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THE PHOEN BRITISH BOARD WARGAMERS MAGAZINE Published May / June 1977 Copyright © 1977 Simpubs Limiced Publisher: M. Watson, Editor/Art Director: RJ Bowden Published and distributed by: Simpubs Limited Origination by: Bowden Ruger Ltd, London Printed by: Douglas Printers, Wigan The Phoenix is a bi-monthly magazine aimed at providing UK gamers with a forum in which they may express their opinions of, suggest improvements to and provide new rules/scenarios for board wargames, All contributions should be sent to The Phoenix, Simulations Publications UK, Crown Passages, Hale, Alerincham, Cheshire WA1S 9SP. Articles submitted for publication in this ‘magazine become the property of Simpubs Ltd., and cannot be returned to the contributor Articles and illustrations appearing in The Phoenix may not be reproduced without prior permission from the publishers. Contributors submitting historical material are asked to Include a list of sources from which the article has been compiled. Please note that the opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher. Advertising Rates: full page £25.00 per issue half page £14.00 per issue ‘quarter page £8.00 per issue (camera ready artwork reqd., or charged extra) 1 year ( 6 issues ) £2.40 2 Years (12 issues) £4.20 3 years (18 issues) £5.40 ‘The latest date for articles and letters to appear in The Phoenix number 8, is June 1Sth, 1977, The closing date for the return of Phoenix 7 and S&T 61 feedback cards is June 30th, 1977, Estimated. date of despatch for Phoenix 8 is July 20th, 1977. Estimated date of despatch for S&T 62 is July 20th, 1977. The estimated date of despatch for Moves 32 is June 20th, 1977, ARTICLES SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION: Contributors are requested to submit their material as typewritten copy whenever possible. Manuscripts should be double-line spaced with approximatelyone inch side margins and typed on A4. (114"'x84") size paper. Please remember fo include your full name and address with your submission. Manuscripts cannot normally be returned once they have been submitted, Maps and illustrative material should bbe supplied on separate sheets and clearly drawn, though they are likely to be re-prepared for reproduction if published, Please ensure that the relevant name and manufacturer of games. discussed in your articles are included either within the article itself or separately at the beginning or end of your article. It is also helpful to us if long articles (1200+ words) are written in such a way as to include natural breaks which will enable material to be spread (ver successive issues if necessary a CONTENTS. Page 6 — Montrose Scenarios by Geoff Geddes Page 8 Expedition to Castle Fil by D.Bolton Page 11. Fire & Movement magazine reviewed by Ralph Vickers * The use of simulations games in schools by Walter Oppenheim Page 12 Campaign by Semaphore 1809 — a new scenario by Rob Gibson Boardgame Club Contacts Page 13 WWIII: Invasion America Mini by Steve and Andrew Gilham Page 14 Narvik — a review of GDW's game by Rob Gibson Solo Wargamer’s Association Feedback Questions for issue 7 Page 15 Panzergruppé Guderian by Graham Wheatley Page 16 Mail Call — Readers’ Letters Feedback Results from issue 5 Page 17 Buy the Book by Hamish Wilson Page 19 News from SPUK by Malcolm Watson 2 Editorial Many people have atkad us to sve more speci ‘etal about what kindof artilor wo want for Phoenix and how they shoul bx submitted. In the early days ne ware only f00 gatful for any Contributions and how they wore submitted oa ‘ot realy matter jst tolong at they kept coming in—and wo've had some great mataril thst wey "gutmow we need tba more spect, we eon. Phoenix i intended to be an open forum for UK: ‘iru linked o any seeific gure but possibly ‘of use fo powntal game csignes, hos a place in Phoenix. One particular ates tet is serningy lacking swith regard tothe new-eomars to Our Rebby. Its easy fora publteation ike Phoenix {obbecome immersed inthe detl of advanced ‘game-play. or the hyper-complex rule modiic- realism. Attra the dedicated fow to bother to mossy their games, oF wha. prepared to rematch new scenaton and sabi Stiles for publication. But from same ofthe Iottore we have recive hi mou sper to be Wat we neod are some articies trom you that ‘will hip to pass on some of the sul ans Know Ite of the more advanced players to the beginners Articles which cacuts base strategy or {ctis in particular games for ever goes in Gonerall articles on how to mocy game for Solo play ~ a i apprars that many newcomers Play 010, porhopr in the hope that sho wal lek {ipa fow of the sil by wil and error before sttempting totale onan opponent For those {who dot me say that personally I think that ‘ona of the bast ways to learn a lsson ls Tobe ‘eaten by a master. We've so been accused Somuch recently, of boing ‘esnrd content can only tay that ae Editor fone ofthe gresest problems | have i 10 Find utfetant non-SPl bored ates trom the ‘article bank The Bound tobe ¢ problem athe vost majority of Phonic reasers re S&T subseribore who gt tho magazine auto- ‘matically alse the majority of games played Seem, sli tobe S01 products, But more 9 ‘more games are being released avery month from ‘ther companies so lets have sore feviews, ‘modifications, some studios, ote on some of those, the past, though not ‘SP ‘Azo we've been accused of nat publishing ‘enough fantasy end SF type articles But al NRonesty we have printad proportionally the ‘material we have boon sant. Tht 0 say that i Soar of the artes that have to for been pub lished in Phoonix are famtay-bared iti ‘pproximatly 108 of the metal Inthe ‘bank is fantary bated. Ifyou, at readers of Phoanix, want more article of particule subjects then you hi Wie do not have the facty of writing to oer {As to how we would like your material submitted ‘ve wl, ram tis sue, be sang» paragraph to ‘ur banner ead copy which wil state te hhove yur contribution handbritten than mot at 2 Tong ote I i help ae spit and an ing ser to be 8 renee (or & restr number of shoret ‘rice per ese rather than the rovers Continued on page 18 Avalon Hill & Leisure Time(Ex-3Ms) Games TACTICS 1! (Two Nation in Conti GETFYSHUNG (Crucial Bate of te American Ci irl WATERLOO {The Fit Defeat of Nopoeon! BOAY {ihe Altea vation of Eur STALINGRAD (The Turning Point ot Rusion Cmpsion) AFRIKA KOR?S (North Altea To4t43) MIDWAY ear Warfare inthe Pat) Battce OFTHE BULGE Ardennm 1948) SETIAN tony Nawal Pie son Wh CHANCELLORVILLE (Classic Bate of American Givi Wer! ALEXANDER THE GREAT (Crm Ancien Stel WOODEN SHIPS 8 IRON MEN (Wares rte Age of Si) RUSSIAN campaign cones LeveL 1841-48 CAESARS LEGIONS | Ancient Suetapc Morte SCITZKRIEG(Mvpotetes grate Hoare Wor) PANzeneLiTz recta etre one eatin Hit COPTWAFFE (ati Bomber Otonave on Germany! ORIGINS OF Walt he Power Suan creating Wilh RICHTHOFEN'S WAR (Toctcal Avra: Warare Wit), "7a Las othe American Colones THING REICH (rise and Fa x FOBRUK (Tank Battes in North Africs 1942) KINGHAKER [American Version! BEATINFLATION STRATE YMansgyeurmony lft STOCKMARICEY GAMEtMake rlions.r replay 1929 cost) E738 Busmese sYRATecY irorn your ont Company sna Trae) €798 ORD POWER Improve your Ergon Uoesbua| 35 TOF Bleue uri Sr 38 TUF ABE lhe lneacing Wore E38 SNAiGESPEARE {eae Shotemsass iy oe Bay Way) “> E88 ESosBaLL STRATEGYINon yaucon may Amerssntootoa) £7.98 BASCUALL STRATEGY thay dombsiin ery poxor! BASKETBALL STHATECY All th pend ana thril at nome BURGic AGI MI TUAL CA pryenec Demancraton ki) WITCHCRART RITUAL LA psycne Demonstration ft ARABISRAELL WARS [Tact rel warfare covering the mace ‘ate rom 1086 to 1873) ‘e798 te Enquiries Overnes Orders Weleomad BOOKCASE GAMES. RIT (ie ne Der by mor and countrmove) EACEUTIVE QECISION ate a tly goad POINT OF CAM Her the fact aed fade the ae SCOUIRE fBuy your wey to cana af ote chai Sroexs & BONDS lies and apeclae on al Stee) MI PAESIDENT (have your canta sisted) PLOY Iepsce Age yne of mancanve snd capture) FACTS IN EVES umutating tet of remary FOIL (Usseromble your opponents worden CHALLENGE FOOTEALL [Pay touph American frou) GHALLENGE GOLF (Pty aselston of America's est holed) _E738, CHALLENGE BRIOGE (A now dimansion in cupleate play! €1295 GO ttre lapendary orient gam 385 (GReSS The Came gome i's Bookcase pack 1885: EVENTS (From a mao ofthe world recogni hs event tom te CONTIGO tA tend of Creu iratayandPit 8 Pobbie icin) £7 98 THe COLLECTOMIOumis ana bt Your oppanent forthe mor {eluabiecailecton of Arti ‘e795 VENTURE Iver! arcs 0 gan contol of ky companies}, £3.10 NONAO Sms mtn wa pn 8 ta 10 EVADE (ult your way shou). S10 SLEUTH (Sole the mystery by lic 8 Seductions Bho STAC TAC TOE Now 3D variation of Te Tac Toe) e210 FRANTIX [12 pincer at orm 30 crs Sos HECTIXO pceswitn3 caren solutions ard THE GENERAL MAGAZINE scriptions 6 lsu £6.00 post tree ‘Single copies £1.00 FROM YOUR LOCAL RETAILER OR IN CASE OF DIFFICULTY DIRECT. UK PsP GAMES 75p, GAMETTES & PUZZLES 509 {650 High Road, N.Finchley N12 ONL Tel: 01-445 6531 NOW AVAILABLE FROM SPUK SPECIAL OFFERS SYM-WAR, ANEW APPROACH TO WARGAMING SYMAWAR VWI compries set of carefully planned rules plus eountars ‘hich reprezent lane naval and ale units, bullae, supose. SYMAWAR Modern Wartare consiss of a set of counters representing NATO and Warsaw Pact forces plus rules covering production, supply, helicopter asouts, limites tactical nuclear waapons et, Both games are played on one oF mare maps, each 640x220mm, of which ton citferent types ore currently avaiable, These maps ean be combined 12 fut any scenario and are intanded Tor uso in any period. ‘The counter provided can be replaced with 1/300 seale models if desired Yar Rules 750 ine pi Map A15 (land & sta) 500 Modern Flas 750 ine BBD Map A1B (and & sea) 50> Map 10 (ea only) 505 Map A19 (land & sea) 50» Map ATX (lend 8 saa) 5p Map A22 (and & sea) 50p Map A13 (lend & seo) 0p Map A23 (land only) 50p Map A14 (land & se) 0p Map A34 (and only) 50> ‘Add 20p 98 on any quantity of maps 4, 8, 12 end 20 sided die, £1.25 per set inc p&P NEW FROM PHILMAR DECLINE AND FALL — a four player game with oman, Goth, Vandal ‘and Hun, tying to respectively save, take over oF defeat, the Roman Empire. Maximum provision for grand strategy, plus diplomatic deling and double desing, with liane, tribute and bribery. Price £4.75 SEASTRIKE — the gime of up-totheminute Noval Warfare, with provision for missles, Arsiims, Sub and Anti-Sub action. Players select orees within a limited budget, In order to attain thoir objective. Seastrike ‘ean be pleyed on any suitable fat surface, "errain’ inthe form of slanck is provided dna action f controlled by acordsystem which coversal weapons, their hiteffocts aswel = target accuisition. Price £5.25 Strategy & Tactics (without game) 50p each No.3 (Pacific Naval Tac; Getysbura) No.2 (SinoSoviet Conflict: Waterloo) No.aa (Tana: Sea Worn the Age of Soll) ‘Novd6 {Combined Arms Doctrine Infantry Tactis) ‘Novas (Sixth Fleet; Global War) ‘No.d9 (Frederick the Great; Givi War Bates) 'No\80 (Berle for Germany: Dreadnoush) NNovst (WWI Fast Corners ‘No.82 (Punic Ware: Wargaming Mist, Update) Moves 35p each 'No.16 (World War I Profil and Variants) Blank Counter Sheets (Style 1) 1 aozen White Type," 1 doeen Type “A 2h dozen White Type 6" 4 dozen Grey Tyae, "8" 2 dozen Tan Type "® dozen Type “6” Non-SPI Games ‘att of Britain. Battle for Hue Battle for Midi Chace, ora Sea Gister® Lat Stina Eagle Day Emperor of China Fal of Tobruk Kkhattin Gol toae | verona ‘All prices Incuds postage and packing This special offer is valid on orders received up to ‘quoted above. We reserve the right to cancel oF offer at any time without prior notice, 30th, 1977. No discounts may be taken on the prices £1.28 BEd Bed 125, 128, 113s 6125, e125, 299 June Introducing the world’s most respected view on games Quite simply, Games & Puzzles Magazine is unique. There is no other publication quite like it anywhere in the world. ‘Started four years ago by a small team of games experts, games inventors and journalists who were games devotees, Games & Puzzles has since grown substantially to become Fecognised throughout the world as the leading authority on games, games inventions and games playing. “The magazine is witty, entertaining, and most of all objective and highly Informed: its subscription list reads like 1 who's who of the games worl. So if you're interested in playing, inventing or even making games, is the fone publication in the world you really can't afford to miss. What Games & Puzzles has to offer Games & Puzzles examines the world of games every month with three points {in mind: to provide a totally independent, objective viewpoint; to be authoritative; and to provide its readers with a thoroughly readable and entertaining magazine ‘We write our magazine for people like you: people who simply enjoy playing games. Wargames With the increasing inure in wargames and wargaming we have recently added a special Section on wargames, incorporating reviews of published games, advice the history and origins of wargaming. Classical games Our chess section, ‘Chess for Everyone’ is written for the social chessplayer, not the expert. "You'll also find regular articles on the ‘other classical games: backgammon, draughts, dominoes, ete Catering for the crossword We are generally acknowledged to have the world’s leading crossword compilers among our ‘contributors. ‘You'll find interesting articles written for both the expert and the beginner and, of course, a number of absorbing puzzles to solve in Keeping up with new games ‘We have our own panel of games ‘experts who systematically test and Feport on new games. Over the last four yeats we've reviewed over 300 games, rating and reporting on them all for our ryaders Keeping up with new books Every month we review new books on ‘games, puzzles, crosswords and any ‘other games. subjects which we feel might be of interest to our readers. Oriental games ‘Games originated in the Orient, so it’s hardly surprising that some of the world’s greatest games are to be found there — Go, Shogi, Mah-Jong. ‘We look at them all, explain the principles, investigate the tactics and fell you where to find them, Puzzles and competitions ‘No magazine on the world of games could fail to explore the neighbouring world of puzzles and competitions. We have pages of them, from the simple to the highly erudite Our monthly forum ‘Our readers’ comments, criticisms, notes and queries are freely aired in our monthly forum, Feature articles ‘Our editorial staff and guest contributors can always be relied on to provide articles of interest for you every ‘month on every conceivable aspect of the world of games. Our monthly report on the latest ‘A general melange of news, reviews and interviews to keep our readers bang up-to-date on the games world. ‘Unusual games. Where to get them Tf you've read about or seen a game (most likely in Games & Puzzles) and want to know where to find it we'll tell you where to look. Or if it really is difficult to find we'll get it for you, and then mail it to you. Free Games Voucher with every ‘Not only can we get you any game you're looking for, but we also offer you a 4op voucher with every istue of the ‘magazine towards your next games purchase. LP Advice to games inventors ‘Our games testing ppanel is always ready and willing to offer fdvice to readers who are games inventors ‘We can advise on the various technical aspects of games invention, the ‘commercial prospects, who to contact, and even to test your game for you. Special Introductory Offer For new subscribers we offer a ‘3-months’ trial period so you can vouch for yourself that our magazine really is all we claim. (And you'll sill be eligible for the 4op games voucher offer). If, during the initial 3-month period, you wish to cancel your subscription, ‘we will immediately refund you your ‘money in full. [(costelase eset Semsonlrese soaps [London Wek xe zoe £ for 1/3 years fouue 2 l I I | [iocticinet maka on I I I | period cancel my subscription and [Sarees Name. pee Signed, Subscription rates Tako” ie be” ied Kington | Fartasy Games mumiaue 97 Uxbridge Road, London W12 8NL | BML yg: maccenau WELCOME es Ad Sea Supe stots pungeons sie ie Dragons. ieee (Games Workshop ALOT -ATCHED WITHIN 7 DAYS, Wey not order sone games from 44 W ELLINGTON ARGAMES, Inc. conpeny on continental Bur ox 18, 590 40 KISA, SWEDEN ith month of eteady successes. nes of extrem ness, ane NOW are printing our own Zine, COMBAT. We alsc zel. ies, such as Attack Wargaming, Bxoalitre and PIKER, and from S. We Still hnve stocks of Jagipanther games, oven though JP is Don't miss the chance to follow us on the key to Taney order com genee fron other ma, the Britian TRONSILE going out of wusineee nes TODAY , but your money tos Mrs DENNIS WILSON 15 OHESTER WAY BOSON, LINCS. FIOHT FOR TOBRUK (1.50) SCHMERPUMIED (1.3 6 desves each with a gane (4.50) WHETE BEAR AND RED NCOW (6.59) ANCTENT ConGIEST (6.50) ATLANTIS (2. STAR RATDER (4.50) FORMAL IT (4 INE STAR SLAVES. (6.1 TpunG (4.50) VreTORY ap SEA (3.5C) GORLToETARNON (2.60) ‘TEAS. 34,26 (0.75) 2BPFELIN (1466) " RIOBLIAN WARS PIRE (0.75) PROGHOROVKA (1.30) MARINE ( SILL (1430) the COMBAP eubsoription, 90) ‘RISTS (4.50) ARMS RACE (4.50) WAR OF ORIO (4450) RIFT TRCCFER (£410) RHEIN 15) BUSHWHACKERS 2,344,516)7,8 ( 60)" GORTTRADARMMERUNG (1.50)’ GAR-GaROlx (0.75) STAR- LINGRAD (1,00) BAPTLECRUTSER (0.75) OMAHA (1.00) MARCH ON ING1A (2.00) aNVIL-DRAGGON (3.00) STBEE CF LENINGRAD (3.00) THE FALL OP BATAAN (2.00) BATTLE POR MAURTD (3.00) ATRBORNES (3. JACKSONVILLE 1997 (3.00) ECW (2.25) fof order cost. to Dennis Wilson. IEHTLE 1642 (2.50) MUNISTA (2.50) Montrose To play the scenarios you will need the SPI game Musket & Pike and any one of the SPI Prestog feries eg. Yeoman, Lovion, Vikingand Spartan You will need 2 Prestey in order ta utilee the teres standard rules and leader counters, Because fomuch of Montross succes: in Scotiand was ue to better leadership offeetting greater ‘numbers leadership and panic rules are needed {fo bolence the zanorios. tememner that the Comper rose on the Musket& Pike game map feprinted upeidedovn a stated in the errata heer Musicet & Pike rules additions 1 Prestage Series Stondard Flules 10.00 to 10.33 The Scenarios No.1 TIPPERMUIR — September 1st 1644 Complexity 4 Balanoe Equal First Playar Royalists Lsders Montrom sTovel 1: Macdonald evel 2: Kiipont-lovel 3{ must stare sacked with MP's; Rolie evel. Unite BxEP, SxPP, GxMP, 6xPM, 4xMM Stacking 2 Panic lve 68 Deploy Between hills 9& 10, Second Player Covenanters {Cesare Lord Elen level 3; Murray - level 3 ‘Grummond: level 3 (mutt stock mith HC or LC): Scot eve 3 {must stack with MP's) Unite 6xPP, 15aMP, 4xPM, laeIdM, 2 tions” One or two smal points — in the Foxtat ‘thing | war refered 0 a¢ A Gila I don't Me the Tea of hing behind my inti, my name IeAndvew, not A. Also, | gues the bane ofa uthors i the ealtor who porte In chaning tiles so rater you dignt. OK? ‘Any ay I enclose another thing for your perusal Waist am writing, tke to mae 2 few Comments on Feedback andthe Phan frst Year. First ofall, your perennial ‘ight direction” luetion. The Phenix suse the Impretsion of fying to be the British MOVES, but I con't bby this We remains an amateur concer, {hit jst’ on, On the other hand, i n't even 8 {00d fanzine, spite the good physical work. I's {oo serious to be fannish, The Proonix necar& {00d jot of fandom, Ie also need some sect of Mick toahit the complacency that has so toon fet in. Heck, Now eon 3 oneyear-ld zine Bethe ‘tablshmest? But that's het nha 1 try to be more coherent. Emotional re fvotved. But what I'm ding os MOVES” st lott thats how | oI (suppose you dont) can't get worked up ovr the Phoanix leit, man (to coin» boring phrase), Even iy own articles ae boring bocause Ivo read thom alonfore. H €a Marrywoather (what's an Ed Merry weather?) ‘an ge tips to wartrs, thon I sure a hel ean too. Don't tare by telling us wnat you're going to fay Usrusalom, sh) yu host at east do (what you set out to do "don't stop beceuse You's grting bredlatto). Sign your article Yeai"3980, aha). And unless your Forename iesomethinglika Aloysius, use fe Contrast the Informal American approach ~ Rich Berg, Jim ‘Dunnigan, Be, Tse about the only thing Rob Gibsons Yovor sofa. Incidentally, did you try pleving my Naver scenario (Wit Cll eh 8}? Arf 3, os Fe any good? I'd owe to know ~ you te, ve never tried Ferny, and don't now enyone wha hos. ts ‘uoces (or falure) will maybe vindate my theory thet good eign doesnt need play testing. "hi playtert the other scenarios youve pinta, and hey all workad fis tie. (Do you get many sf type articles? I'd be intersted {0 Know: Two fantasy articles so far sugosts not. ‘Thisrator a point —heve you changed your Droofresder since lan 3, maar the oaf who let ‘inane and eonwgation phase hru not once, ‘but twice? The mind bopnet. (Oh well after a year of the Phoanix I'm pleased owe its sll eround, but! might have hoped foremore exciting rie withthe clreuiation (eepuive audience) you hove. I's fanine ike ‘Nowa From Brae can be #0 e004 witha circulation (f onty 800, surely you can do bet ‘Andrew Gham CALL99 The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of the Editor or Publisher. Tn my opinion, articles on the “base strategy and tactics "of bowrdgomes should be ineluded in The Phoenix. Ate newcomer to bostdgeming | would treicome erties of this sort Inaeed, It might rect more people to became involved in oars. amine. (One comment about Phoanix 6 was the ‘Book Review’ onthe Grasedor Tonic thought review that meant to bean account of the contents Securacy, layout, objectivity, at. of the book in festion but this “roview” gos a short summary (tthe runner Tonk ult Kaserine Pas [Proentc 4) made anjoyable reading but what was the por ‘oF Rr In the tuo sues Ihave rocaived, these two rile ae the only ones think sMould not hove ‘been Inco in the magazin, “The review liked best was the reviow of erus- sem by Tony Jones, The run through ofthe {ame gave the article llavour and wor enjoyable feoding. |, for one, will buy tis game when Icon {asa'stdent, | dont eve much spare money! “The Phoonix isin my opinion, a good magazine land given time wil covelop nto excelent agezine ‘ohm Uswis Laird | couldn't agree more with your suggestion for Phoenix articles on basic strategy and tactics — you write ther we'll print them! Come on all you experts — spare a thought or the newcomers and pass on some of your experience. Editor My copy of Phoonix 5 hed evidently been trodden {i's mir..-Howevor spar fem vuch superficial Indiations, stil thought wasn't a5 good as Nos, ‘The two SPUKORGY pieces were no doubt intr ting to thowe who wore there, but for the rst of Un The one on “Fiving Circus es very csjointe, Sand that “typical target reat” dlagram was a Mes. ‘Apart trom the fat that fe omitted the main ‘machine gune, though fc show thelr armmun- ition, from all my reading it semec a tua Talley. "Thawe never heard of anyone who tried to shoot ft the upper wing machine gun or the propeller {acsome immense no. of rpm.) 9s. target, et lone tyotcally. The typical target was the middle ‘ofthe Blane, and in parielar the pilot of sing Seater and the observer/lr gunner ofa two seater fo thot a clear shot could be mace st the pilot once Fis tall was undefended. Howaver, I id ike the Cxeellont histories! Borodina vriant, the Tanke [rtcle anc tow leser oxtent the Kingmaiar one, ‘hough thot eauld have bean much bate. ‘John Norrie Phoenix 4: the review of MERCENARY ommitted {0 say thatthe rules are totally incomprehensible tt indy sand, that FANTASY GAMES UN- {Tite hove bough US rights and wil (nope) bedoinga decent esition..and there was no. indication of whore the game could be obtained! [var better game in my view ie Garestester ‘ther product, MADAME GUILLOTINE, which ‘ethe Preneh Revolution done in ORIGINS OF WW style bat forundera What I suggest that at the ond of any article fon aperticulr game the price and deta of how fo obtain tif nat from S.P.UK. ao avon, See MOVES for now to do this. Hartley Paterson In Phoenix 5, inthe reviews of SPUKORGY, there is mention of one K Broadhurst and his game ‘Stratogoe If, asthe artes hs you are thin ing of publishing then every good luck. Mean wri, st posibio for you to et me have his Stsdreae at tho mention has wnetted my appetite snd ike to ee a copy of While think oft, might that bean idea for Phoenix? As. elosring haute for Brith gxmart fd duignrs to get I touch with each other? Stocking and sling games would be one thing. Le Your comments on Jogdpanther, but | imagine Several people like Stratego’ Bosdhurst must be Sroundlend I Tor one would be Interested in what Sin ind Good idea, Jim, If any budding designers want to take up this suggestion, please fee! {roo to do so, ‘Malcolm Watson Re the "wiedom” of Frderick ofthe Paltinae’s {cesptance of the Gahemian own: my ranging ‘hot in Phoenix having drown FJ Stephens may Teontinae? Perfect information wargames may bo unrealistic ‘but how much more so ‘perect informetion Siplomatle history. The Bahomian protstants hac Trought them no additional anger. The Sohemian ‘stots only voted to offer him the crown on 26th ‘Ruguet 1619 and he had to makeup his min betore the eletion of @ naw Holy Flman Emperor InvFranfurt only two days ater, Therefore any ‘xtimate of the hay reaction of rulers (other than {he ansiyse thatthe Duteh could not ford to let ‘the Spanish contol the Phinescemssoundanoush Invony case, are we to conclude that te only pr dont vo defend a cause (the liberties of Baher'a) ‘Wane fret atturedof the support ofthe big Dettlions? Gating bock to worgome: Muster & Pike seanarlo 16.27 ofthe Bette of White Mountain (Sth Now 1620) suggests the Bohemians have some chence but thie it only because the vietory conditions Insist on speed of Imperialist victory. Of the bates inthe 30 Years War Quod systam which use the ‘Swedish army I fine thoy havea ardor task at Breitenfeld than at Luteen, taelf herder than Nord Tingant Presumably tha py belance vers historical smulsion deme ie sil with us PHSHatton (Oe Feedback Results Phoenix 5 SSPUK service during the pariod Dee 1976, Jon 1977 wos ated at 6.69 with 87.5% saying the fervice war steady and 21.25% that we wore Improving Whist this rating s dw 3 fraction on ‘the previous period, the apparent deterioretion ‘may wel be sccounted for by the ineraated volume ‘Sf mark that we the Post Otic and the various arlrsexpertence at tha time of year. Also the {ate espatah of S&789, whist out of our contro, ‘may have tended to drag our rating down, Whether ‘OF not these speculations (excuses Ifyou tka) are ‘alls steps have been taken internally to cut down ‘onthe turnround tim forall rdart. The benette (of tne stop would nat be felt unt the mide ot March. 1 do not expect to we an indication of Improvement until the Feedbacks for this issue are coloted Customer serves wat rated 6.7, an increas of 5 ‘on Phoenix 4 and an ancouraging sgn that thi ‘huded side ofthe business improving. Roy ‘Smith four unsung nero wine handles customer “arie) wll no doubt bs doing all nis power to Improve this rating, One by product ofthe feud healthy rivalry botween various ff wha are making» bid Yo outdo thelr workmates inthe ratings ana tis ean ony be to the good sericewie. Al Five non SPI games got 2 big raspbery and we ‘ull be staring wll eloar of them. With avery batch of faedooeks returned one cannot helo but Continued on pose 19 ‘Our sincere apologies to the author Of this item but we have mislaid your name somewhere in the Phoenix production ‘machinery. ~ Editor Quite by chanoe | have come across a great ‘way of storing the counters for my simul ations, | have tor some time bean utilising the plastic boxes in which colour transparencies are returned. (I find the Kodak ones espec- ially good). However, as my collection of games has grown so has the problem af storing the boxes thomselves, Almost by accident | noticed that a Compact Cassette is the same width as the film boxes. By using a Carrying Case desianed for 30 such Cassettes have storage capacity for approximately 30 games in the form of a near, compact, and Portable case only 280x240x80mm, “The cases cost about £2.50 from most record shops and although a litle expensive do give advantages over the Manila Envelope filing system The following is a selection of comments taken from the foot of feedback cards. Though not readers’ letters we reproduce them here simply to prove the point that ‘you can't please all the people all the time’, “The only thing that wil encourage newcomers into the hobby is averting. Anybody not ito ‘worgming wil tke ane look atthe [compara ‘vay! poor ualty production of Phoenix and ‘More information needed on the type of erties ‘andere and editor wend ke ‘SPUK centre spread very goo. ile reasonable — would lke to se snd Diplomacy” ‘Kingmaker more Ringmater few months “Wow about » UK games rating char “To improve Phoenix include more game scenarios “Seonarios ules If | don’t onn the ge. Histor: ‘ea erties and reviews more interesting 1 would ike toad that Phosnix dos not, nits current form, make boginare more intareste as it hat no separate column for them 1 would welcome ‘Sch an aditon for bopinner Tt could Inchude ‘ovisng how to make games solar “Way not more game reviows — say one pape of short 10 the point oviaws pers “The articles on new sconaros/improving gam are 1 good Idea expecially ss regards question 25 but the trouble s they are of ite use if you do not hove the games ony hawe Kingmatorl. | would ka tose such articles balanced by more "Ovi ‘yl ariles "Jerusalem" in the Tos ase “Anew no complaints about the artes in Phoenie concerning games (other histories, reviews etc) or news onthe scene articles, However, book reviws Should be felevant to Boordsoming “Lave eas every Phoenix s fr. No.5 wa tho best to date but don tako that #8 comaimentt’. 023 Ths cannot be batter because, 0 fa som excellent to mel thay a BUY THE BOOK Hamish Wilson Inthe last thee aes | appear to have conean- UWated on harsback books most tothe exclusion ‘of the paperbacks and, wile thi may ge news {of what co order from the library,» wicer coverepe ‘of Books in our spect foie necessary. Lets ook tnt a the Penguin Press anda first, book thet hes nothing to So with Miltary hatory (Written by Wren Weever, “taay Luck the “Theory of Probabilty"'3 8 lghtol guide to the invieate back sweats of mathematics wherein are {ound the laws which govern the way thet ice Willa acres the hexes to destroy dvtons Sr capture commencing eights! bromize You thors not heevy book but that t worth {ating time over andar wel 9 ceer diagrams the author provides some very nie anecdotal humour to uncertine or highght Rt porn: A Taree aan ih dR mani only £1.00. me Givi Wari the theme of two ofthe arneipah Tiles from the Penguin fit ot the mamant While both ate reiasues, Both contain nev materi "Tan Days Thet Shook The World” the title cof John Pees Tamaus book on the sours of ower by Lonin and the Bolsheviks in November 1 '1917, Wetttan a eas, by 0 man who wos Armerica’s foremost journalist the book x filed twith'a kind of bated breath excitement and an rthutiaam forthe suctinet image Which vvily ‘conveys all that he fet forthe mornentous events Wich wera going on around him, for he wor tere "woe and mutt have felt ike the story of Het and so tall tthe good that we hove the balancing effect of A. Taylor's ntoduction ‘hich wos proviouly excluded from the volume ‘ile the copyright remained inthe canrol of the Communist party of Great Britain. This copy Fight has now expiredanca0 Poni publi, For he fis tim for £3.00; ‘Also dealing with Civil Wari the motive book by Hugh Thomas, Now sreotlyrevted inthis third Salton "The Spanish Civil War" must ba the principe! Book not the only book of any real ‘worth in English on thi compton, rage, ano mest bloody of conlets It sfcult to comment 1 the wart in sucha limited spars but n over 3 thousand poset af text, Professor Thomas Dolitis sndpresiure whch led tains wasting St a nation. With 36 maps, 8 oppendhoes, a saiet Biollograpy and a goos Index this Pelican is Yel worth the £3.50 asked fort When are the ‘erigners going ook at the Bales tor Madrid, Gsdalajre and Teruel? Who knows ~ bet when they do you may be sure that a well shumbed apy af Professor Thomas's book wil be on the ‘rowing board beside then re from the Penguin Press and his ime erogring, The book i alle" Natter of Hanour' An Account of the incien Almy. Its (Oficrs, and Mer’ and tis by Philip Mason, More often the but of jokes about pi stexing Corps of professionals wino were to see Britain through Some ofthe darker periods of har history andalthough butfoons like Lora Gardigan were to speak csparagingly of "The Indians” the ‘groat subcontinent sve o play 2 malor part in theristory of noarly every regent of the British ‘Remy, whother awe or dtbaned, from the ime {Of Clive up tothe prowent day. Even nom, radltions of ress, custom and courtesy bul. Between the office of Empire and the troops ‘ofthe line oe stil manent in the modern inde Pendent Indan Army. So Philip Mason's bool {Simportant bot in te telling ofthe Tosina Story ofthe Indon Army engin the pester under fanding of the Britsn Army. It isnot an ‘Unsentimental book but even 0 t well eserves ‘place onthe she, £2.60 I the price and this Sonim underlines the value of the paperback, Turning now from an old established paperback publisher toa relauely young one which now thie you wil want to look at "Panzer Bates by Major General FW Von Malientin isthe latest adaition to an already imprestve It of ‘itary books. This one Ie parteuierly introting Inmet the suthor served throughout the lot ‘or ar a Stat Officer and wat thus prny to most {of the major command declsions mace during ‘those she year. Not only aid he soe throughout tho wor but he seems to have served on virtutly tuery front on wach the German Army fought, including Poland, Nortn Aiea (where he wos Flommal's Staff Ottier for ver ® yen! na Inttery inthe Ardennes, There can be no doubt that “Looking Over the Enemy's Shoulder” Isone of the more fascinating ways of reading iitaryNatry ana ts suport Bt now lesions learned wore vse In fotur panning Sand how taetes ond materia in both Panzer Division ana Army develope! Altogether not Dadveiue for £1.28. Also worthy of ote ir that the book war fiat published in Britain twenty ‘wo yearsage | wender nhat ese Futur ae {going to blow the dust off fr us? One that hasn't been on tho shel ing enough to gather dusts Davidirvings “These andl of the Lutte! Infact, this 2 biography of Erhard htch, Lute atte Marshal and according tothe autho, prime moving force beni the reformation of the Luftwatfe prior tothe bin of the Third Fein. Irving it the iret ntrien to be ave Untranmeled acces tothe. Mich private diaries Sha papers and the rss i an important contrib {tion to our undbrstanding ofthe interseine Warts vinich doggea the Cuttwatte rn tsplonning, ingend production depertments 2 wal san intresting study of aman who wos first Embraced and then relected by the upper echelons St the Nazi machine. An added bonus tothe book isthe cartoons by Ernst Usot whose sulcide was tobe a turming point in Behe career andlan ibiography and indx. A firs rate Work atthe very reosonable pre of £1.50 Loss in pice but no les in value is “Convoy (Commodore by Rear Admiral Sir Kenlon Crelgnton. Retired from the Navy in 1594 to Tite of gardening, sling and parttime Magistrate, the author was recalled to atve oe Convoy. ‘Commadore in September 1999 and until 1963 he di just that ~ being tepedoed and sunk ‘ce inthe process In 1949 ho we aed to {ake on the job of Director General of Ports for Eqyot. the Suez Canal and the Fea Seo:and on the woyage out to start the job he was torpedoed ‘gaint He tells his story with honesty and humour ‘ndat 60p. the book excellent value. Futura nos reissued two useful Books — one it Richard Cow's study of Hitter’ invasion plone Sea Lion ia novel form ilvatrating east ‘of the ataek and defence at they might hve ‘eppenecThow who took advantage of SPUK's Differ of the "Seelowe" game will bo able t0 Yo the theories for memeelves. Bp. i the pre, {or this inaresting volume which aso contains ‘ese by such luminaries a Coral Baroat anc ‘Alan Clark. The other i ames Campbei’s account ‘f the Nuremberg raid of March 1944, hic a op, wil bn 8 worthwhile addition tothe RAF thot in te brary { must mention one paperback to beware of. Ive by Donald Sandford ant coled "The Battie ‘of Midway". Published by Corg at 7p. is {of cour! abook baredon te fim and therfore, ak ahistorical reference, is about as alae as. the Pripet Marshes beneath the tacks of tiger ‘The old Purnell book by Al Barkor e now out oain in the smaller paparback format." Micheay: ‘The Turning Pointe the tile and the Slustratons sulfer dreaafuly tn the smal size butte txt [esti worth the 8Op.askad forthe book. One hard book for "Frigate fans: Michael soseph has ‘eltsued CS Forrester “The Hommbiower Compan- Ton thurayl) with thiewy maps an text detaling th battas This one wil be the souree of many ‘Sconarlos andi i coting only 8,80. 17 = Editorial continued from page 2 ‘Ass rough guide ~ an article of 500-600 words wil prety wll flrs singe page f ithar supporting grapes Le lctures or maps. {oshow ie coor we wil docu bert to interpret ton your beh Let me finaly say thot if you hove submitted material in the past publication atthe start of each prowuction planning phase for each fen of Phoenix. A it ike heving your Erno bond come up realy! You ln rm page 17 thet we cannot haps to plas al of you {ito the time but remember “son"tahoat the pianist eause he's ‘doing his best” Wargames & Fantasy Games! SPI, AH, GDW, TSR & more. '—% All indoor games 50-54 Manchester St LIVERPOOL 605 THREE NEW GAMES FROM JEDCO OF AUSTRALIA FIELD MARSHALL ® ci Fut ow mound Price £6.50 ine pap ‘The WAR AT SEA “War a Sn 2 ae rama eles ‘The AFRICAN WAR Po icra, ALSO AVAILABLE — MAGAZINE OF Uk WARGAMERS (SEE PHOENIX 6, PAGES 9 & 10) “THE WARGAMER’ , OFFICIAL PRICE £1.25 inc pap. All the above ate now avaiable from SIMULATIONS PUBLIC: ATIONS UK, CROMIN PASSAGES, HALE, ALTRINCHAM, CHES WarsenF, NEWS FROM SPUK Bock in July 1976 we printed Normandy, Sinai and Seolowe ab sn experiment to soe whether nav the UK mariet would absorb larger number of ames than hod hitherto bean the ease Those ames wore initily offered ata vary low-cost nd fale famously forthe duration ofthat offer [After the termination of the offer, all three toe continued to outsell imported parses and, ultebly ‘Secouraged, ve went on tojprint Outreach in ‘Snunry.’Ae regular readers wil knov we had 2 iad timo nity this produetion. The verdet on ‘physical quality war “below” SPI standard on the ountars but aecaptablo. Dest the sight drop In ‘counter quality, you have Bought more Outeac! irra four month period than you da 'Sorearer” tthe best selling imported gamal in 8 twelve month period ‘The main biteh with ‘Outresch’ ves the counters This problem has been overcome with the help of SPI who have agreed to supply ue with counter Shots for those games that wa do proce over here. All other components wil be manufactured Inthe UX and in time wo wil overcome the prod- Uction problems with the counters and have them mmanulactured hee also. ‘As you wil se from the vorious spacial offers Gotted throughout this sue, our production has eve got Into ul swing with "Mach War 77 Stor- fclaier Sniper Dreednought” now available rd ‘Soreror'/ Fulda Gao" avaiable mid-June. ‘Star soldier and Fulda Gop", boing new ites, are not being put on offer Wie have set oucslves target of two titles per ‘month up to Septembar ss yaar, ater which 8 Soesion on further printing wil be ten (god, theres no reeson wy wo should not nine vo produes games ona bring prices bake flan om moe oF the rage ‘With the atrial of Moves 20, our subscrintion post Ing ot bck anto schedule. S&T 60 went out March 19th and Moves 31 went aut Apr eth, S81 has been delayed inthe Stats but | am Pept ttyl lore 1 ot ‘Now SP games now instock are “Highway tothe Rech ‘Wacht Am Fine’, “Asartinate Hier {boxed with mounted map). Reveleaad SPI gmar Instock "Desirsction of Army Group Gente tnd Franco Prussion Wor New SPI games expected in by mi-June are ‘Batuelont Mars ‘Conquerors War Between the ‘State! “ie Wor 78! and WWI Module are due mide “uly. War Batomon the Stat: is priced £13.00 bbowed and £11.00 Z-pack WINI Mocule" 1s €7-75 boned and £6.75 Zeck All other games at per ‘ur price ist (se centre spread Gthernow games expeetecin are La Gacaila Ds La Moskowa’ (Borodino: Soptamber, 1812) by GOW wma migsune, price £13.70, Citadel (The Bale ‘al Dien Bien Pl by GOW ~ eta midJune, price 18 (plete note thatthe prices may vary 10% ‘ithor way ~ ploota phone for correct pres bore ‘ordering Fee & Movement Issue 5, pres 90p ‘Non SPI somes now in tock includ ‘African Campaign’, Wor a Seu, Fiold Marshall by Jedke, ‘The arrival of “Highway to the Reich’ was delayed by probleme with countor shoots Apparently there the inital ran had tobe ditched When the ‘atch was produced it wat found tat one or two, ‘of the Unit counters had minor flaws in the le ‘Utting and thie on the fll production Tun. SPL Spologise or this unfortunate situation, however ‘po information tat on the counters ae tere is ust nothing that con be done ebout this law now, Because of the counter rerun, Highwoy’ missed is le the lst enue of Phoenix stated that Battetine Publeatione wore to close down their operation, ‘Stephan Pooks the Pretiont of Batten, Nid Intended to 90 to New York and work for SP This hes naw fallen through nd Batetine wl femain with us, @ good piece of news I'm sure Vou In the wake of this esureetion eames an obituary. understand that JogdPanther Publications have ‘gone to the wal. Coulat be thatthe paying cut ‘Omar aereod with te opinion exrested in Phoenin on the quality of gamer? I gues we Despite the difference of opinion that | he with 4aP, am truly sory cose yet another poning company dsappcet from the wargaming sane Wn snows, perheps they wil make 3 dramatic ‘omaback inthe near future “The Auturnn Games Orgy ist be held on 7th th naQth October 1979 atthe usual vine, the ‘Auhley Hotel in Hale, Full details can be found in {he contre spread veaie that Getober may seem Tong way off. However, bearing in mind the die ‘uptve effect that Summer holidays hove on mort {ke planning, fait tt 9 goad desl ef forward notice would bein order on thi occasion In intue 6 mentionad the possiblity of puting s ime into 8 future aut of Phos, thls powibity fer naw became probability. Come testing es, ben started albat ina low ky nthe game in ‘auertion, and first imprestone sre favourale de pite numerous rule omissions found in the proto ype, tas we hope, the designer comes up with an rile nthe development ofthe gome,iecould make for very Interesting Yeading anahalp ave Uk’ gamers an insight into the workings of some Sevelooment (On reading of the possibilty that Phosnix may. carry eames, another local gamer has come uo with [Sioulation soe tested at the Spring Games Orpy ‘Av this poiny, | Kaw abscktely nothing about {roation. 1 do know, however, tha this ele. ‘man taking the possi seriously es he hes ‘kt me to feacback two titles n this ue for ‘Your reaction. See feedback questions. | have been asked several times to publish a UK ‘ges rating chart in the Phoenix Whilst am not ‘portion ta da this, ean ge ist ofthe log gros for tha period Ist April 1978 to dist March 1977, See belo: 'SPUK Top Twenty Sellars 1 Sine 2. Senlonn® 3) Normendy* 5 Sorcorer 6 Stororce $, Wert Wall Quack & Frenne with 10, Invasion Americs 19. Norn Africa Quads 12 Global Wor 13: Napoleon's Last Battles Quads 18. Fone Caries 18. Mech War"? 18. Dreadnought 17. Kingraker (Phila) 1 Warin the West 19. Panzer a4 20, Frigate “printed inthe UK In that same period we moved 40,913 unite, of sigh 2.338 15.71% of the total ere mon SP Dames, an 11,892 were S&T sbecription mage: Zines physeally despatched. The toa of unite ‘moved inthe previous year wasn the region af a0. Phoenix 5 Feedback Results continued from page 16 ‘et the imprestion that investing capital in stocking Mon SP games is bed move and that the money ‘would bs beter epant in printing SPI games over ‘ore: fet that esubetantined n'your anes to questions 11 = 19 incloive Fate the physical quality of the following Out reach components Tower level higher ‘hon wth than se ser Pl Map. = Saeox 81546 Counters 4231% BOR 760% Rus Ax 69.20% 19.23% Erontsheet Srea% 231% Chorts 3.85% BBR 11.83, 5 quality gota rating of 7.12, 92.86% said it von valu for money and 96 2% said Yes we should continue to print inthe UK. 95.485 {eia'that ther copy of Outreach” would not de ‘courage them from buying future UK printed {games perhaps a more positive question would Rove boon Would your copy of ‘Outreach en- ourage ou tabuy UK prints gros inthe future” Weil try that epprooch in tis te cack. Pracitably the counters got the lowes rating but they stood reosonabiy wel 9 your sxamination. ‘Amal quantity of rules books were badly eut and Bund and these probably secount for those you who voted tem down on SPI standards This Yooh wos pointed out to our printer whohas sures Us that stops ml be takan t0 Improve on his fist tort. The bad cutting was put down fo sta problems Frontsheets came out very wll and the maps got very high aris indbed ts combined wath your Snawars 17.19 are very encouraging indoed and ‘make al the heartache that went info the pradsct Tonof Outreach well worth wl On now tothe questions about Phoenix, 91.28% ‘would subscribe gag on the frst 5 issue, 28.78% Sn merit alone and 64.55% on mart plus the Soars to supports UK magazine, So more oF YoU ‘108 that Phowne ls worth having but fowor oF You Toe that meri the prime motive fr You wanting Phoenix § was glven an overall rting (016.28, 54.42% believe i was better than isue 462.5% feel it would encourage newcomers and {88.06% consider hat Phosnix te ging nthe rghit sirection, ‘Obviously there i room for improvement, however ‘vo, that fe SPUK, can only work to improve the ‘Dhysiea! quality and rapes n Phoontx. The ‘uality of content comes back to you, the con ‘ibutors. Having said that, | do nat consider the ‘atings that Phownix gets to be bad, when {Comparea with the ratings tobe found inside Strategy & Tactes mogazin. S&T 59 UK Foecback Results ate ?Plot to Assassinate Hitler simulation) Fate ‘Plot to Assatnate Hitler (artele) Fate Rusro-lopanare War Rate Outgoing Mall Fate Srietinge Fate For Your Eyes Only Fate theese overall War thie sue better than the Inet one Yes 47.97% No 38.81% 89 837 19

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