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Book of dawn

Eventide of the first age

Upon the last dawn of the first age, blood of Saints of Saints consecrates the 4 Bales,
and dead iron snakes entrap the arms of the first archon of greed.

Dawn of the second age

Upon the second dawn of the second age, Saints forgot the lessons of Saints of Saints,
and as punishment for their hubris a new archon rose amongst them.

And with the power of spite and cupidity it forged an army to subjugate all.

First itself, drinking deep from the well of anger and vitriol it prepared itself for war.

Second came the men of storms, second amongst all things.

Third it crafted the men of sand and shadows, who inherited the domain of decay and

Fourthly it breathed life upon the men of fire, who brought hatred and bravado into
this land.

Fifthly it picked the men of the oceans from their wombs and sent them into battle

Sixthly were the wild men, ripped from the arms of their loved ones.

Seventhly, it seeded the men of change, to trick and subjugate.

Eighthly it wrought the men of iron from the bowels of the earth, to proudly declare
the inferiority of the men of flesh.

Eventide of the second age

Upon 7 days and 7 nights a war was ceased against boundless shadows.

The memory remains of 7 nights and 7 deeds

Upon the first night Enoch invented the gift of death to spite the archon, gifting it to
the men of flesh to tell them apart from the men of iron, so we could know who our allies

Upon the second night the nightingale stole from the men of sand and shadows the
cloak of dusk, with which it enwrapped themselves gaining the celerity of nightfall.

Upon the third night Jakob stolen the skin and arms of the men of iron, giving us the
means to wrought iron and steel and arms with wich to defend ourselves.

Upon the fourth night Galat beat the anger out of the men of iron, giving us the will
with which to fight.
Upon the fifth night Zethroth duelled the men of storms, teaching us to fight with
honour for what we believe

Upon the sixth night Elvray assassinated the men of change, so we wouldn’t have to
stay awake in fear of betrayal at night.

And finally upon the night of the seventh day, the second Archon of greed was
confronted upon the top of its spire, and for a second time it was defeated.

And thus we remember 7 names of gold forged in wars of old.

Dawn of the third age

The men of flesh were once again free, the legions of the men of iron were driven
deep into caverns to be forgotten to time and the age of gold had begun.

But once again Hubris overpowers and a third archon of greed has risen, this one more
vile and disturbed then the previous.

Upon its first decree it declared itself kin of men of flesh for it had once walked
amongst them and thus we did not question

Upon its second decree it declared itself lonely, and created the men of stone, it called
them kin to mankind and thus brother and sister to all of us, and thus we did not question.

Upon its third decree it besieged a meeting with the saints of saints, to commemorate
its entry into their halls, and thus we did not question

Upon its fourth decree it declared a feast of crows for itself and its children, consuming
the flesh and blood of saints of saints, claiming they were rotten from the core and needed to
be trimmed, and thus we did not question

Upon its fifth decree it called its children to arms, for the night is dark and full of
terrors and one can never be underprepared, and thus we did not question.

Upon its sixth decree it called for supremacy, and its children savaged and ravaged
amongst our own, the dawn war had started

But as the beast tried to call forth for its seventh decree, 6 arms with blade in hand
raised to stop it, and 6 voices called for the signing of the dawn pact, a deal, a pound of flesh
and blood to satiate the creature, and peace for us all.

Upon its eight decree the beasts true nature revealed itself, for even though it had
happily signed the pact it was not before tainting its sacredness with its presence, it was
allowed one last deed before being locked away in comforts of its own design, and thus it
pondered for 8 days and 8 nights, and on the dawn of the ninth day it had decided.

And thus first dawn of Estherias second sun was had, the boiling wrath of the celestial
body scorched the land and destroyed empires, but from amongst the rubble we children of
martyrs rise, thankful for their gift.

No longer do we ever speak of fields of reckoning and no more voices call from the
And thus 6 names of gold forged in wars of old, crowned martyrs for the price they
paid for our lives, Shall they forever be remembered in our minds and hearts

Book of strife

Chapter of preparations

When tyrants covet your world

You must find and strike their heart

Stop its relentless beating pulse.


Jacket yourself in steel

Full of Saltpetter,pinecoal and the wrath of the mountains.

Encase the head upon lead.

Aim your wrath at those who wish upon your destruction


To want and wish is human.

To have greed

Eve of the dawnpact

a mass of shadows encircles, haunting the last bastion of a dark obsidian tower, iet still we
remain basking in the light of the seven.

A dark omen blows through chilling to the bones, a dark cloud of miasma gazes deeply
into our souls as it forms, a half corpse is dragged by phantom threads.

The half corpse is hoisted up in a dark crufixion “heed his words for your champion has fallen,
keep to your current path and there shall be only desolation, do not make me pull harder on
the strings of your marthyr”

the half corpse raises his head

“Lost in the dark, we've come so far

you who have endured the strugle with me

an order of the wild gathered from a horde of brave men

pious in head and demons at heart

the night draws closer and its terrors encircle us

the time has come”

a bloodied gauntlet clad fist strikes upwards in an act of defiance, shining with holy light, dispersing the dark cloud
above, a gutural scream echoes out





the men rallied and charged, the dark forces retaliated at the insurgence, slashing, piercing and beating our lord, his
hand raised in defiance still until severed, and iet the blood still flowed from it as it gripped with sutch intensity.

Zethrots blood bathed the entire batlefield, his sacrifice dispersing the dark forces long enough to turn the tide, to this
day the blood still flows his clutched hand out of sheer spite for those who tried to tame him.

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