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Lessons 22,23 (29.

12) - Classwork
Grammar Review, p.71-73
ex.8, p.75 (sentences 1-10)
Don't worry! You will arrive at the airport in time.
Your breakfast will be taken up to your room tomorrow morning.

The TV-set doesn't work now but it will be mended soon.

This programme is going to be interesting. Millions of people will watch it on Friday.

I am sure someone will meet you at the station.

The luggage will be inspected by the customs officers.

The thief will be put in prison after the trial.

United will definitely win tonight.

The work will be finished by the workmen tomorrow.

The match will be played on Wednesday evening.

ex.7,p.75 (sentences 1-7)

The baby is being fed by his mother.

My videos are being watched by a lot of people on YouTube.

Are you being helped?

I am being followed by a strange person in the car behind me.

The room is being cleaned by the housekeeping staff.

Is she being trained at work?

This TV show is being seen around the world.

ex.9, p.75-76 (sentences 1-10)

There are no doors. They are being painted.

The house was being redecorated when I arrived.

The workers are making our street one-way.

This type of computers is now being manufactured in many European countries.

He was driving at over 100 kilometres when the accident happened.

When I left the laboratory, the lab assistant was still testing the device.

We couldn't ride that way because the road was being widened.
The countries are competing with each other to build the tallest building.

Ann can't use her office at the moment. It is being redecorated.

The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. It is working again.

ex.10, p.76 (sentences 1-8)

When it became clear that he would be moving to Austria, he sold the house to his brother.
All the copies of the book have already sold out.

Was the car sold for $2000 some days ago?

The tickets cost too much and are selling badly.

Do you know if your neighbours have sold their car?

According to yesterday's newspapers, astronomers in Australia discovered a planet in a galaxy close to


A new planet has been discovered but I don't remember its name.

Radium was discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie.

Lessons 20,21 (22.12) - Homework

Grammar Review, p.71
ex.1, p.73
Ferrari cars are made in Italy.

Space shuttles are launched from Florida.

Parmesan cheese is produced in Italy.

Berlin is located in Spain.

Natural gas is exported from Russia.

Penguins are not found in Africa.

Honey is made by bees.

Volkswagen cars are not made in Great Britain.

Snails are eaten in France.

Bananas are imported to Ukraine.

Coffee is grown in Brazil.

English is spoken in many countries.

Elephants are not found in the Antarctic.

Soup is not eaten with a knife.

Stamps are sold at the Post office.
ex.6, p.74-75
Water covers most of the earth's surface.
How much of the earth's surface is covered by water?

The park gates are locked at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

The letter was posted a week ago and it arrived yesterday.

The boat hit a rock and sank quickly. Fortunately, everybody was rescued.
Richard's parents died when he was very young. He and his sister were brought up by their
While I was on holiday, my camera was stolen from my hotel room.

While I was on holiday, my camera disappeared from my hotel room.

I saw an accident last night. Somebody called an ambulance but nobody was injured, so the
ambulance wasn't needed.
Was this room cleaned yesterday?

Lesson 13 (30.11) - Homework

Task 3, p.49 (to match, include in full and translate all the terms and their definitions)

d) a barcode reader

a) a peripheral

b) resolution

c) cursor

f) keyboard

e) mouse

Lessons 11,12 (24.11) - Classwork

ex.4, p.41-43
When I came home, my little sister was sleeping.

When Kate opened the door, the children were dancing round the fir-tree.
He was reading on the sofa when Jill came in and sat down beside him.

She was looking out of the window when I saw her.

I was walking along the street with my friend when a tram passed.

When I was washing the floor, I found my old toy under the sofa.
When granny was reading a book on the sofa, she fell asleep.
When Nick rang me up yesterday, I was helping my mother.

When Mike was playing in the yard, he found a ball.

When I was preparing breakfast in the morning, I cut my finger.

When I went to the stadium, I met Kate and Ann.

When we were walking up the hills it suddenly started raining.

When they were sailing down the river, they saw a little island.
I was playing the piano when my mother asked me for dinner.

ex.5, p.41-43
While I was washing my hair, the phone rang.
How did you feel yesterday afternoon?

When I got home I received a phone call.

Last summer I went swimming every weekend.

When the dog bit Laura's leg, she screamed.

We sang some songs and then ate some sandwiches.

When you fell over the cliff, what happened next?

While Mary was washing-up, she broke a cup.

While he was taking a bath, Archimedes discovered the principles of density and buoyancy.

When Edouard Benedictus, a French scientist, was working in his laboratory, he dropped a glass
bottle which had some plastic inside and invented safety glass.

Columbus arrived in America while he was trying to reach the Far East.
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by accident while he was looking at some old
While Hiram Bingham was climbing in the mountains of Peru in 1911, he discovered the lost
city of Macchu Picchu.
While Isaac Newton was sitting under an apple tree, an apple fell on his head, and he
understood gravity.
While Dr Harry Coover was trying to invent a new kind of plastic, he made a very soft substance
which stuck things together. It was Super glue.
While he was observing the Moon through his telescope, Galileo realized that it had mountains
and craters.
I didn't see where the bus stop was, so I missed the bus.

What were you doing when I phoned you last night? There was no reply.
ex.7, p.41-43
They had eaten everything by the time I arrived at the party.

Last night I arrived home at half past twelve. I had a bath and then I went to bed.

Nobody came to the meeting because Ann forgot to tell people about it.

When the police arrived, the car had gone.

The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody had gone to bed.

All the garages had closed by the time we crossed the border.

I tried telephoning her several times but she had left the city.

When we were on holiday, the weather was awful.

The car had gone when I looked into the street.

You had already left when the trouble started.

When I found the purse, someone had taken money out of it.

We arrived at the cinema late. The film had already begun.

Richard had already gone when his boss called.

ex.12, p.45
What things used to be different in the past?

For a start, all the continents used to form one large land mass.

Obviously, there used to be cities and buildings, and forest covered a third of the Earth.

The climate was different, and animals such as the hippopotamus and rhinoceros used to exist in
northern Europe.

Many mountains in Europe used to be active volcanoes.

Early people used to live in complex societies, but in small groups in places where they could find food.

What did they used to eat? They used to eat whatever they could find.

Early people used to stay in the same place, but used to travel long distances, following the animals
they needed for food.

Jack used to have a beard but he shaved it off.

My mother used to read to me every night.

In the holidays we used to meet at the beach every morning.

I didn't used to like spinach, but now I do.

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