Trabajo Inglés Semana 3

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E: Hello, guys. Welcome to the APC´ COMPANY.

T1: Hello, thanks for the welcome.

T2: hello, me too.

E: okey, let´s go to start with the interview. Okey¿? tell me something about you¿?

T1: Well, my name is Ronald. I´m 25 years old. I´m a system engineer and I'm here to be the
systems supervisor for the company.

E: Fantastic, and you?

T2: My name is Susan Portillo. I’m 27 years old. I’m studend of business administration and I
´´m in 7th cicle in the university

E: Very Good. Well, Can you tell me what would be your greatest strength? You first, Susan.

T2: I am a person with ease of teamwork

E: What about you Ronald?

T1: I think that my greatest strength is the great leadership I have in the development of a

E: okey. Well, the administrator has to organize and generate new projects. Do can you do it?

T2: yes, I can. Because I have the experience about this.

E: Susan, You can work overtime when needed?

T2: Yes, I can

T2: Do I have to work weekends?

E: No, but can you do it if there is an emergency?

T2: Yes, I can

E: Good. Also, the systems supervisor has to guarantee the security of the company's system.

T1: I think that I can help with the creation and the security of the ideal software for the
company. But, i have a question. can i work remotely?

E: yes, you can do it. But not always

T1: Fantastic. And can i take decisions about the Project alone?

E: he can´t take decisions about the Project alone.

T1: Okey.

E: Thanks for being in the interview. We'll call you another time. Okay?

T2: thank you very much for the interview.

T1: good bye, thanks for everything.

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