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1 Complete the sentences by writing the correct form of the verb in each gap. Use one word from box A and
one word from box B.

drop give hand pick point take try turn

after back on out out up up up

1 Louis managed to some Spanish when he was on holiday in Barcelona.

2 The kids really their mother, they are just like her.
3 Don’t worry about Lindsay and Miguel, I am sure they will at the party soon.
4 Most of the students were keen at the start of the year. I am surprised so many have before
the final exam.
5 I felt embarrassed when the teacher all of the mistakes I had made to the rest of the class.
6 I have decided to coffee because I can’t sleep at night.
7 I like to new clothes before I buy them, so I hardly ever buy things on the internet.
8 I’m just to you the book that you lent me last week, because I’ve finished reading it.

2 Circle the correct option in italics in these sentences.

1 The road to the village goes through the mountains, but it is a long and dangerous journey / travel / trip.
2 We only wanted a light dish / food / meal, so we just had soup and a salad.
3 My ambition / career / experience is to design computer games. I’ll do it one day.
4 I only met my great-grandmother on one occasion / opportunity / possibility. She was a hundred years old, so it
was a special moment for me.
5 Make sure you check / control / supervise your answers carefully before you hand in your paper at the end of
the exam.
6 We want to walk to the restaurant from the river but we don’t know the travel / trip / way.
7 I don’t usually do / go / play any exercise, but I know I should.
8 My parents used to buy organic dish / food / meal, but they stopped because it was too expensive.

3 Complete these sentences by writing one word in each gap.

1 About 200 people part in the swim across the port every year.
2 I’m trying to contact Kimiko but I can’t get of her. Why doesn’t she answer her phone?
3 We do not let the public know the exact location of an endangered animal like the black rhino. It could put the lives
of the rhinos in danger and should be avoided at all .
4 We don’t know what causes this disease. Many scientists have their lives to finding a cure.
5 All the tickets for seats at the baseball match are sold out, but there are some tickets left which are standing
6 Could you me a favour, please? Could you help me translate this email into Italian?
7 It’s a holiday , so it isn’t very well-paid.
8 The city is expecting an important visitor, so the airport is protected.

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1 Complete these sentences by writing one word in each gap.
1 That was an interesting book. I loved it!
2 I hope see you tomorrow.
3 After practising for ages, Brad was finally to pass the exam.
4 I’m nervous about going stage in front of an audience.
5 I met a girl brother has the same name as me!
6 How much information there on the website?

2 Complete these sentences by writing the correct form of a verb from the box in each gap. Use contractions
where possible.

disappear buy dye study swim warn

1 Cheyenne has had her hair bright green! I still can’t believe it.
2 They’re hungry now because they in the pool.
3 Not Harry about the dog was a big mistake. It nearly bit him.
4 Kira fell asleep on the bus to school because she all night.
5 The ship in a storm on 15th January 2016. It was never seen again.
6 If they have these shoes in my size, I them.

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1 I love spicy food now but I didn’t like it in the past.
I love spicy food now but I it.
2 Everyone got 100% in the test, so I’m sure it wasn’t difficult.
Everyone got 100% in the test, so it difficult.
3 That joke was terrible – I’ve never heard one as bad as that!
That joke was terrible – it’s I’ve ever heard!
4 Oh no! I wrote the essay about Napoleon’s life but actually I had to write about a different subject.
Oh no! I wrote the essay about Napoleon’s life but I about a different subject.
5 My parents are not happy that so many people want to come to my party. I regret telling everyone about it.
My parents are not happy that so many people want to come to my party. I wish
everyone about it.
6 I like everything about my school, except for one thing. It’s not perfect because it doesn’t have a basketball court!
I like everything about my school, except for one thing. If it had a basketball court,

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Grammar & Vocabulary

Read the text below and circle the answer (A, B or C) which best fits each gap.

‘Sit with us’ aims to beat the bullies

It happened to me. When I was thirteen, I started (1) a new school. On my first day,
when I (2) to the canteen, I sat down with my lunch. Not one person sat next to me
while I (3) . It was the longest lunch hour of my life.
Natalie Hampton’s situation was much worse. She ate lunch on her own for a whole year. Being
so alone also meant she had no hiding (4) from the school bullies.
However, Natalie didn’t give up. Now sixteen, Natalie has invented an app called ‘Sit With Us’. The
idea is simple. Certain kids act as the app’s ‘ambassadors’ and create an open ‘lunch event’
(5) any student can join. It’s a great way of (6) friends with people
you don’t know.
Because everything happens over a phone, the app doesn’t (7) shy kids from
using it. The kids also know that they won’t be (8) because the others will always
welcome them to the group.
‘Sit with us’ was immediately popular with Natalie’s fellow students, and she now hopes
(9) the app to other schools. I certainly wish I (10) it when I was
at school.

1 A at B on C to
2 A arrived B got C reached
3 A used to eat B had eaten C was eating
4 A place B room C space
5 A when B which C whose
6 A doing B having C making
7 A pull in B point out C put off
8 A embarrassed B embarrassing C embarrassment
9 A expand B expanding C to expand
10 A had had B would have C would have had

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Reading and Use of English Part 4

For questions 25–30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word
given. Here is an example (0).
0 Prizes are given when the school year finishes.
Prize giving end of the school year.

The gap can be filled by the words ‘takes place at the’, so you write
Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

25 ‘Your hair is too long, Pat. You should go to the hairdresser,’ said Karen.
Karen haircut.

26 John called me immediately after arriving home.

John called me got home.

27 My old car was nowhere near as fast as my new one.

My old car was my new one.

28 Despite the heavy rain, we still enjoyed watching the match.

Although , we still enjoyed watching the match.

29 Ben was the only one who understood the film.

Apart from Ben, everybody the film.

30 They say Mr Smith teaches better than all the other teachers in the school.
Mr Smith the best teacher in the school.

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Listening Part 4 FT

You will hear part of a radio interview with a comedian called Cameron Baines, who performs one-man stand-up
comedy shows. For questions 24–30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

Cameron Baines – stand-up comedian

24 When he changed schools, Cameron

A found friends easily.
B felt he became a different person.
C joined the sports team.

25 What does Cameron say about his father?

A Some people found him irritating.
B He was an experienced amateur actor.
C He used humour to good effect.

26 At school, Cameron’s drama lessons

A helped him develop the skills of a comedian.
B were often quite funny.
C used music to improve the students’ performance.

27 What Cameron enjoys most about his work is

A testing out new jokes.
B being the centre of attention.
C dealing with a difficult audience.

28 Cameron finds ideas for jokes

A in everyday life.
B on the internet.
C by watching other comedians.

29 What does Cameron think of his friend Lorna?

A He likes her confidence.
B He values her criticism.
C He loves her sense of humour.

30 When discussing his future Cameron says

A being on social media will help achieve his goal.
B his short-term goal is to continue what he’s currently doing.
C his main aim has changed over the years.

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Writing Part 1 – Essay

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140–190 words in an appropriate style on the separate
answer sheet.

In your English class you have been talking about whether technology has improved people’s lives. Now, your
English teacher has asked you to write an essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Has technology improved our lives?

Write about:
1 entertainment
2 transport
3 (your own idea)

Speaking Part 4
These Part 4 questions follow the Part 3 task from Test 3 on ‘Skills for the world of work’.

• Which of these skills would you like to learn? (Why?)

• Will some skills become less important in the world of work in the future? (Why?)
• Is it better to start your career in a small organisation or a large organisation? (Why? / Why not?)
• Some people say we should change jobs often. How far do you agree?
• Some say that we work too much nowadays and can’t enjoy life. What do you think?
• Is it more important to earn money or enjoy your job? (Why?)

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