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Making the case of career mobility:

The article talks about workforce agility that how it is important for the success of a company
and how it helps companies survive and thrive. The article concluded that workforce agility
provides greater job security to employees, the opportunity for skill development and career
advancement, as well as organizational adaptability.

How do you quantify the invisible:

In this article, the author explained the importance of culture in companies and how it plays an
important role in a company’s success. Having an unaligned workforce culture in a company
reduces employee performance. Therefore, it should be firmly embedded in the strategy and
operational planning of the organization.

Greater use of virtual technology:

The article talked about how virtual technology makes it easier for women and people of color to
be harassed, bullied, discriminated against, and treated unfairly when they work from home. He
also suggested enforcing the HR policies regarding the virtual environment strictly, otherwise it
could lead to toxic communication with the customers as well.

Beefing up flex work for younger generations

The article talked about the flexible work arrangements for millennials and Gen-Z workers and
how they are emerging across Canada since most global organizations offer remote work. It also
addressed the concern of how an organization can increase productivity while spending less
money and time.

Soft Skill
The article talked about four major trends, such as soft skills, work flexibility, pay transparency,
and anti-harassment in a workplace environment, which have a significant impact on the hiring
of people by HR professionals. It also advised HR professionals to adopt transformational
leadership because it’s about trust, honesty, and transparency instead of closed-door meetings
with top management.

The article explained the effectiveness of Glassdoor, how it highlights the imperfections of a
company, and how employers can improve the DEI rating. Glassdoor allows employees to
provide feedback about their work as well as provides the opportunity for companies to get
feedback from their employees continuously to improve the DEI values.

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