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Anne of Green Gables L. M.


1 Fill in the gaps using: studied, shy, cross, college, 4 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?
worried, orphan, heart, adopt, examination, rude a At school, Anne’s best friend was Diana.

Anne’s parents were dead. She was an ............... . b The doctor gave Anne something to change
Matthew and Marilla decided to ............... her. the colour of her hair.
Matthew was ............... and didn’t talk very much, c Anne fell in the river when she was playing
but he liked listening to Anne. One day, a boy at with her friends.

school was ............... to Anne, and he pulled her d After college, both Anne and Gilbert
hair. She was ............... with him and decided worked as teachers.
never to speak to him again. Anne did well at e Marilla had to sell Green Gables and live
school. She ............... hard, and was first in the with Mrs Lynde.
............... at the end of the year. After school, she
left Green Gables and went to ............... because 15 marks
she wanted to be a teacher. When she came back,
she saw that Matthew wasn’t well. ‘He’s had 5 Which words are missing? For each sentence, tick a,
trouble with his ...............,’ said Marilla. ‘I’m very b or c.
............... about him.’ 1 Anne made a cake when ............... came to tea.
a Diana
30 marks b the vicar’s wife
c Mrs Lynde
2 Match a number from A with a letter from B to make 2 Mr Philips was ............... .
complete sentences. a a teacher
A b a doctor
1 The teacher told Anne to stand at the front c a station-master
of the class ... 3 When the bank closed down, Matthew and
2 Marilla cut off all Anne’s hair ... Marilla ............... all their money.
3 Gilbert helped Anne ... a spent
4 Anne thought she could win the Avery prize b lost
... c got
5 Matthew Cuthbert died suddenly ... 4 ‘You must ............... ,’ the doctor said to
a sell the farm
a ... after she had to jump out of an old boat. b read more
b ... because she was very good at writing c wear glasses
English. 5 At the end of the story, Anne and Gilbert
c ... when he read a letter from the bank. ............... .
d ... because she hit Gilbert with a heavy book. a went to Redmond
e ... because it was a strange colour. b were angry
c were friends
15 marks
25 marks
3 Who said this in the story? Marilla, Anne’s friends,
Mrs Lynde, gilbert, Anne
a ‘I’m very happy to come and live with Total marks
b ‘What a terrible child! You’ll not have an easy
time with her.’ ...............
c ‘I’m sorry I called you “carrots”.’ ...............
d ‘Anne’s dead! The boat’s gone down, and she’s
in the river!’ ...............
e ‘If I’m not very careful, I’ll be blind in six
months.’ ...............

15 marks

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Anne of Green Gables L. M. Montgomery

Setting 15 Gilbert Blythe had _____ hair and a friendly

Choose the best answer.
a c straight blond  b c curly brown   
1 The story takes place in _____. c c straight brown  d c curly red
a c the USA  b c the UK    16 He was _____ Anne and Diana.
c c Canada  d c Australia a c one year older than  b c three years
2 Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert were _____. younger than  c c three years older than   
a c married  b c brother and sister    d c the same age as
c c neighbours  d c cousins 17 Anne _____ that she and Gilbert weren’t
3 They had a _____. friends.
a c farm  b c factory  c c shop  d c garage a c wasn’t sorry  b c didn’t care   
4 They wanted to adopt _____. c c was quite happy  d c was secretly sorry
a c a girl  b c a boy and a girl    18 Matthew suffered from _____.
c c two boys  d c a boy a c stomach problems  b c headaches   
5 Anne came from _____. c c bad feet  d c heart trouble
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

a c another family  b c another country    19 Marilla was once in love with _____.
c c a children’s home  d c another farm a c Gilbert’s father  b c Diana’s father   
6 Her parents died _____. c c Gilbert’s uncle  d c Mr Phillips
a c when she was a baby  b c two years ago    20 The doctor told Marilla that she might lose her

c c last year  d c five years ago _____.

7 Anne _____ when she found out about the a c money  b c hearing  c c sight  d c home
a c said nothing  b c began to cry    20 marks
c c walked away  d c smiled
8 She wanted to be called _____.
a c Cordelia  b c Amelia    Dialogue
  c c Elizabeth  d c Arabella
Who said or thought this?
9 Marilla thought that Anne had _____.
21 ‘Do you imagine things sometimes?’
a c too much hair  b c too many friends   
a c Matthew  b c Anne   
  c c too much imagination  d c very few ideas
c c Gilbert  d c Diana
10 Matthew thought that Anne needed _____.
22 ‘The poor child can stay. I’ll look after her.’
a c a brother and a sister  b c new clothes   
a c Marilla  b c Matthew   
  c c a different family  d c a lot of love
c c Rachel Lynde  d c Mrs Barry
20 marks 23 ‘She’s a strange little thing, but I think I like
a c Matthew  b c Gilbert   
Characters c c Rachel Lynde  d c Marilla
24 ‘I was rude to her. That’s why she hit me.’
Choose the best answer.
a c Anne  b c Rachel Lynde   
11 Matthew and Marilla were both _____. c c Marilla  d c Gilbert
a c short and fat  b c tall and thin    25 ‘Sometimes I forget to put in the right things.’
c c tall and fat  d c short and thin a c Diana  b c Matthew   
12 Anne had long red hair and _____ eyes. c c Anne  d c Marilla
ac small green  b c large grey-green    26 ‘I think your hair is really nice now.’
c c large brown-green  d c small brown a c Gilbert  b c Anne   
13 She wanted to imagine Marilla as _____. c c Rachel Lynde  d c Diana
a c her mother  b c her sister    27 ‘I’ll miss her when she goes away.’
c c her mother’s sister  d c her grandmother a c Diana  b c Matthew   
14 Mrs Rachel Lynde liked to know _____ that was c c Gilbert  d c Marilla
happening in Avonlea.
a c everything  b c some things   
c c nothing  d c the most important thing

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Anne of Green Gables L. M. Montgomery

28 ‘Did he have any bad news suddenly?’ 43 _____ called Anne ‘carrots’.
a c Anne  b c the doctor    a c All the children  b c Mr Phillips   
c c Marilla  d c a teacher c c Diana Barry  d c Gilbert Blythe
29 ‘We had a fight about something.’ 44 Mr Phillips told Anne to _____.
a c Gilbert  b c Marilla    a c leave the classroom  b c sit next to Gilbert
c c Anne  d c Diana Blythe  c c go home  d c do extra homework
30 ‘Are we going to be friends now?’ 45 Anne put _____ in Mrs Allan’s cake by mistake.
a c Rachel Lynde  b c Anne    a c milk  b c carrots  c c wine  d c medicine
c c Gilbert  d c Marilla 46 Her hair was cut because _____.
a c she coloured it blue  b c it was too long   
20 marks c c she coloured it green  d c she wanted short
47 She needed help _____ from Gilbert Blythe.
Vocabulary a c on a river  b c in a lake   
Choose the best answer. c c up a mountain  d c in a swimming pool

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
31 small brown marks on skin 48 Anne went to Queen’s College to become a
a c carrots  b c freckles    _____.
c c mistakes  d c plaits a c journalist  b c scientist   
32 a child whose parents are dead   c c farmer  d c teacher

a c orphan  b c aunt  c c vicar  d c uncle 49 When Matthew’s and Marilla’s money was lost,
33 to cry a lot _____.
a c whisper  b c shout  c c sob  d c laugh a c they sold the farm  b c Matthew died   
34 to take a child from another person into your c c Anne went to another town  d c Marilla
family died
a c lend  b c adopt  c c borrow  d c study 50 In the end, _____.
35 not polite a c Gilbert became the Avonlea teacher   
a c shy  b c rude  c c lonely  d c sorry b c Anne went to Redmond College   
36 to show or say you are not angry with a person c c Gilbert won the Avery prize   
any more d c Anne became the Avonlea teacher
a c smile  b c forgive  c c hit  d c shake
20 marks
37 something you take when you are not well
a c medicine  b c medical   
c c meat  d c sweets Total marks
38 to feel sad when someone goes away
a c hate  b c look after   
c c look for  d c miss
39 what you get when you come first in something
a c branch  b c gift  c c prize  d c carrot
40 not able to see
a c empty  b c cross  c c blind  d c deaf

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
41 Anne often played with _____.
a c Diana Barry  b c Gilbert Blythe   
c c Mrs Lynde  d c Marilla
42 Mrs Lynde was rude about _____.
a c Anne’s hair  b c Anne’s eyes   
c c Marilla’s cooking  d c Matthew’s work

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