Ses La Famille

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La Famille


La famille est un acteur primordial de la socialisation. Elle en est la structure même, le pilier
fondateur. Sans elle, il est difficile pour un individu de pleinement s’intégrer au corps social.
-La famille favorise l’intégration des individus en leur inculquant des normes, des valeurs et
des codes sociaux élémentaires.
-Elle leur apporte un soutien moral et financier, une aide révélatrice pour l’avenir de
l’individu autant à l’échelle scolaire que sociale.

The Channel Tunnel is an example of an engineering marvel. The Channel Tunnel is one of the
biggest underwater railway tunnels in the entire world as it connects Coquelles (a town near
Calais in France) with Folkestone (in UK). Its construction began in 1988 and was completed in
1994. With its 50 kilometers of lenght and its capacity to carry a huge amount of high speed
Eurostar passenger trains and international freight trains (in 2017, it carried 1.22 milion tonnes of
freight), this tunnel is without a boubt a civil engineering wonder. This underawter rail tunnel
displays progress as it allows people to travel from one country to the other (from england to
France for example) is a small scale of time, or at least faster than using the plane (with the
plane, you need to go to the airport, check-in, wait...). This tunnel offers a less polluting way to
travel between England and France : It prioritizes a less energy consuming means of transport
wich is the train. Also, because its under the water, this tunnel is much safer than a bridge, as it
is not exposed to any kind of stroms and strong winds. Finally, being under water means that
boats can go passed it more easily than if there was a bridge. 

I could see me in the shoes of a challenger. When someone proposes an idea, I am often
disagreeing with him because I think we can find better, or at least improve the idea. It is my
character. I don’t go for simplicity. I am a supporter of complexity, of thinking outside the
box, doing the most possible. I am always finding what I did too simple, not meaningful

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