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Derivation Synonyms/ Definition Opposites

1 clutch (v) to hold sb/ sth tightly; seize; grasp release

clutch (n)
2 disdain (n) contempt; disrespect admiration;
disdain (v) regard; respect
disdainful (adj) contemptuous; dismissive respectful
disdainfully (adv)
3 aspiration (n) a strong desire to have or do sth; ambition; desire apathy; indifference
aspire (v) intend to attain; plan decline
aspirational (adj)
4 impressive (adj) making you feel admiration, because they are very large, unimpressive
good, skillful etc; impactful
impress (v) bore; weary
impression (n)
5 luxurious (adj) sumptuous; very comfortable spartan / economical
luxury (n) indulgence; extravagance
luxuriously (adv)
6 flock (n) crowd; army
flock (v) to go or gather together somewhere in large numbers
7 appalled (adj) horrified delighted
appalling (adj) shocking; extremely bad acceptable; delightful
appal (v)/appall to shock sb very much; horrify
appalingly (adv)
8 drastic (adj) acting forcefully and resolutely; extreme in a way that forceless
has a sudden, serious or violent effect on sth; forceful
drastically (adv)
9 prohibit (v) forbid; ban permit; allow
prohibition (n)
10 ambitious (adj) determined to be successful, rich, etc unambitious
ambition (n) sth that you want to achieve or do very much;
desire/determination to be successful etc
ambitiously (adv)
11 elusive (adj) difficult to find, define or achieve accessible, available
elusively (adv)
elusiveness (n)
elude (v) get away from; escape being found, caught
12 lure (v) to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by repel; deter
promising them a reward ; tempt; entice
lure (n) the attractive qualities of sth deterrent
13 enticing (adj) sth that is so attractive and interesting that you want to
have it etc
enticement (n) repulsion; disgust

enticingly (adv)
entice (v) persuade

14 success (n) achievement failure
successful (adj) having achieved sth; accomplished unsuccessful
succeed (v) to achieve sth that you have been trying to do or get in;
15 emigration (n)
emigrate (v) to leave your own country to live in another country
emigrant (n) person who leaves his/ her country to live in another
16 tradition (n) a belief, custom or way of doing sth that has existed for
a long time
traditional (adj) conventional different;
traditionally (adv)
17 fascinate (v) attract or interest sb very much bore
fascinating (adj) extremely interesting and attractive boring; dull;
fascinated (adj very interested dulled; bored
fascination (n) great interest
18 consideration (n) the act of thinking carefully about sth
considerate (adj) thoughtful inconsiderate
consider (v) think carefully
considerable (adj) significant; great in size, amount, importance etc trivial
considerably significantly
19 suspicious (adj) sceptical; feeling that sb has done sth wrong , illegal, trusting; trustful
suspicion (n) hint trust
suspiciously (adv)
suspect (n)
suspect (v) doubt the genuineness or truth of trust
20 understandably clearly
understandable clear; straightforward unclear

A. Word pairs

Write compound or complex sentences with each word in the following word pairs to show
the difference in meaning between them. No simple sentences allowed.

1.impressive (adj)/ impressively (adv)

2. aspiration (n)/ aspirational (adj)

3. flock (v/n)
4. clutch (v/n)
5. appal (v) appalling (adj)
6. disdain (v/n)
7. emigration/ immigration

B. Paraphrase the following sentences:

1. People from the countryside flock to the city in search of the elusive pot of gold, even
though the government encourages them to go home.

2. Many older people are appalled by the current drive to ‘modernise’, contrary to most
youngsters who disdain socialist sacrifice.

3. Although many new luxurious buildings have replaced traditional homes, the city remains a
majestic and architectural marvel.

4. The benefits of tourism are not always felt at a local level, because jobs are often low paid
and menial and unregulated growth is causing environmental and social damage.

5. All throughout history, the dominant economic power has influenced the language of every

C. Proverbs: Give the meaning of the following proverbs:

1. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

2. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
3. That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.
4. No gain without pain.
5. You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.


1. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. = People are never satisfied
with their own situation; they always think others have it better.
2. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. = If a task given to you is
stressing or bothering you too much, leave it to others.
3. That which does not kill you, makes you stronger. = Unpleasant experiences will
make you wiser.
4. No gain without pain. = It is necessary to suffer or work hard in order to succeed
or make progress.
5. You can’t run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. = You can’t support both
sides of a conflict or dispute.

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