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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60

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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements

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Shape design optimization of road acoustic barriers featuring top-edge

devices by using genetic algorithms and boundary elements
R. Toledo n, J.J. Aznárez, D. Greiner, O. Maeso
Instituto Universitario de Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI), Campus Universitario de Tafira,
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents a Boundary Elements (BE) approach for the efficiency improvement of road acoustic
Received 6 July 2015 barriers, more specifically, for the shape design optimization of top-edge devices in the search for the
Received in revised form best designs in terms of screening performance, usually represented by the insertion loss (IL). With this
7 October 2015
aim, a procedure coupling BE with Evolutionary Algorithm is proposed in pursuing barrier configurations
Accepted 31 October 2015
with ever higher IL. The complexity normally associated with such designs raises the need to consider
Available online 21 November 2015
some geometric simplifications in order to ease the shape optimization processes. In this way, the overall
Keywords: barrier configuration is modeled as both thickness and null-thickness bodies (the boundary thickness is
Noise barriers neglected), as representatives of very thin elements. Such an idealization requires a Dual Boundary
Very thin bodies
Element formulation that allows the problem to be solved. The procedure is applied to 2 D problems and
Shape optimization
numerical results are presented on the basis of simulations on noise barriers with three different top
Genetic Algorithms
Dual Boundary Element Formulation designs. It is a quite simple process that makes use of well-known both formulations and procedures. The
improvements observed in the designs obtained invite to further studies in the same line on devices with
similar applications.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction purpose of searching designs more and more acoustically efficient,

the shape optimization methods (extensively used in other engi-
The inclusion of sound barriers for abating the negative effects neering fields [8]), are presented as valuable application tools.
of road traffic noise near residential areas is a broadly used Such is the case of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) and, in particular,
strategy. Considerable research works and studies focused on Genetic Algorithms (GA), which coupled with BEM have been
sound diffraction around barriers have been conducted in the past successfully implemented in the design optimization of noise
two decades, specifically in the prediction of the performance and barriers in exterior acoustic problems within the SIANI Institute,
the development of more efficient designs. Among all of the dif- where this work is developed [9–13]. Some other notably con-
ferent theoretical methods proposed concerning the issue, the tributions concerning the issue can be found in the bibliography.
Boundary Element Method (BEM) has been broadly used for its For instance, with a markedly academic nature, Duhamel [14]
indubitable benefits in the analysis of exterior sound propagation performs the optimization of a noise barrier starting off with a
problems [1–6]. More specifically, a comprehensive, up-to-date prismatic, volumetric structure built of equally sized bricks to lead
revision of the application of this technique in the assessment of to the final optimized shapes with non-inner holes and fillings. As
a result, some bricks remain from the original prismatic config-
the screening behavior on various barrier designs in different
uration, while others are removed according to the patterns
scenarios can be consulted in [7]. Some of these research works
established by the process. Other interesting works present a more
focus on both the application and the potential of the standard
practical approach. In this line, Baulac et al. [15] propose an ori-
BEM formulation for the aforementioned cases. Others deal with
ginal optimization method for bi-dimensional multiple-edge noise
the incorporation of some geometric changes on classic, widely
barriers based on the adjusting of both some geometric para-
used barrier configurations (such as Y-, T-, M- and arrow-shaped
meters and the impedance values of some boundaries. The same
barriers, multiple-edge screens, etc.) and the assessment of their
authors study the performance of T-shaped barriers featuring a
influence on the acoustic performance. In this line, with the reactive surface on the top [16]. Still on the same practical
approach, Grubeša et al. [17] broaden these methodologies into a
Corresponding author. three-dimensional analysis involving a multi-objective optimiza-
E-mail address: (R. Toledo). tion of both the acoustic performance and the economic feasibility
0955-7997/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
50 R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60

of noise barriers made of varying cross-section modules. Con- studied is provided, including a brief state of the art, the scattering
cerning the authors of this work, a mono- and a multi-objective and the screening properties as well as the use and implementa-
optimization process for bi-dimensional problems, following a tion of well- and diffuser-based top designs in exterior acoustic
procedure in the line of the one introduced here, can be consulted problems. In Section 3, the modeling and discretization by
in Greiner et al. [11]. implementation of a Dual BEM formulation is described. Section 4
In relation to the previous work done [13], this paper deals deals with the shape optimization procedure. Finally, Section 5
with an improved, more advanced procedure that allows the shows results and discussion, and Section 6 covers the conclusions
shape design optimization of more complex road barrier designs of the paper.
to be easily accomplished. In [13] a Dual BEM formulation coupled
with a GA for the analysis and optimization of very thin noise
barriers is introduced. Concerning the work here presented, the 2. Diffuser-based top designs in exterior acoustic problems
scope of the Dual code is broaden to cope with the analysis of
generic volumetric barriers featuring, in addition, very thin ele- For their unquestioned benefits for scattering sound field, the
ments. In this respect, the Dual BE approach developed in this use of diffusers has been the subject of many reviews and studies
work addresses this issue more properly, allowing a versatile, in indoor acoustic projects. Among them, those based on sequence
robust, general methodology that may cover any type of 2 D number series (such as Maximum Length Sequence (MLS), Quad-
acoustic optimization problem by both (1) mitigating the fictitious ratic Residue Diffuser (QRD), Primitive Roots Diffuser (PMR), etc.)
eigenfrequencies associated with the inner domain of volumetric have gained prominence for their excellent scattering properties,
structures and (2) assuming the idealization of very thin elements characterized by an approximately flat power spectral density. As
as single-wire bodies, greatly facilitating the geometric definition the power spectrum and surface scattering are closely related [26–
of the barrier. Under the framework of the coupled use of this code 28], the far field scattering can be approximately predicted by
and GAs, improved designs of top edge devices are proposed in a taking the Fourier transform of the surface reflection coefficients
way, to the authors' knowledge, not covered so far in the biblio- (in this case, a series of wells that could be modeled as a flat
graphy concerning the issue. As an application, numerical results surface of varying impedance). In short, any numerical sequence
on the basis of three models with complex top designs featuring featuring good auto-correlation properties (in other words, the
both thick and very thin bodies (idealized as null-thickness type) auto-correlation function of the reflection coefficients of the sur-
are performed. The use of the Dual BEM formulation in both works face is a delta function) presents a Fourier transform with a flat
are justified in the sense that is the most appropriate strategy to power spectral density, meaning that such a surface exhibits an
address the proposed problems numerically, as reported by Hong even scattering distribution of sound.
and Chen [18], Krishnasamy et al. [19], de Lacerda et al. [20], Chen Despite the indoor-oriented application of well-based designs,
and Chen [21], Chen and Hong [22], Wu [23], Chen et al. [24] and the use of such devices on noise barriers in exterior acoustic
Tadeu et al. [25]. Above all, the null-thickness idealization greatly problems has evidenced a good performance when compared with
eases the geometric definition of complex configurations with no both a vertical screen and other top configurations. Some note-
substantial influence on the acoustic performance for the con- worthy works concerning the use of diffusers installed on the
sidered thickness of very thin bodies [20]. barrier top can be found in the literature. Such is the case of those
Two-dimensional sound propagation hypotheses are con- based on mathematical number sequence, such as Quadratic
sidered, i.e., an infinite, coherent mono-frequency source of sound Residue Diffusers (QRDs) [29–32] and Primitive Roots Difussers
and a noise barrier with no geometric variation that stands on a (PRDs) [33]. Other designs featuring elaborated configurations
flat plane (ground) of uniform admittance. The problem is per- eligible for either some kind of scattering or screening behavior
formed in the frequency domain with the usual assumptions can be found in [34,35] (see Fig. 1).
(Helmholtz equation): the medium (air) is modeled as homo- All the aforementioned works address the problem with the
geneous, elastic and isotropic with no viscosity, under small dis- standard BEM formulation, considering the real geometry of the
turbances and initially at rest with no wind effects. Expression of barrier comprised of thick and very thin elements. Despite their
the objective function to be maximized throughout the shape remarkable contribution, no shape design optimizations are per-
optimization process is written in terms of this response. formed in the referenced works. In this regard, the methodology
The work is structured as follows: after this introduction, in here presented proposes a general procedure that aims at opti-
Section 2 a detailed description of the top barrier designs to be mizing the shape design of edge-modified road acoustic barriers

Fig. 1. Examples of complex designs eligible for undergoing geometric idealizations. (a) Waterwheel-top barrier from Okubo and Fujiwara [34]. (b) Complex barrier-top
featuring wells with different lengths and paths [35].
R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60 51

using Dual BEM. This methodology offers an appropriate, ideal Generally speaking, the models presented in this work can be
solution for complex configurations eligible for some sort of geo- categorized as edge-modified barriers, that is, barriers whose top
metric simplification and permits a simple yet suitable definition edge has been conveniently shaped with the aim of raising the
of the barrier profile. screening performance of the reference vertical screen. Based on
The need of the implementation of the Dual BEM formulation different acoustic mechanisms such as interference and resonance,
in this work is clarified in Fig. 2. The strategy of the application of the adequate shaping of these devices can lead to significantly
both formulations varies depending on the nature of the element high noise reduction when compared with the reference barrier
under consideration (Fig. 2). This way, with the purpose of miti- for a specific source–receiver scheme [37]. Consequently, despite
gating the effects of the fictitious eigenfrequencies when dealing the apparent design complexity, models similar to those intro-
with non-thin bodies, a Dual BEM formulation based on the duced here are designed for practical use [34,35]. Other interesting
combined use of the standard boundary integral equation (SBIE) devices for practical applications and distributed as commercial
and the hyper-singular boundary integral equation (HBIE) coupled products in Japan can be consulted in [38].
by means of a frequency-related complex value is proposed [36]. The shape optimization process aims at searching for series of
The nature of the issue is different when dealing with very thin wells that maximizes the screening performance at the considered
bodies. The idealization of such elements as non-thickness bodies receiver point of the designs previously described. Models (a) and
not only solves the problem but also contributes to ease their (b) are comprised of wells with the same potential depth, while
geometric representation, which greatly simplifies the optimiza- model (c) has been designed with the purpose of featuring wells
tion process. With this aim, the SBIE and the HBIE are applied with different lengths. A detailed description of the design vari-
separately. Such a simplification of reality is a real asset, especially ables of each model can be consulted in Table 1.
when compared with the case of the faithful, detailed definition of Nevertheless, despite the remarkable contribution of some
real complex volumetric designs. works in the bibliography addressing the acoustic performance of
The models studied in this work (Fig. 3) have been conveniently edge-modified barriers with improved designs and others per-
designed with the intention of taking advantage of the potential forming the design optimization with GA and standard BEM, to the
screening properties underlying well-based top geometries. Some of authors' knowledge, the procedure here described is the first
them are inspired on configurations previously studied in the litera- contribution regarding the acoustic efficiency optimization of top
ture. The upper model – model (a) – is a QRD-inspired top config- devices coupling a GA with a Dual BEM formulation.
uration derived from that studied by Monazzam et al. [29]. Installed on
the top of a 0.10 m width vertical stem, it deals with a 1.00 m width,
0.30 m height box comprised of six wells of 0.12 m width and different 3. Dual BEM formulation. Acoustic behavior of optimized
barrier designs
depths (di) separated by very thin elements. The model in the middle
– model (b) – is inspired on the so-called waterwheel cylinder studied
Two are the Dual BEM formulations depending on the nature of
by Okubo et al. [34]. It is based on a constant-radial top, over a 0.03 m
the problem under study and the benefit concerning the use of
width vertical stem, comprised of two semi-circular cores with an
such a strategy. The nature of these problems can be categorized
outer diameter of 0.59 m from which a uniform distribution of very
as follows: (1) the mitigation of the fictitious eigenfrequencies;
thin elements are born, for specific well depths di. The model at the
(2) the numerical modeling of thin geometries. Both difficulties
bottom – model (c) – is a novel design proposed by the authors of this
have strong presence in the barrier models studied in this work.
work. It deals with a top configuration featuring a series of straight
The features of the formulation for both problems are described in
and crooked-type wells separated by very thin elements over a 0.10 m
detail in the next subsections.
width vertical stem. As in the line of other works by the authors of this
paper (e.g., [9–11,13]), the maximum effective height to be achieved by
3.1. Dual BEM for avoiding fictitious eigenfrequencies
the barrier is limited to heff ¼ 3:0 m at the median axis.
Some undesirable problems may arise at certain frequencies
when dealing with non-thin elements in exterior problems. These
mathematically related effects reveal the eigenfrequencies of the
interior acoustic problem (the eigenvalues of the classical BEM
matrices) and may seriously affect the intended optimization
process. With the purpose of solving this problem, this work
makes use of the formulation proposed by Burton and Miller [36]
for the exterior problem that features a fictitious resonances-free
solution. This formulation is based on the combined use of both
the Singular Boundary Integral Equation (SBIE) and the Hyper-
singular Boundary Integral Equation (HBIE) coupled by a
frequency-related complex value (α). The expression for the
boundary point i to be solved by BEM can be written then:
  X N   X ∂G0
0:5 pi þ α qi þ hj þ α mj pj ¼ g j þ α l j q j þ G0 þ α
j¼1 j¼1
In (1), p is the acoustic pressure field over the barrier surface, q
Fig. 2. Example of the discretization, after idealization of very thin bodies as null- is the flux (the derivative of the pressure with respect to the
width elements, with parabolic elements (3 nodes) for f ¼ 500 Hz of a QRD-based normal at each boundary node) and G0 and ∂G0 =∂ni (H0) the half-
design. For the ease of viewing, non-thin elements are represented in blue, while
very thin bodies are idealized as null-thickness type and depicted in red. (For
space fundamental solution and its derivative concerning the
interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred external noise source, respectively. Finally, h and g are the inte-
to the web version of this paper.) gration cores of the BEM formulation and l and m the integration
52 R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60

Fig. 3. Top designs of the models under study. Left, models featuring just non-thin elements after filling the set of wells (di ¼ 0.000 m). Right, models featuring both non-thin
and very thin bodies in the scenario in which every well is completely empty (for models (a) and (b): di ¼ 0.250 m; for model (c): d1 ¼ d10 ¼ 0:808 m, d2 ¼ d9 ¼ 0:643 m,
d3 ¼ d8 ¼ 0:350 m and d4 ¼ d5 ¼ d6 ¼ d7 ¼ 0:185 m). For the ease of viewing, non-thin elements are represented in blue, while very thin bodies are idealized as null-thickness
type and depicted in red. Dimensions expressed in meters. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to the web version of this
R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60 53

Table 1
Description of the design variables of each model (well length, coded with binary bits) and of the corresponding chromosome.

Model Chromosome Bit precision per variable Design vari- Discrete

length (nch ) able range values per
(m) variable

(a) 30 5 (each well) 0.000–0.250 32

(b) 120
Well #1, #10: 5 0.000–0.808
Well #2, #9: 5 0.000–0.643 32
(c) 42 Well #3, #8: 5 0.000–0.350
Well #4, #7: 3 0.000–0.185 8
Well #5, #6: 3

cores of the hiper-singular one, involving just the variables of the

problem along the barrier boundary with N nodes after the dis-
cretization process. The most commonly used value for the cou-
pling parameter is found to be α ¼ i=k [39,40], being i the ima-
ginary unit and k the wave number. The hyper-singular formula-
tion of the method demands the collocation point j, as known, to
be inside the element. This way, the free term is assumed as 0.5 in
all cases.
As the barrier boundaries are considered perfectly rigid in this
work (qj ¼ 0), (1) can be written matricially:
0:5 I þ H þ ði=kÞ M P ¼ G0  ði=kÞH0 ð2Þ

with I being the identity matrix and H0 a matrix concerning the

derivative of the half-space fundamental solution of the external
noise source.

3.2. Dual BEM for very thin bodies

Fig. 4. Idealization of a generic thin cross-section noise barrier profile as null
thickness boundaries. Discretization with parabolic elements (3 nodes).
The nature of the issue is different when dealing with very thin
bodies. In this case, numerical integration problems may appear   N 
X  XN  
∂piþ ∂pi
affecting, equally, to the barrier performance. The idealization of 0:5 þ þ M jþ pjþ þM j pj ¼ Ljþ qjþ þ Lj qj
such boundaries as non-thickness bodies not only solves the ∂niþ ∂niþ j¼1 j¼1
problem but also contributes to ease their geometric representa- ð4Þ
tion. With this aim, the SBIE and the HBIE are applied separately
being N the overall nodes number of the discretization over the
([20,41]). Figs. 2 and 4 facilitates comprehension. The boundaries
boundary. Taking into account that n þ ¼  n  , it is easily shown
at both sides of the idealized null-thickness bodies are represented
by the discretization, with disparate values of acoustic pressure
and flux. The application of the classic formulation of the method, H jþ ¼  H j ; Gjþ ¼ Gj ð5Þ
based on the standard boundary integral equation (SBIE) applied
at both sides of null-width elements, yields a singular system of ∂pi
¼  qi ; M jþ ¼  M j ; Ljþ ¼ Lj ð6Þ
equations that does not allow the solution of the problem to be ∂niþ
obtained. However, the use of both the SBIE and the HBIE (hyper- As before and taking into consideration that barrier boundaries
singular boundary integral equation) leads to a Dual BEM for- are considered perfectly rigid in this work (qj ¼0), the following
mulation that offers a proper solution to address problems like the matrix expressions are obtained:
one introduced here.  
Fig. 4 represents an idealization of a generic thin body to be 0:5In þ H P ¼ G0 ð7Þ
solved by the Dual BEM formulation. After a discretization process,
each node holds the values of pressure and flux with respect to the M  P ¼ H0 ð8Þ
boundary normal (p þ , q þ , p  , q  hereinafter). The strategy used being In a matrix that allows us to consider the contribution of the
to isolate the singularity of the method in this type of domains can free term at both sides of the discretization nodes and H0 a matrix
be seen in [42,43]. Thus, the expression of both the BEM and the concerning the derivative of the half-space fundamental solution
hyper-singular BEM formulation for these boundaries can be of the external noise source.
written as follows: The Dual BEM model used to address the problems under study
N   in this work incorporates, as previously mentioned, both versions
0:5 piþ þ pi þ H jþ pjþ þ H j pj of the dual formulation. To enable an easier, more general proce-
j¼1 dure, a multiple collocation of nodes at extremes of elements with
X  different nature (that is, at borders between thin and non-thin
¼ Gjþ qjþ þ Gj qj þ G0 ðk; rÞ ð3Þ bodies) is implemented. Once the variables on the barrier
j¼1 boundary are known, the acoustic pressure values at any internal
54 R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60

point (receiver position) can be easily obtained, as usual, by insertion loss as:
applying the standard BEM formulation. PNF !
ðAi  ILi Þ=10
i ¼ 1 10
The numerical aspects related to the evaluation of both the sin- ILtotal ¼  10  log 10 PNF Ai =10
½dBðAÞ ð10Þ
gular and the hyper-singular BEM integrals developed and imple- i ¼ 1 10

mented in the computer code can be consulted in [42,44–46]. being NF the studied spectrum number of frequencies, Ai the
The validation of the Dual BEM code is performed on the basis spectrum A-weighted noise level and ILi the insertion loss value
of results present in the reference papers from which model for sources pulsing at every frequency of the spectrum, according
(a) and (b) (derived from a QRD and the so-called waterwheel to (9).
cylinder, respectively) are inspired ([29,34]). In this work, the noise source has been characterized by using
the UNE-EN 1793 [48] normalized traffic noise spectrum, gen-
erating pure tones ranging from 100 to 5000 Hz corresponding to
one-third center band frequencies. Given the high frequency
4. Shape optimization
dependence of the studied designs and to assess as accurately as
possible the broadband IL, the 1/3-octave bands are expanded to
Fig. 5 represents the general configuration for just one of the
1/15 octave intervals, represented by band center frequencies. The
models under study –model (a). It deals with a two-dimensional
normalized levels for 1/15 octave frequency bands in this cor-
model concerning an infinite, coherent mono-frequency source of
rected spectrum are calculated in such a way that the total
sound, generating pure tones within the considered frequency
acoustic intensity is the same than that of the original. The esti-
spectrum, parallel to an infinite barrier with no geometric varia-
mator taken into account along the shape optimization process,
tion that stands on a flat plane (ground) of uniform admittance. that is, the objective function, is entirely based on the IL average
Both the ground and the barrier boundary feature a perfectly spectrum value at the considered receiver point (OF ¼ ILtotal ). The
reflecting surface (β b ¼ β g ¼ 0). Just one receiver in the shadow maximization of this latter parameter through the optimization
region is considered in assessing the overall acoustic efficiency (to process is intended.
be maximized along the optimization process). Both the noise As each objective function evaluation requires the execution of
source and the receiver are located on the ground at a horizontal a high cost CPU for BEM, a high exploitative strategy with high
distance of 5.0 and 25.0 m, respectively. As stated above, the selection pressure has been taken into account: a steady-state
maximum effective height to be achieved is heff ¼ 3:0 m at the genetic algorithm [49,50] is used replacing the two worst indivi-
median vertical axis of the barrier. duals (in terms of their objective function) at each generation. A
Shape design optimization is performed by the combined use population size of 100 individuals, with a two-point crossover
of an evolutionary algorithm and the mentioned Dual BEM for- operator (crossover rate equal to 0.9) is used in this study. The
mulation. The evolutionary algorithm software used in this work considered mutation rate is 1=nch , where nch is the chromosome
applies the GAlib package [47]. This library is a collection of C þ þ length with design variables coded with different binary bit pre-
genetic algorithm (GA) components from which it is possible to cision, depending on the model, according to the Gray code (see
quickly construct GA's to attack a wide variety of problems. Table 1). Five independent runs of the optimization process are
In the harmonic problem, for every frequency from the ana- considered. The stopping criterion condition is met for 1000
lyzed noise source, the effectiveness of the barrier design under generations.
study is given in terms of the insertion loss (IL), defined as usual: To facilitate understanding of the methodology, Fig. 6 shows a
flow diagram concerning the evolutionary process on the search of
PB the best acoustic solutions. The procedure makes use of a steady
IL ¼  20  log 10 ½dB ð9Þ
P HS state GA with individuals initially based on a proposal on random
design variables of the model under assessment, featured by dis-
on every frequency of the broadband spectrum, and represents the crete values of well length. A detailed description concerning the
difference of sound pressure levels at the receiver point in the definition of both the design variables and the chromosome of
situation with (P B ) and without (P HS ) considering the barrier. each model is collected in Table 1. Such design variables form the
With the purpose of conducting an optimization process where chromosome of the individual proposed by the GA shaping,
the excitation is represented by a noise source pulsing at every therefore, the geometry of the top device of the barrier. At this
frequency of the band spectrum, the efficiency of the barrier for point, the screening behavior of each individual is performed using
the considered receiver can be written in terms of the broadband the aforementioned Dual BEM code. This requires a proper

Fig. 5. Bi-dimensional configuration to be used in the optimization process of the models presented in this work. Example of a QRD-inspired top design (model (a) in this
paper) with different well depths di.
R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60 55

Fig. 6. Overview of the GA used in this work, layout of the considered bi-dimensional configuration and optimization flow diagram. Despite not having been the subject of
study in this work, symmetric configurations are used as example given the space limitations in the layout.
56 R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60


3.0 0





IL [dB]
y [m]



-35 3m vertical screen. IL total = 13.93 [dBA]
Optimum model (a). IL total = 17.13 [dBA]
Completely filled wells. IL total = 14.68 [dBA]
Completely empty wells. IL total = 16.08 [dBA]

1.0 -45

3.0 0




IL [dB]
y [m]



-35 3m vertical screen. IL total = 13.93 [dBA]
Optimum model (b). IL total = 16.62 [dBA]
Completely filled wells. IL total = 14.09 [dBA]
Completely empty wells. IL total = 13.55 [dBA]

1.0 -45

3.0 0




IL [dB]
y [m]



-35 3m vertical screen. IL total = 13.93 [dBA]
Optimum model (c). IL total = 19.03 [dBA]
Completely filled wells. IL total = 14.56 [dBA]
Completely empty wells. IL total = 17.73 [dBA]

1.0 -45
-0.5 0.0 0.5 100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000
x [m] f [Hz]

Fig. 7. Results for the best individuals found along the optimization processes for each model. Left, best optimum profiles. Right, IL along the considered 1/15-octave band
center frequencies for the aforementioned geometries and their corresponding model for both completely filled and completely empty wells (see Fig. 3).
R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60 57

discretization of the barrier boundary with ever-increasing num- suggest that further evolution is needed for a proper convergence,
ber of elements along the frequency spectrum. In this work, in particular for model (b).
parabolic elements are coded with a maximum length of half the Tables 2 and 3 present the well depths (di) of the best optimum
wavelength of the frequency under study for adequate con- design for each model. As an example, the corresponding run time
vergence of the results. The initial population is then ranked in for model (a) cases is 97 hours on average, run in a CPU Intel
terms of acoustic performance, here represented by the objective Xeon 2:60 GHz processor (RAM is not significant here). Row Δ
function value (OF) characterized, in turn, by the broadband IL3total
m vert:
collects the acoustic efficiency gain of such optimums in
insertion loss (ILtotal ) (see (10)). In this way, each individual is more comparison with the reference 3 m vertical barrier.
likely to be selected according to its screening behavior (OF).
Therefore, by using the tournament selection operator, two indivi- 5.2. Designs for practical use
duals are chosen (parents in proper terminology of evolutionary
algorithms) and are to be crossed with a probability of 90% by the With the intention of both determining how important the role
two-point crossover operator, leading to an offspring comprised of of wells at the top is in the shielding behavior and leading to
two new individuals (children) whose chromosomes are eligible easier-to-build, more practical barrier designs. Fig. 9 shows some
for mutation according to probabilistic criteria. After mutation, geometric modifications on the basis of the optimum model (b).
offspring individuals replace the two worst in the parent popula- Starting off from such designs after the GA optimization, slight
tion (in case of better value of OF, that is, improvement of the modifications, in terms of emptying-filling patterns of some wells,
acoustic behavior). The stopping criterion, which is set at 1000 are introduced (represented by Mod. #1 to Mod. #7). In brief, three
generations due to balancing an acceptable convergence of the sets of wells with the same depth are considered, represented by
results with invested computational resources. the wells at the bottom, at the middle and at the top of the device.
In addition, a design previously studied in the literature by Okubo
et al. [34] is included as reference. Results are presented in terms
5. Results of the broadband sound pressure level (SPLtotal ) in the vicinity of a
noise source pulsing with a sound intensity level of 90 dB
5.1. Designs after shape optimization (A) according to the used traffic noise spectrum [48] for the con-
sidered source–receiver scheme. This way, the lower the SPLglobal ,
Fig. 7 illustrates the results of the best optimum individuals the better. As observed, the practical designs outperform the
from the optimization processes. In the left part, the top geome- reference case over a decibel in most cases.
tries of each model are shown. The right part depicts the IL On the other hand, the benefits of the methodology introduced in
spectrum evolution of such optimum designs along the considered this work are shown in Fig. 10. As observed, the acoustic performance
frequency range, in comparison with their corresponding model of the best optimum design of model (a) is compared with a QRD of
for both completely filled and completely empty wells (see Fig. 3) same topological design, previously studied in the literature by Mon-
and with a 3 m vertical screen, for the given noise source–receiver azzam et al. [29]. Results suggest the convenience of implementing
scheme. The overall acoustic performance of the optimum designs, procedures like that presented here for raising the acoustic perfor-
according to (10), is also included in the figure (see graphic mance of already existing barrier designs.
legend). In addition, Fig. 8 shows the acoustic performance evo-
lution of the presented models along the optimization process. 5.3. Discussion
Thick lines represent the shielding efficiency of the best individual
found at each generation, in terms of the objective function (OF), From the analysis of the results obtained some conclusions on
within the 5 runs considered. Thin lines depict the OF mean value the response of the models studied in this work may be drawn:
considering the best individual of each run (5 individuals in all) at
each generation. As observed, the graphs are shown in an adjusted  The shielding efficiency of the models studied here clearly
range in the ordinate coordinate. This facilitates viewing of the outperform the acoustic behavior of the reference 3 m vertical
results with no loss of relevant details. The results achieved screen for the considered noise source–receiver scheme. The









100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Fig. 8. Objective function (OF) convergence charts of the studied models.

58 R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60

Table 2
Models (a) and (c). Design variables di (in centimeters) of the best optimum designs from the 5 runs and shielding efficiency gain (in [dB(A)]) with respect to a 3 m vertical

Model d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 ΔIL3total

m vert:

(a) 11.29 25.00 20.97 17.74 25.00 25.00 – – – – þ3.20

(c) 75.64 51.85 31.61 10.57 18.50 18.50 18.50 22.58 60.14 41.73 þ5.10

Table 3
Model (b). Design variables di (in centimeters) of the best optimum designs from the 5 runs and shielding efficiency gain (in [dB(A)]) with respect to a 3 m vertical screen.

Model i di di þ 1 di þ 2 di þ 3 di þ 4 di þ 5 di þ 6 di þ 7 ΔIL3total
m vert:

(b) 1 1.61 1.61 8.87 20.16 23.39 22.58 24.19 23.39 þ 2.68
9 22.58 12.10 0.00 0.81 10.48 17.74 16.94 23.39
17 22.58 25.00 24.19 221.77 12.10 1.61 1.61 1.61

Fig. 9. Slight geometry modifications on the basis of reference optimum design of model (b). Results expressed in terms of the broadband sound pressure level (SPLtotal )
measured in the considered receiver point in dB(A), for a scheme featuring a noise source intensity of 90 dB(A) (measured 1 m away in the free field) pulsing at every
frequency according to the considered spectrum.

Fig. 10. Sound pressure level (SPL) evolution. Graphs for a QRD (d1 ¼ d6 ¼ 0:0600 m, d2 ¼ d5 ¼ 0:24450 m, d3 ¼ d4 ¼ 0:12225 m), the best optimum design of model (a) (di in
Table 2) and a 3 m vertical screen.

non-so-near placement of the receiver point makes this issue  As shown in Fig. 8, a slightly further convergence of the acoustic
more remarkable. performance of the studied models (particularly of models
 The use of designs with longer wells raises the acoustic per- (b) and (c)) is still expected. Constraints regarding the consid-
formance of the barrier. This is well illustrated by model (c) ered spectrum (1/15-octave bands center frequencies) impose a
(Fig. 7), where the IL curve performs far better than the 3 m high consuming CPU time per objective function evaluation,
vertical screen even for low frequencies. especially at high frequencies (the higher the frequency, the
 Despite the well-known strong frequency dependence-nature finer the required BEM mesh). However, the stopping criterion
of these well-shaped devices (e.g., [34]), the optimum profiles adopted in this work seems to have achieved reasonable
present smoother IL curves than their corresponding model convergence for the limited invested computational resources.
featuring completely empty wells (see Fig. 7) but with con-  The consideration of methodologies like the one here presented
siderably higher shielding efficiency. allows the search of interesting shielding solutions to be easily
R. Toledo et al. / Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 63 (2016) 49–60 59

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