Deficiencia de Tiamina en Perros y Gatos

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Timely Topics in Nutrition

Thiamine deficiency in dogs and cats
Jessica E. Markovich, DVM, DACVIM; Cailin R. Heinze, VMD, MS, DACVN; Lisa M. Freeman, DVM, PhD, DACVN

I n past years, nutritional deficiencies were considered

to be an important problem in dogs and cats. Cur-
rently, most pet owners in many countries, such as the AAFCO
Association of American Feed Control
United States and Canada, feed nutritionally balanced Officials
commercial pet foods. As a result, nutritional deficien- GFR Glomerular filtration rate
cies have become uncommon because reputable pet HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography
food manufacturers regularly test their products to en- NRC National Research Council
TCA Tricarboxylic acid cycle
sure that they contain adequate amounts of all nutri-
TPP Thiamine pyrophosphate
ents. Anecdotally, most reported deficiencies currently
arise from animals eating incomplete or unbalanced
homemade, vegetarian, or raw meat diets. Therefore,
veterinarians may not consider deficiencies as differen- on thiamine deficiency were performed by autoclaving a
tial diagnoses in animals eating traditional commercial pet food and then feeding it.5 Most pet food manufactur-
diets. However, thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency is of ers add additional sources of thiamine to compensate for
clinical concern even today. Since 2009, there have been thiamine lost through processing.4 However, despite best
5 major voluntary pet food recalls involving thiamine- efforts, thiamine-deficient commercial pet foods some-
deficient pet foods in the United States that ultimately times are still produced. The information provided here
involved 9 brands of cat foods and at least 23 clinically is intended to describe the clinical syndrome of thiamine
affected cats.1 Most of these recalls were instituted in deficiency in companion animals as well as to highlight
response to a report from a consumer or veterinarian af- several causes of thiamine deficiency that have been de-
ter treating a cat that had clinical signs consistent with scribed in the literature.
thiamine deficiency.
In addition to the possibility of a deficiency in Physiologic Functions of Thiamine
commercial pet foods, there are a variety of situations in
which a deficiency may arise in dogs or cats with medi- The B vitamins are numbered in order of their
cal conditions. Clinical manifestations of a deficiency isolation. In 1911, thiamine, as the name vitamin B1
of thiamine are variable, and the disease is likely under- implies, was the first B vitamin isolated.6 Thiamine
reported because of the wide array of clinical signs in is found naturally in many plants, particularly whole
combination with a lack of specific clinicopathologic grains and grain products (eg, rice and wheat germ) as
changes detected via laboratory analysis. well as yeast and legumes. Thiamine is also found in
Thiamine has received much attention as a vitamin meat products, often concentrated in the liver, heart,
deficiency that is common in ruminants, primarily as and kidneys.7 After ingestion, thiamine is absorbed in
a result of rumen bacterial inactivation of the vitamin, the small intestine, primarily the jejunum and ileum.7
which results in characteristic cerebrocortical necrosis Studies6,8 in rats, humans, and dogs have revealed that
and neurologic signs.2 Dogs and cats can also be affected the amount of thiamine in the diet dictates the amount
by deficiency of this vitamin because of an inability to and process of absorption because there are both active
endogenously synthesize large quantities of thiamine. and passive carrier transport processes. When there are
Therefore, both cats and dogs need to have a consis- excessive amounts of thiamine in the diet, thiamine is
tent dietary supply of thiamine. As with all B vitamins, absorbed from the intestinal lumen via a passive dif-
thiamine is water soluble, stored in the body in small fusive process, whereas when there is a paucity of thia-
amounts, and subject to urinary losses.3 Thiamine is also mine in the diet, thiamine is actively absorbed from the
particularly labile and easily destroyed by typical food- intestinal tract.8 In contrast to cobalamin, a genetic de-
processing techniques.4 In fact, many early experiments fect of the intestinal thiamine transporter has not been
identified in dogs or cats.3
From the Department of Clinical Sciences, Cummings School of
Once absorbed, most of the thiamine is carried
Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, North Grafton, MA 01536. within RBCs, whereas the remaining thiamine is bound
Support for Dr. Markovich was provided by VCA Antech Inc. to plasma proteins or is free in plasma.9,10 Thiamine par-
Address correspondence to Dr. Freeman ( ticipates in several vital biochemical pathways within

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the body, namely the TCA cycle in the process of carbo- Cats are more susceptible to thiamine deficiency
hydrate metabolism and the pentose phosphate pathway than dogs because cats have approximately a 3-fold
(Figure 1). It is these important roles in carbohydrate higher requirement for the vitamin than their canine
metabolism that dictate the pathological findings and counterparts.7 For example, the NRC-recommended
clinical signs seen in animals with thiamine deficiency. allowance for adult cats is 1.4 mg of thiamine/1,000
There are 4 naturally occurring forms or deriva- kcal of metabolizable energy, whereas the NRC-recom-
tives of thiamine in the body. Most of the thiamine mended allowance for adult dogs is 0.56 mg of thia-
in an animal is found in a phosphorylated form, TPP, mine/1,000 kcal of metabolizable energy.7 Although
whereas the nonphosphorylated forms are more com- AAFCO does not adjust minimum amounts of thia-
mon in plants.7 Thiamine pyrophosphate, also known mine on the basis of life stage, the NRC-recommended
as thiamine diphosphate, is the most biologically ac- allowance for thiamine is higher for reproduction,
tive form within the body because TPP is the form of compared with the allowance for adult maintenance,
thiamine that is a cofactor in both the TCA cycle and for cats.7,12 Interestingly, although AAFCO and NRC
the pentose phosphate pathway (Figure 1). Within the have no specific guidelines for vitamin or other nu-
TCA cycle, TPP is an integral cofactor in the conver- trient requirements for geriatric animals, older people
sion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Without TPP, an excess appear to be more susceptible to thiamine deficiency
amount of pyruvate and lactate is produced, which can than are younger individuals, irrespective of health
lead to type B lactic acidosis.11 status.13

Figure 1—Schematic diagram of the role of TPP as an integral cofactor in both the TCA cycle and the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway
for glucose metabolism. The important roles of TPP in these pathways dictate the clinicopathologic findings and clinical importance of
thiamine deficiency. Large black arrows indicate that multiple steps were condensed. NADPH = Reduced form of nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide phosphate.

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Mechanisms of Thiamine Deficiency bradycardia or tachycardia.23 In 1 study,23 investigators
found an excitement syndrome that consisted of a brief
Systemic disease states can affect absorption, reten- period of tachycardia, followed by severe bradycardia
tion, and metabolism of thiamine in the body. In terms and rhythm irregularity in nearly all of the cats during
of absorption, intestinal malabsorptive or other chronic the end stages of thiamine deficiency. Electrocardio-
enteropathy conditions can affect the uptake of thia- graphic changes can include flattening or inversion of
mine from the diet,6 whereas medications (eg, diuretics) the T wave, QRS prolongation, or prolongation of the
that increase urinary losses can potentiate the excretion ST segment.23
of vitamin B1.14 Furthermore, the number and efficiency Three progressive stages associated with thiamine
of thiamine transporters in the small intestines, heart, deficiency have been described: induction, critical, and
liver, and brain correlate with the overall absorption terminal.2,5 As described in a controlled study5 and a
and usage of thiamine within the body. Investigators retrospective report,2 the induction stage generally de-
of a recent study15 found that rats with chronic kidney velops within 1 week after animals begin eating a diet
disease (5/6 nephrectomy scale) developed downregu- severely deficient in thiamine and is characterized by
lation of thiamine and folate transporters in the small hyporexia, vomiting, or both. Typically, an animal must
intestines, heart, liver, and brain. Thiamine primarily be thiamine deficient for slightly more than 1 month
undergoes renal excretion in a nonlinear manner that before the terminal stage is reached.5 However, once the
is largely dependent on a combination of GFR, tubular terminal stage has started, an animal will die within a
secretion, and tubular reabsorption.14 As the GFR is re- few days if the deficiency is not corrected immediately.5
duced as a result of kidney disease, plasma concentra- Despite this, nearly all reported cases of thiamine de-
tions of thiamine may actually increase.16 In contrast, ficiency in dogs and cats have been diagnosed in the
in the physiologic normal state, medications such as di- third or terminal stage. Although these time periods
uretics or other diseases that cause an increase in GFR were described in a study5 performed in 1944, and cats
may also cause total body depletion of thiamine.14,17 with experimentally induced thiamine deficiency were
included in that study, there is much more variation
Clinical Signs of Thiamine Deficiency in clinical signs, which makes it more challenging to
Clinical signs associated with thiamine deficiency arrive at the diagnosis. Typically, it can take weeks to
are variable and nonspecific, and may involve several months for the development of clinical signs, which are
body systems2,5,9,18–22 (Table 1). Gastrointestinal signs attributable to subchronic deficiency because most di-
are typically the first manifestation, but neurologic ets are not entirely devoid of thiamine. Mitigating fac-
signs are often the ones most commonly associated with tors include the amount of thiamine in the food, nutri-
thiamine deficiency.2,18 In cats, spastic cervical ventro- ent composition of the diet, whether the animal eats
flexion may be detected that initially resembles marked a consistent diet, and species and health status of the
hypokalemia; however, in cats with thiamine deficiency, animal.
the ventroflexion worsens and the cats will continue to
look at the ground when held upside down (eg, wheel- Risk Factors for Developing
barrow position).2,18 Ocular examination often reveals Thiamine Deficiency
anisocoria or mydriasis with decreased to absent pu- Diets that have low concentrations of thiamine are
pillary light reflexes and lack of menace responses but a clear risk factor for the development of deficiency.
no abnormalities evident during fundic examination.2 However, a variety of other diet factors can increase or
Nystagmus or blindness may also be evident. It is im- decrease an animal’s risk for developing a deficiency of
portant to remember that in the early stages of thiamine thiamine. In particular, animals that are fed unconven-
deficiency, clinical signs are often nonspecific and can tional diets (eg, raw food diets, nutritionally incomplete
therefore lead to a misdiagnosis until overt neurologic or unbalanced commercial pet foods, or home-prepared
signs are evident. diets) have a number of unique risks.
Thiamine deficiency can result in several electro- The composition of the diet can affect an animal’s
cardiographic abnormalities, which may be evident as dietary thiamine requirements. Diets that are high in
protein and fat can have a thiamine-sparing effect,
Table 1—Common clinical signs of thiamine deficiency in dogs whereas those that are high in carbohydrates can actu-
and cats.2,5,9,18–22 ally increase thiamine requirements and worsen the ef-
fects of thiamine deficiency.19,24 The reason for this dis-
Neurologic Ocular
• Acute blindness
crepancy is that high-carbohydrate diets require greater
• Altered mentation
• Acute blindness • Mydriasis or aniscoria use of the TCA cycle, which requires thiamine to com-
• Proprioceptive deficits • Nystagmus plete the conversion of glucose into energy (Figure 1).
• Ataxia Thus, when there are more carbohydrates in the diet,
• Polyneuropathy Gastrointestinal tract
• Spastic ventroflexion • Anorexia or hyporexia thiamine is depleted more rapidly.
of the head and neck • Weight loss In addition, the rate of metabolism and the require-
• Extensor rigidity • Vomiting ment of the TCA cycle for energy differ among tissue
• Vestibular signs • Constipation
• Paresis types within the body. Tissues with a higher require-
• Hyperesthesia Cardiac ment for glucose as the primary source of energy (eg,
• Tremors • Tachycardia neural tissues in the brain) are more affected by thia-
• Seizures • Brachycardia mine deficiency than are other tissues in the body that
• Coma
have the ability to use lactate or pyruvate for energy.

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Furthermore, some areas of the brain are more affected substantial amounts of raw fish are included in the diet.
than other areas, depending on the metabolic require- Raw fish are not the only sources of thiaminase, which
ment for glucose. Those areas that are most affected de- can also be found in some species of plants, bacteria,
fine the primary neurologic signs associated with thia- and fungi.27 These could potentially be an issue for pet
mine deficiency. food when added as ingredients or indirectly through
Although dry foods can be deficient in thiamine, contamination. Although thiaminases are heat labile
it is more common in canned foods for a number of and are destroyed by cooking and standard food-pro-
reasons. Canned food production is a multistep process cessing techniques, the amount of time that thiaminase
that involves grinding and mixing of the food, filling is in contact with thiamine-containing foods within a
and sealing of the cans, and sterilizing the food within diet prior to cooking plays a role in the amount of thia-
the cans.25 The sterilization (retort) step is important mine that is ultimately destroyed.7 Therefore, contact
for destroying common pathogenic bacteria. However, between thiamine-containing foods and thiaminase-
thiamine is a heat-labile vitamin, and losses of > 50% containing foods can lead to inactivation of thiamine.
of the thiamine content have been considered to be a This issue may be important in fish-based commer-
result of processing.25 In addition, some canned diets cial pet foods produced by manufacturers that do not
include alkalinizing gelling agents that can alter the pH routinely test their ingredients and end-products for
and therefore the availability of thiamine.7 Manufac- thiamine. Processed fish meal is heat treated; thus, it
turers should consider all of these factors, use analytic would pose no risk because the thiaminase has been
methods to estimate the amount of thiamine lost to denatured.
processing or inactivated because of pH, and supple- The use of certain food preservatives can also im-
ment the diet with additional sources of thiamine prior pact the availability of thiamine, as indicated by several
to the sterilization process to compensate for impend- outbreaks of thiamine deficiency in Australia second-
ing losses.25 In addition, reputable manufacturers will ary to the use of sulfur-based preservatives.21,28 Sulfur
analyze the final diet to determine the content of thia- dioxide can cause concentration-dependent inactiva-
mine and other nutrients to ensure that they meet mini- tion of thiamine.21,24,28,29 Sulfur derivatives are used for
mum values. preserving meat through inhibition of bacterial growth,
The duration and environmental conditions associ- extending the storage life, and maintaining the red color
ated with storage of a commercial cat or dog food after of the meat.24,28 Many countries have banned the use of
manufacturing can further affect the amount of vitamin sulfur preservatives in the production of meat products
loss over time. Although B vitamins are not as suscep- intended for human consumption; however, in some
tible to loss during storage as are fat-soluble vitamins, countries, the same bans do not apply to meat intended
thiamine is one of the B vitamins most susceptible to for pet foods or to all types of meats available for human
loss during storage.7 For dry pet foods, overall vitamin consumption. In the United States, sulfur dioxide is spe-
B loss has been estimated to be as high as 2% to 4%/mo cifically prohibited for use as a preservative in meats or
under ideal environmental conditions.7 It has been sug- in products that serve as sources of vitamin B1.12
gested25 that thiamine losses can be as great as 57% in Not surprisingly, incomplete or unbalanced com-
dry dog food and 34% in dry cat food after 18 months mercial diets are also a cause of vitamin deficiencies.
of storage; however, the loss of thiamine appears to be Diets intended for supplementary or intermittent feed-
minimal in canned food. Heat, humidity, and exposure to ing (ie, supplementary diets) are not nutritionally com-
air can affect the amount of nutrient losses in a diet, and plete and balanced. This is not always readily apparent
owners should be questioned and educated as to their to consumers from the label and can result in a number
techniques for storage of pet foods at home. In a recent of nutritional deficiencies, including thiamine deficien-
study,a investigators found that 30% of owners do not cy, when a supplementary diet is fed as a sole or pri-
store pet food in an air-conditioned environment, despite mary diet. Although some veterinary therapeutic diets
the fact that they live in a warm climate. Improper stor- may be labeled for intermittent or supplemental feed-
age or feeding techniques could include food that is fed ing to specifically address certain disease conditions,
after the manufacturer’s expiration date, bags that have over-the-counter commercial foods should always be
been opened and not resealed between meals, or food complete and balanced because these products are not
that has been allowed during the summer to remain in dispensed under the guidance of a veterinarian. Thia-
the trunk of a car or in a garage prior to feeding. mine deficiency was identified in a published report2 of
In addition to nutrient losses from processing and a colony of cats fed 2 supplementary diets over a course
storage, specific diet ingredients can also affect thiamine of 6 months, which resulted in the death of 5 cats and
availability. Fish and shellfish, in particular, are known clinical signs in 23 others. When in doubt, pet owners
sources of thiaminases. Thiaminases are enzymes that should bring the food label for their pet’s food to their
degrade and inactivate thiamine in fish or other ingre- veterinarian so that it can be evaluated to help identify
dients with which the fish are combined. Species of fish this potential cause of thiamine deficiency. It is also im-
and shellfish differ in the amounts of thiaminase activ- portant for veterinarians to proactively educate owners
ity, as do parts within the same fish.26 The viscera of thi- that an over-the-counter food label that states “for in-
aminase-containing fish species tend to contain more termittent or supplemental use” indicates the diet is not
thiaminase than that found in the muscles or skeleton complete and balanced and should be fed in only small
of fish.20 Therefore, potentially inadequate amounts of amounts as a treat, rather than as a sole or primary diet.
thiamine would be of particular concern for owners Nutritional imbalances are of major concern for
feeding raw fish– or shellfish-based diets or any time owners who prefer to feed a home-prepared diet.30–33

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Anecdotally, home-prepared diets fed by most owners definitive diagnosis is obtained by determining a reduc-
include a protein and carbohydrate source with or with- tion in blood or tissue thiamine concentrations.
out other ingredients, but all-meat diets are not uncom- Several forms of thiamine exist within the body;
mon. Although it might be expected that a diet consist- however, there currently is no single test that mea-
ing primarily of meat would be sufficient in thiamine, sures all forms of thiamine. The 2 most commonly
the amount of thiamine differs among cuts of meat and used methods for assessing thiamine status in vivo are
the species from which the meat is obtained; thus, these the erythrocyte transketolase activity assay and HPLC.
diets are not consistent and may not provide adequate The erythrocyte transketolase activity assay is a func-
thiamine intake.34 More importantly, as mentioned pre- tional assay that measures the activity of TPP in eryth-
viously, cooking will destroy between 73% and 100% of rocytes.10 Because this method measures transketolase
the thiamine content in most meat.35 Additionally, the activity rather than measuring thiamine directly, it can
thiamine in the meat and other ingredients is likely to be affected by other systemic processes (eg, diabetes
be destroyed (regardless of any effects from cooking) in mellitus or liver disease10) in an animal. By contrast, the
home-prepared diets that are high in thiaminase-con- HPLC method directly measures the TPP form of thia-
taining fish or sulfite-preserved meat. mine within RBCs. The HPLC method is more sensi-
Certain medications have also been associated tive, specific, and stable than the erythrocyte transketo-
with the induction of thiamine deficiency. Amprolium lase activity assay for the measurement of thiamine.10 In
is a coccidiostat medication that has been associated humans, HPLC (which typically is performed on whole
with thiamine deficiency in ruminants and dogs.36 blood) has the additional benefit of better representing
Amprolium works within parasites by mimicking the total body status.10 However, neither method can mea-
action of thiamine; however, prolonged administra- sure the small percentage of thiamine in the plasma;
tion or excessive doses can lead to thiamine deficiency they only measure the thiamine in the erythrocytes or
in the host. Conversely, diets high in thiamine or di- tissue.9 Furthermore, these assays are not available at
etary supplementation with thiamine can render amp- all diagnostic laboratories, and specific procedures for
rolium less effective, and this factor should be consid- collection and transport of samples may apply.
ered for animals to which amprolium is prescribed.37 Other less commonly used methods that can lead
A similar medication is pyrimethamine, which is an to a diagnosis include the measurement of urinary thia-
inhibitor of folic acid synthesis. Pyrimethamine is mine or urinary organic acid concentrations or analysis
often prescribed to treat protozoal infections such as of dietary thiamine content.3 Because of the difficulties
toxoplasmosis, neosporosis, or hepatozoonosis. Py- in obtaining a definitive diagnosis, some clinicians may
rimethamine can induce thiamine deficiency in dogs elect an empirical treatment trial in an animal with a
and cats and has been used to experimentally induce relevant medical history and clinical signs while wait-
thiamine deficiency in cats and rats.38 ing for test results or in lieu of testing.3,9
The aforementioned risk factors, many of which are Unfortunately, some cases of thiamine deficiency
dietary factors, highlight the importance of collecting a are not diagnosed until after an animal dies or is eu-
good diet history as the key to determining the various thanatized. Gross postmortem examination of animals
components of an animal’s diet, the duration of feeding with thiamine deficiency may reveal bilateral symmet-
of that diet, and clinical signs. The American Animal ric focal hemorrhages clearly visible in the paraventric-
Hospital Association and World Small Animal Veteri- ular gray matter.22,27 Brainstem nuclei typically involved
nary Association have developed nutritional assessment in companion animals with thiamine deficiency include
guidelines that include collection of a thorough diet the lateral geniculate nuclei, caudal colliculi nuclei, dor-
history on every animal at every visit. A diet history
should include the type and amount of diet fed, dura-
tion of feeding of that diet, frequency of feeding, treats,
supplement-type products, foods used for medication
administration, and appetite of the animal. This infor-
mation will be instrumental in identifying risk factors
for thiamine deficiency as well as other deficiencies, ex-
cesses, or other forms of suboptimal nutritional status.

Diagnosis of Thiamine Deficiency

The diagnosis of thiamine deficiency is initiated
by recognition of relevant clinical signs and evalua-
tion of the medical and diet history. Results of serum
biochemical analyses, CBCs, and urinalyses are often
within reference limits in dogs and cats with thiamine
deficiency and may not aid in the diagnosis.3,20 Simi-
larly, evaluation of CSF is unhelpful in obtaining a diag-
nosis, but it may aid in ruling out other infectious and
inflammatory causes. Magnetic resonance imaging can
provide characteristic findings suggestive of thiamine Figure 2—Transverse T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion re-
covery image at the level of the thalamus in an adult cat with thia-
deficiency, namely bilateral hyperintense areas that cor- mine deficiency. Notice the bilateral hyperintense lesions (white
relate with several brainstem nuclei (Figure 2).39,40 A arrow) in the region of the lateral geniculate nuclei. R = Right.

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sal cochlear nuclei, oculomotor nuclei, mamillary nu- to neuromuscular paralysis and ganglionic blockade.
clei, medial vestibular nuclei, and red nuclei, although Therefore, parenteral administration should be provid-
not all nuclei are involved in every animal.22,38,41 The ed via SC or IM injection. In the event that an overdose
cerebellar vermis, cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and of thiamine is administered IV, norepinephrine may re-
hippocampus may also be variably affected.22,41 Com- duce the adverse hemodynamic effects of the vitamin.43
parison of postmortem histopathologic results with It is important to mention that oral intake of an excess
results from T2-weighted MRI reveals areas of hemor- of thiamine via supplementation of a commercial diet
rhage and necrosis that typically correspond to regions or as a supplement-type product has not been found to
of hyperintensity visible on MRI images. Although both induce adverse clinical effects.7,19
T1- and T2-weighted images can be used for diagnosis, Improvement in thiamine status can be monitored
changes are typically more prominent on T2-weighted via clinical signs, repeated MRI, and measurement of
images.9,39,40 Changes evident on MRI images may be thiamine status via HPLC or erythrocyte transketo-
inconsistently enhanced with IV administration of con- lase activity.39 There may be residual neurologic defi-
trast medium.9,39,40 Microscopically, changes in affected cits such as mild ataxia after treatment is completed.40
regions include cerebral edema, endothelial prolifera- In addition, an animal’s diet should be evaluated and
tion, neuronal necrosis, and myelin degeneration.27,41 changed to a good-quality, complete, and balanced diet
Peripherally, myelin degeneration and axonal disinte- if a home-prepared, raw, or supplementary diet is be-
gration may also be evident. Postmortem changes are ing fed. For a cat or dog that is consuming a complete
not limited to the peripheral nerves and CNS; there also and balanced commercial diet and that has no medi-
can be a wide range of changes in the heart, including cal reason for developing thiamine deficiency, diagnosis
myocardial degeneration, multifocal myocardial necro- or suspicion of thiamine deficiency should be reported
sis, dilation, fibrosis, or mineralization.22,36,42 to the food manufacturer and the FDA. Concerns can
be reported to the FDA by calling the FDA Consumer
Treatment Complaint Coordinators for each state that are listed on
the FDA website or by reporting concerns to the FDA
Treatment of thiamine deficiency involves paren- Safety Reporting Portal online.45 Ideally, the lot and ex-
teral administration of thiamine for 3 to 5 days, fol- piration date should be obtained from each bag or can
lowed by oral administration for an additional 2 to 4 of pet food, and multiple cans from the same lot or sam-
weeks. In 1 veterinary formulary,37 dosages for paren- ples of dry food from the same bag should be retained
teral administration to dogs or cats ranged from 1 to for testing as needed.
250 mg every 12 to 24 hours. The ideal dose of thia-
mine is unknown; however, doses described for clinical Other Issues of Clinical
cases range from 25 to 150 mg in cats2,9,39,40 and 100 to Importance Related to Thiamine
600 mg in dogs.20,21 The authors typically use a dose of
50 to 100 mg every 12 hours for cats, but further re- Dietary thiamine supplementation should be con-
search is needed to determine the optimal dose needed sidered when starting parenteral provision of nutrients
to correct thiamine deficiency. (ie, parenteral nutrition) in dogs and cats because there
Route of administration and duration of treatment have been several reported cases of the development of
differ widely. In addition, some clinicians initiate treat- thiamine deficiency in humans receiving parenteral nu-
ment with a loading dose, whereas others prefer a con- trition without vitamin supplementation.46 The authors
sistent dose throughout treatment. Irrespective of the recommend that most parenteral nutrition mixtures in-
dose, response to treatment is often noticeable within clude B vitamins because animals in need of parenteral
hours.5 Parenteral administration of thiamine is partic- nutrition frequently have increased metabolic require-
ularly important in an animal with concurrent vomit- ments for these vitamins and may have an extended
ing or gastrointestinal tract disease because intestinal history of inadequate caloric and nutrient intake as a
absorption of the vitamin may be impaired. Pure thia- result of illness. The provision of thiamine should pre-
mine hydrochloride, which commonly is provided at a cede IV administration of dextrose because thiamine is
concentration of 100, 200, or 500 mg/mL, is preferred required for the conversion of glucose to energy via the
over solutions of vitamin B complex because the com- TCA cycle. Therefore, dextrose administration could
position of vitamin B complex products differs widely. potentiate an underlying deficiency.46
For example, the thiamine content of 8 commercial so- The addition of vitamin B complex products to
lutions of vitamin B complex ranged from 10 to 150 crystalloid solutions is a popular technique to provide
mg/mL (up to one-fiftieth the content of a solution of additional B vitamins to hospitalized dogs and cats or to
pure thiamine). To achieve a dose of 100 mg for a cat, animals receiving fluids administered at home (eg, pets
between 0.66 and 10 mL of vitamin B complex would with chronic kidney disease). Most commercial solu-
be required every 12 hours, depending on the brand of tions of vitamin B complex contain thiamine, ribofla-
the vitamin B complex. vin, niacinamide, pyridoxine hydrochloride, D-panthe-
Intravenous administration of thiamine should nol, and cyanocobalamin; however, the concentration
be avoided because dose-dependent hemodynamic ef- of each B vitamin (including thiamine) differs widely
fects (eg, acute hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, neu- among commercial solutions. Similar to thiamine, the
romuscular or ganglionic blockade, apnea, or death) optimal dose of vitamin B complex is unknown. A com-
could result.7,43,44 In 1 study,44 investigators found that mon standard dose in use by many veterinarians is 1 to
IV administration of thiamine at doses ≥ 20 mg/kg (9.1 2 mL/L of fluids administered IV, irrespective of the rate
mg/lb) to cats and 80 mg/kg (36 mg/lb) to dogs led of fluid administration or the brand of vitamin B com-

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plex.47 However, the actual dose of B vitamins adminis- 7. National Research Council. Vitamins. In: Nutrient requirements
tered via this method differs widely depending on the of dogs and cats. Washington, DC: National Academies Press,
brand of vitamin B complex selected as well as the rate 8. Rindi G, Ventura U. Thiamine intestinal transport. Physiol Rev
of fluid administration. As mentioned previously, there 1972;52:821–827.
may be a 15-fold difference in thiamine concentration, 9. Marks SL, Lipsitz D, Vernau KM, et al. Reversible encephalopa-
and the other B vitamins have similar wide variations thy secondary to thiamine deficiency in 3 cats ingesting com-
for the various formulations. In addition, possible con- mercial diets. J Vet Intern Med 2011;25:949–953.
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