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Remodeling in Asthma and Chronic Obstructive

Lung Disease
Imperial College at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) are both in- DESCRIPTION AND DEFINITIONS
flammatory conditions of the lung associated with structural “re-
modeling” inappropriate to the maintenance of normal lung func- Inflammation
tion. The clinically observed distinctions between asthma and Asthma and COPD are both chronic inflammatory conditions
COPD are reflected by differences in the remodeling process, the of the conducting airways and lung parenchyma. However,
patterns of inflammatory cells and cytokines, and also the pre- immunohistology of bronchial biopsies demonstrates differ-
dominant anatomic site at which these alterations occur. In ences in the predominant inflammatory cells: biopsies from
asthma the epithelium appears to be more fragile than that of nonsmoking mild allergic asthmatics have increased numbers
COPD, the epithelial reticular basement membrane (RBM) is sig- of activated CD4 (T helper) lymphocytes and eosinophils
nificantly thicker, there is marked enlargement of the mass of and variably reported increases of mast cells. In contrast, the
bronchial smooth muscle, and emphysema does not occur in the chronic inflammation of smokers with COPD is predomi-
asthmatic nonsmoker. In COPD, there is epithelial mucous meta- nantly of tissue CD8 (T suppressor/cytotoxic) lymphocytes,
plasia, airway wall fibrosis, and inflammation associated with loss
macrophages, and, variably, neutrophils (2). While inflamma-
of surrounding alveolar attachments to the outer wall of small air-
tion appears to be present at all sites within the lung in both
ways: bronchiolar smooth muscle is increased also. Emphysema is
conditions, the predominant anatomic site at which the struc-
a feature of severe COPD: in spite of the destructive process, alve-
olar wall thickening and focal fibrosis may be detected. The hyper-
tural changes occur differs. In COPD it is mainly destruction
trophy of submucosal mucus-secreting glands is similar in extent (or failure to repair) of the lung parenchyma leading to em-
in asthma and COPD. The number of bronchial vessels and the physema (Figure 2) and there are also important structural al-
area of the wall occupied by them increase in severe corticoste- terations that occur in varying degree to small bronchi and
roid-dependent asthma: it is likely that these increases also occur membranous bronchioli (i.e., airways  2 mm in diameter).
in severe COPD as they do in bronchiectasis. Pulmonary vascula- The relative contributions that the structural alterations at
ture is remodeled in COPD. In asthma several of these structural these two sites make to the airflow obstruction in each patient
alterations begin early in the disease process, even in the child. In will vary. In asthma, large airways and small airways are al-
COPD the changes begin later in life and the associated inflamma- tered structurally but, in the asthmatic nonsmoker, there is no
tory response differs from that in asthma. The following synopsis parenchymal destruction. However, the walls of the conduct-
defines and compares the key remodeling processes and proposes ing airways in asthma are thickened by between 50 and 300%
several hypotheses. of normal and there is lumenal narrowing, which is further
compromised by excessive mucus admixed with an inflamma-
Keywords: airways; asthma; chronic bronchitis; COPD; emphysema;
tory exudate (Figure 3). In cases of fatal asthma, the longer
lung; remodeling
the duration of asthma, the thicker the airway wall. However,
Asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) are rel- it has been suggested that airway wall thickness per se is not a
atively nonspecific clinical terms used to describe two differ- requirement for asphyxic fatality as a group of relatively
ing patterns of airflow obstruction with respect to reversibility, young asthmatics (i.e., with a relatively short history of
spontaneously or in response to treatment. In reality asthma asthma) had an airway wall thickness not significantly differ-
and COPD are not single entities; each has a spectrum of re- ent from that of nonasthma controls. It is surmised that lume-
versibility and there is “overlap,” most likely associated with nal secretions and plugging were the greater contribution to
the varying extent and the “mix” of both structural and in- asthmatic death in these young cases of fatal asthma (3). Each
flammatory changes and the predominant anatomic site within tissue structural component, as well as inflammatory cell infil-
the lung at which these occur (Figure 1). The premise herein is tration and edema, can contribute to the observed thickening;
that the clinically observed distinctions between asthma and however, in the last-mentioned study it was thickening of the
COPD, at least in individuals selected from polar ends of the adventitial layers that was most pronounced in the older
clinical spectrum, should be reflected in contrasting patterns group with the longest duration of disease.
of inflammatory cells and cytokines and by differences in the
magnitude, anatomic site, and nature of the remodeling pro- Inflammation and Relationship to Remodeling
cess (1). The present synopsis briefly introduces the differ- Acute inflammation is the response of vascularized tissue to
ences with respect to inflammation and then focuses on the injury: the inflammatory reaction is designed to protect the
structural changes, the last collectively referred to as “remod- host and to restore tissue and its function to normal. One gen-
eling.” erally accepted proposal is that the accelerated decline in
forced expiratory flow over time in COPD, and that which oc-
curs also in an important subset of asthmatics, is the direct re-
( Received in original form June 6, 2001; accepted in final form September 7, 2001 ) sult of a switch from acute, episodic, to chronic inflammation
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Peter K. Jeffery, and to consequent parenchymal and airway wall remodeling,
D.Sc., Ph.D., Lung Pathology Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital, Sydney Street, Lon-
respectively (4). The proposal is attractive but, as yet, there is
don SW3 6NP, UK. E-mail:
no convincing evidence that the remodeling process is depen-
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 164. pp S28–S38, 2001
DOI: 10.1164/rccm2106061 dent on the prior development of chronic inflammation. It is
Internet address: equally plausible that the processes responsible for the devel-
Jeffery: Remodeling in Asthma and COPD S29

Figure 1. Venn diagram illustrating the overlap between the chronic

inflammatory conditions of asthma and COPD.

opment of chronic inflammation are distinct from those re-

sponsible for remodeling (Figure 4). The last consideration
has important implications for the design of disease-modifying
therapy: those agents that are effective anti-inflamatory com-
pounds will not necessarily prevent or attenuate the process of
The concept of “remodeling” implies that a process of “mod-
eling” must have preceded it. We have seen in the article by
Warburton and colleagues in this issue (pp. S59–S62) that the
lung, in utero, undergoes extensive modeling and remodeling
yet these processes are entirely appropriate to the normal pro- Figure 2. Gross appearance of the cut surface of a lung, illustrating the
cess of lung development. Many of the cytokines and growth characteristic distribution of centracinar emphysema, restricted to the up-
factors thought to be proinflammatory in asthma and in COPD per aspects of each lobe scale. (Printed by permission from Professor B.
are also expressed normally without detriment to the develop- Heard.)
ing lung. These include members of the fibroblast growth factor
family, the transforming growth factor family, epithelial-derived
growth factor, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating fac- reparative response (7). Thus, normal tissue architecture and
tor, platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth function are restored consequent to an entirely appropriate
factor, and hepatocyte growth factor (4, 5) (see also the article inflammatory and remodeling process. Each of these stages in
by Warburton and colleagues). Accordingly the working defi- normal wound healing and many of the inflammatory cell
nition of remodeling proposed herein recognizes that the pro- types and cytokines involved (e.g., transforming factor ) ap-
cess of remodeling per se is not of necessity abnormal. It is an pear also in asthma and in COPD, but in asthma both the in-
alteration in size, mass, or number of tissue structural compo- flammation and remodeling persist and the consequences are
nents that occurs during growth or in response to injury and/or inappropriate to the maintenance of normal (airway) function.
inflammation. It may be appropriate, as in normal lung devel- The reasons for the persistence are unknown but may be the
opment or that which occurs during acute reaction to injury, result of repeated inhalation of allergen or exposure to high
or “inappropriate” when it is chronic and associated with ab- concentrations of allergen, or infection, or a genetically influ-
normally altered tissue structure and function as, for example, enced abnormal host inflammatory response or defect in the
in asthma, COPD, or fibrosing alveolitis. repair process. In COPD the injury is presumed to be due to
In wound healing (in the skin) there is an appropriate re- repeated exposure to cigarette smoke, environmental and/or
sponse: clot formation, swelling/edema, rapid restitution of occupational pollutants, chronic (or latent) infection, or an in-
the denuded areas by epithelial dedifferentiation, and prolif- teraction of these. The host responses in asthma and COPD
eration and migration from the margins of the wound. This is may of course differ due to differences in genetic makeup or
normally associated with an inflammatory reaction: that is, consequent to developmental abnormality or to the effects of
early infiltration of the injured tissue by neutrophils and later perinatal environmental exposure: these may be associated
by lymphocytes and macrophages. Reticulin is deposited later with differing patterns and sites of chronic inflammation
within days and this may mature to form interstitial collagen, a and inappropriate remodeling.
scar, within 2–3 wk. In addition, healing may involve contrac-
tion of the surrounding tissue in the case of an open wound, by ALTERATIONS TO LARGE AIRWAYS
myofibroblasts that may proliferate transiently in relatively
large numbers (6). Vasodilatation, congestion, and mucosal Epithelial Injury
edema are also cardinal signs of acute inflammation and the Histologically, damage and shedding of the airway surface ep-
angiogenesis of the granulation tissue is an integral part of the ithelium are reported in asthma, postmortem, but this change

Figure 3. Representation of airways in the normal lung (left) and in

asthma (right), demonstrating the thickening of the airway wall in
asthma due to injury, chronic inflammation, and remodeling of epithe-
lium and subepithelial tissue. The result is encroachment of the airway
lumen and a marked increase in resistance to airflow.

is highly variable: some airways have intact surface epithelium

even in the presence of marked inflammation and other struc-
tural change (8). Loss of epithelium induces a healing process
that results in either complete restoration of the columnar/
cuboidal epithelium with normal proportions of goblet and cil-
iated cells or, if the injury is repeated, squamous cell metapla-
sia and/or goblet cell hyperplasia. Histologically, damage and
shedding of airway surface epithelium are an often-reported
feature of asthma: there are clusters of sloughed epithelial
cells (referred to as Creola bodies) in asthmatic sputa, in-
creased numbers of epithelial cells in bronchoalveolar lavage
(BAL) fluid, and loss of the surface epithelium in biopsy spec-
imens (9–11). Aggregations of platelets together with fibrillary
material, thought to be fibrin, have been observed in associa-
tion with the damaged surface (11). In asthmatics with varying
severity and symptoms the greater the loss of surface epithe- Figure 5. The airway mucosa as it appears by light microscopy (LM) of
lium in biopsy specimens the greater the degree of airway re- bronchial biopsies from (A) an atopic asthmatic showing loss of surface
epithelium and early thickening and hyaline appearance of the reticu-
sponsiveness (11). However, the loss of epithelium observed lar basement membrane (RBM) and (B) a heavy smoker with COPD
in biopsies of mild asthmatics is highly variable and an unreli- (FEV1  40% of predicted), demonstrating epithelial squamous meta-
able end point for determination of extent of injury or the re- plasia and a thinner RBM of normal thickness. Stained with hematoxy-
sponse to treatment (12). The variability between specimens lin–eosin (H&E).
and laboratories is likely due to several factors, including in-
herent fragility of the epithelium in asthmatics, mechanical
stresses imposed during bronchoscopy, and differences be-
tween the types of forceps used, their sharpness and operator
methodology and experience. In contrast, epithelial loss is a
less often reported feature of bronchial biopsies taken from
smokers with bronchitis or COPD when goblet cell hyperpla-
sia and squamous metaplasia are often seen (Figure 5A and
5B) (10, 11, 13).
Injury to superficial epithelium is normally accompanied
by mitotic activity in the remaining cells and rapid restoration
of the denuded surface (14). There are, however, newly emerg-
ing data indicating that the mitotic response in asthma, unlike
COPD, may be abnormally suppressed: the proposal in asthma
is that there may be an abnormal repair response of the epi-
thelium to injury (15). One hypothesis is that chronic injury or
defective repair of the surface epithelium results in its persis-
Figure 4. Representation of the proposed hypothesis for two distinct
tent activation and the chronic secretion of a variety of pro-
pathways of response to chronic injury: chronic inflammation or re- inflammatory epithelial-derived cytokines and growth factors
modeling. Effective treatment for each of these distinct pathways will that drive both the subsequent chronic inflammatory and re-
likely need to be different. modeling responses seen in subepithelial compartments. These
Jeffery: Remodeling in Asthma and COPD S31

Figure 6. Scanning electron micrographs demonstrating the airway mucosa in (A) a nonasthmatic subject with epithelium attached to reticular
basement membrane (RBM) of normal thickness, beneath which there is interstitial collagen, and (B) a subject with a 25-yr history of asthma but
who died of nonrespiratory causes, demonstrating thickened RBM and damaged epithelium.

factors include epithelial-derived growth factor and granulo- age, 34.5 yr), and 8 healthy adult nonasthmatic controls (mean
cyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and would induce age, 33.5 yr) (22). The RBM thickness was significantly in-
alterations to the epithelial reticular basement membrane, via creased in the asthmatic children compared with the healthy
activation of adjacent fibroblasts/myofibroblasts, and deeper adult controls but the thickness in the asthmatic children and
structures including bronchial smooth muscle, mucus-secret- the adults with mild and severe asthma was similar. There was
ing glands, and wall vessels. The release of these and other no correlation between RBM thickness and either symptom
molecules including interleukin 8 (IL-8), eotaxin, and RANTES duration for asthmatic children or the age or severity for all
(regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted) the asthmatics.
would also provide a chemoattractant gradient to both inflam- These results highlight how early and maximal is this char-
matory and phenotypically altered structural cells (see below). acteristic aspect of remodeling and indicates that it is unrelated
to the duration of chronic inflammation and severity of the dis-
Reticular Basement Membrane Thickness ease. Also, the thickening remains even when asthma is mild
Thickening of the lamina reticularis or subepithelial reticular and well controlled by antiasthma treatment (23) and it is
basement membrane (RBM) is a characteristic change in present postmortem in patients with a long history of asthma
asthma (See Figure 5A) albeit subtle differences between but who have not died of their asthma (24) (Figure 6). Table 1
atopic and nonatopic forms of asthma have been reported (16, shows the data for the comparison of RBM thickness in normal
17). This example of remodeling, when homogeneously thick- healthy nonsmokers, smokers with bronchitis, smokers with
ened and hyaline in appearance, is highly characteristic and chronic bronchitis and COPD, and asthmatics matched for age
usually pathognomonic of asthma. The thickening is not found and disease severity (23). Apart from the asthmatics receiving
in smokers with chronic bronchitis or COPD (compare Figure inhaled steroids, none of the others received such treatment.
5A and 5B), providing there is no evidence of reversible air- However, despite their steroid treatment the asthmatics still
ways obstruction (18). The RBM is not present in the fetus (at had a significantly thicker RBM at either of the two airway lev-
least up to 18 wk of gestation) (19) but develops later even in els studied (23). The RBM thickness in the smokers with
normal, healthy individuals, presumably during childhood. chronic bronchitis alone or with COPD was within the normal
Relative to the norm, RBM thickening occurs early in the
asthma process (20), even before asthma is diagnosed (21). In a
collaboration with A. Bush and D. Payne (London, UK) we
have had the opportunity to examine bronchial biopsies from BASEMENT MEMBRANE
asthmatic children (n  19) between the ages of 6 and 16 yr
who had remained symptomatic despite relatively high doses Mean Thickness
of inhaled corticosteroid. We have compared the RBM thick- [m (SEM)]
ness with age-matched nonasthmatic children (n  7) undergo- Airway Level Normal CB Alone CB  COPD Asthma
ing bronchoscopy for other clinical indications and found that
Lobar 3.7 (0.3) 4.9 (0.2) 4.1 (0.4) 8.3 (0.5)*
the RBM of the asthmatics was thickened even at this early age Subsegmental 4.3 (0.4) 4.6 (0.2) 4.3 (0.3) 8.3 (0.6)*
(20). In a further collaboration with K. Guntapalli (Baylor,
Texas) we have had the opportunity to extend the study to in- Reprinted by permission from Reference 23.
Definition of abbreviations: CB  chronic bronchitis; COPD  chronic obstructive pul-
clude 10 steroid-naive adult asthmatics (mean age, 28.5 yr), 6 monary disease.
adult asthmatics intubated for life-threatening asthma (mean * p  0.05 compared with Normal, CB alone, or CB  COPD.

Figure 7. A drawing illustrating the geodesic pattern of airway smooth muscle as it spirals around the airway. (Reprinted by permission from WS
Miller. The Lung. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas; 1937.)

range. One caveat to this apparently clear distinction between The data with respect to increases in the amounts of airway
asthma and COPD is that a proportion of patients with COPD wall interstitial collagen are controversial. These data show
defined clinically by their irreversibility to inhaled -agonist that with increasing severity of asthma there are increases in
can be shown to be partially reversible after a (2-wk) course of the area of the mucosa staining for collagen (31) but in con-
oral corticosteroid. Interestingly, this group shows raised levels trast there are other studies finding no such relationship (32).
of eosinophil cationic protein in their bronchoalveolar lavage Our own findings in mild asthma show no differences with re-
and a significantly thickened RBM in their bronchial biopsies spect to collagen or elastic tissue (33). In contrast, airway wall
compared with COPD patients, who have a airflow obstruction fibrosis is generally, but not always, considered a feature of
irreversible to oral corticosteroids (18). the airways in smokers who develop COPD, albeit these stud-
Because of the immunopositivity of the RBM for epitopes ies have focused on small rather than large airways (34–36).
recognized in collagen (e.g., types I, III, and V), its thickening
in asthma has been referred to as “subepithelial fibrosis” (25). Enlargement of Bronchial Smooth Muscle Mass
In the author’s opinion this is an unfortunate application of Bronchial smooth muscle is arranged in a geodesic pattern en-
the term “fibrosis” as reticulin, a major component of the circling the airway as two apposing spirals: when the muscle
RBM, is ultrastructurally different from the “banded” (65-nm shortens it not only constricts but also shortens the airway
periodicity) and relatively thicker collagen fibers that lie (Figure 7). This may be important as any factor that stiffens
deeper in the interstitium of the airway wall. In contrast to in- the airway, such as increased RBM thickness, increased col-
terstitial collagen, reticulin fibers are linked to glycosami- lagen deposition, vascular congestion, or edema, will result in
noglycans, fibronectin, and a tenascin-rich matrix (26) that en- resistance against airway shortening (37). It is hypothesized
traps a variety of molecules such as heparin sulphate and that reduction of the capacity to shorten an elastic airway, due
growth factors. These entrapped molecules may modulate the to stiffening, will result in the consequent redirection of the
state of differentiation, integrity, and function of the overlying tension developed by the geodesic/oblique anatomic arrange-
surface epithelium. The author proposes that the additional ment of airway smooth muscle such that more of the tension
entrapped and adsorbed molecules may also provide an in- than normal will resolve in favor of airway constriction than of
creased osmotic force and gradient that encourages thickening airway shortening.
of the RBM by swelling due to uptake of water. Against the The percentage of the bronchial wall occupied by bronchial
“fibrotic” theory, the “osmotic” proposal is supported by the smooth muscle is increased in fatal asthma (38) (Figure 8A). Us-
early maximal thickening, which is usually only of the order of ing a “point-counting” morphometric technique applied to tis-
2–3 m and, at most double, its norm and the thickening is not sue sections of conducting airways, Dunnill and coworkers
progressive with time. Unlike fibrotic tissue, the RBM can showed that approximately 12% of the airway wall in segmental
also relatively quickly change its reticular state and be “lost” bronchi obtained from cases of fatal asthma was composed of
after allergen challenge, this associated with the subepithelial muscle compared with about 5% in normal subjects. Hogg and
accumulation of fibromyocytes (see below). Also, the thick- colleagues (39, 40) have confirmed this trend in airways larger
ened RBM does not behave as a barrier to the transmigration than 2 mm in diameter and demonstrated a 2- to 4-fold increase
of inflammatory cells, which by the release of enzymes (e.g., over normal in the area of the wall occupied by bronchial
metalloproteases) or via predetermined pores may pass through smooth muscle. The increase is 4-fold in older (with a longer du-
it with apparent ease (27). Thickening of the RMB has been ration of disease) and 2-fold in younger cases of fatal asthma (3).
reported to show a positive correlation with airway hyperre- The absolute increase in muscle mass is reported to be particu-
sponsiveness, the frequency of asthma attacks, and the num- larly striking in large intrapulmonary bronchi of lungs obtained
bers of fibroblasts and “myofibroblasts” that lie external and after a fatal attack as compared with that seen in asthmatic sub-
adjacent to it (28–30). jects dying of other causes (8) (compare Figures 8B and 8C). Oc-
Jeffery: Remodeling in Asthma and COPD S33

tion of patients with COPD (41). These authors tested the hy-
pothesis that airflow obstruction and estimates of small airway
inflammation correlate with large airway wall thickness and
muscle mass. They found that the wall area internal to the mus-
cle was significantly thickened over the entire range of cartilag-
inous airways measured and that this was associated with a re-
duction in FEV/FVC. However, alterations in large airway
smooth muscle mass were not observed and there was no cor-
relation between muscle mass and airflow limitation. Interest-
ingly, there was a positive association between peripheral air-
way inflammation and large airway inner wall area and the
authors argued that their findings and those of others favor in-
flammation as the cause of the increasing inner airway wall
thickness that occurs in both large and small airways in COPD.
There are several proposals for the mechanisms responsi-
ble for the increased smooth muscle mass in asthma: each may
contribute in varying degree and the predominant pathway
may differ from airway generation to generation. Muscle fiber
hyperplasia (42), hypertrophy (43, 44), or other mechanisms
may each contribute. Smooth muscle cell (myocyte) prolifera-
tion resulting in an increase in myocyte number is likely to be
a major contributor to the increase in smooth muscle mass.
Other novel mechanisms may also be responsible. We have
observed that solitary contractile cells, originally referred to as
“myofibroblasts,” appear in substantial numbers after the
late-phase reaction (i.e., in biopsies taken 24 h postchallenge)
in response to experimental allergen challenge (45). The ultra-
structure of these large, irregularly shaped cells (compare Fig-
ures 9A and 9B) demonstrates not only the intracellular pres-
ence of secretory organelles (i.e., rough endoplasmic reticulum
and Golgi apparatus) but also elongate bundles of filaments
with electron-dense condensations that are identical to the
contractile apparatus present in bronchial smooth muscle my-
ocytes. With respect to their cell size and filamentous content
these cells are distinct from the myofibroblasts described by
Roche and colleagues (25). Our original report considered
that the fibroblast was a likely origin of the allergen-induced
myofibroblast and there is in vitro work that supports this
(46). However, 2 yr ago, M. J. Gizycki made the interesting
observation that myocytes of the intact airway smooth muscle
bundles showed ultrastructural evidence of dedifferentiation to
a “secretory” phenotype. Outside the normally occurring
smooth muscle bundles there were solitary contractile cells
that we have previously called myofibroblasts. These solitary
contractile cells were identified at varying positions in the mu-
Figure 8. Increased bronchial smooth muscle. (A) A histological sec-
tion of the airway wall of a case of fatal asthma stained with H&E to
cosa including a zone immediately adjacent to the surface epi-
show enlarged smooth muscle blocks lying relatively close to the sur- thelium. He speculated that, with repeated exposure to aller-
face epithelium. (B) Scanning electron microscopy of part of the mu- gen, these contractile cells, which he considered should be
cosa in a nonasthmatic and (C) fatal asthma, demonstrating the three- called “fibromyocytes,” represent dedifferentiated bronchial
dimensional appearance of the enlarged blocks of bronchial smooth smooth muscle that was in the process of migrating toward the
muscle and dilatation of bronchial vessels, which both contribute to surface epithelium. He proposed that in response to allergen
thickening of the airway wall. There is loss of bronchial epithelium.
challenge in asthma, dedifferentiation of existing smooth mus-
cle myocytes occurs and they migrate, in the form of a fibro-
myocyte phenotype, to a subepithelial site where they may
casionally, the author (in collaboration with K. Guntapalli and form new muscle of abnormal phenotype and abnormal func-
colleagues) observed that large areas ( 85%) of a bronchial bi- tion (45). In this respect, the epithelial injury and smooth mus-
opsy may be occupied by subepithelial muscle bundles in severe cle response in asthma parallels the findings of the response to
(intubated) cases of asthma (unpublished, 2001). The increase in endothelial injury and the associated changes of vascular
muscle mass may also begin relatively early in the child. In an smooth muscle in atheroma (47). In atheroma there is trans-
ongoing collaboration (with V. Macek and coworkers) we have formation of vascular myocytes to a “synthetic” phenotype
identified, in bronchial biopsies, airway smooth muscle in rela- and their subsequent migration to the neointima. The capacity
tively large amounts, close to the epithelium even in children of bronchial smooth muscle myocytes to migrate has been
with asthma (unpublished observations). demonstrated (48). These findings are interesting in the light
Few studies of COPD have focused attention on the larger of previous comparisons of the inflammation of atheroma and
(cartilaginous) airways. One systematic study has described asthma (47). The author proposes herein that the remodeling
changes in large airway dimensions in relation to the lung func- processes associated with injury, inflammation, and smooth

Figure 10. Schema summarizing the two likely pathways that generate
allergen-induced myofibroblast and fibromyocyte forms. (Reprinted by
permission from Reference 45.)

Epithelial goblet cells and mucus-secreting submucosal

glands are the major sources of lumenal mucus. Goblet cell hy-
perplasia is a feature of the large airways in both asthma (51, 52)
and chronic bronchitis (53). Submucosal gland hypertrophy is
also seen to about the same extent in both asthma and COPD
(38). There are serous and mucous secretory units (acini) in
the glands: it is reported that, while the normal proportions of
serous to mucous acini are retained in asthma there is a dis-
proportionate increase in mucous acini and loss of serous acini
in chronic bronchitis (54). As the serous acini contribute a va-
riety of antibacterial substances including lysozyme, lactofer-
rin, and the secretory component of secretory IgA, their re-
duction during the remodeling process in chronic bronchitis
may be relevant to the ease with which the respiratory tract
becomes chronically colonized by bacteria.
Figure 9. Transmission electron micrograph of (A) a subepithelial fibro-
blast of normal appearance and (B) a myofibroblast or “fibromyocyte” ALTERATIONS TO VASCULATURE
in the bronchial mucosa of a mild atopic asthmatic 24 h after experi-
mental inhalational allergen challenge. The number of these cells in- Dilatation of bronchial mucosal blood vessels, congestion, and
creases markedly compared with the patients challenged with diluent. wall edema are consistently reported features of fatal asthma
(Reprinted by permission from Reference 45.) and these can account for considerable swelling and stiffening
of the airway wall (Figure 12) (37, 55, 56). There are indica-
tions that the increased proportion of the wall occupied by
muscle migration and increase in asthma and atheroma are vessel may be due in part to a proliferation of bronchial vessels
similar. Figure 10 shows the schema we propose for two novel (angiogenesis) (57). While angiogenesis has been reported in
pathways to explain the smooth muscle increase in asthma. A mild asthma (58) it is particularly marked in severe corticoste-
further possibility is that pericytes, immature contractile cells roid-dependent asthma (59). Whether these changes are the
associated with vessels, may also act as a source of newly consequence of chronic allergic inflammation or due to the re-
emerging myofibroblasts. There is new experimental evidence sponse to chronic (or latent) viral, mycoplasm, or bacterial in-
in vivo for the response of airway wall vessels to inhalational fection is not known. While proliferation of the bronchial vas-
allergen challenge and for a similar dedifferentiation and mi- culature is a feature of bronchiectasis and occurs in response to
gration of vascular myocytes to repeated allergen challenge as infection, changes to the bronchial vasculature have not been
that described above in airway smooth muscle (49). It would reported as a particular feature of COPD (55). However, pa-
appear that the contribution to inflammation and plasticity of tients with moderate to severe COPD do have elevated pulmo-
structural cells has been hugely underestimated both in nary vascular pressures during exercise and there are structural
asthma and in COPD. changes in the pulmonary arteries consistent with endothelial
dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension when compared with
Lumenal Content, Epithelial Goblet Cells, and Submucosal Glands patients with minimal or no disease. Small ( 500 m) pulmo-
Many asthmatics suffer from excessive production of mucus, nary vessels in airway-obstructed smokers show intimal thick-
which, admixed with the inflammatory exudate, forms highly te- ening as compared with those of nonobstructed nonsmokers: in
nacious plugs that block the airways and are exceedingly difficult severely obstructed smokers, there is medial hypertrophy also
to clear by cough (50) (Figure 11). There is clearly a component (60–62). Such structural changes likely contribute to the nar-
of mucus to these secretions but the especially high additional rower lumens and vascular obstruction of these vessels. Inter-
contribution by inflammatory cells and their secretory products estingly, there is infiltration of the pulmonary arterial wall by T
in asthma may explain the sticky nature of these secretions as lymphocytes. The CD8 T cell phenotype is increased in both
compared with the intralumenal mucus of chronic bronchitis. nonobstructed smokers and smokers with COPD compared
Jeffery: Remodeling in Asthma and COPD S35

Figure 11. Gross appearance of the cut surface of the lung in a case of
fatal asthma. The airway lumena are completely blocked by sticky se-
cretions composed of mucus admixed with inflammatory exudates. Figure 13. Bronchiole in a case of asthma showing eosinophilic plug-
ging of the small airway, associated with inflammation and thickening
of the airway wall. The surrounding alveoli remain intact. (Printed by
permission from K. Hamada and colleagues.)
with nonsmokers and the intensity of the inflammatory infil-
trate has been shown to correlate with both endothelium-
dependent relaxation and intimal thickness (63).
matory cytokines including IL-8 (64). In COPD there is infiltra-
tion of the wall of small airways by CD8 T cells and there is an
increase in the number of pigmented macrophages in both air-
Inflammation and structural alterations occuring in the small way and alveolar lumena (65). This pattern and the extent of in-
airways and lung parenchyma in COPD are considered the flammation are likely to be associated with thickening of the
most important contributors to the airflow limitation and to airway wall, loss of alveolar–bronchiolar attachments, and con-
the accelerated decline of FEV1 in COPD. Similarly, changes sequent loss of elastic recoil and lumenal narrowing (Figure 14).
in small airways in severe asthma may also contribute to the There is also a strong relationship between respiratory bronchi-
accelerated decline in a small but significant proportion ( 10%) olitis (consisting of accumulations of pigmented macrophages),
of asthmatics and there is currently much interest as to the peribronchiolar fibrosis, and smoking: the relationship of these
role of small airway abnormalities in asthma (Figure 13). This airway changes to septal thickening of surrounding alveolar
may be especially important in smokers with asthma, a group walls and the development of patchy alveolar wall fibrosis with
that has been little studied with respect to their inflammation a peribronchiolar distribution (referred to as “respiratory bron-
and remodeling processes. chiolitis-asociated interstitial lung disease”) is unclear but also
of current interest to the development of both interstitial lung
Inflammation disease and emphysema (66).
There is now bronchoscopic evidence of an inflamed bronchi- While inflammation in young smokers distinguishes smok-
olar epithelium in COPD with increased release of proinflam- ers from nonsmokers, it is still not clear which, if any, of the
several small airway lesions, that is, fibrosis, goblet cell meta-

Figure 12. Histological transverse section of a bronchus from a case of Figure 14. Small airway disease in COPD: a transverse section of a small
fatal asthma. The lumen is blocked with secretions, there is goblet cell airway showing peribronchiolitis consisting predominantly of lympho-
hyperplasia, thickening of the RBM, inflammation, increased smooth cytes. There is damage and loss of alveolar–bronchiolar attachments as-
muscle, and marked dilatation and congestion of bronchial vessels. sociated with centriacinar emphysema and consequent collapse of the
Stained with H&E. (Printed by permission from Professor B. Heard.) conducting airway, especially during expiration. Stained with H&E.

Figure 16. Human lung alveoli as they appear by scanning electron

Figure 15. Plastic cast of the small airways in COPD, showing focal microscopy in a smoker who has developed microscopic emphysema.
stenoses that are responsible for increased resistance to airflow locally. The fenestrae are too small to be seen by the naked eye on gross ex-
(Printed by permission from Professor Bignon.) amination of the lung but likely contribute to loss of lung elastic recoil.

plasia, or smooth muscle mass enlargement, contribute most inflammatory and anti-remodeling therapy to this distal ana-
to the stenotic lesions seen in plastic casts of the small airways tomic site.
(Figure 15) or the increased rate of decline in lung function Finally, this synopsis does not allow consideration of the
characteristic of COPD. In asthma, eosinophilic and T-helper important changes of emphysema in COPD, also likely the
“Type 2” inflammation has been demonstrated in the small consequence of a chronic CD8 cell inflammatory process.
airways and surrounding alveolar walls but there is no associ- The current definition of emphysema excludes the presence of
ated loss of peribronchiolar attachments or emphysema re- obvious fibrosis, yet it is now known that fibrosis may also oc-
ported (67). cur even in the presence of alveolar wall loss (70, 71). The ap-
pearance of the fenestrae of “microscopic emphysema” (Fig-
Goblet Cells ure 16) and subsequent enlargement of alveolar spaces, distal
In contrast to large airways, goblet cells are normally absent or to the terminal bronchiolus, in COPD may thus represent the
sparse in airways less than 2 mm in diameter (i.e., small bron- consequence of lung injury and a failure of adequate repair
chi and bronchioli) but they appear and increase in number in rather than of alveolar wall destruction per se. Thus the focal
these peripheral airways in COPD (68), a process referred to fibrosis that may be identified in some cases of emphysema
as mucous metaplasia. Whether mucous metaplasia occurs also may represent the remainder of a repair process. Further stud-
in asthma is debated. Some investigators suggest that the mu- ies of the mechanisms that balance the production and degra-
cus found at this peripheral anatomic site may be aspirated dation of collagen that occurs during the reparative and re-
from the larger airways rather than being produced locally. modeling response to lung injury may yield important findings
However, the work of Aikawa and colleagues is persuasive and applicable to the treatment or prevention of the parenchymal
indicates that mucous metaplasia is also a feature of asthma, lesions so important to COPD.
when goblet cell degranulation, during a fatal attack, may be
widespread, leading to the release of copious amounts of mu- SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
cus that may remain adherent to the goblet cells (51). Remodeling of the airway wall occurs in both asthma and
COPD, but there are differences in the structures affected and
Smooth Muscle Mass the prime anatomic site at which they occur (see Table 2).
The relative contribution of airway wall smooth muscle mass Early thickening of the epithelial RBM and infiltration of the
to overall airway wall thickness in small airways is much wall by eosinophils and T-helper (CD4) lymphocytes is highly
greater than that in the large airways. Airway smooth muscle
increases significantly in the small airways in COPD (36, 65,
68, 69). In a study of small (membranous) airways of 15 pa- TABLE 2. REMODELING AND INFLAMMATION
tients with COPD compared with the lungs of nonobstructed
subjects and a group of asthmatic patients, it was only the air- Asthma COPD
way smooth muscle area that was significantly increased in Epithelium Fragile Metaplastic
COPD (55). In asthma, the increase in the wall area occupied RBM Thickened Not thickened
by muscle, in absolute terms, is not as striking in small airways Fibrosis Unlikely Present
Vessels Angiogenesis Likely
as in the large (8). It is considered that the increased muscle
BSM Increased (LA) Increased (SA)
mass that occurs at all generations of airway is likely to be the Glands Hypertrophy Hypertrophy
most important abnormality responsible for the increased air- Emphysema No Yes
flow resistance observed in response to bronchoconstricting Inflammation CD4/Th2 CD8 and CD68
stimuli in both asthma and COPD (37). Further studies and a
Definition of abbreviations: COPD  chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; RBM 
greater understanding of the changes occurring in small air- reticular basement membrane; BSM  bronchial smooth muscle; LA  large airway;
ways is required, as is a means of effective delivery of anti- SA  small airway; Th2  helper T cell type 2.
Jeffery: Remodeling in Asthma and COPD S37

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