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Interactive Architecture and Its Influences on the Built Environment

by: Ghislaine Garcia

A thesis submitted to the graduate school of the

University of Cincinnati
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of:
Master of Architecture

in the
School of Architecture and Interior Design
of the
College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning

Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014

committee chair: Christoph Klemmt, AA Dipl.

research chair: Terry Boling, Associate Professor of Practice

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In an era where we are becoming ever more immersed in the digital

world, personalization and the on-demand economy are coming to
the forefront. The use of technology and its presence in our everyday
lives is growing exponentially due to its increasing availability and rap-
id technological breakthroughs. Emerging technologies are opening
endless possibilities to design fields. As designers of space, architects
can use these platforms as a way to enhance a person’s immediate
surroundings, proposing that sensory kinematics respond to our
personalized space within our living environments.

Transitioning kinetic architectural elements from their typical use

on exterior facades towards ambient, interior soft wall technologies,
sensory kinematics can respond to our personalized spatial needs
within our built environments. By analyzing the typical relationships
between humans and space within a typical housing unit, this thesis
shows how breaking from standard stationary walls will allow for
individuals to curate space to their personalized moment and activity
specific needs. Design professionals can begin to inform dynamic
preferences and activities of human life in a similar manner to how
design professionals have qualitatively and quantifiably understood
building-oriented elements such as environmental or space-efficiency

This thesis proposes a coupling of analysis through emerging

technologies and folding techniques, paired with soft studies such as
avatar-based life scenarios as a way to rigorously study the effects of
space on human elements of experience.

2 3
This page left intentionally blank.
A warm hearted thank you to my family—for all of your love and sup-
port throughout my journey and endless words of wisdom.

My grandparents—who without their faith in perspective I would not be

here today.

A special thanks to CW— for all of your encouragement, our count-

less conversations, and for a creative mind.

Thank you to Christoph Klemmt and Terry Boling for pushing my

boundaries on creativity.

vi vii



1.1 From the First Computer to Emerging Technologies 5.1 Site
1.2 Internet of things (IoT) 5.2 Program
1.3 Open Source Technology + Arduino 5.3 Architectural Application
1.4 Emerging Technologies + Architecture 5.4 SENSA
5.5 Scenarios
2.1 Apertures Doors and Walls 06 EVALUATION 87
2.2 Kinetic Facades
2.3 Computer Controlled Facades and Sensors
2.4 Geometries and Folding Techniques 07 CONCLUSION 91
2.5 Building Components that Adjust
2.6 Technology that Makes Components Adjust
2.7 Information Display
2.8 Customization APPENDIX A
2.9 Sensor Monitoring 92
3.1 Potential Application BIBLIOGRAPHY


4.1 Arduino
4.2 Sensor Studies
4.3 Motor Studies
4.4 Folding Techniques

viii ix
Fig. 01_Meaning Field_by Author

10 11
Fig. 02_One with Technology_by Author

12 13
Fig. 03_We Control_by Author

14 15
Fig. 04_Ideate_by Author

16 17

Personalization. Instant gratification. Digital connectedness. These

are characteristics of today’s highly networked and technology driven
society (Fig. 02, Fig. 03, and Fig. 04) convey a metaphoric visualiza-
tion of this concept. Laptops, phones, tablets, and wearables have
all become versatile and key ways in which people stay connected to
work, friends, family, or even to themselves. Perhaps more evident, is
how these products allow for the mass personalization of the human

Mass produced technology such as this can be made to understand

an individual’s schedule, organizational preferences, running route,
heartbeat, sleep cycle, and keep progress of the data for instant result
comparisons. This mass personalization, brought on by mass pro-
duction and consumption of these technologies, is a key reason as to
why this network of technology is so prosperous.

Architects, as designers of space, have been able to push boundaries

of what inhabitable space could look like and how it could be expe-
rienced.1 There are many different shapes and sizes to programmatic
elements and regardless of what the program is, office, studio, or
bedroom, users typically try to make it a more personable space. The
role of technology has reached the point where it will expand beyond
wearables and personal devices.2 Therefore, emerging technologies
allow designers the freedom to ideate and prepare for what comes
next in the physical world. Computational advancement is deriving a
path that will change the way one lives, works and interacts with one-
self and with others thus—integrating ambient computing in a new

18 19
economy that will blur the biological, technological and physical.3

As of now, the built tectonic environment, such as the offices,

homes, and civic centers that we spend most of our life in, are static.
While people’s activities change throughout the day, exterior facades
and interior walls are typically stationary. We end up designing for
typical situations or worst case scenarios, such as solar panels set
at peak sun angle, shading devices with minimal control, or sound
pollution barriers with only one setting, rather than responding to
an individual’s preferences or context-specific needs. Because of
technological advances, this no longer needs to be the case. In fact,
professionals can now design solutions that work in the moment and
respond to unique situations.

By placing the needs of users first in design decisions, designers

Fig. 05_Gadgets_by Author
can implement responsive technologies within inhabitable spaces.4
Responsive architecture, such as this, will create comfortable and sus-
tainable environments by reacting to individual behaviors and natural
environmental factors.

This thesis reveals soft study experiments including Arduino5 open

source technology and DC powered6 technologies. These technolo-
gies are implemented into origami folding techniques responding to
avatar-based life scenarios within a private house, thus resulting in the
conceptual effects of space on human experience.

20 21
2015- tiny computer usually worn on
wrist. Everyday use.
DESKTOP COMPUTING 1991- Compacting computer processing
technology into smaller hardware

2005 - open source processor technology
in portable hardware 2015 - Augmenting real life environments
GOOGLE GLASS and adding components to enhance

1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040


1989- Macintosh Portable. A portable and VR HEADSETS
“Electronic Numerical Integrator expensive computer ($6,500), weighing
and Computer”. 16 lbs.
2010 - portable computing device

Fig. 06_Technology by Author

Time line showing specific digital technology breakthroughs
in history and trend in scale in which gadgets are being

22 23

Because of the shifting role of computer technology, from an initial

use as a calculating machine to the current use as an extension of
one’s self, the opportunities for integration of emerging technologies
with architecture are endless. People are trying to make sense of all
the technology that is rapidly being produced year after year. There
have been no precedents for such technological breakthroughs in this
lifetime.7 There are many gadgets and applications being designed to
help each day be more efficient and have fun while doing so. Digitally
integrated architecture has evolved out of the desire for information
accessibility.8 Currently, information technology is a layer added to
existing forms of spatial constraints.

While emerging digital technologies offer architects radically

new possibilities for designing and building, current architec-
tural speculation remains largely confined to timid evolution-
ary steps. Many in the profession are finding it difficult to
leave behind the security blanket of past working traditions,
while a few are simply choosing to pull it resolutely over their

This thesis welcomes the possibilities in which emerging technologies

can be integrated into the architectural design process as a way to
implement them seamlessly into materials of the built environment.

Fig. 07_Internet of Things_by Forbes

24 25

The concept of Internet of things (IoT) is essentially any device Open-source software is having the source code freely available for
that can be connected to the internet and has an off and on switch.10 possible adaptation and redistribution. The amount of information
This includes devices or machinery that can be connected to one an- that is available through open-source data sites is ever growing.
other. The quantity of devices that are connected to the web of IoT Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use
is growing at an exponential rate.11 hardware and software.13 It is intended for anyone making interactive
projects and has become a great tool for people to working on their
It’s hard to escape the IoT. With sensors embedded in every- own projects. However, this tool is also crucial to the making indus-
thing from the light fixtures above our heads to the fashion try. Having emerging technologies at an architect’s disposal opens
accessories we wear, the amount of data one can gather on the possibilities to a never-ending list of projects14 able to be produced.
world in which we live is astounding. As trained observers of In particular, there is the potential to control environments based on
human interactions with the natural and built environments, temperature, mood, or programmatic need.
architects stand to benefit from the information gathered by
IoT—if they can access the technology.12 A design that responds to different scenarios, that shifts to
respond to needs, one that kinetically reacts to certain situa-
Architecture could benefit from utilizing emerging technologies that tions—is a smart design. Programmatically designed to react
incorporate IoT within building interiors. Being able to integrate set- to a certain movement or action, to set a mood or atmosphere
tings based on frequent patterns within residential or office programs is a design that is smart. Open source technology has opened
would be beneficial in space efficiency factors and ease of temporal endless creative possibilities to tinker with and make it possi-
spaces for meetings or quiet rooms. This could all be potentially ble to create solutions. 15
programmed with open source technology.


While static architecture is typically found to be stationary in most

buildings, it is crucial that it functions the way individuals need it to.

26 27
Everyone has different schedules and different needs throughout
their day—it only makes sense that one’s home responds to these

Furthermore, a prime example of personalization through the use

of emerging technologies is the creation of the Google Home and
Amazon Echo. Both are smart speaker technology. When activated
by saying a key phrase like “O.K. Google,” the smart speaker, Google
Home, is triggered and ready to answer questions.16 Emerging smart
“O.K. Google,” turn on the lights. technologies such as the Amazon Echo and Google Home have
already started to alter personal surroundings. For instance, Google
Home can control the temperature in a house through the use of
Nest (a thermostat controller), or control the use of lights through
HUE lightbulb (wireless lightbulb) as seen in (Fig. 08), and lastly con-
trol music playing from the speaker itself.17 In the future, the Google
Home is envisioned to be able to start your coffee, open or close a
garage door, and many more home devices.18

To date, those who have gained the most from it have been
consumers able to afford and access the digital world; technol-
Fig. 08_Google Home Diagram_by Author
ogy has made possible new products and services that increase
the efficiency and pleasure of our personal lives.19

In conclusion, companies have already started the conversation of

drastically integrating the internet of things within a small compo-
nent like the Google Home. Being able to control multiple home
devices with the ease of just a verbal command; instills instant grati-
fication for the user, placing them in control of their surroundings at
any time.

28 29

1. Sean Lally, The Air From Other Planets: A Brief History of Architecture to Come
(Germany: Lars Muller, 2014), 14.
2. Ibid.
3. Klaus Schwaub. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
4. Lally, The Air From Other Planets, 18.
5. Arduino Uno is a micro controller that uses open-source code to send signals to
assist in different types of interactive projects. (see Appendix A for related terms)
6. DC power is referred to low voltage required technology, typically used for small
interactive projects.
7. Klaus Schwaub. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
8. Meyer, John. “Technological Proximity”(University of Cincinnati) M.Arch, 13.
9. David Celanto. “Innovate or Perish,”
issues/ 26/innovate-or-perish-new-technologies-and-architectures-future.
10. Morgan, Jacob. “A Simple Explanation,”
11. Ibid.
12. Klaus Schwaub. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.
13. “Arduino - ArduinoBoardUno.” Arduino - ArduinoBoardUno. Accessed August
20, 2016.
14. Ibid.
16. Brian Chen. “Google Home vs. Amazon Echo,” The New York Times, November
3, 2016, 1.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. Klaus Schwaub. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”.

30 31

Historically, typical moving elements in traditional construction

techniques within buildings have been limited to apertures, doors and
walls. These elements have all been designed based on functionality.


For example, windows generally are designed to move in one direc-

tion based on passive systems to let air into a space to cool it down.
Doors were designed with a functional use: separation of spaces.
They were also designed to separate spaces from each other. The
door’s purpose is to be able to open up a room or to close it off.

Retractable walls are commonly used in buildings such as banquet

halls, museums and offices. They are typically found in larger event
spaces. The purpose of retractable walls is to allow for a space to
grow or to be separated. Depending on the size of the occasion and
the size of the banquet retractable moving walls can allow for mul-
tiple parties happening at the same time. At a museum, for instance,
movable walls can make a room feel more intimate by subdividing
a larger space or open up to a larger space. They also create more
surface area to hang artwork in museums for different exhibits.

32 33

As evidenced by the case studies, kinetic architecture has become a

popular theme worldwide.1 A case study list highlighting a series of
buildings that have incorporated kinetic façades is located in Appen-
dix B. Architects are designing systems that move depending on a
main environmental factor such as the sun angle. The idea is that by
programming the sensors that control the kinetic façade, technology
omits the need to manually control the façade. It is able to move on
its own.


Many of these kinetic facades have actuators that are integrated into
a programmable computer system that controls its movement.2 There
are programs that are highly responsive and are set on timers. Kinetic
facades that rely on sensors are programmed to react to certain
environmental factors.3 By using these technologies building facades
respond on their own eliminating the need for a person’s surveillance
just like the façade on the Al Bahar Towers in (Fig. 10). Once set up,
these smart technologies eliminate the need of a person to interact
with the building façade, aside from regular up-keep, except if there
is a malfunction. These shading devices are serving their purpose
in keeping the interiors cool, however, given the technology that is
available, designers should find a way in which some form of these
kinetic devices are translated into the building interior. By doing so,
designers can create shape changing rooms that can enhance a user’s
experience within their environment.

Fig. 09_Facade Taxonomy_by Author

34 35

By subdividing the façade into smaller fabricated pieces architects are

finding ways to start controlling them individually, in response to cer-
tain parameters. Some architects have taken this step even further and
have started exploring folding techniques in order to have a greater
range of control of the façade (Fig. 05). Looking to biomimicry and
nature as a means to explore the façade treatments are ideas that
are being used on facades now. Others have looked towards folding
techniques that expand and contract depending on the sun angle to
provide shading to interior spaces.

An example of this is the shading device found on the Al Bahar

Towers by Aedas in (Fig. 10) and (Fig. 11) drawing inspiration from
forms found on the “mashrabiya”, an Islamic shading lattice system.4
This folding technique, however, starts responding to solar angles
and shading needs due to its geographical location. These folding
techniques start moving in x, y, and z directions. Being able to move
in these three directions allows for greater shading coverage and the
ability to fold up and allow undisrupted views out towards the land-
scape when the glaring sun is not directly hitting the building facade.

Fig. 10_Al Bahar Towers Facade_by Aedas (Top)

Fig. 11_Al Bahar Towers Geometry Diagram_by Aedas (Bottom)

36 37

If the conversation about kinetic architecture could move from the

exterior of buildings to interior walls, interior architecture as we
know it today would be transformed. Designers are already starting a
conversation with prototypes and installations. HypoSurface in (Fig.
12) and Kinetic Wall in (Fig. 13) are examples of kinetic systems that
are breaking away from the historical exterior kinetic systems and
designing them at a more personal level: a level in which a person
could interact with it. Although these are breakthroughs of kinetic
interior conditions, they are not necessarily responding or reacting to
humans. Both of these examples are programmed to create different
conditions.5 Fig. 08 is using hundreds of pistons behind the trian-
gulated façade to move each individual face creating series of wave
effects and letters. It can even be programmed to match a DJ’s stream
of music to engage the atmosphere.6


Projects in the past have used mechanical systems such as motors,

hydraulic pistons, and pneumatic actuators to allow for kinetic move-
ments. In some instances, there have been houses designed to revolve
around a set of tracks to pull apart entire rooms and customize the
orientation of a house based on the angle of the sun. Kinetic move-
ment of façade systems is created by the use of different types of
mechanical devices. In the case studies the mechanical devices used
include motors, hydraulics, pistons and gears.7 Included as well is a

Fig. 12_HypoSurface (Top)

Fig. 13_Kinetic Wall by Johannes Foerster (Bottom)

38 39
combination of automatic and manual systems. Ideally, these systems
would produce energy in an environmentally friendly way. Today,
however, they are reliant upon an active energy source: electricity.


It is only a matter of time before some of the emerging technolo-

gies will start to be embedded into our surroundings. Some display
screens have been mounted throughout transportation stations for
navigational use and way-finding. However, a step further would be
to embed these emerging technologies into tectonic materials and
create a responsive environment. Designers have already started this
framework through the platform of virtual reality and augmented
reality as a way to relay interactive information.

On one hand, virtual reality negates the need for space, in-
stead replacing it with complete representation. On the other,
ambient technology relies on the embodiment of the user for
directionality, attention, and interaction. The ambient infor-
Fig.14_Dynamic D*Haus by D*Haus Company mation evolution has great potential to positively affect the
spaces we use.8


An example of this is found in (Fig. 14), The Dynamic D*Haus by

D*Haus Company, which uses a motorized system and ball bearings
to move radially around a designed path. The can be reconfigured

40 41
depending on environmental factors, such as the sun angle at a
particular time of day and year.9 This allows for room configurations
to change. This method also allows for the house to change shape, Fig.15_Pointelist_by KT Innovations
permitting windows to become doors, rooms to extend into larger
rooms and windows to become walls.10 This could also mean that by understanding the thermal constraints
of materials, one could start engineering new materials or create ki-
nematic materials that are architecturally responsive. These elements
2.9 SENSOR MONITORING could learn from human tendencies for different design purposes.
There is potential for these emerging sensors to alter room sizes and
Responsive architecture can create comfortable and sustainable sequences depending on occupant usage.
environments by reacting to individual behaviors and natural
environmental factors. Emerging technologies can start informing It is important to realize that by using data-driven sensors within
architectural design strategies within the built environment. Tradi- an architectural design, it will influence decision making for the
tionally, architectural design methods, when designing a new building, building’s optimal use and ideally inform sustainable practices. Being
constitute the use of average climate data based on a city or neigh- able to collect data means that we can have exact readings of the
borhood and assumptions made about the building’s performance.11 building’s performance levels i.e. justifying re-insulating a build-
By using sensors and kinematics, architects can achieve a continuous ing’s façade.13 Very few architecture firms have started this research
spatial response. to gain such understanding of the technologies that can be used.
Architectural firms such as KieranTimberlake have engaged in the
Architects can monitor thermal gain and heat loss of facades and roles of research and making.14 They have created an advanced set
their materials within buildings. A building can be programmed to of architectural tools such as their very own wireless sensor network:
follow the angle of the sun in order to adjust its kinetic façade sys- Pointelist (Fig. 15).15 This sensor was designed to measure energy
tems. Using sensors could inform material quality and the building’s performance, interior temperatures, immersive environments, human
performance overall. By optimizing the use of sensors, we could thermal comfort, thermodynamic systems and liquid volume. They
program them to collect micro climatic data within a house, office, have made great strides in the incorporation of data collection into
commercial space etc. and rethink what it means to build with certain architectural space and visualization. While it is important to under-
materials.12 stand what technology is available, architects need to learn how to use
it to reach optimal feedback. They should also not be afraid to create
their own parameters.

42 43

1. See Appendix B for kinetic architecture case studies.

2. “Kinetic Architecture: Designs for Active Envelopes,” August 13, 2014,
3. Ibid.
4. Karen Cilento. “Al Bahar Towers Responsive Facade / Aedas.”
6. Ibid.
7. “Kinetic Architecture: Designs for Active Envelopes.”
8. John Meyer. Technological Proximity, 37.
9. “D*Dynamic,” last modified not found,
11. “Wireless Sensor Network,” last modified 2017, http://www.kierantim-
12. Ibid
13. Ibid.
14. Ibid.
15. “What Will You Measure?,” last modified 2016,

44 45

Today, kinetic architecture projects are generally integrated into the

façade. These kinetic façade systems with the right technology have
demonstrated innovative ways to cool down interiors and protect
them from solar gain. With time these systems are predicted to save
money and energy because active interior conditioning systems would
require less and waste less energy. Due to the conventional practice
of limiting kinetic architecture to a secondary exterior skin, usually
on the exterior of a glazed system, building occupants are limited in
ways in which to interact with it.


However, if this kinetic architecture concept could be embedded into
the interior walls of a house it could transform the way we optimize
our interior spaces. For example, a house without a personal study
could create a room from expanding walls within a home could
ascend and transform a subdivided floor plan into an open floor
plan for a family get together, and ceiling heights would not have
to stay fixed they could expand creating grander spaces. Depending
on what the user’s needs are, kinetic walls could start to influence
room sequences and start defining spatial relationships within living
TYPICAL WALL RESPONSIVE APPLICATION environments. Ideally, this concept could be scaled depending on the
programmatic need. One day interior walls will be able to respond
kinetically to certain movements and gestures.
Fig. 16_Responsive Wall Application Diagram_by Author

46 47
(See Appendix A for definitions of bolded terms below)

This methodology looked at a series of studies combining open

source programming, low voltage motors (dc powered), and folding
techniques in order to grasp an understanding of available technolo-
gy and modern kinetic trends. Thus, it attempts to justify the relation-
ships between personalized space and changing tectonics.


Arduino was chosen for experimentation due to its open-source tech-

nology database. An Arduino Uno board is able to read inputs from
sensors, activate motors, and display information on screens etc.1 It
does this by deciphering the code through its on-board micro-con-
troller. It was a starting point for this thesis because it is known for
its relatively easy to use programming code and interface. Its different
tools and gadgets are economical and are readily available on-line for
purchase. The unlimited number of potential interactive projects also
made this board well suited for this thesis.

In order to begin using the Arduino Uno board, a set of principles

had to be decided. An input and an output needed to be established
such as defining what the Arduino programming code was going to
do and the parameters of how it was going to do it. This code had to
define what the functions of the inputs and outputs were going to be.
Once defined a set of parameters had to be established. This leads
into what the Arduino Uno board needed to control.

48 49
4.2 DC MOTOR STUDIES Conceptually, if a wall could fold in and out, rooms could be expand-
ed or separated. While this study was conducted with laser cut pieces
The first experiment was directly connected to the programming at a small scale, it definitely showed how important it is to be able to
code. The following experiment was conducted with servo motors move in all three axes: x, y, and z. Being able to move in the z-axis in
to program a range of motion from zero degrees to 180 degrees. particular would allow for more spatial configurations. Unfortunately,
This kinetic movement was needed to understand the speed at which the way in which the members were connected to the servo motors
the servo motor could move and the code that was controlling the only permitted the elements to move in the x and y directions. In
variables: servo1 and servo2. Servo1 and Servo2 were defined as the order to really engage spatial conditions and transform a room, a wall
first servo and the second servo motors that the Arduino code was should be able to move in the x, y, and z-axis.
In (Fig. 11) the different members illustrated were connected by
Once understanding the basic code controlling the servo motors was bolts that still connected members to pivot about the bolt. This study
complete, something that could be attached and added onto the servo showed that movement was limited to the x and y-axis.
motors needed to be designed. These additional members were fairly
simple in design. A diamond shape was the result of using four of
these members and loosely bolting them together by setting the servo 4.2 SENSOR STUDIES
motors to move from zero degrees to 60 degrees.
The following experiment connected the servo motors to a DHT.11,
This process looked into combining a series of laser cut pieces a humidity sensor. Ideally, the tested material would be coded to
to start forming expansion and contraction joints. This helped to respond or move only when the DHT.11 sensor hit a certain humid-
understand basic code for the Arduino. Modifications were made to ity. By using a DHT.11 sensor this allowed the customized move-
the angle and speed in which the servo motor was moving at to make ment. An LCD screen was also added to the circuit board to easily
sure the members were not creating too much tension. It was also a view the feedback of the humidity within the room and when the
conceptual experiment provoked by the idea of collapsible walls and servo motors started to move. The display screen is constantly telling
kinetic members. what the humidity temperature in a room is as long as the DHT.11 is
connected. This allowed for easy visuals of quantifiable data. Because

50 51
of the DHT.11 and the display screen are connected to the same
Arduino Uno board they are functioning together based on the code

Because the servo motor could only move from zero degrees to 180
degrees the next study was to look at a more versatile motor, a step-
per motor. This type of motor allows for a never ending clockwise
or counter-clockwise rotation. A gear system was designed to test out
on the stepper motor. The next step was to adjust the speed of the
motor with the tension of the of the gear system. Fig. 17 illustrates
what the gear systems looked like.


Looking at origami for its ability to take a 2-dimensional object and

through a series of folds, enter the third dimension, the three explo-
rations were based on being able to move in the x, y, and z-axis but
also being able to create flat surfaces as well. Folding is a prevailing
technique not only for making form but also for creating a structure
with geometry.
Fig.17_Gear Rotation Diagram_by Author
When folds are introduced into otherwise planar materials, those ma-
terials gain stiffness and rigidity can span distance, and can often be
self-supporting. Folding is materially economical, visually appealing,
and effective at multiple scales. It is not surprising that architects have

52 53
expanded its use in the digital age. 2
Folding techniques and origami experiments were conducted to test
ways in which walls could retain the look of a flat surface but could
also grow into a voluminous object. This technique was thought to be
an ideal way of transforming a planar wall into an interactive object.


The first study was conducted by cutting strips of paper at .25 inches
wide by 11 inches long. Then a reference point was marked at every
inch along the center of the strip. These reference points were used
to apply glue at every two inches. Each strip was offset by half an
inch so that when glued and stretched apart it would extend, creating
eye shaped perforations. This process was repeated 40 times and
resulted in the lattice structure we see in Fig. 19.

Fig. 18_Folding Technique I Study_created_by Author Fig. 19_Folding Technique I_by Author

54 55

The second study was using folding techniques. Strips of paper at

two inches wide by 11 inches long were cut out. These strips were
folded to create two inches by two inches squares. These squares
were then folded in half to create one inch by two-inch rectangles.
Finally, the original two by two-inch squares were folded into two tri-
angles creating an “x” fold at the center of each square. Once all the
strips were folded, a way to connect them all together needed to be
designed. By sewing these pieces together it made the folded paper
stronger. While it may have been stronger, it also had the flexibility
to re-shape itself depending on the forces that were applied to it.
Although, this folding technique started to move in all three axes, it
was a step in the right direction as it allowed itself to adapt to a spe-
cific form. However, due to the geometry and the folding technique,
the concept needed further exploration to be able to achieve a flat
surface as well.

Fig. 20_Folding Technique II Study_by Author Fig. 21_Folding Technique II_by Author

56 57

The third experiment is the most successful of the three paper fold-
ing studies. Because of this folding technique, the wall could look and
act as a regular flat surface wall. However, once pressure was added
from behind, the origami paper would expand and fold into vari-
ous shapes. Because of this folding method, this hexagonal origami
technique has folded away surface material between sets of hexagons.
Due to this folding technique, the hidden material, tucked away when
folded, would only be seen if the user wanted to expand the shape of
the room. This idea starts responding to certain inputs. The wall can
grow and form different shapes. The face of the folding experiment
that would be found on the interior of the room in which this would
be used is functional.

The third folding technique proved to be the most successful because

of its expanding and contracting nature but also because it was able
to create a flat surface when in its compression state.

Fig. 22_Folding Technique III Study_by Author Fig. 23_Folding Technique III_created by Author

58 59

This design applied all prior studies into a custom integrated respon-
sive wall component. Starting with the structure, shown in (Fig. 24),
the laser cut triangle and armature became the structure that would
be creating pushing out the origami structure to expand and pull it
back in to compress it.

The final design of this study is shown in (Fig. 27) and (Fig. 28).
Moving forward it is essential that the active components are de-
signed within the origami structure itself, rather than relying on a flat
surface to hold of the structure. This method would allow versatility
in the shape-making this structure could become.

Fig. 24_Armature Structure Components_by Author

60 61
Fig. 25_Armature Structure Assembly_by Author Fig. 26_Two-Sided Armature Structure_by Author

62 63
Fig. 27_Kinetic Wall Iteration I Front View_by Author

64 65
Fig. 28_Kinetic Wall Iteration I Side View_by Author

66 67

1. “Getting Started with Arduino and Genuino products,” last modified

2. Ibid.
3. Lisa Iwamoto. Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques
(New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009), 63

68 69

As our involvement with the technological world grows rapidly and

personalized digital mediums are pushing past hand held devices onto
our immediate surroundings, the platform for designing these height-
ened sensorial spaces awaits an architectural application. The balance
of the digital and the spatial is at its greatest. A balance of the two
must find the architectural solution. Gestural communication and
interaction with the built environment will dictate this architectural
manifestation. In doing so, designers can implement these emerging
technologies into our immediate surroundings, leaving the user with
an ethereal connection to his or her spatial ambient.

This thesis aims to rigorously explore kinetic architectural elements as

a way to respond to our personalized space within our living environ-
ments, the architectural sensory kinematic application can be used to
curate dynamic preferences and activities of human life, and enhance
a person’s living environments.


The location of the site is situated along the North side of the Ohio
River. It is directly West of the Downtown Cincinnati metropolis in
a township called East Price Hill as you can see in (Fig. 29). The site
was chosen due to its views of the Cincinnati skyline to the East, the
view overlooking the Ohio River with its series of bridges and lastly
its view to the landscape of northern Kentucky hills.

70 71
Fig. 29_View to Downtown Cincinnati_ by Author

72 73

The program of focus for this thesis is a single family private home.
The reason for this program is to really focus on the functionality
of personalized space. The home is arguably the most personalized
space a person can experience, an exhibition of a person’s preferenc-
es. The floor plan of the house consists of 30’ by 60’ lot it consists
of 2,000 square feet, including two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living
room, and storage.

This thesis studies the relationships in which all of these rooms could
be configured various ways via the manipulation of, what is tradi-
tionally conceived as, interior partition walls. Taking cues from the
open floor plan concept the structure is moved towards the exterior,
alleviating the interior of columns and allowing for flexibility of
programmable space.


In order to understand how the sensory kinematic architectural tec-

tonic would be applied, a distinction between the stationary objects
vs. the adjustable objects was established. The stationary components
included: the kitchen elements, bathroom elements, main steel struc-
ture, plumbing and HVAC components. The adjustable components
included: exterior and interior walls, roof, bedrooms, living room,
dining room, apertures, and furniture. You can see a list to the left of

74 75
how this was broken down.

The main stationary structure in this thesis is the moment structure

that acts like columns found on the exterior of the house. Using a
steel truss system with a moment frame allowed for an open floor
plan. These trusses act exterior columns and they are bolted to the
concrete foundation at fifteen feet apart on center. They span 30 feet
and are 20 feet high as seen in (Fig. 30)

The house was broken down into a 10 foot by 10 foot grid to allow
placement of the functional stationary components, like the kitchen
and bathroom location. Because the house is 60 feet long the deci-
sion of these functional elements were placed relatively in a central
location for ease of access from one end of the house to the other,
while other programmatic elements are arranged around it. Archi-
tects typically design with static walls but have started to break away
from static envelopes. However, society is anything but static. Our
schedules are always changing and we are constantly having to adjust
those schedules to accommodate a variety of factors. We have the
technology to produce responsive walls or facades that could respond
to gestures or temperature.

This thesis explores ways in which folding techniques, such as ori-

gami, is able to produce a flat surface that looks and acts like your
everyday wall but when a functional need arises it could expand and
morph into the desired shape or space.

There is great potential for dynamic architecture that arises from

Fig.30_Moment Frame Diagram by Author (Top)

Fig. 31_Moment Frame and by Author (Bottom)

76 77
understanding what space is currently doing and how it can aid in
promoting or accommodating a specific change. Such spatial optimi-
zation is defined as a kinetic environment which can, from a practical
standpoint, serve as a means for adjusting spatial configurations
based on changing stimuli and programmatic considerations.


Sensa is the architectural tectonic that composes all of the researched

soft study components into a physical architectural component.
The component, Sensa, is what defines the enclosure of this private
home. It is designed to respond to the user’s spatial needs by reacting
to wearables the user’s own. The components that make up a module
is a system of integrated into each of the equilateral triangles. The
system includes a stepper motor that reals in cables

The user’s experience then becomes one with their home. These
wearables can be a gadget that one wears on their wrist and it can
Fig. 32_Armiaure Structure_by Author also be embedded in the clothes they wear. By using these wearables,
Sensa, would be able to respond to the human body by deciphering
gestures and interaction. The smart phone would be used for manual
override of spatial demands if one feels the need to exert more
control. Sensa would become both the exterior and interior partitions
of the home. Because the house is an open floor plan, the way that
partitions are made is by the user’s need of a specific room and using
specific gestures to activate the architectural components.

78 79

Working from home:

Person A, age 45 is working from home and person C and person

D just got home from school. All three people want to be working
in the living room which has the evening sunset. However, person C
and person D are playing and their noise levels are very loud. Person
A makes a gesture indicating that Sensa needs to make a nook for
person D around the study area.

Family Gathering:

There are four main users of this home, person A, person B, and
person C and person D. They typically have more people over to
their home for larger family gatherings. During events like these, the
house should be able to keep a constant temperature of 72F. This
would call for the possibility of changes in roof height due to the air
conditions in the house. The ceiling will have to rise to allow more
air circulation. Because the house is changing do to the needs of the
occupants the shape of the house and room arrangements

Play date:

Person C, age 4 and Person D, age 3, invite person D, and E which

are both 4 years old as well for a play date. They require nooks to
read and shape shifting forms to create forts. In (Fig. 36) to the left
one can see how the second folding technique could be applied to a
play date.
Fig. 33_Aura Plan Personalized Space Diagram_by Author (Top)
Fig. 34_Aura Elevation Diagram_by Author (Middle)
Fig. 35_Scenario_by Author (Bottom)

80 81
Fig. 36_Technique II Collage_by Author (Top) Fig. 38_Technique III Collage_by Author (Top)
Fig. 37_Technique II Plan Collage_created by Author (Bottom) Fig. 39_Technique III Plan Collage_by Author (Bottom)

82 83

1. David Celanto. “Innovate or Perish: New Technologies and Architecture’s Future,” 26/innovate-or-perish-new-technolo-

84 85

The architectural application of this thesis looked at available tech-

nologies as a way to create a responsive architectural application for a
foldable kinetic wall.

The design is an active system that runs on dc powered electron-

ics. Ideally, the technology that would be applied to the material or
structure of the house would be, a type of nano sensor technology
that responds to gestures and smart phone overrides, to give the user
an ethereal connection with their own home. Because the type of
motors, sensors and technology are not the latest technology there
is room for improvement and potential to replace these technologies
with more advanced and smaller hardware.

It is likely, that in the future this active system could be developed to

be more environmentally friendly. Because the proposed system is an
active system, it consumes a lot of energy and will be expensive to
run full-time. It is probable that some type of solar power could be
the main source of stored power to activate the movement and be
able to generate all the energy the house needs on this factor alone.

Because this house is created of thousands of folded geometries

and then harnessed together, the shapes that they provide are more
versatile than static walls. The flexibility of this pattern is one of
many. However, the folding technique III was the best option due to
its adjustability. It is able to create rounded spatial affect, it can take
shape of flat surfaces, and it can create arches. It can not make square

Fig. 40_Aperture Studies I_by Author

86 87
corners. This is due to the nature of the folding technique. However,
there are many possibilities to test acoustical materials on the walls.
If tested, the acoustical material has potential to become a panel
system that one could personalize. The studies in (Fig. 40 and Fig.
41) illustrate some aperture studies in which a glazing material would
be places to let light in. These apertures could also become a panel
system in which a user could customize and choose which they would
like to install in their home.

A further exploration is needed on the material of the Sensa struc-

ture and further explanation as to how the apertures work. There is
potential to create data visualizations simply by connecting a gadget
to the sensor’s home. Due to the IoT concept everything in the house
would be integrated into one another, allowing for unified data.

This is a house that responds to the needs of its everyday users. It

learns from them based on a computer algorithm The house will start
remembering which settings are used, when they are used and how

Fig. 41_Aperture Studies II_by Author

88 89

Sensa, the architectural project of this thesis, focuses on emerging

kinematic and sensorial technologies and human interaction as a
platform for architectural manifestation. Working with responsive
technology and origami folding studies, this thesis explores soft
study scenarios in which the interaction of a person with its ambient
dictates the way in which the environment’s state changes. This thesis
aims to explore ways in which technology can be implemented into
these folded surfaces as a way to respond to human interaction in
order to create a specific spatial need. Eventually the use of motors
and PIR sensors would be replaced with emerging technologies such
as temperature reactive materials, embedded data driven technology
in fabrics or building tectonics that implement IoT etc. The exterior
façade would ideally react to environmental factors, however, given
the scope of this thesis when the users are occupying the house,
the façade, responds to person A, B, and C. This thesis examines
how the architectural experience of the physical space correlates to
the application of these emerging technologies. The project shows
how designed space can react to human interaction—changing the
way in which society conceives of personalized space. In theory, this
concept would be applied at different programmatic scales, however,
a private house was chosen due to the most personalized space in a
given program.

90 91
All terms listed below taken from the Arduino Projects Book.

Arduino Uno – The microcontroller development board. A simple Servo motor – A type of geared motor that can only rotate 180 de-
computer, but one that has no way for you to interact with it yet. grees. It is controlled by sending electrical pulses from the Arduino.
These pulses tell the motor what position it should move to.
Battery Snap – Used to connect a 9V battery to power leads that can
be easily plugged into a breadboard or your Arduino. USB cable – This allows you to connect your Arduino Uno to your
personal computer for programming. It also provide power to the
Breadboard – A board on which you can build electronic circuits. It’s Arduino for most low level energy projects.
like a patch panel

DC motor – Converts electrical energy into mechanical energy when

electricity is applied to its leads. Coils of wire inside the motor be-
come magnetized when current flows through them.

DHT.11 Sensor – a sensor that measures relative humidity.

Jumper wires – Use these to connect components to each other on

the breadboard, and to the Arduino.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) – A type of alphanumeric or graphic

display based on liquid crystals.

PIR sensor – An infrared motion sensor.

Resistors – resists the flow of electrical energy in a circuit, changing
the voltage and current as a result.

92 93
office-tehran-iran/ tet-sdu-kolding-campus-building-denmark-green-standards-university/

Sharifi-ha House by Next Office Henning Larsen’s university building in Kolding, Denmark// Sud-
dansk Universitet Communications and Design building
-Owners in Tehran are able to adapt to climatic changes in temperature
thanks to the assistance of rotating pods. -Climate responsive kinetic façade and triangular form .
-There are three rooms that can be rotated 90 degrees to open up views and -Sensors monitor heat and light levels around the building .
terraces during Iran’s hot summers to keep them cool due to its geographical -Concrete slabs are exposed to take advantage of thermal heat gain.
location. -Ventilation system integrated into ceiling planes instead of ducts (cuts
-Motorized turntables are used to control the movement of these rooms. costs).
-Terraces had to be designed with foldable balustrades that tilt up or down as -LED lighting used throughout the building.
the pods are being rotated, to accommodate the changeable façade. -Photovoltaics and solar heating panels reduce the amount of energy taken
from the grid.
-50 percent of energy demand is cut.

94 95
california/ ma-art-museum-washington-movable-screens/

Temporary gallery space Olson Kundig Architects Tacoma Art Museum | Olson Kundig Architects
-This gallery has a mechanical façade. -Hand-wheel operated screens to protect artworks from natural light
-It uses gears and pulleys and counterweights. -Screens are made up of louvers made out of Richlite (a mixture of recycled
-A pedal is responsible in creating lifting motion of the façade. paper, fibre and resin)

96 97
ing-kiefer-technic-showroom designinc
Council House 2 | DesignInc
Kiefer Technic Showroom | Ernst Giselbrecht -Computer controlled hydraulic system.
-Computer programmed kinetic shading system. -Solar panels on roof generate heated water.
-Aluminum shades fold open and close by the hour based on sunlight. -Cooling system has 4 phases:
1. Night time air let in
2. In the morning they use the cool air to cool off the office
3. Cooling towers to produce cold water to cool down interior
spaces through chilled ceiling panels
4. Recycled wooden louvers pivot with the sun to keep building
cool during peak hours

98 99
Theme Pavillion EXPO
-The visual affect of a building that breathe.s Flare | WHITEvoid
-The type of material used is GFRP (glass fibre reinforced polymer). -There are hundreds of metal flakes moved by pneumatic cylinders
-It is an elastic facade and able to deform without breaking. -All of the flakes can be controlled by a computer program to form any kind
-Synchronized actuators move the lamellas which are powered by solar pan- of animation.
els, revealing the façade’s biomimicry. -They reflect the bright sun light or the dark ground.
-Aesthetics not really benefiting the building or user except for a dynamic

100 101

Wind veil | Ned kahn

-Parking garage covered with 80,000 small aluminum panels hinged together
to move freely in the wind.
-A passive kinetic system that uses natural winds to create a wave-like effect.

102 103
All images, unless otherwise noted, were taken and created by Author.

pg. 22 Figure 6 _Technology Timeline_composited by Ghislaine Garcia originals cited pg. 38 Figure 12_HypoSurface by Mark Goulthorpe
below starting from left to right: Figure 13_Kinnectic Wall by Johannes Foerster
1. Eniac -
er/4/78/319 ic-wall-at-the-venice-biennale
2. Desktop computing -
3. Laptop Computing - pg. 40 Figure 14_Dynamic D*House by D*House Company
4. Slim computing -
5. Arduino
6. Mobile Computing -
hands-coffee-smartphone-technology-100649899-orig.jpg pg. 43 Figure 15_Pointelist by KT Innovations
7. Tablet computing -
8. Google glass -
9. Wearable computing -
10. VR Headsets -
11. projeProject Jaquard -
12. AR Headsets -
Internet of things -
pg. 25 Figure 07_Internet of Things

pg. 36 Figure 10_Al Bahar Towers Facade by Aedas

Figure 11_Al Bahar Towers Facade Diagram by Aedas

104 105
All listed are works cited and consulted.

“Arduino - ArduinoBoardUno.” Arduino - ArduinoBoardUno. Grobman, Yasha J., and Eran Neuman. Performalism: Form and
Accessed August 20, 2016. Performance in Digital Architecture. London: Routledge, 2012.
HYPOSURFACE. Accessed August 26, 2016.
Celanto, David. “Harvard Design Magazine: Innovate or Perish:New Tech
nologies and Architecture’s Future.” Harvard Design Magazine: Iwamoto, Lisa. Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Tech
Innovate or Perish: New Technologies and Architecture’s Future. niques. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.
Accessed December 08, 2016. http://www.harvarddesignmag 26/innovate-or-perish-new-technologies-and-ar Kronenburg, Robert. Flexible: Architecture That Responds to
chitectures-future. Change. London: Laurence King, 2007.

Chen, Brian X. “Google Home vs. Amazon Echo: A Face-Off of Smart Lally, Sean. The air from other planets: a brief history of architecture to
Speakers.” The New York Times, November 3, 2016. Accessed come. Zürich: Müller, 2014.
February 13, 2017.
technology/personaltech/google-home-vs-amazon-echo-a-face- Melet, Ed. Sustainable Architecture: Towards a Diverse Built Environment.
off-of-smart-speakers.html?_r=0. Rotterdam: NAI Publishers, 1999.

Cilento, Karen. “Al Bahar Towers Responsive Facade / Aedas.” Meyer, John, “Technological Proximity: Ambient Digital Interaction
September 5, 2012. Accessed August 28, 2016. http:// in Architecture.” M.Arch Thesis., University of Cincinnati, 2016.
cade-aedas#_=_. Morgan, Jacob. “A Simple Explanation Of ‘The Internet Of Things’”

Fitzgerald, Scott, and Michael Shiloh. The Arduino Projects Book. Forbes. August 23, 2016. Accessed March 3, 2017. https://www.
First ed. Arduino LLC., 2015.
Fortmeyer, Russell, and Charles Linn. “Kinetic Architecture: Designs for stand/#6b3b90081d09.
Active Envelopes.” ArchDaily. August 13, 2014. Accessed August
26, 2016. Nagy, Zoltan, Dino Rossi, and Arno Schlueter. “Sustainable Architecture
ture-designs-for-active-envelopes. and Human Comfort through Adaptive Distributed Systems.”
2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
Goulthorpe, MarK. “HYPOSURFACE.” HYPOSURFACE. Ac Communications Workshops, 2012. doi:10.1109/per
cessed August 20, 2016. comw.2012.6197520.

106 107
Oosterhuis, Kas. Towards a New Kind of Building. ; A Designers Guide for
Non-Standard Architecture. NAi Uitgevers / Publishers Stichting,

“” 2016. Accessed August 29,

Schwab, Klaus. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What It Means, How to

Respond.” January 14, 2016. Accessed September 20,

108 109

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