CN Unit 5

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February 17, 2022

Unit 5
“…a natural disaster is an event that is caused by the natural forces
of the earth and results in great damage and possibly loss of life…”

Hurricanes, typhoons, and cyclones are all the same severe weather event, but
what they are called depends on where they are formed.
• Hurricanes are formed in the Atlantic and East Pacific Oceans.
• Typhoons are formed in the West Pacific Ocean.
• Cyclones are formed in the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific.

Some Disasters not Caused by Nature:

Oil spills, pollution, traffic accidents, plane crashes, forest destruction, wars, terrorist
attacks, hazardous waste dumping (solvents, anti-freeze, motor-oils, batteries, etc.)

‘Every bird matters’: The science behind oiled seabird rehabilitation

How to Cope with Natural Disasters

“Natural disasters have the potential to produce high levels of stress,
anxiety, and anger in those who are affected. They are considered to be
traumatic events and can potentially trigger post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) in survivors.”

Ways to Cope with Natural Disasters

“Though the effects of natural disasters can be severe and far-
reaching, there are steps you can take to cope. Here are some ways
you may be able to reduce the trauma of a natural disaster.”

Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress

“The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives…” To continue reading this
article from the CDC, click HERE

News of natural disasters is mostly disseminated through Mass Media (television,

radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines, and web sites). Information is also often
transmitted by word of mouth. Journalists mostly use:
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech
REPORTED SPEECH is when we tell someone what another person said.
If we repeat the person’s exact words, we use DIRECT SPEECH.
If we paraphrase, we use INDIRECT SPEECH.

GRAMMAR- Indirect Speech: Say and Tell – TENSE CHANGES

In Indirect Speech, the verb tenses of SAY & TELL often change.
Present to Past
Past to Past Perfect
I… Will to Would
Can to Could
Direct speech Indirect speech Bill said…
“I work.” Bill said that he worked
“I worked.” Bill said that he had worked.
“I have worked.” Bill said that he had worked.
“I am working.” Bill said that he was working.
“I can work.” Bill said that he could work.
“I will work.” Bill said that he would work .

Bill Jones

death toll =The total number of people who die in an accident, disaster, or war.
damage = Physical harm to something
injury (injuries) = Physical harm to a person

• Were there any casualties?

• What was the death toll?
• Was anyone injured?
• What was the damage?

Florida Power and Light
1. Report a power outage online or by calling 1-800-4-OUTAGE (1-800-468-8243)
2. Report a downed power line by calling 1-800-4-OUTAGE (1-800-468-8243)
3. Call 911 to report hazardous conditions.

Words with the root VAC

• vacuous. Something that is vacuous is empty or blank, such as a mind or stare.
• evacuate. When people evacuate an area, they have to leave it, usually due to an emergency of
some kind.
• evacuation As a result of the wildfires, they issued evacuation orders.
• evacuee. ... (the person being evacuated)
• vacancy. ... Examples: Are there any job vacancies?
This hotel has no rooms available.
• vacant. ...
• vacate. ...
• vacation.

To comfort (a verb)
• I tried to comfort him because he was very sad.

a comfort (a noun)
• It is a comfort for me to know that you can help.

Comforting (an adjective) serving to alleviate a person's feelings of grief or distress.

• It is comforting to know that you are here.
• Thank you for your comforting words.

Comfortable (an adjective) (especially of clothes or furnishings) providing physical

ease and relaxation to someone
• I feel comfortable in this blue chair.

A portable emergency radio with hand

crank and batteries (some radios can also be
solar-powered). Most radios have a
flashlight and the ability to charge
cellular phones.
If you run out of batteries, you can
“hand crank it” in order to charge it.

NPR = National Public Radio (91.3 FM)

In South Florida it is associated with WLRN
Miami-Dade, Broward & Southern Palm Beach
Note: Once a month, usually on a Wednesday, starting at 11:00 AM, the radio station
broadcasts the Miami-Dade school board meeting. The next one will be on March 9, 2022.

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