Duan Et Al. - 2016 - A Test Case Generation Approach Based On Sequence

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Chinese Journal of Electronics

Vol.25, No.2, Mar. 2016

A Test Case Generation Approach Based on

Sequence Diagram and Automata Models∗
ZHANG Chen1,2 , DUAN Zhenhua1,2 , YU Bin2 , TIAN Cong1,2 and DING Ming3,4
(1. Institute of Computing Theory and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China)
(2. School of Computer Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China)
(3. School of Information and Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China)
(4. Xi’an Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute, AVIC, Xi’an 710119, China)

Abstract — To improve the test automation in software et al. discussed the application of state diagrams in UML
development process, following the researches on test cases to class testing[1] . A set of coverage criteria is proposed
generation technology from models, an incremental test
case generation approach is proposed based on finite au-
based on control and data flow in UML state diagrams
tomata, and Event deterministic finite automata (ETDFA) and it is shown how to generate test cases satisfying these
are employed to describe the sequence diagram models criteria from UML state diagrams. This method is not
of system interaction. By model checked with Proposi- suitable for integration and system testing. H. Miao et al.
tional projection temporal logic (PPTL), the correctness
of ETDFA is verified. Then we can get the composed au-
presented an approach to generating test cases from UML
tomata by synthesis rules, and generate the test cases in- statecharts[2]. First, the statecharts were transformed into
crementally by test cases generation algorithm. Case stud- Flattened regular expression (FREE) model diagrams.
ies are presented to show that this approach enables to Afterwards, test cases of class were generated based on
improve test cases correctness, and reduce the complexity
of test cases generation process. FREE model. Finally, it gives the coverage criteria of
Key words — Test model, Model based testing, Test FREE model and an algorithm that generates transition
scenario, Test cases. sequence from a FREE model. M. Sarma et al. proposed
a technique for generating test cases from UML design
I. Introduction diagrams[3]. This approach consists of transforming a se-
quence diagram into a graph called the Sequence diagram
Software testing plays a crucial role in assuring soft- graph (SDG) and augmenting the SDG nodes with differ-
ware quality. As the complexity and size of software grow, ent information necessary to compose test vectors. The
the time and effort required to do effective testing in- SDG is then traversed to generate test cases. The test
crease. Unified modeling language (UML) is a standard cases thus generated are suitable for system testing and
for object-oriented modeling that has gain widespread use to detect interaction and scenario faults. S.K. Swain et al.
in the software industry. Using UML, developers model presented a comprehensive test case generation technique
large, complex systems and produce variety of different from UML models[4] . Test cases are derived from analysis
diagrams presenting different views of the system model. artifacts such as use cases, their corresponding sequence
With the increasing use of the UML to model object- diagrams and constraints specified across all these arti-
oriented software, researchers have begun investigating facts. This test case generation technique can be used for
how the UML can be used in the testing phase of the integration and system testing accommodating the ob-
software development process. ject message and condition information associated with
In software testing process, test case selection deter- the use case scenarios. Sequence and collaboration dia-
mines the validity of the testing, and the selection proce- grams are used to describe the interaction between ob-
dure is the difficulty and key point in testing. Y.G. Kim jects. Sequence diagrams focus on the message sequence,
∗ Manuscript Received Apr. 23, 2014; Accepted Oct. 10, 2014. This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation

of China (No.61420106004, No.61322202, No.61303031, No.61272117, No.61202177, No.61133001, No.61172147) and the Fundamental
Research Funds for the Central Universities (No.K5051303005).
c 2016 Chinese Institute of Electronics. DOI:10.1049/cje.2016.03.007
A Test Case Generation Approach Based on Sequence Diagram and Automata Models 235

while collaboration diagrams emphasize the space. There- Use case model contains use case diagram and descrip-
fore, the generated test cases based on sequence diagrams tion. Use case diagram usually depicts the relationships
are more suitable for detecting system interaction faults, between use cases and actors. However, use case descrip-
operational and scenario faults. However, there may be tion provides more detail for system design, including the
some faults in sequence diagrams, such as the correct ob- name of use case, preconditions and end conditions of use
jects cannot be created and messages are passed between case execution, primary, main flows, and so on. Object
the unrelated senders and receivers. C. Zhang et al. in- constraint language (OCL) supplements UML by provid-
troduced a method based on UML2.0 sequence diagrams ing expressions that have neither the ambiguities of nat-
with use case description, and ETDFA are employed to ural language nor the inherent difficulty of using complex
describe system interaction[5] . By the model checked with mathematics. In this paper, OCL is used to describe ex-
PPTL, the correctness of ETDFA is verified[6,7] . The pressions on test models. We give the definition of use
achieved accurate ETDFA models and use case descrip- case diagram and use case description.
tion are regarded as the origin of test cases. However, Definition 1 Use case diagram is a 5-tuple: U C =
due to a large number of states and the complex migra- (Ac, U s, auc, uur, aar), where,
tion paths, this approach brings on a certain complexity • Ac is a set of actors. Each actor has a unique name
for generating test cases and reduces the efficiency of test that describes the role of user who interacts with system;
cases generation. A. Nayak et al. proposed an approach to • U s is a set of use cases. Each use case describes a
identify all scenarios from activity diagrams and use them particular goal for the user and how the user interacts
to test use cases[8] . The proposed approach is based on the with the system to achieve that goal;
classification of control constructs followed by a transfor- • auc is a function from Ac to U s, auc(us)∈Ac;
mation approach which takes into account any combina- • uur is a function from U s to U s. uur(us, us)=
tion of nested structures and transforms an activity di- {include, extend, generalization, ε}, it can be
agram into a model called intermediate testable model. also empty, denoted by ε;
It simplifies the structure of activity diagrams and real- • aar is a function from Ac to Ac. aar(ac, ac)=
izes test cases generation for control flow constructs and {generalization, ε}, it can be also empty, denoted by
their nested combinations. In this paper, we have pro- ε.
posed a novel technique, which generates the test cases Definition 2 Use case description is a 11-tuple:
from the UML use case model, sequence diagram and au- U D = (un, rr, gc, pr, sc, f c, pa, sa, tr, mf , ex), where,
tomata.This method is able to handle complex system in- • un is the name of use case;
teraction, while simplifying the test cases generation pro- • rr is a set of related requirements;
cess and improving the efficiency of generating test cases. • gc is the goal in context;
• pr is a set of preconditions, what needs to happen
before the use case can be executed;
II. Test Models OCL expressions:
context Typename::operationName(param1: T ype1,
In model based testing[9−11] , models can be used to
...): ReturnType
automatically generate full or partial test cases. They usu-
ally refer to the function description of the System under pre: parameterOk
test (SUT), and can abstract the expected behaviors and • sc is a set of successful end conditions;
actions of SUT. To get software test cases based on test OCL expressions:
models can improve the efficiency of automated testing. In context Typename::operationName(param1: T ype1,
UML models, use case model provides detailed informa- ...): ReturnType
tion about the behaviors of system and sequence diagram post: Successful result is Ok
describes the various types of interaction among objects • f c is a set of failed end conditions;
during system operation. So test cases generated by use OCL expressions:
case model and sequence diagram can find possible faults context Typename::operationName(param1: T ype1,
caused by method calls and message delivery order. Each ...): ReturnType
use case in use case model presents a functional module, post: Failed result is Ok
and there is a corresponding sequence diagram. Formal • pa is a set of primary actors;
methods have the good description and analysis capabil- • sa is a set of secondary actors;
ities in aspects of model design and attribute analysis. • tr is a set of triggers, the event triggered by an actor
So they are important means to improve software design that causes the use case to execute;
quality. • mf is the main flow, the place to describe each
1. Use case model of the important steps in a use case’s normal execution,
236 Chinese Journal of Electronics 2016

mf ={step1, ..., stepi , ..., stepn }, 1≤i≤n; will have massive states with complex migration paths,
• ex is the extensions, a description of any alter- which increase the difficulty of analysis and affect the ef-
native steps from the ones described in the main flow, ficiency and coverage of test cases generation. In order to
ex={stepi.1 , ..., stepi.i , ..., stepi.n }. simplify the control flow and test cases generation pro-
2. Sequence diagram cess, handle the control and nested structure, this paper
In Ref.[7], sequence diagram is a 13-tuple: SD = (P , presents a simplification method based on automata syn-
E, S, R, M , F G, OP , C, msg, obj, f rag, →, ≺). E, S thesis rules to achieve the test cases incrementally.
and C are defined as follows: 1. Composite automata
• E is a finite non-empty set of events; Before synthesizing and simplifying the ETDFA used
• S is a set of sending events; to describe sequence diagram, we give the definition of
• C is a finite set of guard conditions of fragments, a composite automata.
guard condition can be empty, denoted by ε; Definition 3 Composite automata are a 9-tuple:
OCL is adopted to describe the preconditions, end A = (Q*, X, B, L, P , Σ*, δ*, q0 *, F *), where,
conditions and constraints for event execution. Con- • Q* is a finite non-empty set of atomic states;
straints are the guard conditions of fragments. • X is a finite set of composite states of sequential
OCL expressions for preconditions: execution structure;
context Typename::operationName(param1: T ype1,
• B is a finite set of composite states of select execu-
...): ReturnType
tion structure;
pre: parameterOk
• L is a finite set of composite states of loop execution
OCL expressions for end conditions:
context Typename::operationName(param1: T ype1,
• P is a finite set of composite states of concurrent
...): ReturnType
execution structure;
post: ResultOk
OCL expressions for constraints: • Σ* is a input alphabet, Σ*={(c, e)|c∈CM , e∈EM },
context Typename inv: c where, c∈C CM is a set of execution condition of combined fragment,
Event deterministic finite automata[7] are a 7-tuple: EM is a set of finite events in sequence diagram;
M = (Q, CM , EM , Σ, δ, q0 , F ), where, • δ* is the transition function;
• Q is a finite non-empty set of states, ∀q∈Q, q is • q0 * is the starting state of A, q0 *∈Q*;
called a state of M ; • F * is a finite set of final states of A.
• CM is a finite set of guard conditions of fragments in 2. Synthesis rules
sequence diagrams, a guard condition can be also empty, In order to simplify the automata structures, we trans-
denoted by ε; form the ETDFA into composite automata through syn-
• EM is a finite set of events; thesis rules to realize the test scenarios and test cases
• Σ is a finite set of symbols, Σ={(c, e)|c∈CM , generation.
e∈EM }; Definition 4 Synthesis rules for automata. ETDFA
• δ is the transition function, δ: Q×(CM ×EM )→Q; M = (Q, CM , EM , Σ, δ, q0 , F ), composite automata
• q0 is the starting state of M , q0 ∈Q; A=(Q*, X, B, L, P , Σ*, δ*, q0 *, F *).
• F is a finite set of final states of M, F ⊆Q. Rule 1: Merger of sequential execution structure.
In Refs.[6,7], an efficient mechanism for verifying se- If the relationships among adjacent states are sequen-
quence diagrams is provided. The proposed method cre- tial execution, the adjacent states can be merged into a
ates an ETDFA-based model from UML interactions ex- composite state, represented by X, as shown in Fig.1.
pressed in sequence diagrams for a system, and specifies a
property written in PPTL. A model checker[12−14] is used
to verify the property. The verified ETDFA are equivalent
to the abstract description of requirements, so they can
be used to generate test cases.

III. Automata Synthesis Fig. 1. The merger of sequential structure

Due to the continually increasing software size, se- Description: In Fig.1, (a) shows an automaton of
quence diagrams that describe the interaction behavior states sequential execution; (b) shows a composite au-
become more and more complex. According to the method tomaton after merger; (c) shows the composite structure,
in Refs.[6,7], automata are used to describe the formal where X1 is a composite state consists of states q1 , q2 and
models of a sequence diagram. Meanwhile an automaton q3 .
A Test Case Generation Approach Based on Sequence Diagram and Automata Models 237

Rule 2: Merger of select execution structure. If there is

select branch among states, the states can be merged into
a composite state, represented by B, as shown in Fig.2.

Fig. 4. The merger of concurrent structure

The procedure of automata synthesis is shown in Al-

gorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 Synthesis algorithm for automata

Input: ETDFA M =(Q, CM , EM , Σ, δ, q0 , F ), sequence
diagram SD=(P , E, S, R, M , F G, OP , C, msg, obj, f rag,
→, ≺).
Output: Composite automata A=(Q*, X, B, L, P , Σ*, δ*,
q0 *, F *).
1: q0 *=q0
2: for i=0 to n-1, j=1 to n, k=1
Fig. 2. The merger of select structure 3: {while δ(qi , (c, ej ))=qi+1 , i++, j++ do
4: {if frag(ej )=frag(ej+1 )=par
Description: In Fig.2, (a) and (d) show two types of 5: create Xk , k=k+1 (Rule 1 in Definition 4)
automata with select branches respectively. (b) and (e) S
6: } X=X Xk }
give the composite automata corresponding to (a), (d) af- 7: for opt, alt, loop, par, x=1, y=1, z=1
ter merger; (c) and (f ) are the composite structures, B1 8: {{while fragment is unnested do
in (b) is a composite state consists of q2 and q3 in (c), B1 9: {create Bx , x=x+1 (Rule 2 in Definition 4)
in (e) is a composite state consists of q2 and q3 in (f ). 10: create Ly , y=y+1 (Rule 3 in Definition 4)
By analogy, we could get multi-branch automata merger 11: create Pz , z=z+1 (Rule 4 in Definition 4)
methods. 12: }B=B Bx , L=L Ly , P =P Pz }
Rule 3: Merger of loop execution structure. If there is 13: {while fragment is nested do
a loop structure among states, the states can be merged 14: {from the innermost fragment
15: create Bx , x=x+1 (Rule 2 in Definition 4)
into a composite state, represented by L, as shown in
16: create Ly , y=y+1 (Rule 3 in Definition 4)
17: create Pz , z=z+1 (Rule 4 in Definition 4)
18: }B=B Bx , L=L Ly , P =P Pz }}
19: Q*=Q-{qi }, qi ∈Xk Bx Ly Pz
20: Σ*=Σ
21: δ*=δ
22: if ∀qi ∈F and qi ∈Xk , Xk ∈F *
23: if ∀qi ∈F and qi ∈Bx , Bx ∈F *
Fig. 3. The merger of loop structure
24: if ∀qi ∈F and qi ∈Ly , Ly ∈F *
Description: In Fig.3, (a) shows an automaton with 25: if ∀qi ∈F and qi ∈Pz , Pz ∈F *
26: if ∀qi ∈F and qi ∈Q*, qi ∈F *
loop structure; (b) shows the composite automaton cor-
27: end
responding to (a) after merger; (c) shows the composite
structure, where L1 is a composite state consists of states
q1 , q2 and q3 .
IV. Test Cases Generation
Rule 4: Merger of concurrent execution structure. If
there is a concurrent structure among states, the states ETDFA which are equivalent to sequence diagram
can be merged into a composite state, represented by P , have some defects. For example, it has a large number
as shown in Fig.4. of states and complex migration paths. So we first use
Description: In Fig.4, (a) shows an automaton with automata synthesis rules to simplify ETDFA, and then
concurrent structure; (b) shows the composite automaton traverse the composite automata to get the test scenar-
corresponding to (a) after merger; (c) shows the compos- ios, lastly generate test cases set by the basic paths and
ite structure, where P1 is a composite state consists of internal paths.
states q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 and q5 . 1. Coverage criteria
238 Chinese Journal of Electronics 2016

Composite automata contain all the control structures Algorithm 2 Test cases set generation algorithm
in the form of composite states. Each composite state Input: ETDFA M =(Q, CM , EM , Σ, δ, q0 , F ).
could be mapped to a single control structure, while a Output: Test cases set T .
composite state can be nested zero or multiple times. 1: Use the synthesis algorithm for automata (Algorithm
Paths in composite automata are defined as the basic 1) to obtain the composite automata A which is corre-
spond to ETDFA;
paths. A basic path is a sequence containing atomic states
2: Use the rules for test scenarios generation (Definition
and composite states. Paths in composite states are de-
6) to obtain S which is the set of test scenarios;
fined as the internal paths. For the internal path and the
3: For any scenario sn , a test case ti =preconditions,
basic path, we proposed four coverage criteria: select cov- events, event constraints, end conditions, desired
erage, loop coverage, concurrent coverage and all-paths S
outputs, the set of test cases T = ti ;
coverage. 4: For each test case, the preconditions and end condi-
Definition 5 Path coverage criteria. tions of scenarios, and the desired outputs come from
use case description. Events and event constraints are
1) Select coverage criteria Given a test set T , for any
correspond to the events on each state and the execu-
select branch in composite state B which expresses the
tion conditions of combined fragments.
selection structures in composite automata, there must
be a corresponding scenario in T . V. Case Study
2) Loop coverage criteria Given a test set T , for cycle
paths in composite state L which expresses the loop struc- This section takes the Movie tickets booking system
tures in composite automata, there must be a scenario in (MTBS) as an example to show the test cases generation.
T executing at least once. 1. Modeling and verification of MTBS
3) Concurrent coverage criteria Given a test set T , The sequence diagram in Fig.5 describes several states
for any effective concurrent sequence in composite state of MTBS. User requests booking, Box office shows the
P which expresses the concurrent structures in composite available seats. After User selects seats, judge whether
automata, there must be a corresponding scenario in T . the number of selected seats m is less than the number
of expected seats n. If it is true, continue to select seats
4) All-paths coverage criteria Given a test set T and
until it meets the demand, and lastly insert the card for
sequence diagram SD, making T satisfied with the mes-
payment. Card service verifies the card information. The
sage paths sequence generated by SD which execute at
ETDFA of object Box office are shown in Fig.6. Model
least once.
Under the premise of meeting the above coverage cri-
teria, we discuss the generation of test scenarios and test
2. Test scenarios generation
Test scenario is an action sequence of objects during
the interaction. Each scenario represents a trace of system
performs, and therefore it can be mapped as test cases.
The rules of test scenarios generation are as follows.
Definition 6 Rules for test scenarios generation.
Rule 1: Traversing composite automata to obtain the
basic paths from an initial state to a final state;
Rule 2: Each composite state has a corresponding set
of internal paths;
Rule 3: According to the order of composite states in
the basic path, these states are replaced with the internal
paths which correspond to the composite states. At last,
all the paths only have atomic states. The set of paths is
the set of test scenarios.
3. Test cases generation
Test scenarios can be considered as abstract test cases.
For every abstract test case, supplementary information
comes from use case description. The procedure of test
cases generation is shown in Algorithm 2. Fig. 5. MTBS sequence diagram
A Test Case Generation Approach Based on Sequence Diagram and Automata Models 239

Table 1. Test scenarios generation of Box office

No. Basic paths set
1 {q0 , L1 , X1 , B1 , q11 }
2 {q0 , X1 , B1 , q11 , q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 , X1 , B1 , q11 }
3 {q0 , q4 , q5 , q6 , B1 , q11 ,q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , q5 , q6 , B1 ,
q11 }
4 {q0 , q4 , q5 , q6 , X2 , q11 ,q0 , q4 , q5 , q6 , X3 , q11 , q0 ,
q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , q5 , q6 , X2 , q11 ,q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , q5 , q6 ,
X3 , q11 }
No. Test scenarios set
Fig. 6. ETDFA of object Box office 5 {q0 , q4 , q5 , q6 , q7 , q8 , q11 , q0 , q4 , q5 , q6 , q9 , q10 ,
q11 ,q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , q5 , q6 , q7 , q8 , q11 ,q0 , q1 , q2 ,
checker is used to check the satisfiability of PPTL formu- q3 , q4 , q5 , q6 , q9 , q10 , q11 }
las with ETDFA. After merging the confirmed automata 4. Test cases of Box office
model, we could get the composite automata. In the basic paths set and the test scenarios set shown
2. Automata synthesis of Box office in Table 1, take test scenarios q0 , q1 , q2 , q3 , q4 , q5 , q6 ,
q7 , q8 , q11  as an example to illustrate the corresponding
Adopting rules for automata synthesis, we can get test cases.
the merged automata model, the process is shown in Preconditions: user has not bought a ticket; Event:
Figs.7(a)–(h). Fig.7(a) shows an automaton generated (receive) user requests the ticket; Event constraints: the
by merging the sequential structure. The structures of number of selected seats is less than the number of ex-
composite states X1 , X2 , X3 are respectively shown in pected seats; Event: (send) information of available seats;
Figs.7(b)–(d). The automaton in Fig.7(e) can be obtained (receive) select seats; Event constraints: the end of select-
by further synthesizing the loop structure in Fig.7(a). The ing seats; Event: (send) demand payment; (receive) insert
structure of composite state L1 is shown in Fig.7(f ). Fi- the card; (send) charge; Event constraints: card is OK;
nally, to get the composite automaton in Fig.7(g), the Event: (receive) authorized tickets; (send) print tickets;
select branch in Fig.7(e) is merged, where the structure (send) exit the card; End conditions: buy tickets success-
of composite state B1 is shown in Fig.7(h). fully; Desired outputs: exit the card successfully.
5. Results analysis
The interaction process expressed in UML2.0 sequence
diagrams for a system contains the complex control flow
structure and nested structure. So its automata models
become complicated correspondingly. This brings some
difficulty to traverse all the paths correctly and to obtain
the test scenarios meet the coverage criteria. In this case,
we adopt an incremental test cases generation method,
merging sequential structure, loop structure and branch
structure which are in automata in an orderly manner,
and eventually get a basic path. When the basic path is
refined, the composite states are replaced by their internal
paths. Gradually, we get the full test scenarios.
VI. Conclusion
Analyzing, verifying and testing software system by
formal methods and techniques is an important way to
Fig. 7. Automata synthesis process. (a) Merging sequential construct high confidence software. In this paper, an ap-
structure; (b) X1 ; (c) X2 ; (d) X3 ; (e) Merging loop proach for test cases generation is presented. We construct
structure; (f ) L1 ; (g) Merging select structure; (h) B1
use case model and sequence diagrams of the SUT. The
ETDFA from sequence diagrams which describe the inter-
3. Test scenarios of Box office
action process of a system are verified. The automaton is
Using the rules for test scenarios generation, we get the simplified by the synthesis rules. Test scenarios and test
test scenarios set shown in Table 1. In basic paths, under- cases are extracted from the basic and internal paths. This
lined states are unexpanded composite states. Expanding technique improves the accuracy of the test cases genera-
these states, four scenarios can be obtained, among which tion by means of verification, and enhances the efficiency
loop structures are processed in accordance with execut- of test cases generation by the way of model combination
ing “0” times and “1” times respectively. and incremental description of test scenarios.
240 Chinese Journal of Electronics 2016

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