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Manzanillo, Sheena Lhane B.


M5 Post-Task Video Reflection

I got an idea about aging after watching the videos. Watching the older adults inspires me to enjoy
my life, to live my life, and it's natural to age, but it still depends on our lifestyle. We still need to care for
ourselves because our bodies react to what we do. Jean Louise Calment, who lived for 122 years and 164
days, is the oldest person. I used to believe that aging meant that our bodies accumulated genetic damage
in the form of DNA lesions. These occur naturally when the body's DNA replicates. Mitochondria are prone
to damage, and as mitochondria decline, cells and, eventually, entire organs deteriorate. I am glad to see
100-year-old people; they are very strong and happy in life, and they don't have many regrets even though
they have been through a lot in a hundred years.

I felt grateful for them having such a blessing in life. I am astounded by how strong they are;
imagine they experienced war wow, survived it, and other problems occurred, but they are still happy and
strong living their lives. I felt as if I hadn't lived a full life. I assumed that at 90 years old, it would be
difficult to walk and do certain things, but the older adults in the video appear to be less than a century old,
which is simply amazing. While watching it, they made me happy and smile.

Another thing we learn from them is "life," which we cannot find in books but only through their
experiences and learnings. Clifford once said that age is just a number and that you only live for the day.
I'm not sure what goes through their heads because they've been through a lot. Do they consider the 1930s
and 1950s? I'm not sure, they have a lot on their minds, but they choose to live for today, cherishing the
present moment.

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