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The bar chart comparechart compares chart comparedcharts compare how many students who
choose/choosing certain university subjects, namely sciences, mathematics, social sciences, languages,
humanities and, the arts, etcetc. during 2005.|
Overall, it can be seen that social sciences wasis the subject which female students choose in university with
almost 25 thousands personpeoplepersons, and the least subject choosing by male students wasis languages
with about 1 thousand personpeoplepersons.
The languages subject just has about 1 thousand male students choosedecideselectpick, but it has was
chosen by 18-19 thousands female students choose. Female students often choosedecideselectpick languages
and social sciencessciences, with 18-19 and almost 25 thousands votevotes. On the other hand, male
students almost neverseldomseldomlyrarely choosedecideselectpick languages and the arts with 2-3
thousands vote.
Humanities and Literature are the most subjects male and students all choosedecideselectpick. Humanities
has the male and female students chooseto choose is the same at about 11 thousands.

Ngọc Hà
The bar chart providesd information related to the demand for different subjects in
university in 2005. In general, the number of male students dominated in the majority of subjects, with the
exception ofexceptexcept for Social Science, Language andLanguage, and The Art. Furthermore, the
number of students who chose Social Sciences were the highest while that of The Arts were the lowest in
The demand for Sciences was over double that of Law. The option for Mathematics of male students
waswas, 18000 remarkable higher than that in female which was, around 4500. The number of male and
female students who chosedecidedselectedpicked Literature were aroundaround, 13000 andand, 11000
The option for Social Sciences in male was approximately 15000 while that ofin female was about 25000.
The number of female students who chosedecidedselectedpicked Languages were around 18000 which, were
9 times that of male. The option for the Arts of female students was about 3 times that of male. It is also
noticeableFurthermore, It is noticeableLikewise, It is noticeable that in Humanities, the figures for male and
female students were similar.

The table illustration the television provides figures for sports by four countrycountries: Australia, UK,
USA, Canada, measured inof million.

Overall, from the table, fourfor sport is mentioned areis tennis, gold, motor racing, athletics. The country
havecountry hascountry hadcountries have the highest number of people watching sport highest is USA.
And Canada have people watching sport lowest isat 14.5 million. Especially, tennis is sport haveto have
nearly similar figures between four countries. The figures for tennis were similar between four countries

According theAccording to the table, we can see the number of people watching in USAin the USA
overwhelmed almost all sports compared to the other three countries, except motor racing with 1.5 million
viewers. Tennis, Golf, Athletics which isare 7, 11.2 and 5.5 million people, respectively. Watchers Viewers
in Canada and USA are were not interested in motor racingracing, with at least amount just the number at 1.1
and 1.5 million only. Besides, figures of watchers viewers of motor racing reachesreaches, the highest
viewing in UK the wasis 6.4 million people. According theAccording to the table, we can see in Australia,
Australian does not likedislikes athletics like other countries, just onlyjustonly 3 million viewers, as opposed
to USAto the USA have 5.5 people watching on TV.

The chart details the television viewership figures for four different sports in four nations for the calendar
year 2018.
Overall, it is clear that tennis wasis the sport that Americans watch the most, whereas golf wasis the most
popular sport in the other countries on the list.
Tennis wasis a well-liked sport in all of theall the nations areit are listed. In/With 6.2 million, 6.6. illion, 7
million and 6 million in Australia, the UK, the US and Canada respectively Australia, 6.2 million people
uwatchwatchswatchu watch it, followed by 6.6 million in the United Kingdom, 7 million in the United
States, and 6 million in Canada. With the exception of ExceptExcept for the UK/ Apart from the UK , motor
racing receives the least amount of overall viewership in the table . After tennis, it is the sport that is watched
the most in the UK. In contrast, tennis was the m ost popular sport in the UK
Athletics wasis a sport that with just 2 million Australians viewers watch, compared to 8.9 million
Americans who do so. In comparison to Australia, figures in the U.K. and Canada for Athletics wereare
nearly twice as high. Golf receives the greatest television attention out of the four sports are mentioned. 11.7
million individuals in America like to watch golf. With 4.5 million viewers, Australia stands in the second
place. Comparatively, 2.9 million and 2.6 million people follow this sport nonstop in the United Kingdom
and Canada.

The table aggregates TV viewing figures for sports by country, measured in millions. Overall, the USA has
the highest total TV viewing figures for sports. In contrast, Canada's total television viewing figures for
sports are dwarfed by the United States, Australia andAustralia, and the United Kingdom, respectively.
Television viewing figures for golf in the USA dominate not only the country but also abroad ATwith 11.2
million. Motorcycle racing, which has 1.5 TV views, is was significantly lower than all other sports/ was the
lea ost popular sport among recorded categories . For the UK, TV viewing figures for tennis are were more
than twice that ofthe figures for golf.
Athletics reached thea minimum of 3 million TV views in Australia. In addition, tennis also holds the
highest ranking in television viewing figures for sports by Canada and Australia, from 6.1 to 6.2 million.
Finally, the lowest figure in all sports is motor racing atwith 1.1 million

This bar graph illustrates the proportion of students who selected various university subjects in 2005.
Overall, it is clear that female students mostly chose social sciences and languages, while male continued to
favor sciences and mathematics as their preferred disciplines. According to the given data, there were
significantly more male students than female students majoring in sciences and mathematics. With about 40
thousand total students, Social Sciences attracted the most students, while The Art attracted only about 12
thousand. Clearly, female preferred social sciences more than any other field. There were only about 2,000
and 3,000 male students who chosedecidedselectedpicked to major in languages and the arts. However,
there were over 15,000 male students in literature as opposed torather thaninstead ofmore than 12,000
female students. Humanities wasarewere the only subject where there were an equal number of male and

The bar graph providegraph providesgraph providedgraphs provide information thein theabout figure
selectingsselecting specific subject's in 2005.

In general, the number of male students dominate femalfemaleferalfetal in the majority of subject with the
exception ofexceptexcept for Social Sciences, Languages andLanguages, and Arts. Furthermore, the demand
for Sciences were the highest in 2005 while for the Languages wereire the lowest.

With the subjectssubjects, such as Sciences, Mathematics and Literature and, LawLaw, the number of male
students overwhelmed female. Besides, the figures of male choosingsen Sciences was trouble Law. Social
Sciences and Literature were about at the same amount number with of around 15 thousand students.

According to the chart, we can see Social Sciences have figurefigured nearly maximum with just under 25
thousand studentsSocial sciences had the highest figures among reported categories at under 25 thousand
students. Stading at The second position is was Languages, the number of female students dominate male
with nearly 20 thousands. With regarding Humanities subjectsubject, female and male have the same
quantity and have similar figure with Literature. The Sciences and the Arts have the same range too, around
10 thousand and just under 10 thousand female students, respectively.

P Thảo
The table shows the television viewing figures for sports ofby four countries ( (Australia, UK, USA and
Canada). In general, television viewing figures for Tennis wasis the highest and/whie motor racing is the
lowest. televisionTelevision viewing figures for sports isare the highest in USAin the USA and lowest in
In Australia, US andUS, and Canada, television viewing figures for Tennis dominate other sports, with the
exception ofexceptexcept for USA. In the USA, people like watching Golf mostthe most, with 11,2
millionsmillion views. Motor racing is unpopular in USAin the USA and Canada. Athletics isn't was also
not popular when watching the most in countries is 5,5 millionsmillion views.

Hải An

theThe table below provides infomationinformation about television viewing for sports by country ,in, in
millions.The The USA and Australia are were the countriesy that watch tennis most.In In golfgolf, the
usaUSAususe has 11.2 millionsmillion people watching. Look at the table ,, as we can seesee, countries
don't watch much motor racing. It It just has 12,7 millions which was - lowestmillions—lowestmillions –
lowest in totals sportin sport.However However, in the UkUK an athletics not as popular as motor racing.
In datadata, tennis is the most popularity with nearly 30millions30 millions people watch.

Hải An
theThe graph provides data ralatedrelated to the demand for different subject in a university in2005. inIn
general, the number of male students overwhelmed female in the subjects, with th3 exception social sciences
and languages.Sciences Sciences math,literature, literature and law are the subjects that male student chose
more than female. At social sciences,languages, languages, the arts, are chosendecidedselectedpicked more
by female. humanitiesHumanities isarewere a subject that both male and female chose certain.moreover
Moreover moreover the demand for social sciences wewewerewoodWood the highest while for the
languages were lowestlowest.lowest!lowest?

Ngọc Hà
The line chart portrays the percentage of visitors who travelled to four different types of
places/attractions/recreational destinations in Scotland over 30 years between 1980 and 2010.
In general, the changes in the proportion of visitors to the Castle and Zoo surged, while the figures for the
Aquarium and Festival had tendencya tendency to decrease. Besides that, the Castle attracted the most
tourism tourists in the end ofat the end of the period.
It is clearly to see that the Festival was the most favored place in 1980 accounted for , with 30% of total
tourist volume then this figure had some fluctuations and from 2000 to 2010 it remained constant. On the
other hand, the Zoo was the least attractiveed place at first, with at only 10%. In the period between 1980
and 2000, the proportion visiting for the Zoo stay unstablevaried and after thatthereaftersubsequently, it
increaseds to 20% in 2010.
In addition, the percentage of tourismstourismtouriststour isms to Aquarium was 20% in 1980. On the next 5
years, it reached a peak of 35% in 1985 then dipped significantly to 10% in 2010. Meanwhile, the figured
for Castle had an upward trend from under 25% to over 45% over 15 years. This fi gure plummeted to over
30% in 2010.

Ngọc Hà
The table illustrates information about the television viewing figures for four different kind s of sports in
four countries
On one hand, tennis hads the most views in the table has 6.5 million views in Australia, 6.6
milionmillionMiltonminion views in the UK, 7 and 6.1 in the USA and Canada respectively. On the other
hand,motor, motor racing has the least viewers with total of 12.7 milionmillionMiltonminion in all four
Looking at athletics, 5.5 milionmillionMiltonminion Americans watch this sport in comparison to only 3
million Australians, 4,5 and 3,9 milionmillionMiltonminion views in UK and Canada
respestivelyrespectively. For instance, golf has the second highestsecond-highest amount number of
viewership. In the USA 11.2 million people who enjoy watching golf. Australia comes a distant second with
4.5 million viewers. In comparison, fewer people in U.Kthe U.K.UK and Canada watch this sport at, 2.8
million and 3.4 million consecutively.
It can be seen clearly that golf is the most watched sport in the USAUSA, while tennis is the most popular
sport among other listed countriescountries.countries!countries?

P thảo
The bar chart shows the number of students who chose certain university subjects in 2005. In general, The
number of male students overwhelm female in the majority of subjects, with the exception ofexceptexcept
for Social Sciences, Languages andLanguages, and The Arts.
In 2005, the number of male students choosingdecidingselectingpicking Sciences and Mathematics was the
highest. Specifically, the number of males choosing Sciences was over 20 thousands, twice as high as 2
times higher than the number of female. In Mathematics, the number of male students dominated the female,
with 18 thousands for male and 4 thousands for female. Like Sciences, The number of male choosing Law
was doubletwice as high as the number of female. literatureLiterature was also a popular choice among
males with withwith 10 thousands for male and 5 thousands for female.
In contrast, the number of female students dominated the male, with 18 thousands for female and 2
thousands for male. The number of male and female choosing humanities was the samesame, with over 10
thousands. The number of female students choosingdecidingselectingpicking The Arts was 3 times higher
than the number of male students with 9 thousands for girls and 3 thousands for boys.respectively
The number of male and female choosing humanities was the same with over 10 thousands.

Trường Giang

It is often argued that adolescents should spenduse for more time on cultural activities and less time on
physical activity. From my perspective, I disagree with this view because both cultural activities and sports
play an important role with in young people development these days/ Both cultural activities and sports are
vital component contributing to a well-rounded development of the young generation .

On the one hand, it is reasonable that the young should spend their time on cultural activities. The reason for
this is becauseis that those activities are very relaxing and entertaining, theywhich are a great ways to
reduce stress and temporarily forget all the pressurees and worries from daily life. Those activities also give
young people the opportunity to develop their imagination and creativity. As a result, they will work or
study more effectively and have greater focus. In addition, the young will get deepermore profoundmore in-
depth insight into about their owntheir history and country when visiting cultural destinations or frequently
taking part in cultural activitiesactivities, usually. This is a vital factor to promote national pride and
strengthen the sense of community. On the other hand, I believe that youngsters should also spend more
time engaging in physical activities. The main reason is becauseis that playing many sports such as football,
badminton orbadminton, or athletics helps them burn calories, build muscle and maintain a healthy weight.
Moreover, young people can learn valuable life leassonslessonsleas sons. For example, people who select to
play team sports are taught to work effectively in a team environment and even sacrifice themselves for the
sake offor the team. More importantly, investing time in sports can prevent various health problems like
diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack or even cancer. A 2020 WHO study showed that regular physical
activity reduces the risk of cancer and other diseases by 25%. In conclusion, although spending time in
cultural activities is a good choice, it seems to me that adolescents should not make light of sports because
of many differentmany advantages.


It is often said that the youth of today should frequently engage in culture activities ,, such as music and
theatertheater, rather than sports. In my opinion ,, iI partly disagree with the view. It is undeniable thatthat,
nowadaynowadays ,, the young indulge in sports which could be advantageous to health .. If people have
somefrequently attend outdoor activities ,, they will have a good shape./ good health both mentally and
physically is often believed to be the result of out d oor activities Based on the statistics of World Health
Organization ,, human doing exercise could reducesreduce symptoms of depression and anxiety ,, they also
can keep away from some life-threatening diseases, namely heart disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke, and high
blood pressure. On the other hand ,, cultural activities such aare great opportunity to communicate to the
community ,, the young can earn knowledge of culture like Art and Music too. From all these opinionthis
opinionthese opinions ,, it leadleads to the conclusion that both activities are equally important for the
young community ..

The line chart portrays the proportion of visitors to Scotland visiting of four different destinations in
Edinburgh, namely aquarium, castle, zoo andzoo, and festival over a period of 30 years, starting from 1980.
Overall, the number of tourists to zoo and castle saw an upward trend, while that of aquarium and festival
had ana tendency to drop. It is noticeable that castlethe castle was the most popular tourists attractions
during the period indicatedreported/considered.
In 1980, about 30% visitorsof visitors to Scotland chose to attend festival, which was slightly higher than
that of castle. In the same year, the percentage of tourists who selected to go to the aquarium was 20%, over
double than that of zoo. Five years later, the number of visitors deciding to aquarium reached a peak of 35%,
overtook that of Castle and Festival as the primary tourists destination of tourists to in Scotland.
Between 1985 and 2010, there was a dramatic fall in travelers paying a visit to aquarium and hit a low point
around 8% in 2010. Similarly, the figure for castle reduced significantly to approximately 30%. The
percentage of tourists selecting tothe zoo fluctuated graduallyslightly. Meanwhile, there was a period of
stability in the rate of visitors who chosedecidedselectedpicked festivalthe festival, at around 25%.

Hà ANh
There is an opinion that today's young people should spend more time on traditional activities such as music
and theater rather than spending time on sports. For me, I think sport is more important has a overwhelming
important in the development of adolescent compared to music and arts so, so I don't agree with this.
Exercise is very importantcriticalsignificantessential for people of all ages, and even more so for young
people. Children who are still in the developing age need to be/stay physically active a lot, exercise is not
only good for health but also good for physical psychological and physical development. Older people such
as university students, or newcomers also need to play sports, in addition to being good for health, playing
sports is also like a helful/reliable way to relieve fatigue/stress after working days. Playing sports helps the
body to be more agile, and have more strengths.


It is often said that today's youth should more often participate in cultural activities such as music or theater
rather than sports. With Inmy opinion, I partially agree with this view, as will now be discussed.
First of allFirstFirstlyForemost, I agree that young people today should participate more in cultural activities
because it is a good medicine/measure/method to help their mental health become better. Not only that,
participating in cultural activities is also a way for them to entertain and relax after extremely stressful
working hours. However, in the other opinion, I think that participating in sports activities is also necessary
because first of allfirstfirstlyforemost, it is a way for us to know how to exercise and improve health, from
which we can avoid diseases related to cardiovascular problems, obesity,., ... Not only that, exercising
helps us to develop a better network of friends/ have more new relationships, more new friends, thereby
helping us to build good relationships relationships relationships, avoid stress, fatigue, loneliness when we
encounter something difficult.
In short, participation in cultural activities is good and necessary for young people, but they should also
participate in sports for their health and relationships.


In general, festivals and aquariums can be seen as places with ato have decreasing number of visitors from
1980 to 2010. With Regarding aquariums, in the 1980s, attendance rates were only around 20%, however,
until till 1985, it increased sharply to 35%, but then started to decrease and by 2010, attendance wasand
reach a low point of only about 10%. Similar is the festival Festivla followed a similar trend, when in 1980,
the viewership rate was about 30%, but year by year, the viewership rate decreased and by 2010 the
viewership rate was only 25%.
In contrast, castles and zoos are places where visitor numbers skyrocket ed. With the zoo, in the 1980s, the
viewership rate fell to 10%, year by year, there were times when the rate decreased but by 2010 the
viewership rate had increased to 20%. Similarly, Castle in 1980 had only about 23% viewers hip, over the
years the viewership was steadily increasing and by 2010, viewership had increased to 25%.

P Thảo

A recent debate that teenagers should concentrate on cultural activitiesactivities, for example music and
theater instead of sport onas a daily basic. In my opinion, I completelyentirelythoroughly disagree with
thisat opinion.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that there are a lot ofmanyplenty ofnumerous benefits if/that encourage
people to spend time on sports. Playing sports not only improves health but, but also helps us to reduce
fatigue and stress after a period of work. At schools, it has rest time for students to do attend/participate in
outdoor activities. Youths may find pleasure in doing these things. To identify, reducing the time on sports
is not good advice for youngsters.
On the other hand, I believe that regular cultural participation is just as important to the youth as sport s. It
can reduce stress anand anxiety reduction when youth watchwatches a play or listen to music. Spending time
on cultural activities is opportunityan opportunity to have new experiences. Participation in culture activities
helps adolescents develop thinking skills especially cultural heritage helps to more enhance understanding
more about history such as opera shows, art exhibition...…
In conclusion, all activities are equally importantsignificantessentialcritical. Cultural activities and sport are
necessary for young generation.

Hải An

Many people believe that the younger generation should concentrate more on extra activities such as music
and theater than on sport. I disagree with the statement. Because Because it depends on every individual
person preferences to choose which activities they wants to spend more time. As we know ,cultural, cultural
activities like music and theater are beare being a part of life. itIt can give many young people an effective
way to take their mind off stressful situations. For example ,in, in schools all students are givingprovideding
with the opportunity to participate in all games and cultural activities. on On on the other hand, sports help
them to be physically active. In the process of growing up, they need activateneed to stay activate which
impetus height. In conclusion ,teenagers, teenagers should spend more time on the cultural activities such as
music and theatretheater but, but also maintain their time for the sport.

Hà Anh

The line graph below compares the proportion of visitors to Scotland who visited four tourist destinations
between 1980 and 2010.
Overall, it is clear that the percentage of visitors to the Aquarium and Festival decreased over the period.
While the figures for Castle and Zoo increased. In addition, the proportion visiting the Castle was by far the
most popular of the four destinations.
In 1980, the figure for travelers to Castlethe Castle was about 25%. There was a rapid peak at about 45% in
1995 before the drop to 30% in 2010. The percentage traveling to the Aquarium also rise significantly from
20% in 1980 to reach a peak at about 34% in 1985.
Ngọc Hà

It is often said that teenagers ought to focus more on cultural activities such as music and theater than on
sports. I absolutelystronglytrulyhighly agree with the view, as now will be dicusseddiscussed.
As we know, from past to present, sports haveis always been a subject to increase firmness/strengh and
flexibility. Playing requentlyfrequently, their body have the chances to excerciseexercise regularly.
Consequently, they can evade sickness and don't feel tired when studying or working. Participating in
sports also helps them stay in shape, organizes our time, boosts friendships and teaches us how to work on
as a team,
Nevertheless, I believe that engage in extra activities is just as important theto the youngth as get involved
in sports because it can be persumedpresumedperfumed as beneficial for their mental health. Cultural
engagement can be a perfect way to reduce their stress and relax. Moreover, going to the theater may
expandsexpand young generation's knowledge about their culture or the history of their country. In
addition, playing music will improvestrengthenexpandelevate their studying skill. One research has shown
that people who can play music are good at Math and have ability to remember well.

Khánh Linh

In today's modern society, some/certain individuals believe that adolescents should spend more time on
cultural activities such as music and museum rather than sport. In my perspective, both things are important
and youngsters should balance their time to do it all.
On the one hand, cultural activities such as theater can bring people a bunch variety of knowledge that
relateds to their owntheir countries'scountry'scountries' history or social development. It is the training of
interests or skills of a person. When individuals participate indo cultural activities, they can know how to
react preserve and propogate with natural traditional heritage or traditional values of the nation.
Furthermore, when students becomeget successful in cultural activities, it will help them both in boosting
the self-confidence and having good academic performance.
On the other hand, not only cultural activities but also sports can bring benefits to people. Sport activities
include football, basketball, swimming, tennis or golf. A British magazine has shown that the majority of
people who involved in sport things activities have better health than the others. Taking part in these
activities is one way to maintain or improve our healthy lifestyle. Moreover, people can have a better spirit
or mentality to work more efficiently and, and they will keep motivated for their creations.
Thanh Thảo

The line graph illustrates the proportion of tourists to Scotland who visited tothe four types of places in
Edinburgh including the Aquarium, Castle, Zoo and Festival between 1980 to 2010between 1980 and 2010.
Overall, it is evident that visitor numbers to Aquarium and festival declined while the percentage of tourists
visited castle and zoo increased. It is also remarkable Furthermore, It is remarkableLikewise, It is remarkable
that castles were the most popular tourist attraction in Scotland.
Between 1980 to 1995Between 1980 and 1995, the percentage of visitors to the castle increased
significantly from 25% to 45%, which was higher than the figure for zoothe zoo, at only 10%. However,
between 1995 to 2010 between 1995 and 2010 the percentage of tourists to the castles gradually decreased
roughly 15%. The proportion of tourists to the zoo fluctuated around a minority during the first 20 years,
after thatafter that, it significantly increased to 20%.
BesideBesides that, festivals were the most popular in 1980 with 30%. In the same period, the figure of
visitors to the aquarium were 20% and, and it reached to 15% then it decreased just under 10% in 2010.

Khánh Linh

The chart portrays the percentage of travellerstravelers to Scotland who visited four attractions namely
aquarium, castle, zoo andzoo, and festival in Edinburg.
Overall, there was aan upward tendency in the percentage of tourists who visited the zoos and the castles. In
contrast, that percentage of who visited the aquarium and festival decreased over a period of 30 years.
It can be seen from the chart that the percentage of tourists who went to the castle increased sharply from
1980 to 1995; after that, there was a downward tendency trend in the next 15 years. Besides, there was a big
fluctuation about associated with the number of people visited the zoo every 10 years from 1980 to 2000.
For the rest 10 years, the proportion of tourists increased gradually.
In details, there was not a bigminor changes in the number of individuals who go to the festivals; instead,
the number is reduced from 30% to 25%. Moreover, the number of people who visit t he aquariums increased
dramatically around the first 5 years and there was a strong downward trend the following years.

Hải An

theThe illustrations comparescompares data about the percentage of tourists to

scotlandScotlandShetlandCopland who visited four different attractions in edinburghEdinburghEdinburg.
inIn general,the, the number of visitors of aquarium and the castle tend to move downward while the festival
and the zoo has higher in the 2000s.
theThe aquarium has the largest number of tourists are in 1985, after thatafter that, the ratio of visitors to the
aquarium went down dramatically to about 10%. itIt is the lowest resulting number among the four sights.
similarSimilar to the quariumaquarium, the hightesthighestlightesttightest ratio of visitors came theto the
castle are in the 1990 to 1995. onOn the other hand, the zoo was experiencing a series of rises and falls.
whileWhile all are falling,the, the festivalfestival, not much has changed.


The chart compares changes in the proportion of visitors to Scotland who traveled to several attractions in
Edinburgh from 1980 to 2010.
Overall, what stands out from the graph is that the percentage of travelers who chose the Zoo and Castle had
an upward trendtrend, while the figure for the Aquarium and Festival dropped. On the other hand, the
Castle was the most famous site of four places until 2010.
Looking at the details, the Zoo got theat least attention in 1980 with only 10% of tourists. After some
variations in 30 years, it gradually grew up to 20% in 2010. Conversely, the Castle won this trend with the
suddenly soarsudden soar in the points of visitors between 1980 and 1995, from about 25% to 45%. That of
foreigners Festival? fell gradually throughout the next 15 years, however, the CasrleCastle still ranked as the
most theto the top of well knownwell-known locations in Edinburgh.
By contrast, the Aquarium andAquarium, and Festival couldn't keep up the good work their performance
after the period of years during the recorded period . There was a slightly reductionslight reduction by around
5% in the number of guests who were interested in the Festival within 30 years. Especially, the Aquarium
saw a drop at the lowest point in the figure of passengers, from 20% to under 10%.


The illustrations comparescompare the quantity of people to Scotland who traveled Edinburgh magnetism
/attraction between 1980 -2010 ..
Overall ,, it is clear that the ratio of travelers to the Zoo and Castle had an upward trend ,, while the figures
of Festival and Aquarium decreased over the period ..
In 1980 ,, the percentage of guests who are attracted to Castle was 20 percent ,, and it risenhas risenrosehas
risen after 10 years aboutto about 45 percent until 1995 .. On the contrary ,, the proportion of tourists
dropped to approximately 30 percent .. Meanwhile ,, the number of Zoo’s guests were fluctuated between
10 - 1510 – 1510–15 percent and, and it went up to 20 percent in 2010.
On the other hand ,, the figures of Aquarium with experienced a rapid rise and peaked at 35 percent in
1985 ; however ,, it is sharply fell from 1990 to 2010 .. The Festival was the most attractive/popular place
for visitors to Scotland. Starting with 30% in 1980, but then this percentage saw a steady decline, reaching a
final figure of just 26% in 2010.


Sports areis a heathy activitiesa heathy activitiesy, because because it makes people avoid prevent people
from a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone can do sports on the ground that sports is easy like individual sports
such as jogging or walking, Elderly people can do that , and younger. Younger; younger people should play
sports like football, basketball andbasketball, and badminton. From a researchresearch of WHO showing
that people have to go 7000-8000 steps to get a healthy lifestyle. People often said that young people should
know about cultural and tradition of their country, but iI don't totally agree with that because you
ngNGnokg people interested into find out the interested of going theater. But there isare a few young
people who spend time on cultural activities such as music and theater since they enjoy watching drama.


Many individuals today believe that young people should engage in cultural pursuits activities like music
and other arts. However, a lot ofmanyplenty ofnumerous people believe that participating in sports also
benefits young people. Work and life go hand in hand, in my opinion.
First, it cannot be disputed that cultural pursuits are morally positive. They are able tocan live and encounter
new things thanks to it. People can also learn a lot from thealso have opportunities to learn new musical
instruments when they attend the theater. Sports activities, on the other hand, could be less experienced yet
are nonetheless beneficial. Everyone benefits from exercise. Sports also teach kids about following rules and
cooperating with others. For instance, if you join a sports team, your team's unity will help you defeat all
In conclusion, I thinkthink.think!think?

The line graph displays the percentage of visitors to four distinct locations in Edinburgh over a 30-year
period, from 1980 to 2010.
Over the course of the survey's years, approximately half of all travelers reported liking Castlethe Castle.
While Aquarium's numbers were quite modest.
Only 10% of visitors to the zoo were from outside the country in 1980. Following some small variations, it
then rapidly grew to 20% at the end of the period. In contrast, the Aquarium's visitor s rate was 10% points
higher than the Zoo’s in 1980, hit its peak swiftly after only 5 years, and then dropped sharply until
becoming the least popular attraction in 2010.
Similar to Aquarium, the percentage of tourists at Castlethe Castle changed. It peaked at 45% in 1995,
reaching its highest point on the chart, before progressively declining to more than 15% in the final year of
the poll. Finally, during the course of duringwhile 30 years, the number of attendees to the Festival declined
steadily. It demonstrated how the popularity of Edinburgh’s festival was declining.


The line chart illustrates the information ofonabout tourists to Scotland who visited four different tourist
attractions, namely aquarium, castle, zoo andzoo, and festival in Edinburgh over 30 a period of 30 years
from 1980 to 2010. OverallOverall, zoo and castle experienced an increaseing in of tourists, but the number
of visitors of aquarium and festival are dropdropeds. The touriststourists's visited festival almost doesn't
almost change over 30 years. The tourists who visited zoo from 1980 to 1998 is unstable, and from 1998 to
2007, tourists visited zoo is risingrose from 10% to 20%. Castle is surge from 1980 to 1998 25% to 45%,
then from 1998 to 2007 it dipdips to 30%.Festival Festival has a small reduce of tourists from 30% to above
30%.Aquarium Aquarium increased from 1980 to 1982 then reduce to above 10% at 2007.

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