India Independence Day Supplement 2022

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Monday, August 15, 2022

Independence Day of

Times of Oman Special Supplement


billion  Covid  vaccine doses, just and development, India today is
As a beacon of contributing with all its might as a
committed and responsible mem-
The Independence universal peace and ber of the international comity of
Day 75 years ago, development, India today
saw the birth of a is contributing with all India and Oman are maritime

new nation imbued its might as a committed neighbours and close friends.
In the true spirit of mutual trust

with a billion hopes,

and responsible member and friendship, today the India-
Oman relationship stands trans-
of the international formed into a comprehensive stra-
fortified by a billion tegic partnership that straddles
comity of nations. trade & investment, connectivity,
dreams and roused health, education, sports, defence,
and energy, to name just a few areas.
by the will and With our glorious past of
friendly exchanges and the firm
determination of about 18 months after starting the foundation of the past 50 years
world’s largest vaccination drive in - with hundreds of thousands of
a billion ignited January 2021. Indians making Oman their home
In the course of India’s eventful and contributing to the Omani Re-
minds journey of 75 years, the nation’s naissance - I firmly believe that
stature has risen in a range of sec- the best in India-Oman relations
tors from economic, academic, is yet to come. As Oman seeks to
BY AMIT NARANG geopolitics, defence, sports, and realize its Vision 2040 and India
Ambassador of India resplendent culture and a kalei- Today, as we celebrate 75 years of India hailing from a tribal com- science to IT and space technol- marches on the path towards self-
to the Sultanate of Oman doscopically diverse society, bur- of our journey as an independ- munity born in a remote part of ogy, digital revolution, financial reliance, the opportunities for en-
dened by centuries of colonial rule, ent nation, every Indian’s heart is eastern India. inclusion among others. hanced cooperation are abundant.
finally rose and made a tryst with filled with pride and joy. This day As Prime Minister Shri Nar- 75 years have brought India India will be a trusted partner

extend my warmest greet- destiny on 15 August 1947. As it did equally is a harbinger of new inspi- endra Modi said “Her assuming several laurels to its credit. India in all priority areas identified by
ings to all Indians and so, it sought to unshackle itself not rations, igniting new fervor, exu- the Presidency is a watershed has transformed into the fast- Oman under Vision 2040.
Friends of India in Oman just from domination but also dog- berance, and enthusiasm for the moment for India especially est growing major economy in Let me also take this opportu-
on the occasion of the 76th ma and dilapidated social moorings collective journey that lies ahead. for the poor, marginalised and the world, developed as one of nity to convey, on behalf of the
Independence Day of India. and set about charting a new path, downtrodden”. Nothing better the leading powers in scientific Government and people of India,
While all Independence Days not just of independence, but of Friends, echoes the sentiments behind research and technological de- warm greetings and best wishes
are cherished, recalling as they social reform, inclusive economic This Independence Day is made the nation celebrating ‘Azadi ka velopment, lifted tens of millions to His Majesty Sultan Haitham
do the untold sacrifices of gen- growth, and a political vision rooted all the more special by the assump- Amrit Mahotsav’. out of poverty, ensured social bin Tarik, as well as the Govern-
erations of freedom fighters who in the ideals of unity in diversity, tion of office on July 25, 2022 by justice and inclusion to its peo- ment and the kind people of Oman
helped realize the dream of an in- equity, democracy and justice. the first tribal woman President of Friends, ple and practiced a robust for- for continued peace, progress, and
dependent India; August 15 this The independence day 75 years India Smt. Droupadi Murmu. As the world slowly recovers eign policy based on humanism prosperity.
year is extra special, commemo- ago, saw the birth of a new nation There cannot be a greater tes- from the unprecedented chal- rooted in the hallowed Indian May our Spirits rise with the
rates as it does, 75 glorious years imbued with a billion hopes, forti- timony to the ideals of social jus- lenges caused by the Covid pan- thought of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutum- Flag today! Happy Independence
of India’s remarkable journey as fied by a billion dreams and roused tice of the Indian Republic than demic, we also recall with pride bakam’ or treating the whole Day!
an independent nation. by the will and determination of a the fact that we have today as our the fact that India has crossed world as one family.
An ancient civilisation with a billion ignited minds. Commander in Chief a daughter the milestone of administering 2 As a beacon of universal peace Johar, Namaskar, Jai Hind!
Times of Oman Monday, August 15, 2022
Special Supplement Independence Day of
page 2


Decoding India’s unicorn rush

THE ACCELERATION IN And a new benchmark was set and services by consumers and
funding and capital being raised as far as startup projections businesses in the wake of the
at high valuations in the past and expectations. pandemic and over the past
couple of years has totally trans- two years.
formed the startup landscape.In- Inc42 report But accounting for the growth
dian tech, startups raised about For instance, as per an Inc42 in 2021, Inc42 had revised this
$42 Bn across 1,579 deals in 2021, report at the end of 2019, India to 100 startups before the end
leading to a unicorn spree. would have 100 unicorns by of 2022.
With 44 unicorns last year, 2025. And with 100 unicorns coming
all previous long-term predic- The expected trajectory was even before half the year is over,
tions about the number of uni- totally changed by the mass it is believed that by 2025, India
corns were out of the window. adoption for digital products will have 250 unicorns.
Monday, August 15, 2022 Times of Oman
Independence Day of Special Supplement
page 3
Times of Oman
Special Supplement
Monday, August 15, 2022
Independence Day of


G7 Summit in Germany: Investing in a better

future — climate, energy and health
IT IS BELIEVED that there is a When a large country like India
fundamental collision between the shows such ambition, other devel-
developmental goals of the world oping countries also get inspiration.
and environmental protection. We hope that the rich countries
There is also another misconcep- of G-7 will support India’s efforts.
tion that poor countries and poor Today, a huge market for clean en-
people cause more damage to the ergy technologies is emerging in
environment. But, India’s history of India. G-7 countries can invest in
over thousands of years completely Narendra Modi research, innovation, and manufac-
refutes this view. Ancient India has Prime Minister of India turing in this field. The scale that
seen a time of immense prosper- India can provide for every new
ity; then we have also tolerated the cal tensions, it is more important technology can make that technol-
centuries of slavery, and now inde- to remember this thing. By taking ogy affordable for the whole world.
pendent India is the fastest-grow- inspiration from this principle, The core theories of the circular
ing big economy in the whole world. we delivered LED bulbs and clean economy have been an integral part
But during this whole period, India cooking gas door-to-door in India of Indian culture and lifestyle.
did not let its commitment to the and showed that millions of tonnes I called for a movement called
environment get diluted even a of carbon emissions can be saved LIFE – Lifestyle for Environment
single bit. Nearly 17 per cent of the while ensuring energy for the poor. – in Glasgow last year. This year
world’s population resides in India. Our dedication to our climate on World Environment Day, we
But, our contribution of global car- commitments is evident from our launched the Global Initiative for
bon emissions is only 5 per cent. performance. We have achieved LiFE campaign. The goal of this
The main reason behind this is the target of 40 per cent energy- campaign is to encourage an eco-
our lifestyle, which is based on the capacity from non-fossil sources 9 friendly lifestyle. We can call the
theory of co-existence with nature. years before time. The target of 10 followers of this movement Triple-
All of you will also agree that per cent ethanol-blending in petrol P i.e. ‘pro planet people’, and we
energy access should not be the has been achieved 5 months before should all take the responsibility of
privilege of the rich only- a poor time. India has the world’s first increasing the number of Triple-P
family also has the same rights on fully solar power operated airport. people in our own countries. This
energy. And today when energy India’s huge railway system will will be our greatest contribution to
costs are sky-high due to geopoliti- become net zero in this decade. the coming generations.


Confident, caring country

In a polarised world, we have
maintained our independence. In
a pandemic world, we have been
a source of relief. In an opaque
and volatile world, we have been
transparent and resilient. In ad-
dressing global challenges, we are
a force for good. And India’s image
is burnished by a talented diaspo-
ra now more emotionally invested
in its motherland

AS THE MODI government Dr. S Jaishankar

completes eight years in office, External Affairs Minister
its diplomatic achievements of India
must be appreciated against a
volatile and uncertain world. It vironment and maritime security
has addressed long-standing is- are pronounced. India’s own pur-
sues effectively while responding suit of sustainable development
to emerging challenges. And all goals is reflected abroad in its
this while harnessing diplomacy partnerships.
more for development at home Non-permanent membership
and for meeting the expectations in the UN Security Council has
of ordinary citizens. highlighted India’s contribution
A greater clarity is evident at the multilateral level. Its cred-
in India’s foreign policy think- ibility as a voice of the Global
ing since 2014. A generous and South has grown on issues of
non-reciprocal engagement un- development and sustainability.
derpins a Neighbourhood First Entry into regimes dealing with
approach. On the ground, it is missile technology, chemicals
realised through road, rail, pow- and conventional arms reinforc-
er and energy projects, broader es our support for a rules-based
contacts and as a first responder order. So does the adherence to
during distress. That project de- and support for international law,
livery has vastly improved on especially UNCLOS.
PM Modi’s watch is key. The ex- The pandemic saw India
tended neighbourhood has seen emerge as the pharmacy of the
an Act East policy, a SAGAR doc- world. Supply of medicines and
trine, a Gulf engagement and a vaccines, particularly to the
Central Asia initiative. Stronger Global South, earned enormous
commitment to Africa and the goodwill. The pandemic has also
Global South is similarly visible raised questions about the ef-
in health, education, digital and ficacy of centralised globalisa-
green growth. tion. India is a crucial player in
New challenges emerged in the resulting diversification that
recent years, notably a changed emphasises resilient and reliable
Chinese posture, a different Af- supply chains. Its FTA negotia-
ghan dispensation, a continuing tions and the participation in the
conflict in Ukraine, and a ‘once Indo-Pacific Economic Frame-
in a century’ pandemic. They work reflect this trend.
have impacted our national, en- Even as it grappled with these
ergy, food and health security. In complications, the government
each case, the government has re- was meeting the rising aspira-
sponded with determination, im- tions and expectations of its
agination and effectiveness. Na- citizens at home. It envisages the
tional interest alone has been the world both as a global market-
yardstick for decision-making. place as well as a workplace. Its
Resolute in its stance against goal of Make in India and make
both conventional and non-con- for the world has prioritised ex-
ventional threats, the govern- ports. Its diplomacy for develop-
ment has ensured continuing ment similarly puts greater pre-
access to multiple technology mium on attracting technology,
providers. It has maintained good capital and best practices. Its es-
ties with major power centres si- pousal of mobility and migration
multaneously. India has come out agreements reflects a commit-
stronger as a result with interna- ment to leveraging India’s talent
tional understanding for its core pool. Foreign partnerships that
concerns. Delegitimisation of accelerate India’s modernisation
terrorism has been paralleled by and growth are at the centre of
stronger collaboration with glob- its diplomatic agenda. Progress
al partners in that domain. India’s has been made to create infra-
diplomatic energies are more vis- structure, enhance urbanisation,
ible including at the highest level. increase agricultural output and
The resulting dexterity has creat- access, upgrade industry and
ed many formats of engagement, clean up the environment.
including 2+2 meetings, trilateral Projecting India on the global
mechanisms and two quadrilat- stage has also gathered momen-
eral groupings. tum. The International Day of
With a growing deficit in global Yoga is now celebrated glob-
goods, the government has har- ally. The spread of Ayurveda is
monised national interest with manifest. As the world debates
stronger international contribu- the relevance of values, the Modi
tions. It shaped the world’s debate government draws on its record
on connectivity initiatives. It has to prove that democracies can
since encouraged trust and trans- deliver.
parency in the digital domain. India’s image is burnished by
Its role in the Paris and Glasgow a talented diaspora now more
COP Summits was substantial, emotionally invested in its moth-
making a case for both climate erland. This bonding has grown
action and climate justice. India- with an Indian leadership that
led initiatives on International recognises their value. All Indi-
Solar Alliance and the Coalition ans – students, workers, profes-
for Disaster Resilient Infrastruc- sionals, seafarers or even tourists
ture have really taken off. Activ- –are confident now that we have
ism on illegal fishing, marine en- their back when they go abroad.

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