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3 January 2023


Gerald Celente is the Founder/Director
of the Trends Research Institute and
Publisher of the weekly Trends Journal
magazine. He is the author of the highly
acclaimed and best-selling books Trend
Tracking and Trends 2000 (Warner Books).
With a 40-year track record of identifying,
tracking, and forecasting trends, Celente
is world-renowned as today’s #1 Trend
Forecaster. Celente has earned the
reputation as a trusted name in trends for
his many accurate forecasts; among them
the 1987 Stock Market crash, Dot com
bust, “Gold Bull Run,” the “Panic of ‘08,”
the rise of organic foods, and the
popularity of gourmet coffee long before
Starbucks was a household name.

Self-described as a “Warrior for the Prince

How to read the Trends Journal
of Peace,” Gerald Celente is also the
on Kindle devices
Founder “Occupy Peace & Freedom,” a
Suggested “Text Aloud” pdf readers: not-for-profit movement to honor the
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#1 TOP TREND 2023: WWIII 4
YOU 22
#10 TOP TREND 2023: ANTI-WAR 44
#11 TOP TREND 2023: WAR & HATE
#12 TOP TREND 2023:
#13 TOP TREND 2023:

Trends Journal 2 3 January 2023

But as we detail with other Top Trends,
the boundless human potential can
reverse the negative trends and
TOP TRENDS OF accentuate the positives which will make
2023: THE GOOD, 2023 a year of Enlightenment, Joy, Peace
THE BAD AND and Beauty.
Who and what will shape the future? The
Forecasting will and desire of We the People. The
worldwide since future is in your hands, don’t drop it.
1980, at the start of
each year we provide the Top Trends Sincerely,
shaping the year ahead... and the future.
Gerald Celente and the Trends Journal
Among the megatrends of 2023, on the Team
geopolitical front, WWIII has begun. If this
trend is not reversed, it will not be a
Happy New Year... and many of the
positive socioeconomic and geopolitical
megatrends will be of little value in a
climate of endless war and mass

Trends Journal 3 3 January 2023



Two days before Russia launched its military campaign against Ukraine, as the 22
February Trends Journal cover illustrated, WWIII had begun.

And as we have forecast, it will not be “official” until

there is a flash from a nuclear bomb and/or a major
false flag event that the general public will swallow:
“Remember the Maine”? Remember the sinking of the
Lusitania? Remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
Remember Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass
destruction? Remember “We’re gonna get Osama bin
Laden dead or alive”?

Remember the pure lies and the demonic political

idiocy that the public swallowed that cost trillions,
killed millions and destroyed nations?

Trends Journal 4 3 January 2023

NO! That is “ancient” history long forgotten… or never known by the masses.

The general public swallows political and mainstream media propaganda and will let
the government steal their money and take their lives to fight for “Free Dumb” and
“Duh Mocracy” in a country around the world.

Need proof?

How about the 20 year Afghan War launched by Georgie “Daddy’s Boy” Bush which
88 percent of Americans backed according to a CNN/Gallup/USA Today poll.

Yes, the Afghan War that President Joe Biden pulled out of leaving behind billions of
dollars of weaponry as the Taliban took control of the nation. An event that had him
sinking in the polls for his mismanagement… but totally forgotten when he took
America into the Ukraine War to beat the Russians.

WarMonger U.S.A.

President Joe Biden’s White House has been consistent with its public messaging: it
will support Ukraine’s war effort as long as there are Ukrainians willing to fight, just
don’t ask for U.S. or NATO troops to fight on Ukrainian soil.

However, there are U.S. personnel inside the country already. As we reported in The
Trends Journal, the Pentagon has confirmed that U.S. troops are on the ground in
Kyiv to conduct “on-site inspections to assess weapon stocks” and advise troops on
how to use the weapons the U.S. sent to Ukraine.

An unknown number of CIA officers and special forces troops from the West are also
there, according to reports.

Washington has tried to find workarounds in its support of Ukraine by providing

intelligence, weapons training, firepower, and billions to keep Kyiv functioning.

Trends Journal 5 3 January 2023

Just weeks after the war broke out, Lloyd Austin, the defense secretary, said it was
Washington’s hope that Russia emerges “weaker” from the conflict. Biden also called
for regime change inside the Kremlin, which was quickly walked back by his aides.

The Kremlin has said Washington is perfectly content with using Ukrainians as
cannon-fodder to achieve its goals.

Moscow has warned Western countries that they will not be able to provide Ukraine
with weapons to destroy Russian troops while sitting the conflict out. Russia has said
it is willing to negotiate for peace, but will not consider ceding any territory it gained.

The West’s position has been that Russia has failed in its objectives since the
beginning of the war—despite Moscow now controlling 20 percent of the country and
an estimated 70 percent of Ukraine’s electric/water and other key infrastructure having
been destroyed.

David Petraeus, the retired U.S. general, said in a recent interview that Russian
President Vladimir Putin has tried everything “that would be domestically palatable,”
but “it’s not going well.”

Col. (ret.) Douglas MacGregor said Petraeus seems to be “divorced from reality.”

He said it seems Petraeus is “sort of punching his ticket as a member of the in-club
with the status quo. And that’s the status quo that’s ruling us in Washington.”

The Kremlin has blamed the West for taking an active role in military operations.

In May, we reported on how Russia blamed Washington for providing Ukraine with
intelligence that enabled its military to kill top Russian generals on the battlefield and
sink the Moskva, the Black Sea flagship.

Ukrainian forces have been striking targets deep inside Russia and Crimea, which is
evidence that the U.S. gave Kyiv the green light to carry out such attacks.

Trends Journal 6 3 January 2023

And we also reported that the Pentagon has moved troops along the border with
Russia who can be ready at a moment’s notice to conduct operations against Russia.

The U.S. has also approved weapons to Ukraine which can be fired into major Russian

TREND FORECAST: With U.S. troops, aka “advisors” on the ground in Ukraine and
the U.S. supplying Ukraine with billions of dollars of weapons, intelligence, training,
etc., the United States is not in a proxy war with Russia, Washington is at war with

As President Vladimir Putin said in his New Year’s speech, the U.S. objective is to
defeat Russia:

“Russia has been living under sanctions since the events in Crimea in 2014. Yet
this year, an all-out sanctions war has been declared against us. The
masterminds behind it expected our industrial, financial and transportation
sectors to collapse. This didn’t happen.

“For years, the Western elites hypocritically assured all of us of their peaceful
intentions, including the resolution of the most difficult conflict in the Donbas.

“The West lied about peace. It was preparing for aggression … and now they are
cynically using Ukraine and its people to weaken and split Russia. We have never
allowed this, and never will allow anybody to do this to us.

“We have always known, and today we are again convinced that the sovereign,
independent, secure future of Russia depends only on us, on our strength and

Trends Journal 7 3 January 2023

“Today we are fighting for this, protecting our people in our own historical
territories, in the new constituent entities of the Russian Federation.”

War Drums Beating

Last month, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited President Joe Biden in
Washington while Dmitry Medvedev, the deputy chairman of Russia’s National
Security Council, met with China’s Xi Jinping. Putin also made a rare trip to Belarus,
which raised speculation that he could use the country for a new military attack.

TREND FORECAST: As we have been reporting, WWIII will be U.S. NATO and its
allies vs. China, Russia and its allies. And the winner will be “Climate Change”… the
climate that will change into the 2000 year new Ice Age when nuclear war destroys life
on Earth.

Not only has Washington miscalculated the power of its sanctions over Russia and the
ability for Moscow to defeat Ukraine, it is underestimating its ability to destroy much of
America. As the world economies continue to slide into deep recession, all-out war will
be the likely outcome. As Gerald Celente says, “When all else fails, they take you to

Trends Journal 8 3 January 2023


As we had forecast in December, if there was no Santa Claus rally, U.S. equity
markets will dive in 2023 to celebrate a very Unhappy New Year.
Santa did not come to Wall Street.

Losing more than $30 trillion in 2022, U.S. stocks racked up their worst year since the
Panic of ’08. Yes, forecasting the Panic of ’08, the Trends Research Institute, the
publisher of The Trends Journal, took out that domain name in 2007.

And now, again, the Panic is on.

Just one percent away from “officially” falling into bear territory, the S&P 500 was
down 19 percent for the year. The tech-heavy Nasdaq, which was boosted during the
height of the COVID War when remote work became part of the culture due to
lockdowns, was down 33 percent. The Dow Jones’s slide was not as bad, but it fell
8.8 percent for the year.

Trends Journal 9 3 January 2023

Also sinking into bear territory, the broad MSCI All-World index of both developed and
emerging markets registered their worst year since the Panic of ’08. According to
Bloomberg, the market value of companies around the globe fell by $25 trillion. China,
with its zero COVID policy, saw its CSI 300 measure of stocks slump nearly 30
percent while, in dollar terms, the MSCI Europe index fell 16 percent.

Why did all this happen?

As The Wall Street Journal said, “How did things go so badly? In short, investors and
policy makers were burned by bets that 2021’s inflation surge would prove to be

“Investors”? How about money junkies who hoped that the low interest rates would
give them cheap monetary methadone so they could keep gambling in the markets?

“Policy makers”? How about Central Banksters who bullshitted for almost two years
that inflation was “temporary,” then “transitory,” while we and a few others provided
the hard facts that inflation was real and lasting.

Were they too stupid to see the hard facts and solid evidence that inflation was rising,
or were they just lying to keep artificially propping up economies and equity markets
that would have been destroyed by the COVID War?

Yet, the mainstream media only bought and sold the lies that inflation was caused by
supply chain disruptions... and not the countless trillions governments pumped into
the economy and the Banksters’ negative and zero interest rate policies to fight the
COVID WAR that artificially boosted both equities and economies.

Where it Goes?

Following our forecasts over the year, the International Monetary Fund (i.e., The
International Mafia Federation) forecasts that 2023 will be a “tough year,” with
one-third of the world’s economies expected to fall into recession “because the three
big economies, [the] US, EU, China, are all slowing down simultaneously.”

Trends Journal 10 3 January 2023

Fed Head, Jerome Powell, the chief Bankster Bullshitter who said inflation was only
temporary and then transitory, has signaled that the inflation fight is not over and
therefore the Fed will continue to raise interest rates.
Therefore, the higher interest rates rise, the deeper equities and the economy will

TREND FORECAST: Our forecast is based on what the Federal Reserve Bank said
they were going to do... keep raising interest rates to fight inflation.

However, that may be a lie and/or, as equities and economies deeply slump in
January, the Feds may bow to political and Wall Street pressure and not continue to
raise interest rates.

Indeed, that is the sentiment on The Street, with bond traders betting that the Fed will
start cutting rates this year according to FactSet data.

Also betting on interest rates coming down is the U.S. dollar sinking from its
September high. Measured against a basket of major currencies, the dollar dropped
nearly 10 percent since then... but is still up more than 8 percent year-to-date.

However, following the Federal Reserve’s first meeting of the new year which is
scheduled for Tuesday, January 31 to Wednesday, 1 February 2023, should they raise
interest rates even 25 basis points, as expected, it will put downward pressure on
equities and economies.

Therefore, by March 2023, we forecast the Dow will dive into bear territory, while the
S&P and Nasdaq will continue their nosedive down.

TREND FORECAST: In addition, the higher interest rates rise, the higher the debt
levels rise for those in both commercial and business real estate sectors who have
variable rate loans.

Among the biggest to be hit will be hedge funds and private equity groups that went
on a merger and acquisition spree since the COVID War, but are now, as a result of the

Trends Journal 11 3 January 2023

cheap money drying up, in steep decline. According to the data company Refinitive,
the drop in M&A activity in the second half of 2022 was the biggest six month slump
since they began taking records 48 years ago. Down 38 percent for 2022, M&A activity
registered its sharpest year-on-year downswing since the bust of 2001.

Therefore, the ripple effect of rising rates will be felt across the socioeconomic
spectrum. And, the higher interest rates rise, emerging markets—which are deep in
dollar debt—will sink deeper in debt as it costs them to service their debt. Making a
bad situation worse, as interest rates rise, the dollar will get stronger against weak
currencies, thus increasing the cost of their debt.

Trends Journal 12 3 January 2023


In many parts of the world, but especially the U.S. and Europe, populations are
demographically skewing older, at a faster rate than many anticipated.

“The world’s population is aging, and several demographic studies have shown that
the speed at which populations are aging is increasing faster than we expected.”

That’s according to Barry Skillington, Chief Commercial Officer at Chicago-based

Atlantia Clinical Trials, one of the world’s leading medical research firms.

Speaking about the global trend, Skillington explained:

“In a study conducted by the United Nations, the variable represented is the
percentage of 65 years of age or older within the total population of countries in
2019. If the same map is projected out to 2050, it can be seen that some of the
most populated countries in the world are reaching similar levels of population

Trends Journal 13 3 January 2023

But perhaps more than at any prior time in history, people expect to age better,
healthier, and slower—and they’re a market with a lot of relative wealth and means to
pursue life extension.

Accelerating technological progress in practically every area and field has created
expectations that healthy longevity is possible. Part of that progress also means more
sophisticated understandings of how and why to make lifestyle changes that support
healthy aging.

Given demographic reality, and the pace of knowledge and technology innovation, we
believe that “Aging Power” will be a Top Trend of 2023.

Living Healthier, Living Longer

The COVID War actually helped reverse a long trend in the U.S. and elsewhere of
gradually increasing average life spans.

The baby boom generation, which statistically speaking, was on board with taking
experimental mRNA treatments, proved susceptible to fear-mongering that went along
with the promotion of the “COVID vaccines.”

But, if there was one group that perhaps had more legitimate concern over the COVID
virus than any other, it would be those aged 55 to 80, which is where boomers
currently sit in their generational timeline.

Baby Boomers grew up in what might be called the first pervasively technological age.

They witnessed everything from the cultural mania for home TVs, to space exploration,
air travel that broke the speed of sound, the rise of computers including home PCs,
and the advent of the connected world via the Internet.

They also witnessed and benefited from medical advances like synthetic blood,
sophisticated organ transplant surgery, reconstruction and cosmetic surgery
advances, and new medicines to alleviate and manage many different ailments.

Trends Journal 14 3 January 2023

The new millennium has seen a completion of the mapping of the human genome,
which is unlocking scientific pursuits of previously unimaginable cures and life
enhancement and extension possibilities.

Some of the uses of genetic technology are controversial, and deserve to be.
Genetically modifying plants and food crops is something many people, including
experts, see as dangerous and often driven as much by profit as by true human

The prospect of genetically modifying humans, especially in a manner in which

alterations can be inherited and become part of the general human gene pool (known
as Heritable Genome Editing or HGE), is also something that should concern

But HGE isn’t the only potential path for benefitting from fast emerging genetic

Advanced medical screenings, and new medicines designed to target genetic

maladies in affected individuals (without modifying genes in a way that can be passed
on) are beneficial and obviously safer uses of the technology.

Innovations like Synthetic Biology, or SynBio (see “SYNBIO AND BIO PHARMA: YES,
INNOVATIONS, SAY INDUSTRY WATCHERS”) represent another area where genetic
technology is already making an impact.

More Than Ever, Knowledge Will Be Power

The Top Trend of Aging Power will present plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs
who can leverage knowledge.

Aging populations are more proactive than ever in seeking out and financially putting
their money where their golden years are, when it comes to health and fitness.

Trends Journal 15 3 January 2023 reported in July 2022 that COVID and other factors had
contributed to a heightened sense of urgency and desire for healthier aging.

Citing a 2021 MCG Gurus survey, it noted:

● 52 percent of consumers said in 2021 that they had implemented a long-term

approach to health—a 10 percent increase compared to two years earlier.
● 49 percent of people surveyed said they have made alterations to their diet over
the last two years, looking to reduce their intake of ingredients considered to be
dietary evils, while increasing their intake of health-boosting nutrients.
● 61 percent said they have looked for ways to up their levels of physical activity.
● 49 percent are trying to improve their sleep health, 36 percent have sought to
maintain or boost their mental wellbeing and agility.

Increased awareness and knowledge demand will mean endless opportunities

concerning exotic (and not-so-exotic) natural supplements and foods, as well as
techniques of preparing foods, that can sustain and improve health, and address
specific ailments and conditions.

Exercise equipment, clothing, fitness monitors, social apps offering unique

experiences and benefits promoting healthy lifestyles and longevity, will all be
booming, as boomers, and even GenX’ers look to stay ahead of the aging game.

But with Artificial Intelligence and robots augmenting mind and body, we will see
advances and potentials with respect to human aging that will be taking the idea of
“equipment” to a whole new level.

Innovative smaller companies will have a lot to say in the agile development of many
specific and niche uses of robotic and AI technology, though larger mega tech
companies will no doubt offer the platforms and base technologies to build specific

It’s already happening, via AI offerings from companies like Google, Amazon, and
OpenAI, a start-up that garnered early investment from Elon Musk.

Trends Journal 16 3 January 2023

Another “Aging Power” facet of this technology will be in the area of intelligent robots,
which will serve as home medical and chore assistants, and even filling roles as

Hobbies, avocations and various recreations also can and will be marketed as ways of
improving the quality of aging.

TREND FORECAST: While the average life expectancy in America continues to

decline, hitting 78 years of age in 2021, there is a large sector of the population that
wants to live long, healthy lives and not end up as inmates in a nursing home.

Therefore, the AGING POWER trend will provide many OnTrendpreneur®

opportunities for those creating and/or selling products and services to keep the
elderly feeling young and spry.

Put it all together, and there’s little doubt that “Aging Power” is sure to be not only a
top trend, but a megatrend.

Trends Journal 17 3 January 2023


War on COVID, War in Ukraine, War on Cash.

Governments will move to further clamp down on our freedoms by introducing Central
Bank-backed Digital Currencies (CBDCS).

In the 28 July 2020 Trends Journal we had accurately forecast “that the world
monetary system will devolve from dirty cash to digital trash. With central banks
flooding nations with trillions to artificially inflate failing economies, we forecast they
would replace existing currencies with digital ones, thus creating the illusion with a
new currency replacing the old, they are wiping away the mountains of debt they have

To consider the future in finance, you have to look back in the past and 2022 has been
instructive in regard to digital currency and the health of the stock and bond markets.

Trends Journal 18 3 January 2023

The S&P 500 fell 19 percent and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 8.8 percent.
The Nasdaq took a 33 percent nosedive in the past year.

The bond market saw an uptick in selling, prompting the yield on the 10-year Treasury
to rise to 3.826 percent. Stocks and bonds worldwide lost $30 trillion in 2022, which
represented the steepest decline since 2008.

Cryptos fared worse. Bitcoin fell 64 percent and Ethereum 67 percent.

Bloomberg’s Multiverse Index said companies lost $25 trillion in value in the last year,
according to the Financial Times.

There have been a plethora of factors in the financial pain.

Governments locked down small businesses, killed livelihoods and disrupted supply
chains when they began fighting the COVID War in 2020… while flooding economies
with countless trillions of dollars backed by nothing and printed on nothing and
keeping interest rates into negative and zero basis points.

Later in 2022, central banks, which denied inflationary risks for years, increased
interest rates and ended the era of cheap money and quantitative easing. Western
sanctions against Russia have only added new economic pain.

With the global economy in decline, central banksters will invent a new scheme to
cover up their money printing scheme by coming up with new currencies.

U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said during a press conference in March
2021 that any digital currency a central bank creates “needs to coexist with cash and
other types of money in a flexible and innovative payment system.”

The Fed at the time was experimenting in-house with digital currencies, and the
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston is collaborating with the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology to research and study them.

Trends Journal 19 3 January 2023

The New York Federal Reserve Bank and other major banks in the U.S. launched a
pilot program to test a digital dollar. There are 15 central banks testing some form of
digital currencies.

“The reality is that cash—that is, physical currency—is on its way out in practically
every economy in some countries….The use of cash is already plunging and I suspect
the day will come even in the U.S. when currency is not used anymore,” Eswar
Prasad, a professor of trade policy at Cornell University, told PBS.

The report stated that China rolled out its digital currency in 2020, during the Beijing
Olympics, which some experts noted could mean the yuan could become an
international currency that can compete with the greenback.

Ostensibly, the hope is that the new digital dollar could make transferring money
easier and cheaper for those who do not use traditional banks, but there are obvious
privacy concerns, the report said. These central bank cryptos should not be confused
with others and are backed up by hard currency.

The Trends Journal has long noted Washington will crack down on cryptos when
they become a possible threat, and it seems as though politicians and agencies are
using the collapse of FTX and TerraUSD as examples of how more oversight is needed
in the industry.

Wall Street Silver, a popular twitter account, posted that the SEC will likely try to
control crypto currencies by authorizing the Fed and Treasury to bring a Central Bank
Digital Currency to the public.

The government would be able to monitor all purchases and freeze all accounts. We
saw how Canada froze bank accounts during the trucker protests early last year.

More control over the public! reported that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a document
in 2017 that offered suggestions to governments—"even in the face of strong public
opposition”—on how to move toward a cashless society.

Trends Journal 20 3 January 2023

Governments and central bankers claim that the shift to a cashless society will help
prevent crime and increase convenience for ordinary people. But the real motivation
behind the war on cash is more government control over the individual.”

TREND FORECAST: Just as easily as the masses obediently obeyed their masters
and marched off to the COVID War, so, too, when nations introduce digital currencies,
they will readily accept them.

Of course, in a digital world, governments will know who spent what and where, thus
enabling them to steal every penny they can from the workers of Slavelandia in the
name of taxes.

Moreover, the trend toward digital trash is also a factor that will drive up gold and silver
prices, as investors seek hard currency safe-haven assets.

TRENDPOST: According to the Global Payment Report, across the globe more
people are spending less cash, with just over 40 percent of point-of-sale transactions
accounting for at most 44 percent of point-of-sale (POS) transaction value regionally
and just 18 percent globally in 2021. They estimated that by 2026 the share will drop
to 10 percent worldwide, with North America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe pulling away
from physical money.

As we had forecast, the onset of the COVID War accelerated the trend from “Dirty
Cash to Digital Trash”, with a 32.1 percent drop in cash usage at the POS worldwide in
2020. According to Insider Intelligence, the decrease in cash slowed to 12.2 percent
last year, though it was steeper in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East and Africa.

Trends Journal 21 3 January 2023


If it were a sci-fi story, it might be titled, “AI Dreams of Human Obsolescence.”

But in 2023, it’s non-fiction.

From manufacturing to art imaging, war planning and fighting to creative writing,
human assistance and even romantic companionship, Artificial Intelligence is in the
midst of a disruption that will be felt on a much wider level in the coming year.

What has taken decades to evolve and progress in fits and starts, is now exploding
into the mainstream.

And more people who find themselves working with, next to, and competing against
AI and robotic technologies are starting to realize their own lives and means of living
are being profoundly impacted.

Trends Journal 22 3 January 2023

Revolutionary Technology At Every Level, From Cutting Edge to Every-Day
Producers and Consumers

The Trends Journal has been keeping readers ahead of the curve on the fast
commercial emergence of sophisticated AI technologies, and the ramifications.

There’s certainly no doubt that the technologies are enabling levels of advancement in
basic science research, genomics, analytics, so-called “synthetic biology,” fabrication,
fintech, farming, education, and creative arts.

AI is being used in ultra advanced science research, to run through novel element and
genetic combinations at rates that would take humans thousands of years to replicate.

It’s optimizing (or enforcing preferred biases) of selling platforms like Amazon, search
engines like Google, or social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

It’s advantaging tech and fintech giants in ways many point out are deeply unfair, that
hurt average users feeding data and behaviors into the proprietary systems controlled
by these companies.

For example, Amazon has been caught illegally advantaging its own products against
companies selling on its world-leading business vendor platform (see, for example

And some are alleging manipulative stock trading and financial investing that favors
bigs is being cemented by Blackrock’s “Aladdin” AI trading technology. Aladdin is an
acronym that stands for “Asset, Liability, Debt and Derivative Investment Network,”
and this AI system is reportedly a cornerstone of Blackrock’s entire operation.

Aladdin absorbs and predictively analyzes not only huge financial and stock market
data sets, but political, weather and other information, to glean trends and target
investment action.

Trends Journal 23 3 January 2023

Many politicians and regulatory bodies have inadequate understanding of just how
profoundly AI technology is being leveraged to enrich these companies and exploit
data scraped from competitors and others in underhanded ways.

AI for “Little Guys”

AI is also being monetized by bigs, in apps marketed to medium and small

businesses, and consumers.

Companies like Google, Amazon, OpenAI and others are rolling out apps powered by
backends of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) systems that learn from every
interaction and experience, to “self-improve” their abilities and services.

Need natural language business analytics?

Tellius has natural language processing and query Business Intelligence tools built
around AI with extensive machine learning.

It means average users without a lot of technical training can interface in a

conversational way to conduct deep dives into industry specific business intelligence.

Tellius notes:

“As the newest wave of BI technology, it builds on and enhances old models of
data analysis to make insights accessible to all types of business users, including
those without extensive technical skill or know-how. In fact, with augmented
analytics, data analysts and citizen data scientists can actually extract deeper,
more granular insights in minutes than a professional data scientist might be able
to in the same amount of time with a traditional BI solution.”

And similar human friendly natural language interfaces are making collaboration
between AI and humans easy and more common in practically every field.

Want consumer level AI-powered investing? TrendSpider, Black Box Stocks,

VectorVest and other platforms have it.

Trends Journal 24 3 January 2023

Need creating or blog writing help? There are AI apps for that. They’re not perfect, and
they are certainly prone to producing bland, artificial sounding and / or just plain silly
content. But they’re quickly getting better, and the results are often surprisingly good.

As a test, our Trends Journal (human) artist extraordinaire Anthony Freda gave the
OpenAI ChatGPT3 bot the task of writing “a 250 word article proposing solutions to
ending the Ukraine War in 2023 written in the style of Gerald Celente.”

Here’s what the bot produced:

The Ukraine War, which has raged on since 2014, has caused immense suffering
and destabilization in the region and beyond. According to trend forecaster
Gerald Celente, there are several steps that can be taken to bring an end to this
devastating conflict.

First and foremost, Celente suggests that international leaders must come
together to broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. This could involve
the establishment of a neutral mediator, such as the United Nations, to facilitate

Additionally, economic incentives could be used to encourage both sides to

come to the negotiating table. This could include offering economic aid to
Ukraine or lifting economic sanctions on Russia.

Another potential solution is to increase diplomatic pressure on Russia to

withdraw its support for separatist rebels in Ukraine. This could involve rallying
international support for Ukraine and imposing further economic sanctions on

It is also important to address the root causes of the conflict, such as the issue
of Crimea and Russian concerns over the expansion of NATO. Finding a way to
address these underlying issues could help to pave the way for a lasting peace.

Trends Journal 25 3 January 2023

Ultimately, the key to ending the Ukraine War will be the willingness of both
Russia and Ukraine to compromise and find a mutually beneficial solution. With
the right approach and international support, it is possible to bring an end to this
devastating conflict and bring peace to the region.

When it comes to visual art, recent advances have been even more stunning.’s Dall-E 2 and other AI art imaging programs can take a natural language
query and output an image that can win an art competition.

Human Betterment, Or Human Obsolescence?

As The Trends Journal has previously reported in detail, it very much remains to be
seen whether the breathtaking advances in AI and robotics will translate to betterment
of the human condition.

Many companies on the forefront of AI development promise that while the technology
will inevitably displace workers and take over some kinds of jobs, it will also create
new opportunities and fulfilling occupations for humans.

But many business experts aren’t so sure about that rosy prediction.

As we noted in “AI IS LEARNING YOUR JOB” (24 May 2022):

“Forbes magazine, in a 3 May 2022 article noted that many industry

professionals are now predicting that AI and robotics will displace huge numbers
of human workers in the near future:

‘According to Pew Research, about half (48%) of experts surveyed felt that
robots and digital agents will displace a significant number of blue- and
white-collar jobs. Their concern is that this will increase income inequality and
create a mass of virtually unemployable people.’”

There are other serious problems that are already manifesting from the powers of AI.
Some of those include:

Trends Journal 26 3 January 2023

● The concentration of powerful AI technology in the hands of a relative few elites
who are narrowly profiting
● The use of AI to more compressively sift data and surveil virtually every activity
of average citizens, in violation of privacy rights, and politically manipulate and
suppress dissident persons and opinions
● The “AI and Robotics War” race to develop the most advanced weapon and
warfighting potentials of the technology, led by major powers like the U.S. and
● The Software-as-a-Service Model that allows software vendors to limit and
comprehensively control the use and outputs of AI powered software, which
effectively allows the implementation of “thought control” in the use of the
● The Specter of the “Singularity,” or what some AI advocates anticipate as a
moment when AI intelligence surpasses human capabilities in every respect.

For elites who already feel that a needless surplus of billions of humans is
fundamentally endangering and harming planet earth, the attraction of AI and robotics,
that can build and supply what formerly only humans could do, is very much worth

Some AI visionaries like Ray Kurzweil have long said that AI is destined to do better
than humans, and represent a “self-evolutionary” sentience that humans can only
hope to merge with it, in order to remain relevant, or even existent.

As The Trends Journal pointed out in “EVOLUTION 2031: FROM HUMANS


“On 27 September, tech magazine LifeWire featured a story about the concerns
of scientists working on AGI. A survey showed that more than a third of those
scientists believed AI had the potential to cause global disaster worse than
nuclear war, and that the drive to a Singularity could have unintended

Ray Kurzweil himself in 2017 admitted the potential for AI to pose an existential threat
to humanity. Elon Musk has issued similar warnings, even as he has pursued

Trends Journal 27 3 January 2023

controversial technologies like AI brain implants and Tesla Robots that will surely
displace human workers and human companions.

People who have endured promises of technology which supposedly would improve
the world, but in fact, wrought greater inequality in wealth, greater devastation in wars
and environmental impacts, and even cataclysmic worldwide biological disasters (see
COVID), are fast running out of time to contain or regulate AI and other technologies.

But monumental ethical, societal and moral questions desperately deserve a robust
debate, and thoughtful, human-led policy that seeks input of free peoples, and not
just the designs and desires of governmental and corporate elites.

Unfortunately though, as the COVID War and the Ukraine-Russia conflict have shown,
the wisdom and input of the many is not something sincerely sought after or
respected by the current class of political and thought “leaders.”

Simply “being human” in activities and pursuits, may be completely outmoded, by any
recognizable current understanding. Our favored relations may be with artificial
entities, or even “voices” in our own heads.

Our bodies may be so radically augmented and changed, that we will not feel or think
as anything resembling the phenomenological experience of humanness that has
prevailed through all history.

A recent CNBC story quoted Mark Cuban, a typical example of the class of current
technocratic elites, lamenting that people, including some of his own children, are fast
losing the habit of reading.

“Somebody 40 and over, even 30 and over, if you’re not reading, you’re f---ed…
because you’re not expanding your mind,” Cuban was quoted in the story. “I tell my
kids… ‘Somebody who doesn’t read lives one life, somebody who reads an unlimited
number of lives.’”

Technocrats may have a lot more to account for in the future regarding changes in
human behaviors and human existence than just the lost art of cracking open books.

Trends Journal 28 3 January 2023

For some past Trends Journal touchstone articles forecasting the implications of fast
evolving AI, see:



Trends Journal 29 3 January 2023


There is going to be an accelerated push toward green energy as governments invest

hundreds of billions to abandon fossil fuels in favor of renewable energy sources as
they fight to win the Climate Change super hero championship.

Companies in the U.S. have invested heavily to fund clean-energy projects. In 2022
alone, these companies spent $1.15 trillion on sustainability-linked bonds and loans,
The Wall Street Journal reported. They have also invested hundreds of millions in new
battery technology, buoyed by significant investments from Washington.

The Biden administration has invested $370 billion into clean energy. Washington has
offered tax incentives for businesses that invest in clean technology.

President Joe Biden wants the U.S. to be fully carbon-free by 2035, The New York
Times reported. The paper noted that the push will not be easy to bring to fruition

Trends Journal 30 3 January 2023

because it will require rural towns to approve massive wind farm projects that
decimate countryside and negatively impact wildlife.

There have been wind farm projects turned down in states like Michigan. One critic of
these farms told the paper, “I moved here for nature, for trees, for crops. I’m not
interested in living near an industrial wind farm.”

Another cattle-farm owner in Illinois told the paper she is indeed concerned about
climate change, but the effort seems to be “coming at the expense of our day to day

Nuclear ‘Enlightenment’

The U.S. and European countries are investing heavily in nuclear energy in their fight
against climate change.

“What we’re going through now isn’t so much a renaissance as it is an enlightenment,”

Craig Piercy, head of the American Nuclear Society, told the Financial Times. “Leaders
in industry and in government are really getting down to the hard math of ‘how do we
get on the path toward deep decarbonization?’”

The report noted that Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act in August and another bill from
2021 could provide some of the U.S.’s aging nuclear plants about $40 billion in
support. (The U.S. derives about 20 percent of its energy from nuclear power.)

The International Energy Agency estimates that nuclear power generation needs
across the globe will more than double by 2050 to help meet global warming
reduction goals.

The Ukraine War and Europe’s past reliance on Russia for natural gas has also
prompted countries to turn toward nuclear. Poland has announced two projects and
the U.K. has announced plans to build eight new reactors.

“We are seeing a vast change in the Polish as well as European mindset concerning
nuclear energy,” Adam Juszczak, energy expert at the Polish Economic Institute, a

Trends Journal 31 3 January 2023

think-tank, told the FT. “Everybody is now fully aware that we have to replace fossil
fuels, especially what we imported from Russia.” (See “A NEW GENERATION OF

The argument that nuclear energy is “green” is hung on the fact that it does not
produce carbon dioxide emissions while natural gas emits about 58 percent as much
carbon dioxide as coal, the U.S. Energy Information Association said.

Japan has also announced plans to revive its nuclear projects.

There have been significant strides in nuclear technology that proponents say
provides a safer and more cost-effective energy supply. Countries are building Small
Modular Reactors that can cost a fraction of the price to build.

"SMRs are considerably smaller than the large power plant reactors most of us are
familiar with. Thus, SMRs pose far less risk due to their scale, simple design, and
inherent safety characteristics of the reactor," nuclear analysts told The Register. One
of the drawbacks is that studies suggest that these smaller facilities may produce 35
times more waste compared to larger reactors.

TREND FORECAST: Love it or hate it, agree or disagree with the Climate Change
movement, it will be a primary investment and OnTrendpreneur® opportunity of the
century. As companies and governments invest more in alternative energies, new ones
will be developed beyond what currently exist.

Among them, more advanced battery systems for electric cars to replace the batteries
that are based on 1800’s technology. Also, as Gerald Celente has noted, if
governments invested research and development into alternative energies rather than
the hundreds of trillions they spent on wars and to enrich the
military/industrial/surveillance complex... not only would we have Peace on Earth, we
would have an abundance of clean energy products and services.

Trends Journal 32 3 January 2023


The collapse of the office real estate market, which we correctly forecast at the
beginning of the COVID War in “Real Estate Dead? Time to Buy?” (14 Apr 2020), is
entering a new phase that will accelerate through 2023.

The bust became inevitable when workers sent home to labor during the COVID era
refused to return to their central offices.

Companies also embraced remote work as the new normal when they realized it
allowed them to slash their office costs, an especially appealing prospect as inflation
took hold, operating costs soared... and for many sectors, business declined with the

As of 1 December, almost three years after COVID arrived, only 48.2 percent of office
workers are back in their company suites—a fractional increase from a month earlier,
according to Kastle Systems, which monitors entry card swipes at more than 2,000
office buildings in 10 major U.S. metro areas.

Trends Journal 33 3 January 2023

In London, occupancy was 42 percent on 1 September, the highest rate so far in

Businesses are flooding the already weak office space market with offers to sublet.
Corporations are negotiating hard for lower rents. As leases expire, many businesses
are moving to smaller quarters for which landlords already have cut rental rates.

We documented landlords’ grim new reality in articles such as “Office Vacancies

Reach 10-Year High” and “Office Space Available for Sublease Hits 18-Year Record,”
both in our Real Estate Industry Update of 13 April, 2021:

“Fitch Ratings has calculated that allowing the nation’s office workers to spend a
day and a half at home each week would reduce office space needs enough to
cut landlords’ profits 15 percent; three days a week would slash 30 percent from
profits, Fitch said.

“Municipalities lie under the wreckage. Property taxes make up half or more of
most cities’ revenue and taxes are based on property values...less-valuable office
towers shrink the tax bases cities need to pay for services—and fewer services
make a city a less-desirable place to live…reducing revenues even further in a
downward spiral.”

Now, as we reported in “As Forecast: Business Office Bust Begins to Bite” (20 Dec
2022), the office property crisis has entered a new phase—the Office Real Estate Bust

● a national office vacancy rate of 16.2 percent at the beginning of December, 20

percent more empty space that at the end of 2019, according to real estate
services firm Cushman & Wakefield;
● another 132 million square feet of new office space already under construction
across the U.S., flooding an already weak market;
● layoffs in the tech industry, signaling even less need for square footage in the
sector most responsible for growth in demand for space in recent years;

Trends Journal 34 3 January 2023

● rising interest rates that make it harder to refinance mortgages, take loans to
improve properties or keep them up to code, or sell buildings;
● the need to cut rental rates and offer free months, free redecorating, or other
perks to lure tenants.

TREND FORECAST: The office property crisis will accelerate through 2023 as
landlords face stiffer competition to get and keep tenants, wrangle with local
governments to try to minimize their tax assessments, and see their margins
shrink—many to the point of disappearing.

And for many with adjustable rate mortgages, the higher interest rates rise, the more
they have to pay on their loans.

To survive, many landlords will let go of older buildings needing maintenance or

repairs, either offering them at fire-sale prices or handing the keys back to lenders.

Property owners will consolidate, those having deep pockets or access to cash buying
up others on the cheap.

As property values are reassessed downward, cities will confront hard decisions about
which workers and services to cut.

And as for converting offices into residential apartments and/or condominiums, as we

have noted in previous issues of The Trends Journal, thousands of office buildings,
especially older ones, across the U.S., are doomed for reasons we explained in “Plan
to Turn New York’s Vacant Hotels To Housing Not Working” (5 Apr 2022) and “Wall
Street, Dead Street. Office Buildings Going Condo” (28 Jun 2022).

TREND FORECAST: On the “better late than never” level, some two years late in their
forecast, the Boston Globe reported last week of the looming Business Office Bust.
Beside business office tenants, the state government is evacuating office space as

They quote the chief executive of NAIOP, the Massachusetts real estate trade group,
Tamara Small, who notes that with a large portion of office leases expiring in 2023

Trends Journal 35 3 January 2023

there will be serious trouble ahead. She notes that Boston business office occupancy
rate continues to trail other major U.S. cities, with commuter levels only at about 40
percent of pre-COVID War rates.

Reaffirming, as we have long noted in The Trends Journal, major cities rely on
property taxes to fill their budget coffers, and “with roughly three-quarters of the city
budget reliant on property taxes, a sharp downturn in the downtown office market
could have drastic consequences for the entire city.”

The worst is yet to come. As we have forecast, the remote work trend will continue to
expand as the economy goes down and businesses need to pay less rent... and as
high-tech advancements in virtual reality become more of a reality, those working at
home will feel like they are really at work.

And as we noted, when cities were locked down for months and people were working
from home, they realized how wonderful it was that they didn’t have to get up at 5 AM
and commute back and forth an hour-and-half to work... more or less.

Indeed, according to an American Bar Association survey, 44 percent of young

lawyers said they would quit their jobs if they could find one to work remotely

Trends Journal 36 3 January 2023


The Trends Journal has long reported on how Israel has been conducting a
years-long, clandestine war with Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program and its support of

Israel has admitted to the bombing of targets across Syria and warned Lebanon that
its main airport could be targeted in missile strikes if it continues to funnel weapons to
Iranian troops in Syria.

And, as we go to press, it was reported that Israel bombed the Damascus

International Airport, putting it out of service. This is the second time that Israel
bombed the airport. When Israel’s airstrikes were launched last June, the UN said it
halted the delivery of aid flights into Syria for two weeks. In September, Israel also
bombed Syria’s Aleppo International Airport.

Trends Journal 37 3 January 2023


The U.S. has a close relationship with Israel and will often be informed about future
strikes in the region to prevent American casualties.

The Biden administration has rejected Iranian positions to revive the 2015 Obama-era
nuclear deal that was scuttled by President Donald Trump in May of 2018. Thus, since
that time, Washington’s diplomatic relationship with Tehran is essentially non-existent.

The Ukraine War and Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent victory as Prime Minister of Israel
has only intensified animosity.

Iran has been blamed for supplying Russia with drones that have been employed by
Russia in its hammering Ukraine’s infrastructure.

The U.S., which is intent on defeating Russia, is considering ways to choke off Tehran
from obtaining materials used to produce these drones, and consulting with Israel on
how to hurt Iran’s production, The New York Times reported.

The paper cited multiple security officials in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Jake Sullivan, President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, held a video meeting
with Israel’s top national security officials to talk about Tehran’s “growing military
relationship with Russia, including the transfer of weapons the Kremlin is deploying
against Ukraine, targeting its civilian infrastructure and Russia’s provision of military
technology to Iran in return.”

The paper noted that the U.S. has worked with Israel before to take down Iran’s
nuclear program. There is a sense of urgency in Washington because it is believed
that Iran is preparing to send Russia new missiles to replenish its stockpiles, the report

Western officials have warned in recent weeks that Iran is preparing to provide
missiles to Russia and increase its supply of drones, which have been apparently used
in strikes on Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure sites.

Trends Journal 38 3 January 2023

“We are looking at ways to target Iranian U.A.V. production through sanctions, export
controls, and talking to private companies whose parts have been used in the
production,” Adrienne Watson, the spokeswoman for the National Security Council,
told the paper.

Iran has denied sending drones and other arms to Russia during the conflict.

The Conflict Armament Research group said in a report last month that Iranian drones
found in Ukraine have contained parts and semiconductors that are produced in Asia,
Europe, and the U.S., The Times of Israel said.

Netanyahu Returns

Western countries have expressed concerns about the Knesset coalition formed by
Benjamin Netanyahu. The Trends Journal documented some of the politicians
forming Netanyahu’s Cabinet that have histories of anti-Palestinian and anti-gay bias.

Itamar Ben-Gvir, the head of the Jewish Power party, headlines Netanyahu’s crew. He
was named the country’s new national security minister. He was convicted in 2007 of
incitement to racism and belonging to a terrorist organization. He will be tasked with
running sensitive operations in the West Bank, The Times of Israel said. He will be in
charge of quelling Palestinian riots and protests.

Middle East observers have noted the concerns felt in Washington, but there is no
daylight between Washington and Israel vis-à-vis Iran.

Al-Monitor noted that the Biden administration has abandoned hope for a diplomatic
coup in Iran, and has turned instead to increasing sanctions, which the website said,
“sounds a lot like Donald Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign, which is fine with

Trends Journal 39 3 January 2023

Jake Sullivan, Biden’s top national security adviser, is expected to visit Netanyahu
next month and Netanyahu will be visiting Washington.

TREND FORECAST: As Gerald Celente has long warned, “When all else fails, they
take you to war.” As economies decline, we forecast Washington will ramp up its proxy
War with Iran and do all it can to support Israeli actions against Tehran. With the
current Israeli government in charge, that has been termed “Far Right” by the
mainstream media, we forecast that military conflict will erupt between the U.S./Israel
vs. Iran. When this occurs, oil prices will hit new highs, inflation will sharply rise,
economies will dive into depression… and WWIII will intensify.

Trends Journal 40 3 January 2023


Once-upon-a-time, not too long ago, a college education was considered a ticket to a
comfortable life. However, as we have detailed in previous issues, considering the
cost of a college education and the job potential, it has put graduates on the path of

The college crash, in which less young people will go to college and more colleges
and universities will close down, has begun... and this is just the beginning.

The cost of college tuition has skyrocketed 1,184 percent—5 times the pace of
inflation from 1980-2020.

In 1960, the cost of enrollment, including fees and board, averaged under $2,000
($19,000 in today's dollars). The median household income in 1960 was $5,600
($54,000 in today's dollars).

Trends Journal 41 3 January 2023

College students today can expect to pay, on average, $50,000 a year for tuition,
room and board. The median household income is just over $70,000. That is a rate
increase of nearly 100 percent.

College enrollment has slowed considerably. 

From 2019 to 2022, there has been an 8 percent decline in college enrollment. The
U.S. Census Bureau conducted a study that found 48 percent of those not enrolling
cited affordability as their top reason.

The rate of cancellations in households making under $100,000 was over 19 percent.
The trend is also impacting households that earn over $100,000 a year. Cancellations
in that category have reached 8 percent.

Cengage, a global education technology company, conducted a survey that found 75

percent of graduates were unhappy with their college careers. Respondents cited time
spent, costs, and the transition into the job market as top sources of their concerns.

Consumer sentiment is also declining, creating another push factor away from

A growing number of companies, including many in tech, are dropping the

requirement for a bachelor’s degree for various roles, from mid-level to higher-skill
positions, according to a recent study from Harvard Business Review and Emsi
Burning Glass, a leading labor market data company.

Blue-chip companies like Dell, Google, and Bank of America, are instead focusing on
skills-based hiring to widen the talent pool. This is a strain on the demand side of
college degrees, pushing more away from enrollment.

Trends Journal 42 3 January 2023

In recent years, we’ve seen a rise in the popularity of student loan forgiveness
programs as a major political initiative. This will continue to be a top political issue,
exacerbated by the economic decline.

Inflation is at a 40-year high and 63 percent of Americans are living paycheck to

paycheck, including half of earners pulling in six figures.

Americans' savings rate fell to 2.4 percent in October, which is a 17-year low. This is
causing a strain on the demand side of college tuition.

TREND FORECAST: We are forecasting a significant decline in enrollment numbers in

the coming years.

Unless Washington steps in and bails out the schools to keep the scam going, which
they will most likely try to do, we will see a significant tightening of university spending
and a significant number of closures.
The tuition gap between private and public four-year schools will also tighten as
private schools lower their costs to meet demand and public schools become more
popular as students look for less-expensive options.

However, lower income Americans will be priced out entirely and we will see a
significant drop in total enrollment.

The bottom line will be that the one percent who already own over 50 percent of the
equity markets will own more of America... and the world, while America’s middle class
will continue to shrink and own less. Thus, the rich will get richer and the rest of the
nation—and much of the world—will grow poorer.

Trends Journal 43 3 January 2023


Since the Vietnam War, there have been no major peace movements in America that
enlightened the masses and/or helped end the long list of America’s murderous wars.

Why? Primarily because they did away with the draft. So, with young men not being
threatened to be sent ‘Abroad in Search of Monsters to Destroy,’ (as President John
Quincy Adams warned Americans not to do)… peace is not a priority.

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, alternately dragging on and escalating, the

world is being strained and drained.

Meanwhile, growing geopolitical and military confrontation between China and the
West, centered in the Indo-Pacific region, is also proving to be a bottomless pit of
military spending.

The battles being fought and strategies being pursued have little real bearing on lives
of peoples being asked to fund these objectives, which have more to do with seeking

Trends Journal 44 3 January 2023

outmoded economic and civilizational dominance, than in seeing to the practical best
interests of either Americans or Western Europeans.

The growing dangers and deprivations incurred by military ventures and unsustainable
policies will inevitably spur reinvigorated anti-war movements in the U.S. Europe and
Southeast Asia.

According to a 13 December report by USNI (the U.S. Naval Institute), the U.S.
remains intent on escalating involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

In a show of “support” against new Russian threats, the United States sent 20,000
more soldiers to Europe, according to

The U.S. ambassador to NATO stated on Tuesday that despite certain difficulties, ATO
has maintained support, increased soldiers along its eastern front, and provided
urgent military and economic aid to Ukraine.

The Christmas-time deployment of additional troops, aircraft, and equipment to NATO

members from the Baltic to the Black Sea, is being accompanied by impositions of
more severe economic sanctions on Russian businesses, financial institutions, and
political leaders.

Julianne Smith, just confirmed as U.S. Ambassador to NATO, said regarding the U.S.
escalation, “collectively we're applying maximum pressure on Moscow.”

Meanwhile Europe has depleted its military munitions, contributing to the war.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has been warning since at least September
that member nations’ are draining their weapons stockpiles.

A CNBC story noted that replenishing those supplies by trying to ramp up defense
production would not be a quick or easy task. And on 26 November The New York
Times reported “U.S. and NATO Scramble to Arm Ukraine and Refill Their Own

Trends Journal 45 3 January 2023

The Trends Journal detailed how the gargantuan U.S. military budget passed by
Congress in December only escalates a misguided pursuit of world military


WHAT WILL REALLY BE SPENT ON UKRAINE,” (13 Dec 2022) that the U.S. would
likely spend far more on Ukraine than even the billions allotted as part of that 750
billion dollar package.

Economic and Social Sentiment Disconnect

Western countries are pursuing wild spending sprees of destruction, even as their
economies remain mired in dragflation and the destruction wrought by COVID
lockdowns. And they’re imposing radical UN and Euro “zero carbon” environmental
dictates, even as the price of energy already careened out of control as a result of
sanctions the West imposed on Russia.

Protests by Europeans against the war, which initially embraced Ukraine’s cause, have
been growing as winter sets in, and heating oil and other necessities have been
subject to skyrocketing inflation, partly due to restrictions and embargoes on Russian

So far, any anti-war energy in the U.S. has been nearly non-existent, especially among
the political class and allied intelligentsia and media and entertainment influencers.

Voices like Gerald Celente, who has almost single handedly kept the spirit of peace
alive, with rallies in Kingston NY, on historic property that is part of the story of the
birth of the Constitution, have valiantly tried to spark a new anti-war, pro-peace

TREND FORECAST: As economies continue to decline and more people have trouble
living paycheck to paycheck, the call from the people and new political parties for
more butter and fewer guns will reverberate across the globe.

Trends Journal 46 3 January 2023

We forecast in 2023, that as the failures, escalation and human disaster of NATO and
U.S. policies with regard to Russia-Ukraine, but also in Pacific and Middle East, will
finally wake up enough people in America and around the world to take their leaders to
task over war-mongering and absurd ambitions of “winning the future” with weapons
of war, and not initiatives of cooperation and peace.

Trends Journal 47 3 January 2023

#11 TOP TREND 2023: WAR & HATE

As evidenced by the Ukrainian flags floating across America and the hundred billion
plus in weapons and financial aid Washington sent to Ukraine to defeat the Russians,
hatred of peace and freedom dominates the political and mainstream machines…
while both perpetuate hatred and endless war.

There is hardly an area on the map where U.S. hegemony is not apparent.

For example, the U.S. is seeing to it that Saudi Arabia’s conflict with Yemen continues,
while carrying out military strikes within Syria. Congress’s recently passed NDAA also
earmarked billions in weapons for Taiwan in preparation for a Chinese invasion. (See

Gerald Celente, who has said the next century will belong to China, has long noted
that the business of China is business, while the business of the U.S. is war. But that
too is taking a new direction as China’s economy sinks down as a result of its

Trends Journal 48 3 January 2023

zero-COVID policy and they unite with Russia militarily in preparation for war with their

Ignoring the facts which started the Ukraine War, since Russia’s 24 February invasion
of Ukraine, all that has been permitted in the Western media has been pro-Ukrainian
and anti-Russian propaganda. Russia can only be described as evil and Ukrainians
valiant, fighting for the good of freedom-loving people everywhere.

It is unsurprising that the media promotes the war. Politicians in Washington have
benefited from a relentless anti-Russia media.

And, unlike other topics in Washington, where there are deep divides between
Republicans and Democrats, and true animosity, the one issue that gets bipartisan
support is war, all while the country’s outdated infrastructure is rotting, homeless
people fill the streets, and the plantation workers of Slavelandia can’t make ends

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, a Republican who will likely replace Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a
Democrat, has already said he wants to visit Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
and walked back his comment about no more “blank checks” for Ukraine.

When Zelensky visited Washington in December to meet President Joe Biden and
address Congress, Biden assured him that the U.S. will support Ukraine for “as long
as it takes.”

McCarthy praised Zelensky’s speech in front of Congress and said he “laid out a
number of reasons why the free world wants to continue the fight. My position has
never changed. I support Ukraine but I never support a blank check.”

TRENDPOST: The Trends Journal has been opposed to Russia’s invasion since the
first tank crossed Ukraine’s border. However, as we have greatly detailed since the
U.S. driven coup of the democratically elected Ukraine President Victor Yanukovych in
2014, NATOs continued expansion and Ukraine’s violation of the Minsk Agreement…
we understand why Russia attacked.

Trends Journal 49 3 January 2023

Before the invasion, the Kremlin said it wanted assurances that Ukraine would not
become a member of NATO. Just prior to the conflict, Putin said he sought to
“deNazify” and disarm Ukraine so it is no longer a threat to the people in the Donbas
separatist region of which some 14,000 had been killed by Ukraine since the 2014

Unfortunately, the Western media pretends that the fraught history between the two
countries started the day before Russia’s 24 February invasion. Zelensky, who has
been awarded both Time magazine and the Financial Times “Man of the Year,” has
approached almost a biblical reputation while his country descends deeper into the

There will be no peace in Ukraine and the country will continue to be ruined. Russia
has hundreds of thousands of troops training that will likely stage a decisive invasion
by late February.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he is open to negotiations, but the four
territories are off the table.

Ukraine has remained consistent that peace discussions are a non-starter if they
involve ceding territory. Top Zelensky aides have now said that Russian leadership
must also face a war criminal tribunal before any serious discussions take place.

TREND FORECAST: As the Ukraine War intensifies, as the China-Taiwan dispute

escalates, as Middle-East conflicts increase and as the global economy worsens, as
Gerald Celente has long noted, “When all else fails, they take you to war.

Trends Journal 50 3 January 2023


Inflationary pressures, declining economies across the globe, lack of basic living
standards... topped off by an expanding war in Ukraine will lead to more people
fleeing impoverished countries for Europe and the U.S., which will, in turn, result in the
continued growth of anti-immigration policies and movements in the West.

And as a result of the devastation caused by the COVID War that has destroyed the
lives and livelihoods of billions, there will be a flood of refugees seeking safe-haven
nations to escape poverty, government corruption, crime and violence. This, in turn,
will dramatically escalate anti-immigration anti-establishment populist movements in
nations where they seek refuge.

The Ukraine War will just worsen the problem.

We’ve already documented how the movement will impact elections. You need to look
no further than Giorgia Meloni’s election win in Italy. (See “ITALY’S MELONI WINS BIG

Trends Journal 51 3 January 2023

The Ukraine War is approaching its one-year mark in February. As of last count, on 20
December, the UN said about 7.8 million refugees from the country have sought safe
havens in Europe. About 85 percent of those are women.

More than 4.8 million Ukrainians have registered as refugees in Europe since the
outbreak of the war. The displacement is historic, a size not seen since WWII.
Poland and Germany have absorbed the most Ukrainians.
Welt am Sonntag, the German newspaper, reported that Berlin has absorbed more
people than the height of Europe’s migrant crisis back in 2015. Germany was on
course to take in 1.2 million people in 2022, which is a 35 percent increase from 2015,
while the war in Syria was raging.

The Ukraine War is not the only impetus behind the surge across Europe. The U.S.’s
decision to abandon Afghanistan created a humanitarian crisis and Syria continues to
be destabilized.
Germany’s municipalities do not have the capacity to process the number of new
arrivals, and some politicians are already warning of a “dramatic” surge during the
winter months.
The country was welcoming to these refugees, but the strain on the system has put
some communities on edge. In November, authorities reported that there had been 65
recorded attacks on refugees. In 2021, just 11 percent of Germans polled expressed
concerns about refugees. That number has increased to 53 percent.
We’ve already seen significant gains across Europe for political parties considered to
be anti-immigrant. Besides Meloni, Marine Le Pen of France saw her highest level of
support when she was defeated by Emmanuel Macron in April. A few months later,
Sweden saw the rise of the Sweden Democrats, an anti-immigration party that
secured 20.5 percent of the vote.

Trends Journal 52 3 January 2023

“We have been naïve as a country—that makes us Swedes, it’s in our DNA—and we
think the best of people. But if those people take advantage of us and our welcome,
we might have to change our views,” one supporter told The New York Times, referring
to refugees.
The UN’s refugee agency noted that the total number of people displaced around the
world reached 100 million for the first time, and the number is expected to continue to
Ylva Johansson, EU commissioner for home affairs, told The Guardian that Europe
faces a “huge challenge,” and said inflation and energy prices are compounding the
She said the trend can lead to “countries being unstable, terrorist groups being
stronger, organized criminal groups being stronger. That means people don’t feel safe
to stay in their country.”

TREND FORECAST: Europeans and Americans, who are struggling with soaring
inflation and energy prices, will lash out at politicians who brought on the pain through
ineffective COVID lockdowns and sanctions against Russia. These frustrations will only
grow when these migrants are seen receiving government subsidies and handouts.

Trends Journal 53 3 January 2023


Get ready for new anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-immigration, anti-tax political

parties to spring up across the globe.

People the world over are facing growing political and economic instability as a result
of the failures of political leaders and government institutions.

With accelerating technological innovations, and more international bodies and

commissions and grandiose agendas than ever, the conventional wisdom has been
that the “establishment knows best.”

But multiple recent world events have created cracks in the willingness of average
citizens to accept and follow the dictates of the Establishment.

In short, the COVID War, persistent economic Dragflation, and the folly and
misdirections of political leaders instigating, launching and trying to distract their own

Trends Journal 54 3 January 2023

disgruntled populations by rallying them to wars and military build-ups has severely
undermined the credibility of the establishment.

War Twins: Tweedle-Bomb and Tweedle-Spree

In America, for instance, there’s virtually no difference on Russia-Ukraine war policy

and China policy between the most influential and powerful leaders of the Democrat
and Republican parties.

Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell hold the exact same views.

And the same goes with respect to their positions on China and Taiwan.

On 15 December, the Senate Foreign Relations website noted:

“In a new letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.),
and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the lawmakers urged leadership
to prioritize funding for the Taiwan Enhanced Resilience Act (TERA) included in
the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by appropriating at least $500
million in FMF emergency funds to Taiwan. The letter also urges provision of
$500 million in FMF for Ukraine, and $250 million to U.S. partners supporting
Ukraine’s ongoing resistance to Vladimir Putin’s ongoing and unjust war.”

COVID Credibility Shot

During the COVID War, Republicans and Democrats issued the same dire policy
prescriptions early on that argued the country had to completely shut down and freeze
all economic activity and day-to-day life, to “stop the spread” and avoid “killing
grandma” by spreading the virus.

From early 2021 on, controversial warp-speed treatments relying on mRNA gene
technologies, deceptively labeled vaccines, were aggressively pushed on populations
at little risk from serious illness by the virus itself.

Trends Journal 55 3 January 2023

But younger healthy people, including those who acquired a level of natural immunity
from previously catching COVID, were told they needed to get the shots to “protect
others” and not spread the virus.

President Biden said it. Health officials claimed it. It turned out to be another lie. The
COVID vaccines in fact did not and do not prevent the spread of COVID virus variants.
And, as we have greatly detailed in The Trends Journal, from President Biden, to
Anthony Fauci, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris—to the vast political and media
congregation who championed the COVID Jab—they all got fully jabbed and fully
coronavirus infected.

But despite that, the Federal government mandated the vaccine for (some) groups like
the military, and a number of state governments mandated the vaccine for employees.
Businesses, including many hospitals, transportation workers and others were also
subjected to vaccine mandates.

In other words, “No Jab, No Job.” So much for freedom.

When people in Canada, Europe, the U.S. and even China have protested draconian
COVID measures, governments, West or East, “Democratic,” “Socialist,” or
“Communist,” have had the same strikingly similar response: crush and destroy
dissent at any cost.

It happened in Canada with the Truckers Convoy Protest. U.S. protesters in Michigan,
New York and elsewhere were smeared as right-wing “anti-government” terrorists for
protesting against lockdowns in 2020, and against vaccine mandates in 2021.

More recently, China has been cracking down and whisking away organizers fighting
“zero COVID” lockdowns in parts of Beijing, Guangzhou, and the metro area of
QUASHED,” 29 Nov 2022).

Trends Journal 56 3 January 2023

Inflation, Recession Got the “Big Lie” Treatment

Even as The Trends Journal was calling out the inevitable outcome of monetary
manipulations, incoherent COVID policies and war mongering penchants that were
gutting American and other economies, policy makers have consistently downplayed
and pretended the problems were “transitory.”

In the U.S., Fed Reserve Chair Jerome Powell finally admitted in November 2021
Congressional testimony that it was time to retire the mantra that inflation was
“temporary” or “transitory.” (See “THE POWELL PUSH: FOR BETTER OR WORSE,” 7
Dec 2021.)

Meanwhile, after two consecutive quarters of negative growth in 2022, mainstream

media and information propagandists came to the rescue of the Biden Administration
to blunt recession criticism by “helpfully” revising the long-standing definition of

The Establishment is Seen as A Self-Preserving Cabal

Throughout it all, establishment authorities and entities have consistently acted for
their own interests of self preservation and empowerment, and not according to the
Will and benefit of the people.

Politicians didn’t follow their own COVID laws and restrictions. They spent wildly to
buy support and votes with everything from COVID relief checks, to “good wars,” to
college debt forgiveness.

They are progressively instituting so-called “zero-carbon” mandates that are

shuttering and threatening some of the most productive farming regions in the world,
including the Netherlands, Canada and the U.S., at a time when world food security is
precariously on edge.

As a result, there is a growing crisis of faith in the Establishment as moderate, sensible

bodies that deserve support.

Trends Journal 57 3 January 2023

Some 60 percent of Americans—still touted as the richest large economy on
earth—now worry that they are going broke (see “SOME 60 PERCENT OF

A majority of Americans stated they did not support Biden’s COVID War policy
performance as of the summer of 2021. (See “AMERICANS SEE WASHINGTON AS

According to a December 2022 CNN poll, 59 percent of Democrats now say they want
to see someone other than Joe Biden run for President in 2024.

A growing number of people have next to no trust in establishment backed

mainstream media sources. As we noted in “AMERICANS DESPERATE FOR
ACCURATE, FAIR NEWS REPORTING” (25 Oct 2022), a Gallup poll found that only 7
percent of Americans claim to have a “great deal” of trust in the news media, while 38
percent have no confidence at all in newspaper reporting.

And they have little trust in most mainstream and establishment institutions, as
YEAR” (12 Jul 2022) showed.

TREND FORECAST: We forecast establishment parties, political figures and

institutions will be dealing with growing insurgencies both within and outside of those
power structures. Composed of disenfranchised masses who are deeply dissatisfied,
and indeed, growing desperate at the failures of the establishment, the wave of
immigrants flooding into nations will
also foment more extreme push-back and intensifying opposition and the formation of
new political parties.

There will be pushback against radical medical policies and societal shutdowns,
extreme belligerent geopolitical and war policies, zealous, cult-like “green energy”
proscriptions, and the pernicious idea that any opposition to their authority represents
dangerous, terroristic disinformation. They have weaponized U.S. intelligence agencies
against their own people.

Trends Journal 58 3 January 2023

Over There

Other Western nations like Australia and the U.K. have engaged in similar violations of
citizen rights.

As recently released “Twitter Files” and the Missouri vs. Biden lawsuit have shown, the
U.S. government worked hand-in-hand with tech companies to censor and suppress
opposition to COVID related and other policies. Intelligence agencies also engaged in
a corrupt campaign to interfere in the 2020 election by censoring the New York Post’s
Hunter Biden laptop coverage, disrupting the communications of a sitting President,
and suppressing the Constitutional free speech and political rights of thousands of

TREND FORECAST: In some nations, growing anti-establishment movements may be

forced to use civil disobedience and other tactics of resistance. But their goals of
wanting politicians to work for wider peace, prosperity and political freedoms of the
people, instead of further elitist authority and enrichment, are not radical at all and will
find mass support.

Trends Journal 59 3 January 2023


Homelessness is still a top concern in cities across the U.S., and with poverty, crime
and government corruption accelerating across the planet, waves of immigrants
flooding into safe-haven nations has—and will—make the homeless crisis worsen.

In the U.S. the homeless catastrophe attracted more attention during the midterm
elections. For example, Los Angeles’s new mayor wasted little time after the
November election—where homelessness took center stage—to announce her “Inside
Safe” initiative, which aims to bring homeless people into temporary housing and off
the streets.

The centerpiece of her plan includes the city taking over hotels or motels to house the
homeless. The Los Angeles Times noted that it is not clear how she will be able to
secure enough beds to “meaningfully reduce or eliminate large encampments across
Los Angeles.”

Trends Journal 60 3 January 2023

Gerald Celente has laid out a plan that could help cities solve their homeless issues,
but the mainstream media, and the mayors we have contacted, have done their best
to completely ignore his plan that, instead of warehousing and hiding homeless
people in shelters, would provide these individuals the opportunity to get out of the
cities and into rural facilities run on the model of Boys Town, the famous village in

The U.S. has countless locations that are not far from major cities that would be
suitable for Homeless Towns.

For example, in New York's Catskill Mountains, the area once famously known as the
"Borscht Belt," or “Jewish Alps” where there were thriving lovely hotels and famous
celebrity hang outs... they are now empty or demolished, and the area is now largely
These lovely country locations would be conducive to self-sustaining villages where
the currently homeless could live in clean, safe environments and, while receiving
needed treatment, learn to work with their hands and minds while helping to solve the
worsening homeless crisis. (See “‘HOMELESS AND HELPLESS’: THERE’S NO PLACE
Celente has described the idea as akin to the “Fresh Air Fund" (a charity that helps
underprivileged city kids experience a summer in the country). These individuals could
acquire skills that would give them a purpose in life and prepare them for
re-integration into civilized society.

Meanwhile, though, they would no longer be blight on city sidewalks; to remain in their
urban tent encampments would no longer be acceptable.
It is time to acknowledge that the current “system” is not working, and the problem
will not fix itself.

A city council in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, released a proposal last week that
earmarked $1 million to secure nearly three acres of land to house homeless U.S.

Trends Journal 61 3 January 2023

veterans. The 200,000-square-foot facility would include 42 beds and 33 units for
low-income housing, KRQE reported. The veterans will also have access to mental
health professionals. The project is expected to cost about $18 million.

“What we’ve found with these veterans is you give them a hand up, they thrive. Eighty
percent of the veterans that come through our program a year later are permanently
housed,” Brock Wolff, the CEO of Veterans Integration Centers, told the news outlet.

“This program is the type of program that has that comprehensive approach. This isn’t
just, ‘get ’em a place,’ it isn’t ‘just take away the places that they have;’ it’s actually
offering them that hand up and a place they can go, and I think that’s the message
that we need to send to all the homeless,” Wolff says.

TREND FORECAST: How can Celente’s Solution be implemented? When the mass
media promotes the Celente Solution so the general public can be informed of what is
needed to help solve the homeless crisis, We the People can tell our public servants
that they must take action to make it happen. As the economies continue to decline
and the homeless situation greatly worsens, we forecast cities will begin to implement
Celente’s Homeless Solution.

Trends Journal 62 3 January 2023

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