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Indian National Movement

inspired by liberalism
liberalism - people rational - can resolve conflicts through dialogue
no need of violent method or street politics
Gokhale - Constitutionalism is method to achieve desired goals
through the action of constituted authorities
Why we adopted?
ideological reason
Thanked British for introducing rule of law
considered British rule a source of inspiration, hope
and confidence
We are fortunate that we are under their rule rather
than any other imperial power
British are justice loving people
we need communicate our demands in reasonable
Surendranath Banerjee
appealed British to introduce true British
institutions so that Indians can rejoice in their
permanence union with British.
Gokhale - Time is not right for direct action
C Y Chintamani - Before introducing direct action, we
need to address internal division and disunity.
Bipin Chandra - Such action possible only when masses
are organised, unified and have common consciousness
of common end
Objective conditions of colonial rule was bringing
Indians together but a common subjective
consciousness which was required was missing
Moderates were leaders as well as learners
Tilak - inadequate because India does not have a constitutional
Constitutionalism in front of alien government is
political suicide
Aurobindo Ghosh - called constitutional methods as intellectual
bankrupcty of the moderates
Nehru - Not possible without constitutional governance
Bipin Chandra
did not carry mass struggle
carried ideological struggle
critic of colonialism
INM was the unique struggle - latest struggle reaching its logical
end. most spectacular mass struggle.
Ranade - the memorandums were addressed to people and not the
British government
Gokhale - We are at such stage when our achievements are bound to
be small & our failures too frequent. We must contend ourselves by
serving our country by our failure. It is through these failures that the
strength will grow.
Ghosh - complete freedom, rest wanted dominion status
Tilak - Indians have right to revolt or Praja droh against the
government as it is exploitative
Why it rose?
foundation led by moderates
no concrete achievement of moderates
roll back of British reforms - Indian Universities Act, 1904 and
Calcutta Corporation Act, 1899
partition of Bengal - Congress finally adopted Swadeshi
Famine and epidemics - government had withdrawn relief from
affected areas
Necessary to maintain the credibility of Congress
next logical step once moderates failed to make any achievements
created the foundation for Gandhian movements
Gandhian movementes
Bipin Chandra - Strategy of Struggle-Truce-Struggle
great strategist
knew when to start a movement and when to call off
never left the ball in opponent’s court
place & time was always of Gandhi’s choice
INM is not the only example of mass movement - French, Russian,
but INM is unique mass movement
largest movement reaching its logical end
most spectacular movement that even today we can feel the warmth
of national movement
controlled - different from French (uncontrolled) - Russian and
Chinese - controlled
protracted - long term movements - Russian and Chinese -
overnight mass struggles
Gandhi knew Indians had to fight at two levels
War of Position - affirmation and development of new vision of
War of Manoeuvre - speed, listed appeal, frontal attack
Why two stage?
Britishers have established their positive image - rule of law,
better law & order, social reforms, modern education etc.
Gandhi needed to show the real character of British rule
Gandhi was a psychologist
knew the capacity of masses - S-T-S emerged from there.
Gandhian movement not reactive but proactive
Gandhi was criticised for communalising otherwise secular movement.
Call off

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