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What is probability, examples and problems to solve.

Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with measuring the possibility of an event
occurring. This measure is expressed in terms of numbers between 0 and 1, where 0 means it is
impossible for the event to occur and 1 means it is certain to happen.

An example of probability is the flip of a coin. The probability of getting heads is 0.5, as there are
two possible outcomes (heads or tails) and both have the same chance of happening. Another
example is rolling a die, where the probability of getting a specific number is 1/6, as there are six
possible outcomes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) and each has the same chance of happening.

In everyday life, probability plays an important role in decision making. For example, when
choosing an investment option, it is important to consider the probabilities of success and failure.
It is also important in medicine, where it is used to evaluate the risk of contracting a disease or
side effects of treatment.

Probability Problems:

1. If two coins are flipped at the same time, what is the probability of getting two heads?
Answer: 0.25 (1/4)

2. If three dice are rolled at the same time, what is the probability of getting three of the
same number? Answer: 0.09 (1/36)

3. If two cards are randomly chosen from a deck of 52 cards, what is the probability of both
being red? Answer: 0.25 (1/4)

4. If three numbers are randomly chosen from a jar with 20 numbered balls from 1 to 20,
what is the probability of all three being even numbers? Answer: 0.2 (2/10)

5. If two dice are rolled at the same time, what is the probability of the sum of the numbers
being 7? Answer: 0.17 (6/36)

6. If three cards are randomly chosen from a deck of 52 cards, what is the probability of all
three being different figures? Answer: 0.12 (4/33)

7. If two numbers are randomly chosen from a jar with 15 numbered balls from 1 to 15, what
is the probability of both being prime numbers? Answer: 0.13 (2/15)

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