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Name: __________________________________________________________________

Date: ___________________ Grade: ______________

Monthly Evidence
“Shrek movie project”

I.- Read the following text and answer the questions

It was September 15th, and Shrek and his friends were having a party in his house, in the middle of
the forest. In the beginning, Shrek hesitated to throw a party but it was his children’s birthday. They
were excited and they were waiting for the donkey to open the presents. While some of the animals
were eating lasagna and others were dancing, Shrek was thinking about the donkey delay, it was
really weird because Pinocchio sent all the invitations, so Donkey knew about the arrival time to the
party. Suddenly, Fionna stopped the music and said to Shrek that the guests were wasting time
because it was almost midnight and the children wanted to open the gifts. But, when Fiona was
saying this to him, the lights turned off! and for an instance everyone was quiet; then the musicians
stopped playing their instruments, Puss in Boots was running around the living room, the
Gingerbread Man was calling the police, Pinnochio was looking for a flashlight, the three pigs were
trying to escape, Snow White was screaming and Cinderella was eating her nails. After five minutes,
Shrek and his friends listened to a strange noise and the lights turned on. It was Donkey, who was
laughing at them because his silly action. Donkey explained to them that he wanted to have fun, but
they were quiet and Fiona and Shrek closed the door. Donkey stayed outside and while he was
looking through the window, the guests were starting the party again. They danced and sang with
happiness but without Donkey. Finally, Donkey learned the lesson, “Respect people, do not make
fun of them”.

1. Underline the correct sentence.

1. a) Shrek’s friends were enjoying the party before Donkey appears
b) Shrek’s friends were not enjoying the party before Donkey appears
c) Shrek’s guests were enjoying the party after Donkey’s departure

2. a) Shrek was looking at Donkey

b) Shrek was waiting for Donkey
c) Shrek was not waiting for Donkey

3. a) When the lights turn off, Snow White was scared

b) When the lights turn off, Snow White was having fun
c) When the lights turn off, Snow White was sleeping

4. a) Donkey understood the lesson

b) Donkey did not understand the lesson
c) Donkey respected Shrek and his friends

5. a) Donkey explained to them that he wanted to have fun

b) Donkey did not explain to them that he wanted to have fun
c) Donkey asked if they wanted to have fun

II. Complete the graphic source with the text

III.- Identify 5 Phonics words from the text and write 5 sentences using them.
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IV.- Watch the following scene from Shrek movie and then write 5 sentences about what was Shrek
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