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Good Afternoon, I’m… with the news for the hour.

Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen held a discussion with his Türkiye and UAE
counterparts. The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, who is participating in the
13th Sir Bani Yas Forum organized by the United Arab Emirates, explained the current
developments in Ethiopia in his discussion with the Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut
Cavusoglu. He mentioned the peace agreement that was signed between the Ethiopian
government and the TPLF in Pretoria last week. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tü rkiye,
Mevlut Cavusoglu, expressed the happiness of the Turkish government that the peace
agreement was signed to resolve the conflict in northern Ethiopia through dialogue. He
indicated that Turkiye will provide all-round support in the effort to ensure peace in
Ethiopia by implementing the peace agreement. In his discussion with Foreign Minister of
the United Arab Emirates Sheik Abudullah bin Zayed on Friday Demek briefed the Foreign
Minister of the UAE about the recent peace agreement signed between the Federal
Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF. He expressed the commitment and readiness of the
Federal Government of Ethiopia to implement the peace agreement towards ensuring
sustainable peace in country. Abdullahi, on his part, welcomed the peace agreement
reached to end the conflict in northern Ethiopia and reiterated his country's support of any
kind for the implementation of the peace agreement. Speaking on bolstering the bilateral
relations between the two friendly countries, the Foreign Minister reiterated the
commitment of the UAE Government to elevate partnerships, including in the areas of trade
and investment, to the highest possible level.

The Ethiopian Government briefed the International Community in Addis regarding

the Peace Deal with TPLF in South Africa. Ambassador Redwan Hussien, National
Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, Gedion Timotiwos, Minister of Justice, delivered the
briefing and addressed the questions raised by participants. Ambassador Redwan Hussien
updated the international community on the steps being taken for implementation of the
agreement, which include an exchange of phone calls and an expected in-person meeting
between the commander of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and the military leader
of the TPLF in relation to disarmament. Attendees, ambassadors, and heads of international
organizations, based in Addis Ababa applauded the agreement between the Federal
Government of Ethiopia and the TPLF to bring about peace and stability in the northern
part of Ethiopia and expressed firm support for its implementation. According to MFA
Participants also expressed support for the efforts underway regarding the reconstruction
of infrastructure and basic services and stated their further commitment and solidarity
regarding efforts to rebuild conflict affected areas.

AU High Representative for the Horn of Africa Olusegun Obasanjo said the
implementation of the peace agreement signed between the Ethiopian government
and TPLF requires much dexterity, statesmanship, leadership, and patriotism. the
former President of Nigeria stated that that the two sides — the federal government and
TPLF, have agreed to peace process which involves disarmament, access of humanitarian
aid, demobilization, restoration of services, and integration.  According to him, the peace
agreement was a breakthrough. The report is from ENA.

The United Nations said it is hopeful it can resume aid deliveries into Tigray region
“in days” following the truce agreed. Michel Saad, the head of the U.N.’s Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) for Ethiopia said talks on the resumption aid
convoys into Tigray have intensified since the truce. Saad told Reuters that they are getting
feedback and good assurances. U.N. agencies had been gathering supplies and Saad said
they needed 24-48 hours to get aid moving once they got the green light. The U.N. on
Wednesday restarted distributing stockpiled food in the Tigrayan capital Mekelle, Saad
said, and it has proposed to authorities to open an air corridor to fly aid directly into
Mekelle and the city of Shire. It has also begun checking the safety of supply routes that U.N.
agencies have been unable to use for more than a year, with staff assessing routes for
unexploded ordinance, communication channels and whether bridges can withstand

The International Monetary Fund welcomed the declaration of a ceasefire in Ethiopia

following a two-year civil war and said it’s weighing the next steps on a potential
funding program. The agreement represents “a critical step towards restoring lasting
peace and stability,” the IMF said. According to IMF its staff has ongoing discussions with
the Ethiopian authorities on their reform plans, which could set the ground for negotiating
a potential new fund program. As to the report from Bloomberg Ethiopia must initiate a
new funding program with the IMF to proceed with a planned restructuring of its $30
billion of debt.

President of the Supreme Court of Ethiopia Meaza Ashenafi expressed concern over
reports of an arrest of three Oromia Supreme Court judges in Adama. The three
Judges were reported to have been detained on Friday from their offices located inside the
court premises by members of local police of the Adama city. Chief Commissioner Ethiopian
Human Rights Commission Danie Bekele said the arrest is an assault on independence of
the judiciary, calling for their immediate and unconditional release. President of the
Supreme Court of Ethiopia Meaza Ashenafi said they are trying to verify the situation
and request for the reversal of such measure which, she said, is a dangerous precedent that
seriously impacts the independence of judges and their institution. According to her Judges
play a key role in the maintenance of the rule of law and there are strict procedures to be
followed to remove the immunity of judges and arrest them when suspected of committing
criminal offense.

Ethiopia awarded postgraduate Scholarships to fifteen South Sudanese Students.

Ethiopian Embassy in Juba, South Sudan bid farewell on Thursday to the South Sudanese
Students who became eligible to join Ethiopian Universities in different fields with the
scholarship grant by the Ethiopian Government. According to MFA the scholarship grant is
in line with the Ethiopian Government’s commitment towards strengthening human
resource development and boosting capacity building of the institutions of the sisterly
nation of the Republic of South Sudan.

Ethiopia and Zimbabwe has vowed for an enhanced transport and infrastructural
cooperation. This came after Ethiopian Ambassador to Zimbabwe Rashid Mohammed
held talks with Theodius Chinyanga, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Transport and
Infrastructural Development of Zimbabwe. The discussions focused on further deepening
the bilateral cooperation in the fields of transport and infrastructural connectivity and
speeding up negotiations on a double taxation avoidance agreement to push Ethiopia-
Zimbabwean trade and economic cooperation for greater development. The report is from

Also in our stories this Evening, we will take a look atWe will also look intoStay tuned.

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The M23 armed group in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has welcomed
Kenya’s President William Ruto’s decision to send troops to the war-torn region. The
rebel group denied targeting civilians in North Kivu province as claimed by human rights
groups. In a statement dated November 3, 2022, the M23 Movement political spokesperson
Lawrence Kanyuka said they welcomed Kenya’s role in seeking peace in the eastern Congo,
but blamed the Kinshasa government for the violence in the region. President Ruto
announced on November 2, 2022 the deployment of troops to eastern DRC in a joint
regional operation against the rebel group’s offensive. This follows a decision in April by
leaders of the East African Community (EAC) who agreed to establish a joint force to help
restore security in the region.


Kenya’s legislators have raised questions on the legality of deploying troops to the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) without parliamentary approval. William
Kamket, the MP for Tiaty Constituency, Thursday rose on a point of order questioning the
sequence of events, saying the letter from Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale came to
the House on Wednesday afternoon while President William Ruto commissioned the troops
to DRC on Tuesday afternoon. In response, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula
said the letter from the Cabinet secretary came to parliament on Wednesday morning and
the event happened on the same afternoon. The reports are from the East African.

In a related news,

President of Democratic Republic of Congo Félix Tshisekedi has called for support

from young people to resist the M23 militia. M23 rebels have captured swathes of new
territory in recent weeks and displaced tens of thousands of people and President
Tshisekedi is blaming Rwanda. Many people in the Kanyarucyinya camp have fled fighting
between the M23 militia and President Félix Tshisekedi has called for support from young
people to resist the rebel forces. He also again accused Rwanda of supporting the rebel


According to Africanews the resurgence of the M23 has destabilised relations in central
Africa and displaced an estimated 183,000 people in North Kivu since October 20.


North Korea launched four ballistic missiles into the sea on Saturday as the US sent
two supersonic bombers over South Korea in a display of military force that
underscored rising tensions in the region. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said that
the four short-range missiles fired from a western coastal area about midday flew about
130 kilometres towards the country’s western sea. The North has test-fired more than 30
missiles this week, including an intercontinental ballistic missile on Thursday in a reaction
to the combined aerial exercise involving the US and South Korea. The exercise involved
about 240 warplanes, including fifth generation F-35 fighter jets from both countries.
According to the National North Korea’s Foreign Ministry late on Friday described
Pyongyang's military actions this week as an appropriate response to the exercise, which it
called a display of US “military confrontation hysteria”. It said North Korea will respond
with the “toughest counteraction” to any attempts by “hostile forces” to infringe on its
sovereignty or security interests.

The United States has accused Russia of wanting to “freeze” Ukraine into submission
since it has failed to triumph on the battlefield. Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy said on Thursday Russia’s campaign against Ukraine’s energy network had left
about 4.5 million people without power. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on
Friday after G7 foreign ministers met in Germany President (Vladimir) Putin seems to have
decided that if he can’t seize Ukraine by force, he will try to freeze it into submission. The
top diplomats from the club of rich nations agreed on a structure to funnel aid to Ukraine to
replace infrastructure which Russia hit after they held two days of talks in Muenster. The
report is from Aljazeera.

That was with the stories from the African continent and beyond.


In our odd story for today, A Chinese man recently made international news
headlines for collecting his lottery winnings in disguise in order to keep his identity
a secret from his own family. Identified only by the pseudonym Li, the Chinese man
reportedly bought 40 lottery tickets from somewhere in China’s Guangxi Zhuang
autonomous region, with all of them containing the same seven numbers. His gamble paid
off big time, as he was able to around $30 million, life-changing money, not just for him but
for his entire family. But instead of celebrating the win with his wife and kids, Li reportedly
played it cool, preferring to keep the good news a secret from them. Apparently, Instead of
telling his family that they are now $30 million richer, and risking them becoming
“arrogant and lazy”, Li preferred to put on a cartoon character outfit when collecting the
lottery prize and keep his family in the dark for the long term. Li’s reason has sparked a
heated debate, with some applauding him for his decision, and others claiming that he has
no right to keep his family in the dark. Legally speaking, Li might be breaking the law by not
letting his wife know about the lottery prize because lottery money is considered a joint
asset between the married couple. The story is from Oddity Central.


I’m ………..with the afternoon news for the 5th of November, 2022.

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