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Qualification: BARTENDING NC II





Republic of the Philippines

Technical Education and Skills Development
Calubian, Leyte

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel

Hello Welcome!

The unit of competency “PREPARE AND MIX COCKTAIL AND

NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINKS” is one of the competencies of
BARTENDING NCII, this module contains training materials and
activities for you to complete.

The module Preparing and mixing a variety of non-alcoholic

drinks contains knowledge, skills and attitudes required in
BARTENDING NCII. It is one of the Core Modules at National
Certificate Level II.

In this module you are required to go through series of learning

activities in order to complete each learning outcomes. In each
learning outcomes there are Information Sheets, Self-checks,
Operation Sheets, and Task/Job Sheets. Follow and perform the
activities on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitant to ask
for assistance from your trainer/instructor.

Remember to:

 Work through the information and complete the activities in each

 Read information sheets and completes the self-check. Suggested
references are included to supplement the materials provided in
this module.
 Most probably, your trainer will also be your supervisor or
manager. He/She is willing to support you and show you the
correct way to do things.
 You will be given plenty of opportunities to ask questions and
practice on the job. Make sure you practice your new skills during
regular work shifts.In this way you will improve your speed,
memory and your confidence.
 Use Self-checks, Operational Sheets, Job Sheets at the end of each
section test your progress. Use the Performance Criteria Checklist
or Procedural Checklist located after the sheet to check your own
 When you feel confident that you have sufficient practice, ask your
Trainer to evaluate you. The results of your assessment will be
recorded in the Progress and Accomplishment Chart.

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
This module must be finished before you may proceed to the following

Data Gathering Instrument for Trainee’s Characteristics

Please answer the following instrument according to the

characteristics described below. Encircle the letter of your choice that
best describes you as a learner. Blank spaces are provided for some
data that need you to response.




Language, Literacy, Average grade in Average grade in

and Numeracy (LL&N) English Computer

a. 96 and above a) 96 and above

b. 90 to 95 b) 90 to 95
c. 85 to 89 c) 85 to 89
d. 80 to 84 d) 80 to 84
e. 75 to 79 e) 75 to 79

Ethnicity/ Culture:
Cultural and a) Tagalog
Language background b) English
c) Waray-waray
d) Bisaya
e) Others (please specify)_________________.

Education & general a) High school Level

knowledge b) High school graduate
c) College Level
d) College Graduate
e) With units in Master’s degree
f) Master Degree

Sex a. Male
b. Female

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
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Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
Age Your Age:25

a) Asthma
b) Anemia
c) Diabetes
Physical ability
d) Heart Disease
e) Hypertension
f) Disabilities (if any) ______________
g) None

Work Experience (Duration)

Previous Work a) 1 to 6 months
Experience related to b) 6 months to 1 year
the course c) 1 year to 3 years
d) 3 years and above
e) None

List down trainings and seminars attended

Previous Learning related to your Qualifications.
Experience 1.

Seminars attended
Training Level
Completed a) Bartending NCII
b) None

Other courses related to TM

Educational a) Vocational Course
Background related to b) Undergraduate Program
the Qualification c) Post-Graduate
d) Crash Course/Training
Indicate duration of Cash Course/Training:

Please refer to the previous learning style

Learning Style
A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Kinesthetic

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
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Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
A. Working student
B. Solo parent
Other needs C. Financially challenged
D. Disabilities
E. Others (please specify) __________________

What is your learning style?

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
Name:____________________________ Date:____________

For these questions, choose the first answer that comes to mind and
encircle on a, b, or c. Do not spend too much time thinking about any
one question.

1. When you study for a test, would you rather

a. Read notes, read headings in a book, and look at
diagrams and illustrations?
b.Have someone ask you questions, or repeat facts silently
to yourself?
c. Write things out on index cards and make models or

2. Which of these do you do when you listen to music?

a. Daydream (see things that go with the music)
b.Hum a long
c. Move with the music, tap your foot etc.

3. When you work at solving a problem do you

a. Make a list, organize the steps, and check them off as
they are done?
b.Make few phone calls and talk to friends or experts?
c. Make a model of the problem or walk through all the
steps in your mind?

4. When you read for fun, do you prefer?

a. A travel book with a lot of pictures in it?

b.A mystery book with a lot of conversation in it?

c. A book where you answer questions and solve problems?

5. To learn how a computer works, would you rather?

a. Watch a movie about it?
b.Listen to someone explain it?
c. Take the computer apart and try to figure it out for

6. You have just entered a science museum, what will you do first?
a. Look around and find a map showing the locations of the
various exhibits.
b.Talk to a museum guide and ask about exhibits
c. Go into the first exhibit that looks interesting, and read
directions later

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
7. What kind of restaurant would you rather not to go?
a. One with the lights to bright
b.One with the music too loud
c. One with uncomfortable chairs

8. Would you rather go to

a. An art class
b.A music class
c. An exercise class?

9. Which are you most likely to do when you are happy?

a. Grain
b.Shout with joy
c. Jump for joy

10. If you were at a party, what would you be most likely to

remember the next day?
a. The faces of the people there, but not the names
b.The names but not the faces
c. The things you did and said while you were there

11. When you see the world “d-o-g”, what do you do first?
a. Think of a picture of a particular dog
b.Say the word “dog” to yourself silently
c. Sense the feeling of being with a dog (petting it, running
with it, etc.)

12. When you tell a story, would you rather

a. Write it?
b.Tell it out loud?
c. Act it out?

13. What is most distracting for you when you are trying to
a. Visual distractions
c. Other sensations like, hunger, tight shoes, or worry

14. What are you most likely to do when you are angry?
a. Scowl
b.Shout or “blow up”
c. Stomp off and slam doors

15. When you aren’t sure how to spell a word, which of these are
you most likely to do?
a. Write it out to see if it looks right

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
b.Sound it out
c. Write it out to see if it feels right

16. Which are you most likely to do when standing in a long line at
the movies?
a. Look at posters advertising other movies
b.Talk to the person next to you
c. Tap your foot or move around in some other way


Total you’re a’s, b’s and c’s. if you scored mostly

A’s you may have a visual learning

B’s you may have an auditory learning style
C’s you may have a kinesthetic learning style

A’s ______you may have a visual learning

B’s ______you may have an auditory learning style
C’s ______you may have a kinesthetic learning style

____________________________ _______________
Signature over printed name Date


CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:
December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
Name: ____________________________ Date:_________________

INSTRUCTIONS: This Self-Check Instrument will give the trainer

necessary data or information which is essential in planning training
sessions. Please check the appropriate box of your answer to the
questions below.

1. Participate in workplace communication
1.1 Obtain and convey workplace information ✓
1.2 Participate in workplace meeting and discussion ✓
1.3 Complete relevant work-related documents ✓
2. Work in a Team Environment
2.1Describe and list each team member’s duties ✓
2.2 Describe teamwork ✓
3. Practice career professionalism
3.1 Integrate personal objectives with organizational ✓
3.2 Set and meet work priorities ✓
3.3 Maintain professional growth and development ✓
4. Practice occupational health and safety procedures
4.1 Identify hazards and risks ✓
4.2 Evaluate hazard and risks ✓
4.3 Control hazards and risks ✓
4.4 Maintain occupational health and safety awareness ✓

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
CAN I..?
1. Develop and update industry knowledge
1.1 Identify and access key sources of information on

the industry.
1.2 Access, apply and share industry information. ✓
1.3 Update continuously relevant industry knowledge. ✓
2. Observe workplace hygiene procedure
2.1 Practice personal hygiene. ✓
2.2 Practice safe and hygienic handling, storage, and

disposal of food, beverage and materials.

3. Performance computer operations

3.1 Identify and explain the functions, general features

and capabilities of both hardware and software.
3.2 Prepare and use appropriate hardware and software

according to task requirement.
3.3 Use appropriate devices and procedures to transfer

3.4 Procedure accurate and complete data according to

the requirements.

3.5 Maintain computer system updated. ✓

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
CAN I..?
1. Clean bar areas
1.1 Identify and access key sources of information on

the industry.
1.2 Clean and maintain on public areas. ✓
2. Operate bar
2.1 Prepare bar for service ✓
2.2 Take orders ✓
2.3 Serve drinks ✓
2.4 Deals with customers affected with alcohol. ✓
2.5 Maintain proper bar operation control procedures. ✓
2.6 Close/Turn over bar operations. ✓
3. Prepare and mix alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
3.1 Prepare and mix variety of alcoholic drinks

3.2 Prepare and mix variety of non-alcoholic drinks

3.3 Use, clean and maintain bar tools and equipment
and machineries for mixing alcoholic and non- ✓
alcoholic concoctions.
4. Provide basic wine service

4.1 Explain different types of wines to the customer. ✓

4.2 Recommend appropriate wine and food

combinations to the customer.

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
Evidences/Proof of Current Core Competencies

Form 1.2: Evidence of Current Competencies acquired related to


Name: ___________________________________ Date:_________________

Proof/Evidence Means of validating
- Submitted photocopy of
- Certificate of
Clean bar areas
- Submitted Training
- Training Certificate
- Submitted photocopy of
- Certificate of
Operate Bar
- Submitted Training
- Training Certificate
- Submitted photocopy of
- Certificate of
Prepare and mix BARTENDING NCII
alcoholic and non-
alcoholic drinks - Submitted Training
- Training Certificate
- Certificate of - Submitted photocopy of
Provide basic completion
wine service
- Submitted Training
- Training Certificate certificate.

Identifying Training Gaps

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:
December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
From the accomplished Self-Assessment Check (Form 1.1) and
the evidences of current competencies (Form 1.2), the Trainer will be
able to identify what the training needs of the prospective trainee are.

Form 1.3 Summary of Current Competencies Versus Required


Name: ___________________________________ Date:_________________

Required Units of Training
Competency/Learning Gaps/
Outcomes based on CBC Requirements
Basic Competencies

1. Participate in 1. Participate in
workplace communication workplace
1.1 Obtain and convey
workplace information 1.1 Obtain and convey
workplace information

1.2 Complete relevant work- 1.2 Complete relevant

related documents. work-related

1.3 Participate in workplace 1.3 Participate in

meeting and discussion workplace meeting and

2.Work in A Team
2. Work in A Team
2.1Describe and
2.1 Describe and identify
identify team role
team role and
and responsibility in
responsibility in a team
a team

2.2 Describe work as a 2.2 Describe work as a

teamwork teamwork

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
3.Practice Career
3. Practice Career Professionalism
3.1 Integrate personal
3.1 Integrate personal objectives with
objectives with organizational goals
organizational goals 3.2 Set and meet work
3.2 Set and meet work
priorities 3.3 Perform
calculations on
3.3 Perform calculations algebraic expression
on algebraic expression
3.4 Compute
3.4 Compute percentage percentage and
and ration ration

4. Practice 4.Practice
Occupational Health Occupational
and Safety Health and Safety

4.1 identify hazards and 4.1 Identify hazards

risks. and risks.
4.2 Evaluate hazard and 4.2 Evaluate hazard
risks. and risks.
4.3 Control hazard and 4.3 Control hazard
risks. and risks.
4.4 Maintain occupational 4.4 Maintain
health and safety occupational health
awareness. and safety

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
Required Units of
Competency/Learning Current
Outcomes based on Competencies
Common Competencies

1. Develop and update 1. Develop and update

industry knowledge industry knowledge

1.1 Identify and access key 1.1 Identify and access key
sources of information on sources of information on
the industry. the industry.

1.2 Access, apply and share 1.2 Access, apply and share
industry information. industry information.

1.3 Update continuously 1.3 Update continuously

relevant industry knowledge. relevant industry knowledge.

2. Observe workplace 2.Observe workplace

hygiene procedure hygiene procedure

2.1 Practice personal 2.1 Practice personal

hygiene. hygiene.

2.2 Practice safe and 2.2 Practice safe and

hygienic handling, storage, hygienic handling, storage,
and disposal of food,
and disposal of food,
beverage and materials.
beverage and materials.

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
3. Performance 3.Performance computer
computer operations operations

3.1 Identify and explain 3.1 Identify and explain

the functions, general the functions, general
features and capabilities features and capabilities
of both hardware and of both hardware and
software software

3.2 Prepare and use 3.2 Prepare and use

appropriate hardware and appropriate hardware and
software according to task software according to task
requirement. requirement.

3.3 Use appropriate 3.3 Use appropriate

devices and procedures to devices and procedures to
transfer file/data. transfer file/data.

3.4 Procedure accurate 3.4 Procedure accurate

and complete data and complete data
according to the according to the
requirements. requirements.

3.5 Maintain computer 3.5 Maintain computer

system updated. system updated.

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
Required Units of
Competency/Learning Current Training
Outcomes based on Competencies Gaps/Requirements

1. Clean bar areas

1. Clean bar areas
1.1 Identify and
1.1 Identify and access access key sources of
key sources of information information on the
on the industry. industry.

1.2 Maintain cleanliness 1.2 Maintain

on public areas. cleanliness on public

2. Operate bar
2. Operate bar
2.1 Prepare bar for
2.1 Prepare bar for service service

2.2 Take orders 2.2 Take orders

2.3 Serve drinks 2.3 Serve drinks

2.4 Deals with customers 2.4 Deals with

affected with alcohol. customers affected
with alcohol.
2.5 Maintain proper bar
operation control 2.6 Maintain proper
procedures. bar operation control
2.6 Close/Turn over bar
operations. 2.6 Close/Turn over
bar operations.

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
3. Prepare and mix 3.Prepare and mix
cocktail and non- cocktail and non-
alcoholic drinks alcoholic drinks

3.1 Prepare and mix a 3.1 Prepare and mix a

range of cocktails. range of cocktails.

3.2 Prepare and mix a 3.2 Prepare and mix a

variety of non-alcoholic variety of non-alcoholic
concoctions. concoctions.

3.3 Use, clean and 3.3 Use, clean and

maintain bar tools and maintain bar tools and
equipment and equipment and
machineries for mixing machineries for mixing
cocktails and non-alcoholic cocktails and non-
concoctions. alcoholic concoctions.

4.Provide basic wine

4. Provide basic wine
4.1 Explain different
4.1 Explain different types
types of wines to the
of wines to the customer.
4.2 Recommend
4.2 Recommend
appropriate wine and food
appropriate wine and
combinations to the
food combinations to
the customer.

Using Form N. 1.4, convert the Training Gaps into a Training Needs/
Requirements. Refer to the CBC in identifying the Module Title or Unit
of Competency of the training needs identified.

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel
Form No. 1.4


Training Needs (Learning Module Title/Module of

Outcome) Instruction

Prepare and mix range of

1. Preparing and mixing
Prepare and mix variety of non- cocktails and non-alcoholic
alcoholic drinks. drinks.

Use, clean and maintain bar

tools, equipment and
machineries for mixing cocktails
and non-alcoholic drinks.

CBLMs Trainers Date Developed:

December 2022
Document No.
Methodology Level 1
Date Revised:
January 2023
Tesda-CNVS Page
Plan Training Sessions Developed by:
Cristine M. Eamiguel

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