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Writing task 1

The chart below shows the value of one country’s exports in various categories
during 2015 and 2016. The table shows the percentage change in each category
of exports in 2016 compared with 2015.
In both years, 2015 and 2016, petroleum products have shown very high demand,
with the export earning being the highest out of all products reaching over 60
billion. According to the percentage change in values they have increased by 3%
more from 2015. Engineered products have the second greatest profits of about
58 billion in 2015, and increasing by 8.5% in 2016 to approximately 61B. Gems
and jewellery are next with their earnings being 42B in 2015 and decreasing by
5.18% to 41 in 2016. Agricultural products have the second lowest earnings with
these being 31B in 2015 and showing a small increase of 0.81% reaching 32B in
2016. Lastly, even though textiles have shown the largest increase in earnings out
of all products between the two years, with that being 15.24%, they still remain
the ones with the lowest earnings of 27B in 2015 and 31 in 2016.
Writing Task 2
Loss of biodiversity, meaning the loss of particular species of plants and animals,
has been a critical issue for the last 5 years. People have been concerned about it
and have been criticized it as being the main environmental problem of our time.
From one hand, the extinction of species will result in a series of effects in the
environment. First of all, biodiversity tends to contribute to our world’s
sustainability since it protects freshwater resources, promotes soils formation and
protection, aid in breaking down pollutants, provide more food resources,
stabilizes the climate and much more. People tend to perceive the loss of
biodiversity simply as the extinction of some species. The majority of them
however, aren't aware of the numerous implications. Such include the destruction
of the structure and the functions of an ecosystem, the increased contact with
diseases, more unpredictable and unstable weather, the loss of livelihoods. In
addition, loss of biodiversity has a socioeconomic impact as well since humans
rely on various plants, animals, and other organisms for food, building materials,
and medicines, and their availability as commodities is important to many
However, there are indeed many other serious environmental problems. One of
the most crucial ones that has been concerning our world for more than 10 years
now, is air pollution. Research from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows
that an estimated 4.2 to 7 million people die from air pollution worldwide every
year and that nine out of 10 people breathe air that contains high levels of
pollutants. Air pollution is caused by multiple activities, like the burning of Fossil
Fuels, agricultural activities, automobiles, factories and industries and many others.
Apart from the effects on humans mentioned above, animals, and plants, entire
ecosystems can suffer effects from air pollution.

The impact of both issues cannot be explained and analyzed so simply and
shortly. However, even though both have multiple effects and each has a great
level of concern someone can argue that air pollution has greatest impact since
loss of biodiversity is also an effect of air pollution.

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