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· \ lndi'
ahas'rOaCi'network of3. 34 tjli~lion km length, which
r I I

, is the· seCon_d largest- in the. W~lfld. i\s per pres ent

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work carry neary I 65%of fretg· ht and Table : NHD p Pl1ase ,a e
g50;; f '
o o passe noer tram d Leng th of Date or
is • . 0
ic an note that traffic on roads Sr. Name of proje ct
incre as mg at the
rate of 7% to I 0% per year or per No. accor ding to phase
' km ' comp letion
annu m and at ti ie same time . is
. , vehic le popul ation 5846 km Dec. 2005
I. NHDP phase - I
grow ing at the ra te O f I 21/o o
per annum . Hence prope r
1 (a) GQ i.e. Golden
~ annm g in e urban toad development is become more
unpo rtant task and I1as to be implemented in a proper Quad rilate ral
way a nd by prope r design. (b) Port connectivity 11 33 km Dec. 2007
· · es respo nsible for the devel opme nt
Vario us autl1oriti and others
of urba n roads arc follow s : 2. NHDP phase - JI 7300 km Dec. 2007

Cent ral Gove rnme nt (thro ugh Mini stry of Road N-S corrid or and
Trans port and Highways) is a authority responsible for E-W corrid or
Natio nal highw ays. 10,00 0 km Dec.201 2
3. NHDP phase - Ill
State Gove rnme nts (PWD s) is an autho rity responsible
0 So as to have to increase the economic growth and de-
fo r state hi ghways and major highways.
velop ment of the country, the Government had con-
l. Rural Engin eering Organ isations is a local authorities centrate and focussed on a massive national highways
li1'. c Panc liayats and Mun icipal ities respo nsib le for developme nt proje ct in the country.,Un der the .first the
rura l roaus anJ urban roads. pbases of the proje ct i.e. NHD P phase - I and NHDP
Na ti onal II iglrn ays phase II nearly about 14, 279 km length of nation al
highways are proposed to be up-graded to 4 or 6 lane at
M inist1y o f Road Trans port and Highways is respon-.
a total estimated cost of Rs. 64639 crores. and all these
s iblc for deve lopm ent and mai ntena nce of nation al
projects are being implemented by National Highways
11ighways. At prese nt, the total length o f National high- Authority of India (NHA I).
\\ a) s in India is 65,569 km and this comp
rises only 2%
Table : Components of NHDP
o f the total road netwo rk but carries over 40% o f the
total tra me. (Phas e - I and Phase - 11)
P) Sr. NDH P Phase - I and Phase Leng th Total Cost
Natio nal High ways Deve lopm ents Proje ct (NHD
- II
NHDP. has three phase of developme nts i.e. phase - I, No.
Phase - II and Phase - 111 . I . GQ i.e. Golden Quad rilate ral 5846 km
2. N - S corrid or i.e. North 7300 km Rs. 64,639

South corrid or crore

Proje ct
3. E - W corrid or i.e. East- West 1133 km
(1) NHDP phase I
4 . Port Connectivity and others -
(i) GO (I.e. Golde n Quadrilateral) ·
In NHD P phase - I and phase - II , the GQ i.e. Golden
(ii} Port connectivity and others Quadrilateral Comprising Natio nal highways connect-
ing 4 metro cities having total road length of 5846 km
(2) NHDP phase II is targeted to comp lete with substantial comp letion as
(i) N-S corridor
92% by December 2005 .
Also in. NHD P phase - I and phase - II .
(ii) E-W corrid or
N-S and E-W corridors comprising the National high-
(3) NHDP Phase Ill ways conn ectin g fro m Shrin ager to Kanyakumari
. W''Y development and Planning
111g,1' - '; , _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f8
-- -:_
including Kochi-Salcm spur and Silchar to Porbanda
having the total road length of 7300 km is targeted
complete it by December. 2007.
Table : NHDP phase - III
NIIDP phnse - Ill Length Date or completion
Project (Target data)

I. NI !DP phase - 111 A 4000 km

~- -- -- -- t- -- -+ --December 2009
-- -- -- -l
2. NI !DP Phase -11113 6000 km December 2012
u Note that this programme is implemented by Natio
\-1 ighways Authority of India (NHAI) consisting of
laning of about I 0,000 km of existing National High
ways other than NHDP phase - I and 11 and it is
posed to be undertaken on BOT basis. BOT means built,
operate and transfer.
o NHDP phase Ill A
Government have approved 4 or 6 learning of 4000
on BOT basis and preparation of DPRs of the balan
6000 km in first phase and targeted to complete it
Dec. 2009 ..
O NHDP phase Ill B
(i) In the second phase '4 or 6 laning of remaining lengt
of 6000 km will be taken up and targeted to complete
by December 2012.
(ii) BOT bids for six projects covering 507 km have been
awarded and for another ten projects covering 554
length, BOT bids have been invited.
Note that
(a) Apart from National Highways Development Proje
(NHDP), there is about 41290 km length of National
Highways whose development and maintenance is be-
ing carried out froin the funds available from budget.
(b) With a view to further augment flcl¥ of funds
to the
sector and to encourage pdvate sector participation
the road work, several initiatives have been taken
(c) Mini~'try has so far taken up 32 numbers of
,have cost of Rs. 4692.3 l crores which are constructe
on BOT basis (Toll based ![)rojects). BOT means the
agency· build the roads on their own funds and these
funds are recovered through the toll. After getting the
complete funds spent of constructing of road, then
agency transfer it to government.
(d) Economic importance (El) and Interstate conn
(ISC) schemes has now regulated in accordanc
e with

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