Test Questions 2nd Q. 2023 Jane Edited 1 15 23

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Lo. Timonan, Dumingag, Zamboanga Del Sur



Name:__________________________ Grade&Section:__________ Date:________Score:____

Test I. Directions: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.

1. This refers to the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the
communication process.
A. Reading C. Speech
B. Listening D. Singing
2. A listening strategy that happens when we use background knowledge to make sense of
what we are listening to.
A. Top-Down Listening strategy C. summarizing
B. Bottom-up Listening strategy D. Paraphrasing
3. Berlin was carefully listening on the lyrics of a song she heard for the first time so she
would be able to write an interpretation of what the song is all about. What listening
strategy is used in this situation?
A. Top-Down Listening strategy C. summarizing
B. Bottom-up Listening strategy D. Paraphrasing
4. Johnny was listening to a tape-recorded conversation and should identify the place
where it happened. What listening strategy is to be used by Johnny?
A. Top-Down Listening strategy C. summarizing
B. Bottom-up Listening strategy D. Paraphrasing
5. Which is NOT classified as an activity under the top-down listening?
A. Summarizing C. Predicting
B. Recognizing word-order patterns D. Listening for main idea

Test II.Directions: Read the statements carefully, then choose the letter which
summarizes the text. Encircle the letter of your answer.

6. Plenty of people try to fool unsuspecting customers. To protect yourself, read the fine print
before you sign a document. If something looks to good to be true, it usually is! Make sure
you know what you agree to, how much you’re paying, and what you’re getting in return. If
you feel uncertain, do nothing until you’ve had time to study and understand the agreement.
A. Unsuspecting customers C. Too good to be true
B. Protection from scams D. Being uncertain
7. Baseball has been a part of American life for more than 100 years. There are 30
professional teams in 28aAmerican cities and hundreds of minor league teams throughout the
50 states. More Americans attend major league baseball games than any other professional
team sport in the United States. Baseball is a part of American slang, fashion, music, and
A. Baseball stadiums C. Minor league baseball
B. Baseball in America D. Baseball slang
8. Farming has changed a lot since 1800. Half the people in America worked on farms 200
years ago. Today, less than 2% of the population does. Animals used to do the bulk of the
work on farms. Now machines, such as tractors, are used. Another change in American
agriculture of land used for farming; today’s farmers produce more food, using much less
A. Changes in farming C. Tractors and farming
B. Less land in farming D. Hard work on farms
9. Is it an ant or a termite? Ants look like termites, but different and can easily be identified. In
contrast to termites, ants are commonly dark in color, and hard-bodied, and have constriction
between the thorax and abdomen. On the other hand, termites are light in color and shed
their wings.
A. Ants are quite the same with termites
B. Ants can easily be identified than termites
C. Ants have different color compared to termites
D. D. Ants may look like termites, but they differ in some other ways

10. Dogs can teach us many lessons in life. It can teach us through its acts of love and
faithfulness, endangering itself just to accompany you. We can also learn from their eating
habits. It will never over-indulge and know which food to avoid. Dos are also able to adopt to
their surroundings.
A. Dogs are man’s best friend
B. Dogs help us learn many things
C. Dogs are helpful to a human being
D. Dogs teach people lessons and adapt their manner

Test III. Directions: Answer appropriately the given questions. Write the letters only.
11-15: Identify the type of analogy of the given sentences.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Allegory
____11. The pandemic is like a great hurricane.
____12. She is the apple of his eyes.
____13. Joann is the Maria Clara of the group.
____14. Reading a book is an adventure.
____15. The love of a mother is sweeter as chocolates.

16-20: Complete the analogy below. Write the letters only.

A. itching B. hard drive C. school D. spring E. laboratory
____16. Battery: flashlight:______:computer
____17. March:_____ :December:winter
____18. Canteen:school:________:hospital
____19..mother:home: teacher:_______
____20. Fatigue:yawning:_______:scratching

Text IV. Directions. Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of your answer.

21. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. Google Chrome C. Exit Tab
B. Refresh Button D. Navigations Button
22. How will you navigate a website?
A. By clicking or tapping the exit button
B. By entering the URL in the Address bar
C. By clicking the link
D. Both D and C
23. What is the function of the “refresh button”?
A. Loads the page again
B. Takes you to the last page you are looking at
C. Creates a new blank tab
D. Moves you forward a page
24. Allan wants to go back to the previous page in searching for a topic for his class report.
What part of a webpage should be used?
A. Forward Button C. Back Button
B. Refresh Button D. Exit Tab
25. You are to close the webpage and turn off your computer. What part of the webpage are you
going to click?
A. Forward Button C. Back Button
B. Refresh Button D. Exit Tab
26. What is the most popular search engine in that started development in 1996 by Sergey Brin
and Larry Page?
A. Google C. Yahoo
B. Bing D. Wikipedia
27. Which of the following search engines mentioned above offers a wide variety of user-
generated and corporate media videos?
A. Google C. Yahoo
B. Bing D. Youtube
28. Which of the following should NOT be done in using a search engine when searching/
looking for a topic?
A. Type the word for which you want to search (do not use quotation marks)
B. Turn off the computer.
C. Make sure the device/computer is connected to the internet.
D. Disconnect your internet connection.
29. What will happen if one does not follow the steps in searching for information on the
A. The computer will shut down automatically.
B. The user will be successful in searching for information.
C. The internet connection will not function.
D. The process will not be successfully done.
30. Which is the third step in searching/looking for a topic using a search engine?
A. Type your topic in the search box.
B. Turn on your computer.
C. Double Click the application.
D. Read the information about the search topic.
31. Which of these defines research?
A. Searching again and again
B. Finding solution to any problem
C. Working in scientific way to search for truth of any problem
D. None of the above
32. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
A. Searching sources of information to locate problem.
B. Survey of related literature
C. Identification of problem
D. Searching for solutions to the problem
33. Which of these is one of the essential qualities of a researcher?
A. Spirit of free inquiry
B. Reliance on observation and evidence
C. Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
D. All the above
34. A Research paper is a brief report of research work based on
A. Primary Data only C. Both Primary and Secondary Data
B. Secondary Data only D. Planning for the project
35. Which of the following is one of the basic research steps in which is the most challenging
and considered as the very first step in writing a paper?
A. Identify the Topic C. Make Notes
B. Locate Materials D. Proofread
36. Which best describes the word Information?
A. Raw Data C. Input Data
B. Processed Data D. Organized Data
37. Which step involves writing down any ideas that come into your head?
A. Preliminary search C. Brainstorm
B. Thesis D. Planning for the project
38. Which of the following one can be charged of when using someone’s ideas or writing as
your own?
A. Theft C. Corruption
B. Plagiarism D. Smuggling
39. What appropriate topic would you consider in writing a research?
A. Right for you C. Right for the occasion
B. Right for your audience D. All of these
40. Which is NOT a factor when considering your sources?
A. Truthfulness C. Availability
B. Reliability D. Cuteness of the Author

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