this case I call my
proyect “proyecto”, the proyect name must be selected always.
• In the next textfield we put the namespace, the namespace is a name to diferenciate a function in a datapack from
other function with the same name in other datapack, it not must filled always, except at the creation of the folders.
• With all textfields filled, we going to click the buttom called “Generate the datapack folders“, then will appear a
message window telling that the folders have been generated.
Second step 2

Select the option called pack file

• Format: is the version of minecraft that support the

datapack, in minecraft 1.16 the format is 6. (the format
does not affect the datapack, it will run with and without
the correct format).
• Version:you can put the versión of the datapack.
• Description: in this space you can put a description that will
appear in minecraft, the special symbol will allow you to
use colors.
• Then click the generate buttom.
• Is required create this file, if this file doesn’t exist, the
datapack will not run.
Functions: 3

This program contains the following functions:

• Tags: Is a panel that you can use to créate tags, the tags in minecraft are a Word to refers to
a set of functions, ítems, entitys, etc., In this panel you can open the tick file(a file that
contains the functions that will execute for every tick), the load file(a file that contains the
functions that will execute at the start of the game), and the tags createds by the user.
• Eff ítems: It is a panel that you can use to create special cases that will give the player
potion effects, by using an item.
• Scores: In this panel you can generate a score, the scores Works like the variables, you can
créate one to detect when the player do an action, like break block, use an ítem, when the
player kills a mob, etc.
• NBT recipes: Is a panel to create recipes to the crafting table that gives modified items.
• Blocks and tables: are two panels that are similar, with these options you can generate
customblocks, or a table for special crafts.
Tags: 4

This section is obligatory if you will create a

new tag.

In this section you can add a function in the

tag, is just for easly acces to the namespace,
but you can write it directly in the text box

Where you just put the namespaces and the

functions, isn’t neccesary use the json

This are the buttoms to sabe,load and create

new tags, to use tags created by you, you must
select the folder, (blocks, items, functions, etc),
and the json file
Eff items: 5

Is obligatory select the namespace to work

Here you select the item ID (you can filter the

items with the textfield )

Here you select the enchant ID (you can filter

the enchants with the textfield ), and the LVL
work like in minecraft, LVL 0 in the program
equals effect LVL 1 in game

These spaces aren’t obligatory, only are the

conditions to give the effect to the player
Scores: 6

Is obligatory select the namespace

This will be the name of the score,Is to identify the score in

other commands in minecraft

The criteria is the reason to change the value of the score,

the air in this case will change according to the air of the
player, the suboption will be able to select in some criteria
After this you must select the initial value
NBT recipes: 7

Is obligatory select the namespace

This will be the name of the récipe, this will not

affect the result

The key section is the value of the word to

identificate the item

The recipe section is the space to select the pattern

of the récipe, you must select the keys

In this text field you put the ítem with NBT data and
without the amount, the amount can be selected
below in the next space
Blocks: 8

Is obligatory select the namespace

This will be the name of the block

Block base is the block that will be setted

in the position to simulate the colision

This is just for containters, like chests and barrels

This space is for select the lore of the item that

will use the armor stand to simulate the texture
this work with optifine, but you can enter in the
folders and change it manually

In this space will appear the ítem with nbt

data to put it in the récipe section
Tables: 9
Type: crafting
Is obligatory select the namespace

In this section you can draw the gui of the custom crafting
table and it will generate a placeholder item with the lore
“gui”, you can change the texture using optifine
The name of the table
Color is the color of the ítem and the crafting table
Lore is the lore of the ítem that will use the armor stand to
simulate the texture
Type: trades

Here you can put the trades, puting


This will be the block that will simulate the colision (not use the
ores like diamond or cual, because these blocks drops the
items and not the blocks)

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