I Usually Walk Every Day in The Park: Unit 8 Name: Saùl Sànchez

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Unit 8

Name: Saùl Sànchez

She has to go shopping in the

I usually walk every day in the park afternoon

I have got to go to the restaurant. I want you to have a good time tonight

Enjoy this time to swim or relax at the So he didn't want to stay in a hotel

I like swimming in the sea, but I prefer In the afternoon we visit the museum
Unit 8

Name: Axel Cuenca

She has to go shopping in the afternoon

I usually walk every day in the park

I have got to go to the restaurant I want you to have a good time tonight

Enjoy this time to swim or relax at the So he didn't want to stay in a hotel

I like swimming in the sea, but I prefer In the afternoon we visit the museum

Unit 8

Name: Jimmy Luzon

She has to go shopping in the afternoon

I usually walk every day in the park

I have got to go to the restaurant I want you to have a good time tonight

Enjoy this time to swim or relax at the So he didn't want to stay in a hotel

I like swimming in the sea, but I prefer In the afternoon we visit the museum


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