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E-mails: florinardelean1@yahoo.


Florin Nicolae Ardelean, PhD.

(Updated January 2023)


Doctor in History, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Cluj-

Napoca, 2007-2010
• Thesis title: Military Organization in Princely Transylvania. Counties and
Fiscal Estates (in Romanian)
• Supervisor: Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioan Aurel Pop

Master in Central Europe Medieval Studies Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of

History and Philosophy, Cluj-Napoca, 2006-2007
• Thesis title: Aspects regarding the History of Satu-Mare fortress (1543-
• Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ovidiu Mureșanu

Bachelor in History, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Cluj-

Napoca, 2002-2006

Research Interests / Research Profile

Late medieval and early modern history, social history, military history,
Romanian history, Central and East European History, history of higher education,
academic mobility and cooperation

Research Experience
Documentarist, Babeș-Bolyai University, Academic Cultural Heritage Department,
University Archive, 2013 – present

Researcher, Babeș-Bolyai University, September 2020 – August 2022

History Consultant,, project of the Romanian Cultural

Institute in London, December 2017- March 2018

History Consultant, Gameloft, Cluj, January -September 2015

Postdoctoral Fellow of the Babeș-Bolyai University and the Romanian Academy, Cluj
branch, 2011- 2013

 Program description: EU, ESF-SOPHRD/89/1.5/S/60189: „Programe
postdoctorale pentru dezvoltare durabilă într-o societate bazată pe
cunoaştere” [Postdoctoral Programs for Sustainable Development in a
Knowledge Based Society]. Title of research project: Stat, societate şi
organizare militară în epoca modernă timpurie. Principatul autonom al
Transilvaniei în contextul răspândirii inovaţiilor specifice „revoluţiei
militare” în secolele XVI-XVII [State, society and military organization in
the early modern age. The autonomous principality of Transylvania in the
context of the spreading of “military revolution” innovations in the 16 th-
17th century]
 Activities and responsibilities: archival and library research, participating
in international conferences, book and articles writing etc.

Research Assistant, Centre for Transylvanian Studies, Romanian Academy, Cluj branch,
2010 - 2013
 Program description: CNCSIS, TE, 356/2010 (2010-2013): Politica
răsăriteană a Casei de Habsburg (secolele XV-XVI): Țările Române între
Imperiul otoman și cruciada târzie [The Eastern Policy of the House of
Habsburg (1400s-1500s): Walachia and Moldavia Between the Later Crusades
and the Ottoman Empire]
 Activities and responsibilities: archival research, book editing, organization of
conferences and other scientific events, administration of research project,
external fund raising etc.

Teaching experience:

History teacher, 2007-2016

Research Grants, Publications, Conferences:

Research Grants

 UEFISCDI, PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0457, (2020-2022), De la frontiere medievale

la granițe moderne. Organizarea militară a părților vestice ale Principatului
Transilvaniei în secolele XVI-XVII [From Medieval Frontiers to Early Modern
Borders. The Military organization of the Western Parts of the Transylvanian
Principality in the XVI-XVII centuries] (project director)

 POSDRU/89/1.5/S/60189 (2011-2013): „Programe postdoctorale pentru dezvoltare

durabilă într-o societate bazată pe cunoaştere” [Postdoctoral Programs for
Sustainable Development in a Knowledge Based Society]. Title of research project:
Stat, societate şi organizare militară în epoca modernă timpurie. Principatul
autonom al Transilvaniei în contextul răspândirii inovaţiilor specifice „revoluţiei
militare” în secolele XVI-XVII [State, society and military organization in the early
modern age. The autonomous principality of Transylvania in the context of the
spreading of “military revolution” innovations in the 16 th-17th cent] (postdoctoral

 CNCSIS, TE, 356/2010 (2010-2013): Politica răsăriteană a Casei de Habsburg

(secolele XV-XVI): Țările Române între Imperiul otoman și cruciada târzie [The
Eastern Policy of the House of Habsburg (1400s-1500s): Walachia and Moldavia
Between the Later Crusades and the Ottoman Empire] (member of the research


 Florin Nicolae Ardelean, On the Borderlands of Great Empires: Transylvanian

Armies 1541-1613 (Warwick: Helion&Company, 2022).

 Florin Nicolae Ardelean, Liviu Cîmpeanu, Gelu Fodor, Livia Magina (eds.), From
Medieval Frontiers to Early Modern Borders in Central and South-Eastern Europe
(Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022). (

 Florin Nicolae Ardelean, Emilia Cismaș, Ovidiu-Emil Iudean, Józef Lukács, Clujul
universitar și lumea academică germană (Cluj-Napoca: Editura Mega, 2022)

 Cecilia Cârja, Ioana-Mihaela Bonda, Florin-Nicolae Ardelean, Destine înfrățite:

Universitățile din Cluj și Iași (Cluj-Napoca: Presa universitară clujeană, 2020).

 Florin Nicolae Ardelean, Organizarea militară în principatul Transilvaniei (1541-

1691): Comitate și domenii fiscale (Cluj-Napoca: Ed. Academia Română. Centrul de
Studii Transilvane, 2019).

 Florin Ardelean, Christopher Nicholson, Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (eds.), Between

Worlds. The Age of the Jagiellonians (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, 2013).


 Frontiers and Military Organization in Transylvania: The Guardsman

(Drabant/Darabont) during the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century, in Florin Nicolae
Ardelean, Liviu Cîmpeanu, Gelu Fodor, Livia Magina (eds.), From Medieval Frontiers
to Early Modern Borders in Central and South-Eastern Europe (Berlin: Peter Lang,
2022), 177-193.

 Ardelean, F.N. (2021). Political Boundaries and Territorial Identity in Early Modern
Central Europe: The Western Frontier of Transylvania during the Sixteenth Century.
Territorial Identity and Development, 6(1), 21-38.

 „The Siege of Timișoara from 1596 in the Works of Bernardino Beccari da Sacile”,
Zsuzsanna Kopeczny (ed.), Politics and society in Central and South-East Europe: life
under the shadow of the Ottoman Empire's expansion (15th-16th centuries), (Cluj-
Napoca: Mega, 2021), pp. 117-125.

 Florin Nicolae Ardelean, Neven Isailović, From Croatia to Transylvania: War,

Migration, and Adaptive Strategies in the Case of the Perušić Family (15th-17th
Centuries), Povijesni prilozi 60, (2021), 213-256.

 „War and Social Conflicts in Early Modern Border Areas: Colonel Ludovicus de La
Borde and Satu Mare (Szatmár) Frotress (1673-77)”, Hiperboreea, vol. 8, no.1, 2021,
pp. 16-38. (WOS:000752294200002) (10.5325/hiperboreea.8.1.0016)

 „Piety, morality and discipline in the military regulations of the Transylvanian

principality (1577–1683)”, Ulrich A. Wien (ed.), Common Man, Society and Religion in
the 16th century/Gemeiner Mann, Gesellschaft und Religion im 16. Jahrhundert Piety,
morality and discipline in the Carpathian asin Fr mmigkeit, Moral und
Sozialdisziplinierung im Karpatenbogen (G ttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021),
pp. 263-275.

 „Învățământul și cercetarea chimică clujeană din perspectiva cooperărilor internaționale

(1919-1975)”, Cecilia Cârja, Ioana Mihaela Bonda (eds.), Raluca Ripan: Personalități
ale Universității abeș-Bolyai, Presa universitară clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2020.

 „International University Networks and Academic Mobility in Political Context: Six

decades of cooperation between “Babeș-Bolyai” University in Cluj-Napoca and the
University of Geneva (1919-1979)”, Journal of Research in Higher Education, Vol. IV,
No. 1, 2020, pp. 18-31.

 Magina, Livia, Ardelean, Florin Nicolae, „Fortuna Brevis: Destine și averi în 1674 în
comitatul Satu Mare”, în Banatica, 29, 2019, p. 121-143.

 „The Romanian University of Cluj and the Academic Community from the United
States of America (1919- 1941): An Overview of Early Contacts”, in Journal of
Research in Higher Education, Vol. III, No. 2, 2019, pp. 5-17.

 „Pecunia nervus belli”. The Saxon University in Transylvania and its Contribution to
the Military Campaign of the 1566-1567, in „Politics and Society in Centyral and South-
Eastern Europe (13th- 16th centuries)”, ed. Zoltan Iusztin, Cluj-Napoca, 2019.

 Evoluția funcției de căpitam general în Transilvania la sfârșitul secolului al XVI-lea și
în prima jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea, în „Banatica”, 28, 2018, pp. 561-582.

 Florin Nicolae Ardelean, Florina Ciure, Guerra e diplomazia nella Transilvania

dellʼanno 1625. Da un document dellʼArchivio di Stato di Venezia, în „Studia Historica
Adriatica ac Danubiana”, anno X, nr. 1-2, Trieste, 2017, pp. 68-93.

 Solde, fortificaţii şi armament. Aspecte economice ale organizării militare în principatul

autonom al Transilvaniei (1541-1691), în Cultură, Istorie şi Societate, vol. VI, volum
editat de Ştefan Ştefănescu şi Claudiu Neagoe, Bucureşti, 2017, pp. 163-179.

 On the Foreign Mercenaries and Early Modern Military Innovations in East Central
Europe. The Army Castaldo in Transylvania and the Banat 1551-1553, in Mozgó
Frontvonalak. Háború és diplomácia a várháborúk időszakában 1552-1568, Studia
Agriensia 35., (ed.) György Bujdosné Pap, Ingrid Fejér, Ágota H. Szilasi, Eger, 2017,
pp. 117-128.

 Military Leadership in the Transylvanian principality. The captain general in the second
half of the Sixteenth Century, in „Banatica”, 26 –II, 2016, 337-349.

 Mercenarii străini şi inovaţiile militare moderne timpurii în Europa central-răsăriteană.

Armata lui Castaldo în Transilvania şi anat, [On the Foreign Mercenaries and Early
Modern Military Inovations in East Central Europe. Castaldo´s Army in Transsylvania
and the Banat] în „Banatica”, 25, 2015, p. 39-58.

 From Legislation to Practice: Some Aspects of Military Service in Medieval Hungary

and Transylvania, in: Studies in Russia and Eastern Europe, No. 11, „Government and
Law in Medieval Moldavia, Transylvania and Wallachia”, (ed.) Martyn Rady and
Alexandru Simon, London, 2013.

 Between Medieval Tradition and Early Modern "Military Revolution": Warfare and
Military Structures in the Hungarian Kingdom (1490-1526), in: „Between Worlds. The
Age of the Jagiellonians”, (ed.) Florin Ardelean, Christopher Nicholson, Johannes
Preiser-Kapeller, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2013, p. 7-19.

 Seimeni în slujba principilor Transilvaniei în a doua jumătate a secolului XVII [Seimeni

in the Service of Transylvanian Rulers in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century],
în: „Banatica”, 22, 2012, p. 119-134.

 Steaguri de mercenari străini la curtea lui Mihail Apafi (1663-1684)[ Foreign

Mercenary Units at the Court of Prince Michael Apafi (1663-1684)], în: „Anuarul
Institutului de Istorie «George Bariţiu» din Cluj-Napoca”, tom LI, 2012, p. 69-79.

 Frontiera apuseană a Principatului Transilvan ca zonă de conflict în anii 1570 [The
Western Border of the Transylvanian Principality as a Conflict Area in the 1570s ], în
”Anuarul Institutului de Istorie “A. D. Xenopol ”, Tom XLVIII, 2011, p. 91-101.

 Military Justice, Regulations and Discipline in Early Modern Transylvanian Armies

(XVI-XVII century), in “Studia Universitatis Cibiniensis. Series Historica”, VIII/1, Sibiu,
2011, p. 185-191.

 The Influence of Florentine Neoplatonism on Early Modern Transylvanian Culture, in

“Transylvanian Review”, Vol. XIX, No. 4, 2010, p. 21-33.

 Modern and Medieval Features of Antiquity in Early Modern Transylvania, in:

“Transylvanian Review”, vol. XIX, Supplement No. 5, 2010, p. 49-55.

 Război și societate în Transilvania princiară în timpul lui Ștefan áthory (1571-1586)

[War and Society in the Transylvanian Principality in the time of Steven Báthory (1571-
1586)] în "Anuarul școlii doctorale: Istorie. Civilizație. Cultură" IV, Cluj-Napoca, 2010,
p. 105-119.

 Rolul militar al nobilimii în Transilvania princiară [The Military Role of the Nobility in
the Principality of Transylvania], în "Studii și materiale de istorie medie", vol. XXVIII,
București, 2010, p. 137-149.

 Aspecte privind evoluţia domeniului fiscal în principatul autonom al Transilvaniei [Aspects

Regarding the Evolution of the Fiscal Estate in the Autonomous Principality of Transylvania], în
„Acta Musei Napocensis”, 47/II, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, 101-108.

 Obligaţiile militare ale nobilimii în Transilvania princiară (1540-1657) [The Military

obligations of the nobility in princely Transylvania] , în „Crisia”, XL, Oradea, 2010, p. 193-209.

 Oastea portală în Transilvania princiară (1542-1653) [The Militia Portalis in the

Principality of Transylvania (1542-1653)], în „Banatica”, 20-2, Reşiţa, 2010, p. 154-

 Legislaţie militară şi politică fiscală în timpul lui Ioan Sigismund Zápolya (1556-1570),
[Military Legislation and Fiscal Politics in the Time of John Sigismund Zápolya (1556-
1570)], „Acta Musei Napocensis”, 45-46/II, Cluj-Napoca, 2008-2009, p.39-53.

 Conscription and Conscript Armies during the first Two Decades of Matthias’ Reign, în
„Matthias Corvinus and his Time (Cluj-Napoca/ Kolozsvár/ Klausenburg, 23rd-26th of October
2008) (Mélanges d’Histoire Générale, Nouvelle Série, Subsidia, II)”, edited by Tudor Sălăgean
and Alexandru Simon, Romanian Academy, Center for Transylvanian Studies-IDC Press, Cluj-
Napoca, 2008, pp. 124-125.

 Aspecte din viaţa cotidiană la frontiera de vest a principatului Transilvaniei în timpul
lui Sigismund Báthory [Aspects Regarding the Everyday Life on the Western Frontier
of the Transylvanian Principality in the Time of Sigismund Báthory], in “Alt-
Schassburg”, Nr. 1, Sighişoara, 2008, p. 33-39.

International conferences

 Voivode Stephen Báthory and his Army: the Transylvanian Saxon University and
its Contribution to the Siege of Făgăraș (Fogaras Fogarasch) in 1573, Stephan
Báthory /Bátory István/ Stefan Batory. Shape and Effect in International
Comparison, Organizers: REFORC, University of Eötvös Loránd (Budapest),
Institute of European History (Mainz), Institute of Protestant Theology, Landau
Campus, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu, Asociation of
Transylvanian Studies (Sibiu), Budapest September 14─16, 2022.

 Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Borderlands: Abusive Behaviour of

Soldiers in the Armies of the Transylvanian Principality (Second Half of the 17th
Century), History of Crime in Central and Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages
to 1848, The Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciencies, East Slovak
Museum in Košice, Košice, 24-26 May 2022.

 Contested borderlands: Territorial disputes and frontier warfare between

Transylvania and the Ottoman Empire during the Long Turkish War, Networks
and Society: A Historical Perspective from Ancient World to the Present, West
University of Timișoara, 17-18 March 2022. (on-line)

 Daily Life on the Western Frontier of Transylvania: the Garrison of Hust

(Huszt Хусt) Fortress in the second half of the Seventeenth Century, Politics and
Society in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Daily life in medieval and early
modern times (11th – 17th centuries), 7-8 October 2021, National Museum of
Banat, Timișoara. (on-line)

 Defending the borders and the court of the prince: the role of the guardsman
(drabant/darabont) in the Transylvanian military organization during the second
half of the Sixteenth century, Borders and Communities in Central and South-
Eastern Europe, West University of Timișoara, 16-17 March, 2021 (on-line).

 South-Slavic Nobility in Banat and Transylvania: the case of Gáspár Perusics,

Istoria și scrisul istoric azi: opțiuni metodologice, paradigme, agendă, organizator:

Institutul de Istorie „George Barițiu” din Cluj-Napoca, Academia Română, Cluj-
Napoca, 3-5 februarie, 2020.

 Universitatea din Cluj și mediul academic nord-american (1919-1941): Premisele

internaționalizării învățământului superior clujean, 1919 în Europa între război și
pace, organizatori: Universitatea „Babeș-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii
Transilvane, Academia Română și Institutul de Istorie George Barițiu, Academia
Română, Cluj-Napoca, 9-11 octombrie, 2019.

 The Siege of Timișoara from 1596, Politics and Society in Central and South-East
Europe. Life under the shadow of the Ottoman Empireʻs Expansion (15-16
centuries), organizator: Muzeul Județean al Banatului, Timișoara, 3-5 October,

 The Role of Serbs in the Conflict between the Habsburgs and the Ottomans in
Banat and Transylvania (1551-1552), 12th International Congress of South –East
European Studies, Association Internationale dʼÉtudes du Sud-Est Européen,
Bucharest, 2-6 September 2019.

 Matthias von Thurn, Paul Strassburg and the diplomatic and military relations
between Venice and Transylvania in 1625, X Convegno internationale di studi
«Venezia e l’Europa Orientale tra il tardo Medioevo e l’Età moderna», Instituto
Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica di Venezia, Venezia, 12-13 aprilie 2019.

 Mobility and Military Service in the First Half of the Sixteenth Century. The
Transylvanian Estates in the Conflict between Ferdinand of Habsburg and John
Szapolyai, Between Three Seas: Borders, Migrations, Connections, The Third
Biennial Conference of the Medieval Central Europe Research Network,
University of Zagreb and the Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb, 12-14 April

 Pecunia nervus belli. The contribution of the Saxon University for the 1567
military campaign, Politics and Society in Central and South-Eastern Europe,
13th-16th Centuries, Timişoara, 25-27 October, 2017.

 Piety, Morality and Discipline in the Military Regulations of the Transylvanian

Principality, Church and Population in Transylvanian Villages. Frame
Conditions, Reception and the Influence of Society, Ethnicity, Church and
Politics in the Age of Reformation, Sibiu, 12-14 June, 2017.

 Border fortresses and permanent garrisons on the Western frontier of the

Transylvanian Principality (16th-17th century), The History and Archaeology

International Symposium. In Memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu the 43 rd Edition,
Caransebeş, 21-24 February, 2017.

 On the Foreign Mercenaries and Early Modern Military Innovations in East

Central Europe. Castaldo´s Army in Transylvania and the Banat, „Moving
frontlines: war and diplomacy in the period of “fortress wars”, between
1552‒1568”, Eger, István Dobó Castle Museum, 13th- 14th October 2016.

 The Military Hierarchy in the Transylvanian principality (second half of the

Sixteenth century). The Captain General, „Politică şi societate în Europa central şi
de sud-est, (secolele XIII-XVI)”, Timișoara, 29 octombrie 2015.

 Deserted Villages and Runaway Serfs; The Impact of War on Rural Society and
Economy in Seventeenth Century Transylvania, „The 40th International Symposium: In
Memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu”, Caransebeș, 26 februarie -1 martie 2014.

 Environment, Logistics and Campaign Planning in the 16th Century: The Army of
Castaldo in Transylvania (1551-1553), "The 12th International Postgraduate Conference
on Central and Eastern Europe Landscape and Environment in Central and Eastern
Europe: Interdisciplinary Approaches", Cluj-Napoca, 27-29 May 2013.

 Society, Military Innovation, and Foreign Mercenaries in the Early Modern Period. The
Army of Castaldo in Transylvania (1551-1553), prelegere la School of Slavonic and
East European Studies, University College London, 25-26 March 2013.

 Recruitment and Motivation in 15th and Early 16th Century European Armies: A
Comparative Perspective on Conscription, “Between Worlds: Historical, Cultural and
Religious Interferences in Transylvania”, Daneș - Sighișoara, October 25th - 28th, 2012.

 Military Laws and Regulations in the Transylvanian Voivodate of the Hungarian

Realm, c. 1400 – 1500, "International Medieval Congress, Leeds", 9-12 July 2012.

 Between the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Crisis in the
Transylvanian Principality during the Second Half of the 16 th Century, "Crisis:
Interruptions, Reactions and Continuities in Central and Eastern Europe - The 11th
International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe", The School
of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 15-17 February

 Aspects regarding the Military Obligations of the Hungarian and Transylvanian

Nobility during King Louis I’s Moldavian and Walachian campaigns (1359-1375),
“Between Worlds: The Age of the Angevines”, Târgoviște 21-23 October 2011.

 Warfare and Economy in the Transylvanian Principality (1541-1691), “Recent
Studies on Past and Present: New Sources, New Methods, or a New Public?”,
Bucharest, 25-28 September 2011.

 Military Innovation and Mercenary Service in the Early Modern Period: Foreign
Soldiers in the Service of the Transylvanian Principality, 1541-1691, „Early Modern
Studies Confrence – Communication and Exchange”, Reading, 18-20 July 2011.

 Anti-Ottoman Warfare at Christendom’s Eastern order. Nobility and Military

Service in Hungary and Transylvania in the 15th Century, „International Medieval
Meeting Lleida”, Lleida, 28 June-1 July 2011.

 The Ottoman Influence on the military organization of the Transylvanian

Principality: Weapons and Tactics, „Le Sud-Est européen entre Empires et Nations
(époques byzantine et ottomane)”, École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales,
Paris, 30 mai – 4 iunie 2011.

 Steaguri de mercenari străini la curtea lui Mihail Apafi, „Principatul Transilvaniei

între mărire şi decădere (a doua jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea)”, Cluj-Napoca, 22
noiembrie 2010.

 Between Medieval Tradition and Early Modern “Military Revolution”. Warfare and
Military Structures in the Hungarian Kingdom (1490-1526), “Between Worlds: The
Age of the Jagiellonians”, Cluj-Napoca, 22-24 octombrie 2010.

 The Tactica of Leon VI and its Influence on Early Modern Warfare, „The Union
of Florence”, Cluj-Napoca, 22-24 octombrie 2009.

 Conscription and Conscript Armies during the First Two Decades of Matthias’
Reign, „Matthias Corvinus and his Time”, Cluj-Napoca, 23-26 octombrie 2008.

National conferences
 Război şi societate în Transilvania princiară în timpul lui Ştefan áthory (1571-
1586), „Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice a doctoranzilor în Istorie”, Universitatea
Babeş–Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, 18–19 iunie 2009.

 Între colaborare şi rezistenţă. Reacţiile „naţiunilor” ardelene la guvernarea

habsburgică din Transilvania 1551-1556, Relaţii Interetnice în Transilvania:
Interferenţe istorice, culturale şi religioase, Ediţia a III-a, Daneş-Sighişoara, 29-30
noiembrie 2014.

 Instituţiile principatului autonom al Transilvaniei. Surse. Metode. Perspective (masă
rotundă), Congresul Naţional al Istoricilor Români, Cluj-Napoca, 25-28 august 2016.

 Arhiva Universităţii abeş-Bolyai. Evoluiţie şi perspective (masă rotundă), Congresul

Naţional al Istoricilor Români, Cluj-Napoca, 25-28 august 2016.

 Securitatea frontierelor în epoca modernă timpurie. Problema garnizoanelor

permanente în cetăţile Transilvaniei princiare, Congresul Naţional al Istoricilor
Români, Cluj-Napoca, 25-28 august 2016.

 Tipologia formelor de violenţă în Transilvania secolului XVI: duelurile şi

„războaiele private” ale nobilimii, Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Iași, 29
august – 1 septembrie 2018.

 Organizarea militară a principatului Transilvaniei (sec. XVI-XVII) reflectată în

documente oficiale, Cultură scrisă în Transilvania medievală și premodernă între
pragmatism și erudiție (sec. XIV-XVII), Cluj-Napoca, 19 octombrie 2018.

 Războiul şi mobilitatea populaţiei: aspecte privind impactul social şi demografic al

conflictelor militare în Transilvania secolului XVII, Școala de Vară: Istorie,
Civilizație și Cultură în Spațiul Românesc, 8-9 iulie 2022.

 Mobilitățile academice în context politic: Relațiile internaționale ale Universității

abeș- olyai în perioada comunistă (1959-1989), Congresul Național al Istoricilor
Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022.

 Frontiere granițe în Principatul Transilvaniei (XVI-XVII), (masă rotundă),

Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022.

 La frontiera de vest a Transilvaniei: Ferenc Némethi și evoluția conflictului

transilvano-habsburgic între 1555-1565, 150 de Ani de Muzeografie Orădeană,
Muzeul Țării Crișurilor Oradea, 12-14 octombrie, 2022.


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