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Key competences

On the one hand, there are 8 Key competences. The key competences,
according to the European Union, "are those that all people need for their
fulfillment and personal development, as well as for active citizenship, social
inclusion and employment".

LCC-Linguistic Competence in linguistic communication involves

interacting orally, in writing or by sign in coherently and
Communicative appropriately in different settings and contexts and for
competence different communicative purposes . It involves
consciously mobilizing set of knowledge, skills and
attitudes that allow one to understand, interpret and
critically assess oral, signed, written, audiovisual or
multimodal, avoiding the risks of manipulation and
misinformation, as well how to communicate effectively
with others in a cooperative, creative, ethical and
respectful way.

Competence in linguistic communication constitutes the

basis for one's own thinking and for the construction of
knowledge in all areas of knowledge. Therefore, its
development is linked to explicit reflection on the
functioning of language in discursive genres specific to
each area of knowledge, as well as the uses of orality,
signage or writing to think and learn. Finally, it makes it
possible to appreciate the aesthetic dimension of the
language and enjoy literary culture.

There are 5 descriptors:

LCC1- Express facts, concepts, thoughts, opinions or

feelings in Basque and Spanish orally, in writing and in
multimodal or signed form clearly and appropriate to
different daily contexts of their personal, social and
educational environment, and participates in
communicative interactions with a cooperative and
respectful attitude , both to exchange information and
create knowledge and to build personal links.
LCC2- Understands, interprets and assesses oral, written
and multimodal or simple signed texts from personal,
social and educational spheres, both in Basque and
Spanish, with specific accompaniment, to actively
participate in everyday contexts and to build knowledge.

LCC3- Locates, selects and contrasts, with the proper

accompaniment, simple information, in Basque and
Spanish, from two or more sources, evaluating its
reliability and usefulness based on the reading
objectives, and integrates and transforms it into
knowledge to communicate it by adopting a creative and
personal point of view as well as respectful with
intellectual property.

LCC4- Reads various works in Basque and Spanish

appropriate to their age, selecting those that best suit
their tastes and interests; recognizes literary heritage as a
source of enjoyment and individual and collective
learning; and mobilizes her/his personal and reading
experience to build and share her/his interpretation.

LCC5- It puts its communicative practices at the service

of democratic coexistence, the dialogue management of
conflicts and the equal rights of all people, detecting
discriminatory uses of language, as well as abuses of
power through it, to favor a not only effective but also
ethical use of language, and an assertive attitude towards
the habitual use of Basque.

Multilingual competence involves using different languages, oral or

signed, appropriately and effectively for learning and communication.
MC- Multilingual
This competence involves recognizing and respecting individual
competence linguistic profiles and taking advantage of one's own experiences to
develop strategies that allow mediating and making transfers between
languages, including classical ones, and, where appropriate,
maintaining and acquiring skills in the familiar language or languages
and in the official languages. It also integrates historical and
intercultural dimensions aimed at knowing, valuing and respecting
the linguistic and cultural diversity of society with the aim of
promoting democratic coexistence.

These competence has 3 descriptors:

MC1: Uses at least one language, in addition to the familiar and

official language or languages, to respond to simple and predictable
communication needs, appropriately both to their development and
interests and to everyday situations and contexts in the personal,
social and educational spheres.

MC2: Recognizes, based on their experiences, the diversity of

linguistic profiles and reflects on their own learning processes, and
experiences, in a guided way, simple transfer strategies between
languages and shows an attitude of confidence in their own learning
capacity to improve the communicative competence.

MC3: Identifies, with help, the linguistic diversity of the center and
the environment, adopting an attitude of respect and empathy, and
valuing languages as effective means of communication and as an
instrument to improve coexistence.

Scientific competence involves understanding and explaining the

natural and social environment, using a range of knowledge and
STEM- Science,
methodologies, including observation and experimentation, in order
technology,engi to ask questions and draw evidence-based conclusions in order to
interpret and transform the natural world and social context.
neering and
mathematics Technology and engineering competence includes the application of
scientific knowledge and methodologies to transform our society
accordingly with human needs or desires in a framework of safety,
EM) responsibility and sustainability.

Mathematical competence enables the development and application

of mathematical reasoning and perspective in order to solve various
problems in different contexts.

These competence has 6 descriptors:

STEM1: Uses, in a guided way, some methods

inductive, deductive and logical of the
mathematical reasoning, as well as reasoning
hypothetical-deductive scientific method in
known situations, and selects and uses some
problem solving strategies reflecting
about the solutions obtained and the following process.
STEM2:Uses scientific thinking to
understand and explain some processes and events
relating to natural systems and materials that
occur around her/him, relying on the knowledge
as a motor of development, asking questions,
performing simple experiments in a guided way,
using elementary skills appropriately
characteristic of scientific activity and valuing, with
help, its execution and the interpretation of the

STEM3. Carries out projects in a guided way, designing,

manufacturing and evaluating different prototypes or models,
adapting to uncertainty, to cooperatively generate a creative product
with a specific objective, seeking the participation of the entire group
and peacefully resolving conflicts that may arise.

STEM4: Interprets and transmits basic information and

the most relevant elements of some methods and results
scientific, mathematical and technological in a
clearly and truthfully way, using appropriate
mathematic, science and technology language
(specific terminology, graphics, notation, symbols
and codes) and making critical, ethical and
responsible digital culture to share and build
new knowledge.

STEM5: Participates in scientifically based actions to preserve health

and the environment, proposing proposals and applying ethical and
safety principles in the practice of responsible consumption.

STEM6: Appreciates the importance of mathematics, science and

technology in the history of humanity, pointing out benefits or
utilities that science brings to the well-being of people, and relating
them to some devices, applications and scientific-technological

Digital competence implies the safe, healthy, sustainable, critical and

responsible use of the digital technologies for learning, at work and
DC- Digital
for participation in society, as well as interaction with people or
competence devices through such technologies.

Includes information and data literacy, communication and

collaboration, education media, digital content creation (including
programming), security (including digital well-being and
cybersecurity-related skills), issues related to digital citizenship,
privacy, intellectual property, problem solving and computational and
critical thinking.

These competences has 5 descriptors:

DC1. Uses simple guided search strategies

to access information (key words, analysis
of relevant information, data organization)
with a critical attitude, identifying their needs
information, and saving and retrieving files and

DC2. Creates and edits, integrate and rework, content

produced by oneself or by others, in different
formats (text, table, image, audio, video, program
computer...) through the use of tools
digital tools to express ideas, feelings and
knowledge, respecting intellectual property and
copyrights and saves and retrieves them in an
organized way.

DC3. Participates in school activities and/or projects

through the use of tools or virtual tools platforms
that allow them to build new knowledge, communicate through
various means (chat,
messaging, video calls), work
collaboratively discussing a topic or
creating products, sharing data and content in
restricted and supervised digital environments of
safely, with an open and responsible attitude
of her/his digital identity.

DC4. Regularly applies, with teacher guidance, preventive measures

when using digital technology to protect devices (use of antivirus,
password management), personal data (privacy), health and the
environment, knows how to take preventive measures to protect
herself/himself from cyberbullying and is aware of the benefits and
risks associated with digital identity.

DC5.It begins in the development of simple and sustainable digital

solutions (reuse of technological materials, computer programming
by blocks, educational robotics...) to solve specific problems or
challenges proposed in a creative way, requesting help if necessary
and modifying some simple software functions and applications
(basic configuration options).
Personal, social and learning-to-learn competence involves the ability
to reflect on oneself to know oneself, accept oneself and promote
constant personal growth; manage time and information effectively;
social and learning- collaborate with others constructively; maintain resilience; and
manage lifelong learning. It also includes the ability to deal with
to-learn competence
uncertainty and complexity;
Adapt to changes; learn to manage metacognitive processes; identify
behaviors contrary to coexistence and develop strategies to address
them; contribute to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of
oneself and other people, developing skills to care for yourself and
those around you through co-responsibility; be able to lead a healthy
and future-oriented life; as well as express empathy and address
conflicts in an inclusive and supportive context.

These competences has 5 descriptors:

PSLL1. Recognizes your emotions, ideas and

personal behaviors and employs strategies
to manage them in situations of tension or
conflict, being able to regulate certain
behaviors adapting to changes and
harmonizing them to achieve their own goals

PSLL2. Knows the most relevant risks for

health and begins to adopt healthy habits
for her/his physical and mental well-being.

PSLL3. Recognizes and respects the emotions and experiences of

others, participates in group work, assumes assigned individual
responsibilities, and employs simple cooperative strategies aimed at
achieving shared goals.

PSLL4. Recognizes the value of effort and personal dedication to

improve their learning and adopts critical positions when guided
reflection processes occur.

PSLL5. Plans short-term goals, use self-regulated learning strategies

and participates in self-assessment processes, recognizing their
limitations and knowing how to seek help in the knowledge
construction process.

Civic competence contributes to students being able to exercise

CC Civic
responsible citizenship and fully participate in social and civic life,
Competence based on an understanding of the social, economic, legal and political
concepts and structures, as well as knowledge of world events and
active commitment to sustainability and the achievement of a
worldwide citizenship. It includes civic literacy, the conscious
adoption of one's own values of a democratic culture founded on
respect for human rights, critical reflection
about the great ethical problems of our time and the development of a
sustainable lifestyle in accordance with the Sustainable Development
Goals set forth in the 2030 Agenda.
These competences has 4 descriptors:

CC1.Understands the most historical and social facts

relevant to their own identity and culture,
reflect on the rules of coexistence, and the
applies them in a constructive, dialoguing and
inclusive in any context.

CC2. Participates in community activities, taking

decision-making and conflict resolution in a
dialogical and respectful way with the
democratic procedures within the framework of the
European Union and Statute of Autonomy of
Euskadi, human and child rights, the value
of diversity and the achievement of gender equality,
social cohesion and the Sustainable Development Goals.

CC3. Reflects and discuss the values and

current ethical issues and understands the
need to respect different cultures and
ideologies, take care of the environment, reject prejudices and
stereotypes, and oppose any form of
discrimination and violence.

CC4. Understands the systemic relationships between

human actions and the environment and begins in the
adoption of sustainable lifestyle habits, to
contribute to the conservation of biodiversity
from both local and global perspective.

Entrepreneurship competence involves developing a vital approach
Entrepreneurshi aimed at acting on opportunities and ideas, using the specific
knowledge necessary to generate results of value to other people.
p competence
Provides strategies that allow the gaze to be adapted to detect
needs and opportunities; train thinking to analyze and evaluate the
environment, and create and reframe ideas using imagination,
creativity, strategic thinking and reflection ethical, critical and
constructive within the creative and innovation processes; and wake
up the willingness to learn, to take risks and to face uncertainty. It
also means taking decisions based on information and knowledge and
collaborate in an agile way with other people, with motivation,
empathy and communication and negotiation skills, to carry out the
ideas put into action through the planning and management of
sustainable projects of social,cultural and economic-financial value.

These competences has 3 descriptors:

EC1. Recognizes needs and challenges to face and
develops original ideas, using creative skills
and being aware of the consequences and effects that ideas could
generate in the environment, to propose valuable solutions
that respond to the detected needs.

EC2. Identifies their own strengths and weaknesses

using self-knowledge strategies, it begins
in the knowledge of economic elements and
financial basics, applying these to situations and
problems of daily life, to detect
those resources that can carry the original and valuable ideas
to action.

EC3. Creates original ideas and solutions, plans

tasks, cooperates with others and as a team, valuing the
process carried out and the result obtained, to
carry out an entrepreneurship initiative,
considering the experience as an opportunity
to learn.

Cultural awareness and expression competence involves

CAEC understanding and respecting the way in which
that ideas and meaning are creatively expressed and communicated
Cultural awareness across cultures, as well as through a series of arts and other cultural
and expression manifestations. It involves striving for
competence understand, develop and express one's ideas and a sense of belonging
to society or to play a role in it and in different forms and contexts, as
well as the enrichment
of identity through intercultural dialogue.

These competences has 4 descriptors:

CAEC1. Recognizes and respects

essential aspects of the cultural and artistic heritage of
any time, understanding the different
cultural values and the need to respect them, in a
intercultural environment.

CAEC2. Recognizes and is interested in the specificities and

intentions of the most outstanding artistic and cultural manifestations
of heritage, through their languages and technical elements, in various
media and supports, in a context of continuous transformation.

CAEC3. Enriches and builds her/his identity,

interacting with the environment and society, through
cultural expression and creative art,
integrating their own body and developing their
affective capacities, with an open attitude and
inclusive with others.

CAEC4. Creatively uses different representations and artistic

expressions, through the use of plastic, visual, audiovisual, sound and
body techniques for the creation of artistic and cultural proposals, in a
collaborative way.

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