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Phrase entendue : Ces zestes sont parfSentence heard: These zests are perfect.

Phrase lue : Ces zestes sont parfaits. Sentence read: These zests are perfect.
Phrase entendue : Je me suis trompé !Sentence heard: I was wrong!
Phrase lue : Je me suis trempé ! Sentence read: I got soaked!
Phrase entendue : Excusez-moi, mais Sentence
ce heard: Excuse me, but it's not very fresh!
Phrase lue : Excusez-moi, mais ce n'est Sentence read: Excuse me, but it's not very fresh!
Phrase entendue : Tu vois le paon là-bSentence heard: Do you see the peacock over there?
Phrase lue : Tu vois le pont là-bas ? Sentence read: Do you see the bridge over there?
Phrase entendue : Je changeais souven Sentence heard: I often changed neighborhoods.
Phrase lue : J'ai changé souvent de qua Sentence read: I have often changed neighborhoods.
Phrase entendue : Elle se croit au-dessSentence heard: She thinks she is above the law!
Phrase lue : Elle se croit au-dessus desSentence read: She thinks she is above the law!
Phrase entendue : Cet homme ne vautSentence heard: This man is worth nothing.
Phrase lue : Cet homme ne veut rien. Sentence read: This man does not want anything.
Phrase entendue : Mais qu'est-ce que c'e Sentence heard: But what a long wait here!
Phrase lue : Mais qu'est-ce que c'est lon Sentence read: But what a long wait here!
Phrase entendue : Il atteint toujours son Sentence heard: He always achieves his goal.
Phrase lue : Il atteint toujours son objecSentence read: He always achieves his goal.
Phrase entendue : Antoine a perdu la vSentence heard: Antoine has lost his sight.
Phrase lue : Antoine a perdu la vie. Sentence read: Antoine lost his life.
Phrase entendue : Dominique et FrédérSentence heard: Dominique and Frédérique are safe!
Phrase lue : Dominique et Frédéric sontSentence read: Dominique and Frédéric are safe!
Phrase entendue : Nous avons mis lesSentence heard: We put the drinks in the fridge.
Phrase lue : Nous avons mis les poissoSentence read: We put the fish in the fridge.
Phrase entendue : Mais qu'est-ce que c'e Sentence heard: But what a long wait here!
Phrase lue : Mais qu'est-ce que c'est lon Sentence read: But what a long wait here!
Phrase entendue : Il atteint toujours son Sentence heard: He always achieves his goal.
Phrase lue : Il atteint toujours son objecSentence read: He always achieves his goal.
Phrase entendue : J'ai bien aimé ce fil Sentence heard: I really liked this film even if it was a bit long.
Phrase lue : J'ai bien aimé ce film même Sentence read: I really liked this film even if it was a bit slow.
Phrase entendue : C'est un romain trèsSentence heard: He is a very violent Roman
Phrase lue : C'est un roman très violentSentence read: This is a very violent novel!
Phrase entendue : Il nous a parlé lon Sentence heard: He spoke to us at length about his passions.
Phrase lue : Il nous a parlé longuementSentence read: He spoke to us at length about his patients.
Phrase entendue : Il dit que ce sont lesSentence heard: He says they are his.
Phrase lue : Il dit que ce sont les siensSentence read: He says they are his.
Phrase entendue : Sa mère lui tend lesSentence heard: His mother hands him the sheets.
Phrase lue : Sa mère lui tend les bras. Sentence read: His mother holds out her arms to him.
Phrase entendue : De chez moi, je peuSentence heard: From my house, I can see the Ferris Wheel.
Phrase lue : De chez moi, je peux voir Sentence read: From my house, I can see the Ferris Wheel.
Phrase entendue : Je suis sûr que c'estSentence heard: I'm sure that's not true.
Phrase lue : Je suis sûr que c'est pas frSentence read: I'm sure it's not fresh.
Phrase entendue : Elle dit qu'elle ne saSentence heard: She says she does not know what she is confessing.
Phrase lue : Elle dit qu'elle ne sait pas Sentence read: She says she doesn't know what she saw.
Phrase entendue : Dans la cour, les enSentence heard: In the yard, the children line up.
Phrase lue : Dans la cour, les enfants Sentence read: In the yard, the children line up.
Phrase entendue : Ses enfants ne veule Sentence heard: His children never want to get up.
Phrase lue : Ses enfants ne veulent jam Sentence read: Her children never want to wash.
Phrase entendue : Je ne sais pas où esSentence heard: I don't know where the step is.
Phrase lue : Je ne sais pas où est la mSentence read: I don't know where the margin is.
Phrase entendue : Est-ce qu'il est sourSentence heard: Is he deaf?
Phrase lue : Est-ce qu'il est sûr ? Sentence read: Is it safe?
Le cancer du sein est mieux traité aujoBreast cancer is better treated today.
Phrase entendue : Il a touché l'abeille. Sentence heard: He touched the bee.
Phrase lue : Il a touché la paye. Sentence read: He got paid.
Phrase entendue : Ils ont réparé la rueSentence heard: They repaired the street.
Phrase lue : Ils ont réparé la rue. Sentence read: They repaired the street.
Les poulets sont meilleurs quand ils soChickens are best when they are yellow.
Ce camion est vraiment très lent. This truck is really, really slow.
Phrase entendue : Comme ce bain est Sentence heard: How pleasant this bath is!
Phrase lue : Comme ce bain est agréab Sentence read: How pleasant is this bath!
Tu vois, là-bas, c’est Marie. You see, over there, it's Marie.
Il est tout jaune ! It's all yellow!
Tu l’as lu ? You read it ?
Il est roumain, ton copain ? He's Romanian, your boyfriend?
Il a bien voulu m'y emmener. He wanted to take me there.
Phrase entendue : Il dit que ce sont lesSentence heard: He says they are his.
Phrase lue : Il dit que ce sont les siensSentence read: He says they are his.
Phrase entendue : Il nous a parlé lon Sentence heard: He spoke to us at length about his passions.
Phrase lue : Il nous a parlé longuementSentence read: He spoke to us at length about his patients.
Phrase entendue : De chez moi, je peuSentence heard: From my house, I can see the Ferris Wheel.
Phrase lue : De chez moi, je peux voir Sentence read: From my house, I can see the Ferris Wheel.
Phrase entendue : Dans la cour, les enSentence heard: In the yard, the children line up.
Phrase lue : Dans la cour, les enfants Sentence read: In the yard, the children line up.
Phrase entendue : J'ai bougé l'évier. Sentence heard: I moved the sink.
Phrase lue : J'ai bouché l'évier. Sentence read: I blocked the sink.
Phrase entendue : Je n'ai pas assez deSentence heard: I don't have enough thyme!
Phrase lue : Je n'ai pas assez de temps Sentence read: I don't have enough time!
Phrase entendue : Je suis populaire, ou Sentence heard: I am popular, yes, but she is not my fan.
Phrase lue : Je suis populaire, oui, ma Sentence read: I am popular, yes, but she is not my wife.
Phrase entendue : C'est un beau parquSentence heard: It's a beautiful floor!
Phrase lue : C'est un beau paquet ! Sentence read: It's a beautiful package!
Phrase entendue : J’adore vraiment la Sentence heard: I really love sewing, it calms me down.
Phrase lue : J’adore vraiment la couturSentence read: I really love sewing, it calms me down.
Phrase entendue : Ils étaient au moin Sentence heard: They were at least fifteen, including obviously his accomplic
Phrase lue : Ils étaient au moins une Sentence read: There were at least fifteen of them, including obviously his a
Il a bien voulu m'y emmener. He wanted to take me there.
Il est tout jaune ! It's all yellow!
Il est roumain, ton copain ? He's Romanian, your boyfriend?
Phrase entendue : J’ai changé de ville Sentence heard: I have changed cities very often.
Phrase lue : Je changeais de ville très Sentence read: I changed cities very often.
Phrase entendue : Oui, allô, bonjour. Sentence heard: Yes, hello, hello. Do I really have an appointment at twelve
Phrase lue : Oui, allô, bonjour. Ai-je Sentence read: Yes, hello, hello. Do I have a meeting at two o'clock today?
Phrase entendue : L'or est simplementSentence heard: Gold is simply to democracy.
Phrase lue : L'heure est simplement à Sentence read: It is simply time for democracy.
Il n’est pas vraiment pur. It's not really pure.
Il n’est pas vraiment pour. He's not really for it.
Je déteste cette odeur. I hate this smell.
C’est une belle tâche ! It's a nice task!
Quelques raisins supplémentaires ? A few more grapes?
Le bain est prêt ? The bath is ready?
Le pain est prêt ? The bread is ready?
Nous n’avons plus assez de temps. We don't have enough time anymore.
Ils obéissent à leur roi. They obey their king.
Il a acheté une bâche. He bought a tarp.
C’est terrible ce qu’il est entêté ! How stubborn he is!
C’est terrible ce qu’il est endetté ! It's terrible how indebted he is!
Il a tout rangé très vite. He packed everything very quickly.
C’était une toute petite ville. It was a very small town.
C’était une toute petite file. It was a very small line.
Pardon, je vois bien que nous gênons. Sorry, I can see we're in the way.
Je ne l'ai pas bu. I didn't drink it.
Ces sommes sont correctes. These sums are correct.
Cet enfant adore dessiner des palais. This child loves to draw palaces.
Le son l’incommode. The sound bothers him.
Le sang l’incommode. The blood bothers him.
Léké est Nigérian. Léké is Nigerian.
Il a un parrain très susceptible. He has a very susceptible godfather.
Il a un parent très susceptible. He has a very touchy parent.
Il faut que tu aies dîné à huit heures. You must have dinner at eight o'clock.
Il faut que tu ailles dîner à huit heures. You must go to dinner at eight o'clock.
Ce lit est trop cher, je vais en choisir u This bed is too expensive, I will choose another one.
Il ne faudrait pas qu’il monte. He shouldn't go up.
Vous avez remplacé la cartouche d’encDid you replace the ink cartridge?
Vous savez remplacer la cartouche d’eDo you know how to replace the ink cartridge?
Mon fils a encore cassé son jouet. My son broke his toy again.
Je crois qu’ils sont trois enfants. I believe they are three children.
Il y a du thym dans la salade ? Is there thyme in the salad?
Il y a du thon dans la salade ? Is there tuna in the salad?
Enfant, elle était raisonnable. As a child, she was reasonable.
On entend : Enfin, elle était raisonnabl We hear: Well, she was reasonable.
Est-ce que vous pouvez faire le plan s’iCan you make the plan please?
On entend : Est-ce que vous pouvez faire We hear: Can you fill up, please?
Il s’entête sans cesse. He is constantly stubborn.
On entend : Il s’endette sans cesse ! We hear: He is constantly in debt!
Il voudrait deux cafés. He would like two coffees.
Ils sont retenus dans la classe ? Are they kept in class?
On entend : Ils sont retenus dans la gl We hear: Are they held in the ice?
Il change souvent d’habits. He often changes clothes.
On entend : Il change souvent d’avis. We hear: He often changes his mind.
Il faudra bien que tu la jettes. You will have to throw it away.
On entend : Il faudra bien que tu l’achèWe hear: You will have to buy it.
t was a bit long.
was a bit slow.

ut his passions.
t his patients.

e Ferris Wheel.
Ferris Wheel.
what she is confessing.
hat she saw.

ut his passions.
t his patients.
e Ferris Wheel.
Ferris Wheel.

not my fan.
cluding obviously his accomplices.
hem, including obviously his accomplices.

have an appointment at twelve o'clock today?

meeting at two o'clock today?

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