CN Unit 2

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January 29, 2022

CLASS NOTES (and additional information)

Unit 2
In everyday speech, the word “matter” means:
'important, question, problem, or issue'
• Our lives are precious. Our lives matter.
• The robbery is a matter for the police. We cannot handle
this ourselves. The police has to do an investigation.
• It’s only a matter of time before they realize the truth.
• We have many matters to discuss in today’s meeting.
In science:

• I was left alone in the house. All other family members had
gone on vacation.

Whether -it is used when: a) there is a choice to be made or

b) something is not certain.
• We didn’t know whether what we heard was true or not.
• He isn’t sure whether to stay or leave.
Whatever = does not matter what
Whenever = does not matter when
Whoever = does not matter who
Whichever = does not matter which
to swallow = to make food or drink go down your throat and towards
your stomach
• Chew your food well before you swallow it.

to swell = to become larger than normal

• After her fall, her leg soon began to swell.

To get swollen
• Her leg got so swollen that she decided to go see a doctor.

• After the rain, the door frame had

swollen, and the door got stuck. We
couldn’t open or close it.

I have a loose tooth.

The Tooth Fairy will
Come soon!
Loose = not firmly in place

Lose = a) unable to find something. b) to not win

• She did not want to lose her eyeglasses. So, she put
them in her handbag.
• Our team lost the soccer match.
To bite =
• She says she can’t stop biting her nails.

• He only had 20 minutes to eat; so, he quickly bit

into his sandwich.

a bite =
• Try a bite of this. I think you’ll like it.

The food is:

• …hard to chew.
• …chewy. (you have to chew a lot before being able to swallow it)

• Can you wash my car, please?

• Were you able to wash my car?
• Will you be able to wash my car

• I would like to… = I’d like to…

• I’d like to make an appointment with ___.
• When is the doctor available?
• What openings do you have?
• I’m not feeling well. Can you fit me in?
• Sorry. We are booked. We don’t have any
• We could fit you in between appointments.
• Can you make it at ___ in the morning?
• Could you be here in ___ minutes?
• How soon can you get here?
Medical Clinic

What are your symptoms?

I’ve got a splitting headache.
I feel faint. = I feel dizzy.
I fainted. = I passed out.
I feel short of breath. = I feel winded.
I feel like throwing up. I feel nauseous.
This medicine makes me feel drowsy.
I ache all over.
I have a…
• Headache
• Backache
• Stomachache
• Toothache
• Earache

OTC = Over the Counter medicine (no prescription needed)

Prescription Medicine
To relieve = to reduce the pain or worry
• This pain is unbearable. I’ll go to the pharmacy to get
something to relieve the pain.
• This medicine will bring you relief from pain.
• He was relieved to learn that his condition was not serious.
• Does the medicine have any side effects?
• This medicine may cause drowsiness.

To bear = to endure or tolerate; to support

• I can’t bear this pain.
• I can’t bear this situation. We have to find a solution.
• Please bear with me while we find a solution.

• How are you doing?

• Are feeling any better?
• Is there anything I can do for you?
• Would you like me to pick up anything for
you to eat?
• I hope you feel better soon.

• My dog ran three blocks and can’t stop


BC = Before Christ
BCE = Before the Common Era

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