M1 - Explain - de Vera

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De Vera, Trisha Angela |BSARCH 1|


Fill in the missing words/statement to predict possibilities as stated in each item. Write
the words/statement in the provided lines. These are questions to ponder on. This is not
graded but it will help you reflect in understanding how to become a good citizen. This
is ungraded but your participation is highly appreciated.

What if…..
1. there are no traffic rules?
If there are no traffic rules, many car accidents may occur in the future.

2. every person is free to do anything he wishes to another?

Everyone could commit a crime that would lead to war, and there would
be no peace worldwide.

3. there are no law enforcers?

Our world would be in chaos, and there would be no justice since law
enforcement allows us to prevent crimes.

4. any country has the right to attack or invade another?

There would be no unity in every country since both nations might attack
each other indefinitely and vice versa.

5. Ana used her personal tune in singing the national anthem?

Ana is disrespecting the flag, or she is not a Filipino citizen since the flag
reminds us how we obtained the freedom we are now enjoying.

6. every household in your community do not segregate their garbage?

It will pollute the land, air, and water, resulting in severe climate change.

7. I did not finish and pass my requirements in NSTP?

I will fail that subject, and there would be a possibility that I won't graduate.

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