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The Challange of

Organization Change 1:
Organization Structure
and Leadership

By Group 1:
Dion Yeremia W(195030207111033)
Rafinal Wathan (195030200111045) Change Management
Dany Fauzan R (195030207111023)
The Challenge of Change
01 The Profile of Ambition
Competitiveness is the key of ambitious strategic change,
just as clearly understanding the assets on which
competitiveness can be based is also important. As
Hampden-Turner (1996) demonstrates, a focus on a
single factor can bring immediate success and longer-
term failure. But Kay (1993) probably lays the most
appropriate foundation. For him the differentiator on which
market power is based is known as ‘distinctive capability’.
The Challenge of Change
02 03
Implementation Change Architecture

In short, implementation can be defined as Jacobs (1994) identifies three sequential

the processes required to design and processes as being required to achieve strategic
manage change processes to be effective change: (1) Building a common database; (2)
Discovering the future in diverse perspectives; and
(3) Creating commitment to action plans.
Organization Structures:
Choice and Leadership
Organization structures allow us to organize and deploy resources. They
allow us to define job activities, responsibilities and accountabilities. They
provide for decision making and information flows. They help to establish
the power structure for the organization. They influence the identity and
corporate image of the organization. They also establish people’s attitudes,
at least in part.
The simple or entrepreneurial structure.

Management The functional structure.

Structures The product structure.

The divisional structure.

Broadly speaking there are six alternative The matrix structure.

‘model’ structures:

The federal structure.

In practice, organizations implement variants of
the management structure. Many large
organizations in both the public and private

Management sectors operate divisional structures in addition to

some elements of matrix management. At the
local level, people interpret the demands of the

In Action task at hand, alongside the notion of good

financial management practices and fixed orders,
rules and regulations, in a way that allows them to
continue with their work as they see fit. In practice,
the task of senior management is to set priorities
and achieve control and adaptability.
01 Centralization vs decentralization.

The 02 Global vs local.

Dilemmas of 03 Efficiency vs effectiveness

Organization 04 Professionals vs line management.

05 Control vs commitment
There are six main dilemmas:

06 Change vs stability.
Leadership &
Effectiveness is more likely to emerge from
organizational cultures which encourage the

01 Accountability

02 Synergy

In many circumstances, different organizational Cross-cultural skills

structures can be equally effective if management
is practised to good effect. Understanding
managerial performance is important if we are to 04 Managing interfaces
assess whether an organization’s structure is
appropriate in practice. This suggests that we
must look at more than the organizational 05 Financial realism
structure if we are to assess an organization

Strategy & 01 The degree of uncertainty organization


Structure 02 The extent of diversity in products and


03 Company Size
Chandler’s (1962) classic study argued that to be
successful organizational structure had to be
consistent with strategy.
04 Technology
There are several factors will have an important
impact on company strategy success, including
the following: 05 Culture
Managerial Performance
"Managerial performance is a combination of knowledge and skill
applied in practice" - Colin Carnal

Mintzberg characterizes managerial jobs as follows::

They are remarkably similar and can be described in nine roles and six sets of working characteristics.
Much managerial work is challenging and non-routine
A manager is both a generalist and a specialist
Information is an important part of the manager’s power.
The major pitfall for the manager is having to be superficial because the workload is too high.
Management science has little effect on how the manager works
The management scientist can only break this ‘vicious circle’ with real understanding of the manager’s
01 The quantity and pace of the manager’s

02 The patterns of the activities.

03 The relationship in work between action

and reflection.

04 The use of different communications


The six working characteristics relate to the

05 The relationships with contacts.

06 The interaction between rights and duties.

For the moment, the conclusion is by stating that defining an organizational
structure is to define a ‘moving target’. Managers must also find ways of dealing
with the daily dilemmas and pressures of their working lives. Understanding
organizations, then, involves understanding both what managers actually do and
how it can be/should be structured.
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