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Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And

Their Works
1830 ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-
1892) : Poems, Chiefly
1832 • Passage of the first Reform Bill 1832 ƒ Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832):
in the British Parliament Castle Dangerous, Count
• Death of Walter Scott Robert of Paris
ƒ Benjamin Disraeli (1804-
1881): England and France,
or a Cure for the Ministerial
1833 • Oxford Movement launched 1833 ƒ Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881):
within the Church of England serialization of Sartor
with the preaching of the Resartus in Fraser’s
sermon ‘National Apostasy’ by Magazine which continued
John Keble till 1834
• Abolition of the Slavery Act ƒ Robert Browning (1812-
• Death of Arthur Henry Hallam, 1889): Pauline
Tennyson’s friend ƒ Benjamin Disraeli (1804-
1881): Ixion in heaven
1834 • Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 ƒ Edward Bulwer Lytton (1803-
• Formation of the first 1873): The Last Days of
government by Robert Peel Pompeii
1835 1835 ƒ Robert Browning: Paracelsus
1836 1836 ƒ Charles Dickens (1812-1870):
Sketches by Boz, The
Posthumous Papers of the
Pickwick Club (till 1837)
ƒ Benjamin Disraeli: Henrietta

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1837 • Ascension of Queen Victoria ƒ Charles Dickens:Oliver Twist
to the throne of England (till 1838)
ƒ Robert Browning: Strafford
ƒ Thomas Carlyle: French
ƒ Benjamin Disraeli: Venetia
1838 • Chartism was launched ƒ Charles Dickens: Nicholas
• Anti-Corn Law League Nickleby(till 1839)
founded by Richard Cobden as
a movement against the Corn
1839 • Custody of Infants’ Act
1840 • Chimney Sweep Act prohibits 1840 ƒ Robert Browning: Sordello
the employment of children as ƒ Charles Dickens: The Old
chimney sweepers Curiosity Shop
ƒ W. Harrison Ainsworth
(1805-1882): Guy Fawkes,
The Tower of London
ƒ William Makepeace
Thackeray (1811-1863):
1841 • Conservatives take control on 1841 ƒ Thomas Carlyle: On Heroes,
the House of Commons in the Hero-Worship and the Heroic
General Elections, under in History
Robert Peel ƒ Charles Dickens: Barnaby
ƒ Robert Browning: Pippa
1842 1842 ƒ Thomas Babington Macaulay
(1800-1859): Lays of Ancient
ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1843 • William Wordsworth becomes 1843 ƒ Thomas Carlyle: Past and
the Poet Laureate Present
• The Economist daily began to ƒ John Ruskin (1819-1900):
be published Modern Painters
ƒ Charles Dickens: A Christmas
Carol, Martin Chuzzlewit
(till 1844)
ƒ John Stuart Mill (1806-1873):
A System of Logic
1844 1844 ƒ Benjamin Disraeli: Coningsby
1845 • Great Famine in Ireland begins. 1845 ƒ Thomas Carlyle: Oliver
Continues till 1852 Cromwell’s Letters and
ƒ Benjamin Disraeli: Sibyl, or
The Two Nations
1846 • Repeal of the Corn Laws 1846 ƒ Brontë sisters’ poems: Poems
by Currer, Ellis and Acton

1847 • The Whig Party under John 1847 ƒ Charles Dickens: Dombey
Russell wins the General and Son (till 1848)
Electon ƒ William Makepeace
Thackeray: Vanity Fair (till
ƒ Charlotte Brontë (1816-
1855): Jane Eyre
ƒ Emily Brontë (1818-1848):
Wuthering Heights
ƒ Anne Brontë (1820-1849):
Agnes Gray
ƒ Lord, Alfred Tennyson: The
Princess: A Medley
ƒ Christina Rossetti(1830-
1894): Verses

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1848 • Great Famine (Ireland) takes a 1848 ƒ Karl Marx and Friedrich
heavy toll on the lives of people Engels: The Communist
ƒ Anne Brontë: The Tenant of
Wildfell Hall
ƒ Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-
1865): Mary Barton, a Tale
of Manchester Life
ƒ William Makepeace
Thackeray: Pendennis
ƒ Johyn Henry Newman (1801-
1890): Loss and Gain
ƒ John Stuart Mill: Principles
of Political Economy
ƒ Thomas Babington Macaulay:
The History of England from
the Accession of James the
1849 • Abolition of the Corn Laws 1849 ƒ John Ruskin: The Seven
• First Exhibition of Paintings Lamps of Architecture
by the Pre-Raphaelite ƒ Charlotte Brontë: Shirley
1850 • Lord Tennyson becomes the 1850 ƒ William Wordsworth(1770-
Poet Laureate 1850): The Prelude
ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson: In
ƒ Charles Dickens: David
ƒ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
(1806-1861): Sonnets from
ƒ William Makepeace
Thackeray: Pendennis
ƒ Charles Kingsley (1819-
1875): Alton Locke

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1851 1851 ƒ Elizabeth Barrett Browning:
Casa Guidi Windows
ƒ Elizabeth Gaskell: Cranford
ƒ John Ruskin: The Stones of
Venice(first volume)
1852 • Trial of John Henry Newman 1852 ƒ Matthew Arnold (1822-
1888): Empedocles on Etna,
and Other Poems
ƒ William Makepeace
Thackeray: The History of
Henry Esmond
1853 1853 ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Maud
ƒ Matthew Arnold:
Poems(includes ‘Sohrab and
Rustum’ and ‘The Scholar
Gipsy’), Tristram and Iseult
ƒ Charles Dickens: Bleak
ƒ Charlotte Brontë: Villette
ƒ Elizabeth Gaskell: Ruth
ƒ John Ruskin: The Stones of
Venice (completed)
ƒ Charles Reade (1814-1884):
Peg Woffington
ƒ Charles Kingsley: Hypatia
1854 • Outbreak of Crimean War ƒ Matthew Arnold: New Poems
• Exhibition of the original ƒ Charles Dickens: Hard
version of painting ‘The Light Times(serialization begins in
of the World’ by Holman Hunt The Household Words)
• The University Reform Act ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The
which opened the University Charge of the Light Brigade
of Oxford to the ƒ William Makepeace
undergraduates outside the Thackeray: The Rose and the
Church of England Ring

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1855 ƒ Robert Browning: Men and
ƒ Elizabeth Gaskell: North and
ƒ Charles Dickens: Little Dorrit
ƒ Charles Kingsley: Westward
ƒ William Makepeace
Thackeray: The Newcomes
ƒ Anthony Trollope (1815-
1882): The Warden
1856 • Crimean War ends with the 1856 ƒ Elizabeth Barrett Browning:
Treaty of Paris Aurora Leigh
• Birth of George Bernard Shaw ƒ Mrs. Craik (1826-1887): John
Halifax, Gentleman
ƒ Charles Reade: It is Never too
Late to Mend
1857 • Indian Sepoy Mutiny 1857 ƒ Charlotte Brontë: The
ƒ Charles Dickens: Little
Dorrit(in book form)
ƒ George Eliot (1819-1880):
Adam Bede
ƒ Elizabeth Gaskell: The Life of
Charlotte Brontë
ƒ Anthony Trollope: Barchester
1858 1858 ƒ Thomas Carlyle: The History
of Fredrick II of Prussia,
called Fredrick the Great
(continued in three
installments till 1865)
ƒ Anthony Trollope: Doctor

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1859 • Royal Charter Storm 1859 ƒ Charles Darwin (1809-1882):
The Origin of Species
ƒ Charles Dickens: A Tale of
Two Cities
ƒ William Makepeace
Thackeray: The Virginians
ƒ George Eliot: Adam Bede
ƒ Edward Fitzgerald (1809-
1883): Rubaiyat of Omar
ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson: Idylls
of the King

ƒ Charles Dickens: Great

1860 1860 Expectations in the magazine
All the Year Around
ƒ Elizabeth Barrett Browning:
Poems before Congress
ƒ Wilkie Collins (1824-1889):
The Woman in White
ƒ George Eliot: The Mill on the
Floss; Silas Marner
ƒ Anthony Trollope: Framley
Parsonage (serialization in
The Cornhill Magazine)
ƒ Thomas Love Peacock (1785-
1866): Gryll Grange
(serialization begins)

1861 • Outbreak of American Civil 1861 ƒ Charles Dickens: Great

War Expectations (in book form)
• Criminal Law Consolidation ƒ F.T. Palgrave: Golden
Act Treasury of English Songs
and Lyrics
ƒ Charles Reade: The Cloister
and the Hearth
ƒ Anthony Trollope: Orley

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1862 1862 ƒ John Ruskin: Unto This Last
(appeared in The Cornhill
Magazine), Sesame and
Lilies, Crown of Wild Olive
ƒ Christina Rossetti: Goblin
Market and Other Poems
ƒ Mary Elizabeth Braddon
(1835-1915): Lady Audley’s
ƒ George Eliot: Romola
ƒ Matthew Arnold: On
Translating Homer

1863 1863 ƒ Charles Kingsley: Water

ƒ Margaret Oliphant (1828-
1897): Salem Chapel

1864 1864 ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

Enoch Arden
ƒ Charles Dickens: Our Mutual
Friend (till 1865)
ƒ Anthony Trollope: The Small
House at Allington

1865 • New Poor Law Act improves 1865 ƒ George Meredith(1828-

conditions in the workhouses 1909): Rhoda Fleming
• Birth of Edith Cavell, a ƒ Matthew Arnold: Essays in
significant female figure in the Criticism
World War I ƒ Lewis Caroll (1832-1898):
Alice’s Adventures in
ƒ Algernon.Charles. Swinburne
(1837-1909): Atlanta in
ƒ Charles Dickens: Our Mutual

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1866 1866 ƒ Christina Rossetti: The
Prince’s Progress and Other
ƒ George Eliot: Felix Holt, the
ƒ Margaret Oliphant: Mrs.
ƒ George Meredith: Vittoria
ƒ A.C. Swinburne: Poems and
ƒ Wilkie Collins: Armadale

1867 • John Stuart Mill’s motion for 1867 ƒ Thomas Carlyle: Shooting
Women’s Suffrage overruled Niagra: And After?Matthew
in the House of Commons Arnold: New Poems (includes
• National Society for Women’s ‘Dover Beach’)
Suffrage formed by Lydia

1868 • Capital Punishment Amend- 1868 ƒ Robert Browning: The Ring

ment Act abolishes public and the Book
hanging ƒ Wilkie Collins: The
• The Press Association founded Moonstone
in London

1869 1869 ƒ Matthew Arnold: Culture and

ƒ John Stuart Mill: The
Subjection of Women
ƒ Anthony Trollope: Phineas

1870 • Married Women’s Property 1870 ƒ Charles Dickens: The Mystery

Act of Edwin Drood (remained
ƒ Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-
1882): Poems

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1871 • Disestablishment of the 1871 ƒ Thomas Hardy (1840-1928):
Church of Ireland Desperate Remedies
ƒ Edward Bulwer-Lytton: The
Coming Race
ƒ Lewis Caroll: Through the
Looking Glass
ƒ Charles Darwin: The Descent
of Man
ƒ George Eliot:
Middlemarch(till 1872)
ƒ Anthony Trollope: The
Eustace Diamonds

• Women’s Suffrage Movement 1872 ƒ Samuel Butler (1835-1902):

became a National Movement
ƒ Thomas Hardy: Under the
Greenwood Tree

1873 1873 ƒ Thomas Hardy: A Pair of

Blue Eyes
ƒ Anthony Trollope: Phineas
Redux (serialization)

1874 1874 ƒ Thomas Hardy: Far from the

Madding Crowd

1875 1875 ƒ Anthony Trollope: The Way

we Live Now
ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
Queen Mary

1876 • The Royal Titles Act confers 1876 ƒ George Eliot: Daniel
the honorific ‘Empress of Doronda
India’ on Queen Victoria ƒ Thomas Hardy: The Hand of
ƒ Lewis Caroll: The Hunting of
the Snark
ƒ Anthony Trollope: The Prime
Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1877 1877 ƒ Anna Sewell: Black Beauty
ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson:

1878 • The University of London 1878 ƒ Thomas Hardy: The Return of

becomes the first institute to the Native (serialization
put equal terms for admission begins)
to both women and men

1879 1879 ƒ George Meredith: The Egoist

ƒ Anthony Trollope: The
Duke’s Children

1880 • The Conservative Party lose 1880 ƒ Benjamin Disraeli: Endymion

the General Elections to Liberal ƒ Thomas Hardy: The Trumpet
Party and Gladstone succeeds Major
Disraeli as the Prime Minister ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
• First Boer War Ballads and Other Poems

1881 • British Forces defeated in the 1881 ƒ Henry James (1843-1916):

Battle of Laing’s Nek and The Portrait of a Lady
Battle of Schuinshoogte in the ƒ Dante Gabriel Rossetti:
first Boer War Ballads and Sonnets
• Robert Cecil becomes the ƒ Robert Louis Stevenson
Conservative leader following (1850-1894): Treasure Island
the death of Benjamin Disraeli
1882 • Royal Courts of Justice opened 1882 ƒ Anthony Trollope: The Fixed
by the Queen Period
ƒ Thomas Hardy: Two on a
1883 • Edward Benson enthroned as 1883 ƒ Robert Louis Stevenson:
the Archbishop of Canterbury Treasure Island(book form),
The Black Arrow(serial form)

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1884 • The Fabian Society was 1884
founded in London
• First fascicle of Oxford
English Dictionary published

1885 • Women permitted to be 1885 ƒ George Meredith: Diana of

admitted to the University of the Crossways
Oxford ƒ Walter Pater (1839-1894):
• Gladstone’s Liberal Marius the Epicurean
Government falls, giving way ƒ H. Rider Haggard: King
to the formation of new Solomon’s Mines
Conservative Power ƒ Richard Burton: The Book of
• General Election wherein the Thousand Nights and a
Gladstone’s Party becomes Night (translation of The
majority, yet Salisbury Arabian Nights)
remains Prime Minister with ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
support of Irish Party Tiresias and other Poems

1886 • Salisbury loses support of the 1886 ƒ Thomas Hardy: The Mayor of
Irish Party and resigns the Casterbridge
office of Prime Minister and ƒ Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
Gladstone succeeds him Locksley Hall, Sixty Years
ƒ Mary Corelli: A Romance of
Two Worlds
ƒ Robert Louis Stevenson: The
Kidnapped, Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde
ƒ Henry James: The Bostonians

1887 • Celebration of the Golden 1887 ƒ Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-

Jubilee of the Queen’s Reign 1930): A Study in Scarlet (the
• Theatre Royal, Exeter burns first Sherlock Holmes novel)
down ƒ Thomas Hardy: The

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1888 • Several Whitechapel murders, 1888 ƒ Thomas Hardy: The Wessex
where London prostitutes Tales
become the victims of the ƒ Henry James: The Aspern
attacks of Jack the Ripper Papers
ƒ Rudyard Kipling (1865-
1936): Plain Tales from the
ƒ Oscar Wilde (1854-1900):
The Happy Prince and other

1889 1889 ƒ Robert Browning: Asolando

ƒ Jerome K. Jerome: Three
Men in a Boat
ƒ Robert Louis Stevenson: The
Master of Ballantrae

1890 • Scotland Yard moves to 1890 ƒ James George Frazer: The

Metropolitan Services in Golden Bough (volume one)
London as New Scotland Yard ƒ Oscar Wilde: The Picture of
• The Rhymer’s Club (a group Dorian Gray
of poets led by W.B. Yeats ƒ William Morris (1834-1896):
and Ernest Rhys) begins to News From Nowhere
meet informally at the (serialized in Commonweal)
Cheshire Cheese in Fleet Street
in London

1891 • The Great Blizzard 1891 ƒ Thomas Hardy: Tess of the

d’Urbervilles, A Group of
Noble Dames
ƒ William Morris: News from
Nowhere(published as book)
ƒ J.M. Barrie: The New
ƒ George Gissing: New Grub
Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1892 • Gladstone becomes Prime 1892 ƒ Arthur Conan Doyle: The
Minister at the head of Liberal Adventures of Sherlock
Party Holmes
ƒ Rudyard Kipling: Barrack-
Room Ballads

1893 • Establishment of British 1893 ƒ Arthur Conan Doyle: The

Parsonage Museum Refugees

1894 • Gladstone resigns as Prime 1894 ƒ Thomas Hardy: Life’s Little

Minister Ironies
• Debut performance of George ƒ Rudyard Kipling: The Jungle
Bernard Shaw’s Arms and the Book
Man ƒ Arthur Conan Doyle: The
Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

1895 • The first performance of Oscar 1895 ƒ Joseph Conrad (1857-1924):

Wilde’s comedy The Ideal Almayer’s Folly
Husband followed by the ƒ Thomas Hardy: Jude the
premiere of The Importance Obscure
of Being Ernest soon at St ƒ H.G. Wells (1866-1946):The
James’ Theatre Time Machine
• Wilde convicted of gross
indecency and sentenced two
years hard labour (Regina vs.
• General Elections won by
1896 • The Queen becomes the 1896 ƒ Christina Rossetti: New
longest reigning monarch Poems
ƒ William Morris: The Well at
the World’s End
ƒ H.G. Wells: The Island of
Doctor Moreau
ƒ Joseph Conrad: An Outcast of
the Islands
ƒ Robert Louis Stevenson: Weir
of Hermiston

Dates Major Historical Events Dates Major Literary Figures And
Their Works
1897 • Oscar Wilde released from 1897 ƒ Joseph Conrad: The Nigger of
Reading Gaol Narcissus
• Celebration of the Queen’s ƒ H.G. Wells: The Invisible
Diamond Jubilee of reign Man
ƒ Rudyard Kipling: Captains
ƒ Henry James: What Maisie
ƒ William Somerset Maugham:
Liza of Lambeth

1898 1898 ƒ Thomas Hardy: Wessex

Poems and Other Verses
ƒ Henry James: The Turn of the
ƒ H.G. Wells: The War of the
ƒ Oscar Wilde: The Ballad of
Reading Gaol

1899 • Second Boer War begins 1899 ƒ Joseph Conrad : The Heart
of Darkness
ƒ Rudyard Kipling: The White
Man’s Burden

1900 • British troops defeated in the 1900 ƒ Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim
Boers, in South Africa

1901 • Edwardian Era begins, with 1901 ƒ Thomas Hardy: Poems of the
the death of Queen Victoria Past and the Present
and ascension of Edward VII ƒ Rudyard Kipling: Kim
to the British Throne ƒ H.G Wells: The First men in
the Moon


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