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ID NUMBER: 040117270

a. Warehousing refers to the efficient management of stocks in and out of the warehouse

form producer to the warehouse and from the warehouse to the consumer. for a firm to be

able to pick a suitable warehouse, the firm must take certain factors into consideration,

and this can be, size, warehouse design or layout and the location.

Size: for flame electrical to pick the appropriate warehouse , it needs to look at what it

needs the ware house for and what is the nature of the items to be stored in the warehouse

.in this case , they store lamps , which are fragile so they would need to acquire a very

spacious place so that , they don’t get over stacked on each other.

b. Design or layout : the design of the warehouse would need to be considered since not all

warehouses fit the same purpose , and also the design of the layout is dependent on the

kind of items it would hold , example , the ware house designed to store vehicles would

be different from on that stores food substances etc. .

c. Location: the location of the warehouse plays a very important role in the dispatch and

distribution of the stocks , so for flame electrical , it would have to see which warehouse

has the best routing and proximity to its distribution centers and the customers . when the

best location is selected, it adds value to the firm


Productivity refers to the ratio of output to real input. how can a firm such as flames electrical

know it is productive ? timely delivery , quality goods , efficient use of available space ,

responsiveness and reorder levels.

Timely delivery : for a firm to measure its productivity , it can measure that by measuring how

fast they deliver the goods to the customer , and this can be used to measure their productivity.

For instance if a firm is able to deliver orders right on time to its customers , it would increase

productivity of that firm if they are managed properly , and at the same time the warehouse or

storage firm would receive goodwill which will intend encourage others to patronize their goods

Quality goods : another way the firm can measure its productivity is by looking at their supply ,

if the firm is able to maintain the goods in its original quality when delivered then it is being

productive , but if the good get damaged or its quality reduces then the firm is not being

productive because it can affect their reputation .

Use of space : the space in a warehouse could also be used to measure the productivity of a

warehouse, if huge warehouse is unable to manage its storage space to the extent that it has to

rent an extra space for their stock , then the firm is not being productive because funds would be

locked up or wasted for the acquisition of the space .

Responsiveness: a warehouse can also measure its productivity by measuring the time taken for

it to receive an order and the time taken to deliver it safely to the customer , if a firm takes a
longer time to deliver an item which can take a day then their responsive and thus not productive

Reorder levels: also if a firm is able to calculate its reorder level and ensure that all stocks are

always restocked at the right time then the firm can be considered as productive since it wont

have to lock up capital in acquiring buffer stock .


Follow storage protocols : a firm such as flames electricals can add value to their organization

when it follows the storage protocols and store all products under their right conditions , this will

ensure that products do not loose their quality before it is delivered to the final consumer .

Forward integration : a firm such as flame electrical can also add value to the organization when

its involved in forward integration , in the sense that they not only supply lamps but also install

and service it when they become faulty , this would gain significant value for the organization .

Another way the firm can add value to the organization is when they employ the use of cutting

edge technology such as the stock management systems which will give the firm an edge over

other competitors and will ensure the firm doesn’t run out of stocks ,during shortages .


information technology plays a vital role in the logistics industry, that’s including warehousing,

stock taking : With the aid of the stock management system, flame electrical will track the

volume of stocks leaving the facility and the amount in the warehouse, so it is not important to
walk around and manually check the amount of stocks at the end of the day because the system

will give you all that detail.

Re oder levels: With the assist of IT, flame electricals , are able to manage their stock levels

efficiently to ensure that they are not over-stocked or under-stocked, but can get their stock just

in time. Since the system automatically updates the stock levels .

Also with the help of the system the firm would be able to process orders faster, since the system

takes the order and make the necessary paper works .

Also with the help of IT systems there is reduction of waste since there wont be any sort of

delay , when processing orders or making deliveries .

Also , there wont be a need to memorize the prices of all items on stock since the system takes

record of all prices .


High temperature: Because of the nature of certain storage facilities, they can record very high

room temperature changes, which isn't really good for daily exposure, so some firms offer

additional incentives for workers who do long shifts in such places because it could damage their

bodies and so on.

Poor ventilation : this is another hazard some employees face when working at the storage

facilities , since some items are to be kept in certain conditions which might not be really

welcoming to the human body . so providing oxygen masks for those who work in those areas

could help curb the dangers

Hazardous chemicals: warehouses store a variety of items including chemicals which can be

very harmful to the employees who inhale or come in contact with these chemicals . so wearing

protective cloths or overalls could help prevent the chemicals from getting on the skin of


Breakables : in this case the lamps are very fragile and when they break and cut or pierce

anyone who doesn’t handle it with care . so gloves should be used to hold such substances.

Also some storage facilities which house electrical items have the tendency to easily catch fire,

so the best is to separate the electrical items from other items which can be flammable .

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