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Now in its 17th year, the Doing Business report measures how easy it is for someone to start
and run a company in an economy, using 12 key factors throughout a business lifecycle:
1. Starting a business
2. Employing workers
3. Dealing with construction permits
4. Getting electricity
5. Registering property
6. Getting credit
7. Protecting minority investors
8. Paying taxes
9. Trading across borders
10. Contracting with the government
11. Enforcing contracts
12. Resolving insolvency
Of the 190 countries reviewed last year, only 115 made it easier for entrepreneurs to do
Table. No. 1. Ease of Doing Business Ranking

Rank Economy EODB Score EODB Score Change

1 New Zealand 86.59 0.00

2 Singapore 85.24 +0.27

3 Denmark 84.64 +0.59

4 Hong Kong SAR, China 84.22 +0.04

5 Korea, Rep. 84.14 -0.01

6 Georgia 83.28 +0.48

7 Norway 82.95 +0.25

8 United States 82.75 -0.01

9 United Kingdom 82.65 +0.33

10 Norway 82 +0.20
Interpretation: The above table depicted that the, New Zealand was the most favourable
destination for the companies to start their business followed by Singapore, Denmark, Hong
Kong, Korea etc. In ease of doing business list India secured 77 ranks with score 67.23 which
far away to attract more and more foreign direct investment in India.

Table No. 2. Ten Economies Improving the Most across three or more areas

S.N. Economy Ease of Doing Business Change in Ease of

Rank Doing
Business Score

1 Afghanistan 167 +10.64

2 Djibouti 99 +08.87

3 China 46 +08.64

4 Azerbaijan 25 +07.10

5 India 77 +06.63

6 Togo 137 +06.32

7 Kenya 61 +05.25

8 Cote d’lvoire 122 +04.94

9 Turkey 43 +04.34

10 Rwanda 29 +04.15
Interpretation: The above table exhibited that the, top ten countries in the world which
implemented the changes regarding ease of doing business indicator and motivated the
investors to invest in the respected countries. Afghanistan made change with +10.64 in ease
of doing business and secured 167 ranks which help to attract more companies regarding
invest in different sector. These changes depicted the awareness and active involvement of
the different countries regarding foreign investment. India has secured fifth rank regarding
changes in ease of doing business score, which also shown the active involvement of the
government for more and more foreign investment.

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