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Electronic Structure

Comprehensive Exam

1. Electrons are useful for _____.

A. operating machinery
B. running computers
C. forming chemical bonds
D. all of the above

2. The ordering of the elements in the Periodic Table is determined by ________.

A. each country that uses it
B. electronic structure
C. the number of neutrons in the nucleus
D. sheer chance

3. The model of the atom based on Quantum Theory is often call the _________.
A. Planck atom
B. Einstein atom
C. Bohr atom
D. all of the above

4. During a transition from an outer orbit to an inner orbit, the electron ________.
A. absorbs light
B. emits light
C. disappears
D. gets bigger

5. A photon is ________.
A. a flash of light
B. an indication that a transition has occurred
C. emitted when using a laser pointer
D. all of the above

6. The Electromagnetic Spectrum includes _________.

A. X-rays
B. microwaves
C. TV transmission
D. all of the above

7. Planck’s Equation, E = h x nu, states that the energy of light is proportional to its
A. wavelength
B. frequency
C. temperature
D. none of the above
8. The Photoelectric Effect states that electrons are ejected from a piece of metal
A. when you take its picture
B. when you shine light of a particular color on it
C. when you connect it to a battery
D. constantly

9. Bohr suggested that electrons circle the nucleus in _______.

A. fixed orbits
B. random orbits
C. variable orbits
D. covered wagons

10. The Bohr model of the atom was inadequate because _________.
A. electrons don’t really exist
B. orbits don’t really exist
C. it couldn’t explain all the observed transitions
D. it was written in Danish

11. The mathematical treatment of electronic structure developed by Schroedinger is

called __.
A. Quantum Improvements
B. Quantum Arithmetic
C. Quantum Mechanics
D. Quantum Soup

12. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to know

A. both the momentum and position of an electron
B. the exact energy of an electronic transition
C. exactly how many orbitals in an atom contain electrons
D. anything at all about electronic structure

13. The fact that light can behave as both a wave and a particle is called ________.
A. the Duality Paradox
B. the Part Wave Problem
C. the Impossibility Observation
D. experimental error

14. Pauli stated, in 1925, that two electrons can occupy the same orbital only if
A. there is no place else to put them
B. they have the same spins
C. they have opposite spins
D. they are married

15. Hund’s Rule states that an orbital can contain two electrons only if ___________.
A. they have opposite spins
B. all other orbitals at that sublevel contain at least one electron
C. they are of different colors
D. all other orbitals at that sublevel are empty

16. The order of the sublevels, in increasing energy, is ________.

A. s, d, p, f
B. s, f, p, d
C. s, p, d, f
D. s, p, f, d

17. The Aufbau Principle states that electrons will be added to an atom ________.
A. in random order
B. at the lowest possible level or sublevel
C. in a symmetrical manner
D. none of the above

18. A Helium atom has _________.

A. one proton, one electron, and one neutron
B. two protons, two electrons, and two neutrons
C. one proton, two electrons, and two neutrons
D. two protons, one electron, and one neutron

19. The electronic structure of Lithium can be shown as __________.

A. 1s(super)2-2s(super)1
B. [He] 2s(super)1
C. both of the above
D. neither of the above

20. Nitrogen has one electron in each of the ______ orbitals.

A. 2s orbitals
B. 2p orbitals
C. 2d orbitals
D. 2f orbitals

21. Neon is called a “Noble Gas” because _______.

A. it has a closed shell
B. it only reacts with Noble Metals
C. it used to be so rare that only royalty could afford it
D. none of the above

22. The First Transition Series represents the filling of the ________ orbital.
A. 3s
B. 3p
C. 3d
D. 3s
23. Energy-favorable states for the d sublevel are when it contains ______ electrons.
A. 5 or 10
B. 1 or 2
C. 3 or 6
D. 8 or 9

24. The elements that correspond to the filling of the 4f sublevel are called the
A. Actinides
B. Bromides
C. Lanthanides
D. Homicides

25. Scientists are uncertain about the electronic structures of the Actinides because
A. their electron shell is opaque
B. they have such short lifetimes
C. their spectrum is so complex
D. nobody cares

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