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Uyen Michelle T.

MD; Tod M. Sugihara,
Phoenix Baptist Family
Medicine Residency
 ye pain:
Program, Ariz
5 cases to test your skill
The ability to distinguish between ophthalmic
The authors reported no
potential conflict of interest
relevant to this article.
emergencies and benign eye conditions is crucial for a
family physician. Find out how your skills stack up.

our patient comes in complaining of What’s your diagnosis?
acute eye pain. Is it an ophthalmic emer- A. angle-closure glaucoma
gency? Benign? Something in between? B. macular degeneration
The varying degrees of severity are re- C. open-angle glaucoma
flected in the cases presented here, and in the D. retinal detachment.
multiple-choice quiz that follows. After select-
ing your answer to each of the questions, turn CASE 2  c A 20-year-old man was playing
the page to find out if you were right. touch football while wearing contact lenses.
Paula ihnat/custom medical stock photo, all rights reserved (figure 3); Phoenix Baptist Family Medicine Clinic (figure 4).

Soon after, the game, he felt a stinging sen-

CASE 1 c A 74-year-old man presents with sation in his right eye—“like sand under the
Images courtesy of: Kresge Eye Institute (figures 1 and 5); The Color Atlas of Family Medicine (figures 2 and 6);

left eye pain that began when he lowered the eyelid,” he said. Exposure to sunlight also pro-
shades in his bedroom to get ready for a nap. duced eye pain. The patient had tried flushing
The pain worsened rapidly, he reports, and his eye with water, but experienced little pain
now—a half hour later—he has a headache, relief.
nausea, and blurred vision in the affected An eye exam reveals a grayish-white spot
eye. in the line of vision (FIGURE 2), with no sign of
The patient has a history of hypertension, a penetrating injury.
which is controlled with hydrochlorothiazide,
but takes no other drugs. He denies any eye FIGURE 2
trauma. An eye exam reveals that the pupil
is dilated and reacts poorly to light; you note
corneal haziness and edema, as well (FIGURE 1;
vertical line is the slit lamp beam).


What’s your next step?

A. Prescribe antibiotic eye drops and send the
patient home.
B. Provide an emergent ophthalmology refer-
ral for foreign body extraction.
Diagnostic key: Case 1: angle-closure glaucoma; Case 2: corneal ulcer; Case 3: optic neuritis; Case 4: anterior uveitis;
Case 5: viral keratitis.

474 The Journal of Family Prac tice | AUGU S T 2 0 1 2 | V o l 6 1 , N o 8

C. Send the patient home with an eye patch to FIGURE 4
relieve the photophobia.
D. Attempt to conduct a visual acuity test and
penlight exam without anesthetic; if neces-
sary, apply anesthetic drops and fluorescein

CASE 3  c A 17-year-old woman is brought in

by her mother because of pain and vision loss
in her right eye. The pain started as soon as
she awoke; 2 hours later, the vision in the af-
fected eye became blurry. Soon after, she saw
spots of light, followed by complete loss of vi-
sion. She denies any trauma and says she has CASE 5  c A 21-year-old college student com-
never experienced anything like this before. plains of pain in her left eye that started a day
The patient’s visual acuity is 20/200 in her ago. She wears contact lenses and, upon ques-
right eye, and 20/40 in the left. You follow up tioning, tells you that she sometimes keeps
with a funduscopic exam of the eye, which them in all night.
shows edema of the optic disc, blurring of the The patient reports that she used a
disc margins, and distended veins (FIGURE 3 ). friend’s steroid eye drops twice yesterday,
but the drops didn’t help. The pain is worse
FIGURE 3 today. It feels as if there’s something in her
eye, she says, and she finds it hard to open her
eye. Penlight examination (FIGURE 5) reveals a
branching opacity on the cornea.


What diagnostic test should be next?

A. fluorescein angiography
B. intraocular pressure measurement
C. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the
brain What’s your next step?
D. visual fields assessment. A. Advise the patient to stop wearing her con-
tact lenses overnight, give her a cyclople-
CASE 4  c A 31-year-old woman with a history gic, and follow up in 2 days.
of sarcoidosis comes in because of spontane- B. Patch the patient’s left eye, prescribe antibi-
ous redness (figure 4 ) and pain in her left otics, and tell her to return tomorrow.
eye, which began early that day. She denies C. Prescribe steroid eye drops and follow up
any eye trauma, eye surgery, or recent cold, in 2 days.
and has no discharge or crust around the eye. D. Provide an urgent referral to an ophthal-
What’s your diagnosis?
A. anterior uveitis
B. conjunctivitis To check your answers and
C. corneal abrasion learn more about each case,
D. posterior uveitis. turn the page. Vol 61, No 8 | AUGUST 2012 | The Journal of Family Practice 475
CASE 1 c topical treatment to reduce intraocular pres-
The answer is A: angle-closure sure and ensure that he or she is seen by a
glaucoma. specialist as soon as possible.5 First-line treat-
Glaucoma is the world’s leading cause ments for acute angle-closure glaucoma are
of blindness,1,2 and angle-closure glaucoma listed in TABLE 1.5,6
comprises 10% of cases.2 In this condition, In severe cases, topical therapy alone
the anterior chamber angle—formed by the may be ineffective. If there are no contra-
iris and the cornea—is narrow. When the iris indications, systemic medications such as
dilates in low light (eg, the darkened room acetazolamide, mannitol, glycerol, or isosor-
in which the patient had planned to nap), it bide may be needed. Eye pressure should be
folds into the narrowed angle, preventing the checked 30 to 60 minutes after initiating sys-
flow of aqueous humor and leading to an in- temic therapy and the patient closely moni-
crease in intraocular pressure.3 tored for adverse effects (eg, anaphylaxis,
convulsions [acetazolamide]; hypotension
Signs and symptoms [mannitol, isosorbide]).5
Patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma z When the patient does see an oph-
often develop decreased vision, halos, head- thalmologist, the evaluation will include
aches, severe eye pain, nausea, and vomit- assessment of visual acuity, pupillary evalu-
ing. If the intraocular pressure increases ation, measurement of intraocular pressure,
Glaucoma is the quickly, symptoms can have an acute and slit lamp examination, gonioscopy to mea-
world’s leading dramatic onset; if pressure builds slowly, sure the angle of the anterior chamber, and
cause of patients may have limited or no symptoms.4 a fundus exam without pupil dilation.5 Treat-
blindness, and ment may include a surgical procedure, such
angle-closure Physical findings as paracentesis of the eye, peripheral iridoto-
glaucoma An eye exam will reveal conjunctival ery- my, or iridectomy, and chronic administra-
comprises thema, corneal edema and cloudiness, iris tion of topical medication.7
10% of cases. irregularity, a shallow anterior chamber (vis-
ible with a slit lamp), a dilated pupil (4-6 mm) CASE 2  c
that reacts sluggishly to light, and increased The answer is D: Attempt to conduct
ocular pressure. The cupping of the optic disc a visual acuity test and penlight exam
seen in this patient’s retinal exam (FIGURE 6 ) without anesthetic; if necessary, apply
is more commonly associated with chronic anesthetic drops and fluorescein stain.
open-angle glaucoma. This patient likely has a corneal ulcer or
abrasion caused by a contact lens. Corneal
FIGURE 6 ulcers—which constitute a loss of the corneal
epithelium—can be caused by trauma or a
foreign body, or develop spontaneously.

Signs and symptoms

Because of the rich innervation of the corneal
epithelium by the trigeminal nerve, the cor-
nea is highly sensitive to pain. Patients with
corneal abrasions typically experience eye
pain, photophobia, tearing, a foreign body
sensation, and discomfort when driving,
working, or reading. If a patient has damage
Management to the trigeminal nerve, however (eg, from
Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an oph- trauma, a tumor, or a herpes infection), cor-
thalmologic emergency, and a referral to a neal injuries may be painless.8
specialist is crucial. If no ophthalmologist In some cases, corneal abrasions may be
can see the patient within an hour of the pre- so painful that patients become disruptive
sentation of symptoms, you’ll need to initiate while waiting to be seen. Thus, any patient

476 The Journal of Family Prac tice | AUGU S T 2 0 1 2 | V o l 6 1 , N o 8


suspected of having a corneal ulcer or abra- requires urgent referral. The eyelid should be
sion should be ushered into a quiet, dark flipped and examined for foreign bodies. 9
room and instructed to keep his or her eyes Some abrasions can be seen with the
closed until the examination. naked eye, so a penlight exam should be per-
The patient history should focus on re- formed before applying fluorescein stain. If a
cent trauma, type of work, and use of pro- corneal lesion is suspicious for herpesvirus
tective eyewear, which may provide clues infection (see case 5), fluorescein should not
to the development of penetrating injuries, be applied, as it can interfere with the anti-
retained foreign bodies, or abrasions caused body test.10 Refer the patient to an ophthal-
by a foreign body. Ask about the use of con- mologist instead.
tact lenses, as well; corneal injury caused by If there’s no evidence of infection, ap-
contacts is associated with specific bacterial ply fluorescein and examine the cornea with
infections, most commonly staphylococcal a Wood’s lamp. A thin line or several vertical
organisms and Pseudomonas.9 lines are suggestive of a foreign body in the
cornea or under the eyelid, whereas round
Physical findings defects are often due to contact lenses.9 Phys-
Attempt to test visual acuity without topi- ical findings associated with specific types
cal anesthetics. If the patient can’t tolerate of corneal abrasions or ulcers are detailed in
the test, a single drop of topical anesthetic TABLE 2.9,11,12
(proparacaine 0.5%) may help. Visual acuity Chronic use
provides clues to the location of the injury. If Management of topical
acuity is close to baseline, the corneal abra- Patients with corneal abrasions or ulcers anesthetics
sion is likely peripheral to the visual axis. De- should receive topical antibiotics to prevent should be
creased visual acuity indicates either that the infection. Ointments (erythromycin ointment avoided.
abrasion involves the central axis area or that 4 times daily for 3-5 days) are preferable to Although
there is corneal edema.9 drops, but may be harder to obtain.9 If a patient they relieve
Evaluation of the pupillary reflex and op- must use drops, sulfacetamide 10%, poly- pain, frequent
tic fundus should follow. Reactive miosis may myxin/trimethoprim, ciprofloxacin, or oflox- use can lead
be present with corneal abrasions. A large, acin can be used, with the same frequency to delayed
nonreactive pupil may be a sign of injury to the and duration. healing, or even
pupillary sphincter from blunt or penetrating Aminoglycosides are toxic to the corneal blindness.
injury—an ophthalmologic emergency that epithelium and should be avoided, except in


Treatments for acute angle-closure glaucoma5,6

Medication Quantity
0.5% timolol maleate 1 drop in affected eye 2x/d
1% apraclonidine 1-2 drops 3x/d
2% pilocarpine 1 drop 4x/d
Acetazolamide 500 mg 2x/d
Glycerol 50% solution 1-1.8 g/kg

Isosorbide solution 1.5 g/kg

Acetazolamide 250 mg 4x/d
Mannitol 0.25-2 g/kg (one-time dose) Vol 61, No 8 | AUGUST 2012 | The Journal of Family Practice 477
abrasions caused by contacts.9 Because of the Physical findings
likelihood of pseudomonal keratitis in cases Physical exam findings in optic neuritis in-
involving contact lenses, antibiotics covering clude a sluggish direct light reflex, loss of
Pseudomonas, such as ofloxacin, ciprofloxa- visual acuity and color vision, as well as
cin, or tobramycin, should be used.9 acute eye pain.18 Ophthalmoscopic exam
z Pain control is achieved with cyclo- may reveal papillitis with edema of the optic
plegics11 like cyclopentolate 0.5% to 1% or a disc.21 In the Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial
one-day course of systemic opioids. For chil- (ONTT), however, only one-third of patients
dren, over-the-counter analgesics for mild presented with papillitis and swelling of the
pain and mild opioids for severe pain may optic disc.22
be used. z MRI of the brain with gadolinium
z Chronic use of topical anesthetics contrast is generally used to confirm the di-
should be avoided in patients of any age. Al- agnosis. On MRI, 95% of patients with optic
though they relieve pain, frequent use can neuritis have signs of inflammation of the op-
lead to delayed healing, ulcerations, perfora- tic nerve and/or white matter changes con-
tions, scarring, or even blindness.8 sistent with MS (periventricular and ovoid
z Patching has not been found to im- demyelination).23,24
prove healing or comfort;13 instead, it delays Patients with evidence of demyelination
healing.14,15 The “pirate patch,” which hovers should also be evaluated for MS and other
In a recent trial, over the eye, does not keep the eyelid down demyelinating disorders. In the ONTT trial,
the risk of and therefore is not recommended.9 the risk of developing MS within 15 years of
developing MS z Follow up within 24 hours of initiating an optic neuritis diagnosis was as low as 25%
within 15 years treatment to assure that the abrasion is heal- (95% confidence interval [CI], 18%-32%) for
of an optic ing. If it appears to be getting worse or is sim- patients with no lesions on a baseline brain
neuritis ply not improving, an immediate referral to an MRI and as high as 72% (95% CI, 63%-81%)
diagnosis was ophthalmologist is needed. Abrasions caused for those with one or more lesions on a
as high as 72% by contact with potentially infected material baseline MRI, according to the study’s final
for those with (eg, farm equipment, tree branches, or soil) re- follow-up.22
lesions on a quire daily monitoring until they heal.11
baseline MRI. Management
CASE 3  c The recommended treatment for optic neu-
The answer is C: Order an MRI of the ritis is intravenous (IV) methylprednisolone
brain. 250 mg every 6 hours for 3 to 5 days, followed
This patient has optic neuritis, caused by oral prednisone at 1 mg/kg/d for 7 to
by inflammation of the optic nerve and dis- 10 days. Vision usually returns slowly over the
ruption of the nerve’s myelin sheath. It pre- course of several months to a year. Ophthal-
dominantly affects young adults, and is more mology consultation should be considered to
common in women than in men.16 The in- rule out other causes of optic neuritis.25
cidence of optic neuritis is higher among
Asians, black South Africans, and children CASE 4  c
under the age of 15.17,18 The answer is A: anterior uveitis.
Uveitis is often associated with systemic
Signs and symptoms disease or infection, and diagnosis is typically
Optic neuritis is characterized by monocular suspected based on a history of conditions
(90%) or binocular (10%) complete or partial such as sarcoidosis, juvenile idiopathic arthri-
vision loss, photopsia (flashes of light), and eye tis, Kawasaki’s disease, Sjögren’s syndrome,
pain. Up to 60% of pediatric patients present toxoplasmosis, human immunodeficiency vi-
with blurred vision, bilateral involvement,19 rus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB), syphilis, herpes
and no pain, while adults predominantly have simplex, and herpes zoster.26
pain and unilateral vision loss.20 Optic neuri-
tis is often a presenting symptom of multiple Signs and symptoms
sclerosis (MS).16 Signs and symptoms vary depending on the

478 The Journal of Family Prac tice | AUGU S T 2 0 1 2 | V o l 6 1 , N o 8



Corneal abrasion or ulcers: The differential diagnosis9,11,12

Diagnosis Physical findings Management
Penetrating trauma • Blood/pus in anterior chamber • Cover with eye shield and refer
for emergency surgical repair
• Seidel sign*
• Consider tetanus prophylaxis if
• Nonreactive pupil
caused by infected material
Infected corneal abrasion Grayish edge near abrasions • Initiate antibiotic therapy†
or ulcers
• Prescribe cycloplegics or systemic
• Refer to ophthalmologist
Retained foreign body • Retained object in cornea • Check flipped eyelid for retained
foreign body
• Multiple vertical lines seen on
fluorescein exam • Irrigate or swab to remove
object; if not successful, refer to
• Rust ring
• If rust rings have not resorbed
in 2-3 days, refer to ophthal-
mologist for debridement
Herpesvirus infection Branching pattern • Start antiviral therapy
• Refer to ophthalmologist
Spontaneous erosions • Corneal ulcer appearance with- • Prescribe lubricating eye drops
out history of trauma
• Refer to ophthalmologist
• Recurrent spontaneous erosions
in the same location
*Gel-like extrusion of ocular contents seen with fluorescein.

Ointment is preferable to drops. If a contact lens caused the abrasion, a solution that covers Pseudomonas should be used.

part of the uveal tract that’s involved. Ante- the pupillary opening may be irregular rath-
rior uveitis, or iritis, is associated with pain, er than round due to anterior and posterior
photo­phobia, redness, and a varying degree synechia.28
of vision loss. Posterior and intermediate
uveitis are less likely to be associated with Management
pain, but can be accompanied by decreased Patients should be referred to an ophthal-
visual acuity and floaters.27 mologist for management of the immediate
condition and to prevent or treat complica-
Physical findings tions such as vision loss, optic nerve damage,
Visual acuity in patients with uveitis can and glaucoma. Acute management includes
range from normal to varying degrees of vi- topical steroids, such as prednisolone ace-
sion loss. Redness around the iris can be tate ophthalmic 1% 2 to 4 times daily, as well
seen; conjunctival infection is most marked as treatment of the underlying condition.
around the circumference of the corneal lim- Long-term management varies, depending
bus rather than more peripherally, as seen on the cause of the uveitis.26,29
in conjunctivitis. On slit lamp examination, If the etiology is unknown, a workup
the beam of light can be seen in the aqueous should be considered to identify inflamma-
humor due to protein and leukocyte accumu- tory and infectious disorders that might be
lation—a phenomenon known as “flare.” The causing uveitis. Chest radiograph is a good
pupillary light reflex may be abnormal, and beginning to look for evidence of sarcoidosis Vol 61, No 8 | AUGUST 2012 | The Journal of Family Practice 479
or TB; serologic testing for syphilis, HIV, and ent, as well.3 The condition is easily distin-
lupus may also be considered.26,29 guished from conjunctivitis, which typically
does not involve eye pain or vision changes.
CASE 5  c
The answer is D: Provide an urgent Physical findings
referral to an ophthalmologist. Visual acuity may be affected if the lesion or
This patient has viral keratitis caused corneal edema involves the visual axis. Physi-
by herpes. While the pain and foreign body cal exam in a patient with bacterial keratitis
sensation are the same for bacterial and vi- sometimes shows a gray or white corneal opac-
ral keratitis, herpesvirus is distinguishable ity, along with corneal erythema. As already
by the branching opacity that develops on noted, a penlight exam will reveal a branching
the cornea. opacity in patients with herpes keratitis.30
Varicella zoster is the most common
cause of viral keratitis, although it can also Management
be caused by herpes simplex and adeno- Patients with keratitis should be referred
virus. Because a person who is infected with immediately to an ophthalmologist32 for a
herpes has the virus for life, however, mul- slit lamp evaluation, treatment, and close
tiple attacks are possible. Reactivation is as- follow-up.
sociated with stress and a weakened immune Corneal cultures can be difficult to ob-
system, but may occur spontaneously, as tain, but before prescribing antibiotics, an
well. Patients who wear contact lenses are no attempt to collect samples should be made.
more likely than those who don’t to be infect- This can be done—after the administration
ed with the herpesvirus. of topical anesthesia—with a sterile calcium
Bacterial keratitis is often associated with alginate swab. Gently swab the cornea and
contact lenses, particularly when they’re con- then inoculate the appropriate gels or medi-
tinually worn, but also with normal wear.30 ums. Avoid contact with lashes and eyelids to
Immunosuppression, dry ocular surfaces, prevent culture contamination.32
and topical corticosteroid use may predis- When herpesvirus is suspected, start the
pose patients to bacterial keratitis, as well.12 patient on an antiviral agent such as trifluri-
Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeru- dine ophthalmic (1%) 9 times a day, vidara-
ginosa, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, bine ophthalmic (3%) 5 times daily, or 400 mg
diphtheroids, and Streptococcus pneumoniae oral acyclovir 5 times a day. Patients with bac-
are the most common pathogens.31 terial keratitis should be started on antibiotic
eye drops with Pseudomonas coverage, such
Signs and symptoms as ofloxacin (0.3%), ciprofloxacin (0.3%), or
Patients with keratitis typically complain of eye tobramycin (0.3%), 6 to 8 times a day.9 JFP
pain, a sensation of having a foreign body in the
eye, photophobia, tearing, and vision changes; Uyen Michelle Le, MD, 967 Galindo Court, Milpitas, CA
a mucopurulent discharge is sometimes pres- 95035;

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Getting to Goal: Available for 3.25 credits:

August 1, 2012 to July 31, 2013
How Thiazide-Type Diuretics, Following the Guidelines,
and Improving Patient Adherence Can Help This educational activity is jointly sponsored by
Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Spire Learning.

This program is supported by an educational grant from

Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.
Supplement to
3.25 CME

This supplement was edited and peer reviewed

by The Journal of Family Practice.

Where are we in hypertension management and how did we get here?

Copyright © 2012
Quadrant HealthCom Inc.

VOL 61, NO 8 | AUGUST 2012 |

Find out in this comprehensive hypertension curriculum covering: Getting

to Goal:
• Key clinical trials and their influence on sequencing algorithms How Thiazide-Type Diuretics,
Following the Guidelines, and

• Differences between thiazide-type diuretics

Improving Patient Adherence
Can Help


• The use of thiazide-type diuretics in African American patients Historical Review of

Evidence-Based Treatment
of Hypertension

• Strategies to improve patient adherence to hypertensive therapy

William B. White, MD, FASH

Rethinking the Role of
Thiazide-Type Diuretics in the

Featuring faculty authors William C. Cushman, MD; Louis Kuritzky, MD;

Management of Hypertension:
Which Diuretic is Best?
William C. Cushman, MD

William B. White, MD; and Jackson T. Wright Jr, MD, PhD S20 MODULE 3:
Using Thiazide-Type Diuretics
in African Americans with
Jackson T. Wright, Jr, MD, PhD

Accreditation Statement S23 MODULE 4:

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Enhancing Adherence with
Antihypertensives: The Role
Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Spire Learning. Postgraduate Institute for Medicine is of Fixed-Dose Combinations
and Home Blood Pressure
accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Monitoring
Louis Kuritzky, MD

Credit Designation S27 Post-Tests and Evaluations

The Postgraduate Institute for Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 3.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians
should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

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This educational activity is jointly sponsored by PIM and Spire Learning.
This activity is supported by an educational grant from Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. Vol 61, No 8 | AUGUST 2012 | The Journal of Family Practice 481

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