Weather Idioms

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1. Be a breeze 1. To be easy to achieve, often unexpectedly. 1. You won't have any problems with the entrance test - it's
an absolute breeze.
2. Breeze in 2. To walk somewhere quickly and confidently, 2. She just breezed in as if she'd only been away a day
without worry or embarrassment. instead of a year.
3. Breeze through 3. To easily complete or win something. 3. She breezed through the song as though she'd been
BREEZE singing it for years.
1. A cloud hanging over sb 1. A situation or future event that makes you 1. When you're waiting for an operation, you feel like
worry or feel unhappy. there's a cloud hanging over you.
2. A cloud on the horizon. 2. Something that threatens to cause problems 2. The only cloud on the horizon is the physics exam in June.
or unhappiness in the future.
3. Be on cloud nine 3. To be extremely happy and excited. 3. "Was Helen pleased about getting that job?" "Pleased?
She was on cloud nine!"
4. Be under a cloud 4. To not be trusted or popular because people 4. The cabinet minister left office under a cloud after a
think you have done something bad. fraud scandal.
5. Every cloud has a silver lining 5. Every difficult or unpleasant situation has 5. As the trip's been cancelled I'll be able to go to the match
some advantage. this Saturday. Every cloud has a silver lining.
CLOUD 6. Have your head in the clouds 6. To not know what is really happening around 6. He's an academic. They've all got their heads in the
you because you are paying too much clouds.
attention to your own ideas.
7. Live in cloud-cuckoo land 7. To believe that things you want will happen, 7. Anyone who thinks this project will be finished within six
when really they are impossible. weeks is living in cloud-cuckoo land.
1. As clear as day 1. a) Very easy to understand. 1. a) The instructions were as clear as day.
b) Certain. b) It's as clear as day that the government is going to win
the election.
2. Beat/knock the (living) 2. To hit someone very hard, many times. 2. I'll beat the living daylights out of him if he says that
daylights out of sb again!

3. In the cold light of day 3. Clearly and calmly, without the emotions you 3. The next morning, in the cold light of day, Sarah realized
had at the time sth happened, and you often what a complete idiot she had been.
feel sorry or ashamed about it.
4. See the light of day 4. To appear for the first time. 4. This software first saw the light of day back in 1993.

1. In a fog 1. In a confused or uncertain state, usually 1. I went home in a fog of disbelief.
mentally or emotionally.

1. Be (as) right as rain 1. To feel healthy or well again. 1. You just need a good night's sleep, and then you'll be
right as rain again.
2. Chase rainbows 2. To waste your time trying to get or achieve 2. I don't think my parents ever believed I'd make it as an
something impossible. actor. I think they thought I was just chasing rainbows.
3. Come rain or shine 3. Whatever happens. 3. Come rain or shine, I'll see you on Thursday.
4. It never rains but pours 4. Said when one bad thing happens, followed by 4. First of all it was the car breaking down, then the fire in
a lot of other bad things that make a bad the kitchen and now Mike's accident. It never rains but it
situation worse. pours!
5. It’s raining cats and dogs! 5. It’s raining heavily. 5. It was raining cats and dogs, and my bike had died on me.
6. Rain on somebody’s parade 6. To do something that spoils someone's plans. 6. I'm sorry to rain on your parade but you're not allowed to
RAIN have alcohol on the premises.
7. Save/keep money for a rainy 7. To save money for a time when it might be 7. Luckily she had saved some money for a rainy day.
day needed unexpectedly.
8. You cannot accept an invitation now, but 8. Mind if I take a rain check on that drink? I have to work
8. Take a rain check (on sth) would like to do so at a later time late tonight.
1. Be as white as snow 1. To be very white. 1. His hair and beard were as white as snow.
2. Be as pure as the driven snow. 2. To be morally completely good. 2. How dare he criticize me for having an affair? He's not
exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.
3. Be snowed under (with sth) 3. To have so much work that you have problems 3. I'm absolutely snowed under with work at the moment.
dealing with it all.

1. Any port in a storm 1. You must accept any help you are offered 1. I don't even like him very much, but I had to move out of
when you are in a difficult situation, although my flat and he offered me a place to stay. Any port in a
you may not want to do this storm, as they say.
2. Cook up, dance up, talk up, etc. 2. To do something with a lot of energy and 2. Rob was in the kitchen cooking up a storm.
a storm often skill.
3. Perfect storm 3. An extremely bad situation in which many bad 3. When these and other factors coincided they created the

things happen at the same time. perfect storm.

4. Ride (out) the storm 4. To manage not to be destroyed, harmed, or 4. The government seems confident that it will ride out the
permanently affected by the difficult situation storm.
you experience.
5. Storm in a teacup 5. A lot of unnecessary anger and worry about a 5. I really think you’re making a storm in a teacup over this.
matter that is not important. It’s just a tiny scratch on the car.
6. Take sb/sth by storm 6. To be suddenly extremely successful in a place 6. Her performance has taken the critics by storm.
or with a group of people.
7. The calm before the storm 7. A quiet or peaceful period before a period 7. I like to get everything done before the guests arrive and
during which there is great activity, argument, relax for a moment in the calm before the storm.
or difficulty.
8. The lull before the storm 8. A time that seems quiet but will very soon be 8. Things seem quiet in the office right now, but this is just
followed by something unpleasant happening. the lull before the storm.
9. Weather the storm 9. To successfully deal with a very difficult 9. In the next few days we will see if the ambassador can
problem. weather the political storm caused by his remarks.
1. A place in the sun 1. A good or lucky position. 1. After struggling for years to make a name for himself,
he's certainly earned his place in the sun.
2. Everything under the sun 2. Everything that exists or is possible. 2. She seems to have an opinion on every subject under the
3. Make hay while the sun shines 3. To make good use of an opportunity while it 3. I've got a few hours to finish the housework before the
lasts. kids come home so I might as well make hay while the
sun shines.
4. Ray of sunshine 4. A happy person who makes others feel happy, 4. We love looking after our grandchild. He's a ray of
especially in a difficult situation. sunshine!
SUN 5. The sun sets on sth 5. Something ends. 5. It used to be said that Britain ruled an empire on which
the sun would never set.
6. Think the sun shines out (of) 6. To love and admire someone so much that 6. You're never going to hear Maggie criticizing Jim - she
sb's you do not think they have any bad qualities. thinks the sun shines out his backside!

1. A breath of fresh air 1. Sme or sth that is new and different and 1. Angela's so cheerful and lively - she's like a breath of
makes everything seem more exciting. fresh air when she visits.
2. (All) hot and bothered 2. Worried or angry, and sometimes physically 2. Dad gets all hot and bothered if someone parks in his
hot. parking space.
3. Be (as) cold as ice 3. To be extremely cold. 3. Feel my toes - they're as cold as ice.
4. Be cold comfort 4. If something someone tells you to make you 4. The doctor said only his legs are paralyzed, not his whole
feel better about a bad situation is cold body, but I think that will be cold comfort to him.
comfort, it does not make you feel better.
5. Be hot on something 5. Knowing a lot or skilful. 5. I'm not too hot on Russian history.
6. Be hot on sb's track/trail 6. To be very close to catching or finding 6. I am hot on the trail of the book that I have been seeking
someone. for months.
7. Be hot stuff 7. To be very skilful. 7. She's really hot stuff at baseball.
8. Be too hot to handle 8. To be too difficult to deal with or talk about. 8. For many politicians, abortion is an issue that's too hot
to handle.
9. Blow hot and cold 9. To sometimes like or be interested in sth or 9. He's been blowing hot and cold about the trip to Brazil.
sme and sometimes not, so people are
confused about how you really feel.
10. Hot air 10. It is not sincere and will have no practical 10. His promises turned out to be a lot of hot air.
11. Hot under the collar 11. Embarrassed or angry about something. 11. When I suggested he was mistaken he got rather hot
TEMPARTURE under the collar.
12. In hot pursuit 12. Following someone closely, trying hard to 12. The gang drove off, with the police in hot pursuit.
catch them.
13. Leave sb cold 13. To not make you feel interested or excited. 13. I'm afraid opera leaves me cold.
14. Leave sb out in the cold 14. To not allow someone to become part of a 14. Women's football teams feel they are left out in the cold
group or an activity. as far as media coverage is concerned.
1. (As) quick as lightning/a wink 1. Very quickly. 1. Quick as lightning, he snatched the book and ran out of
the room.
2. Blood and thunder 2. A speech or performance that is loud and full 2. We sat through 2 hours of blood and thunder and came
of emotion, especially anger. out feeling exhausted.
3. Have a face like thunder/Look 3. To look extremely angry. 3. She suddenly came into the room with a face like
like thunder thunder.
4. Lightning never strikes twice 4. Said to show that it is unlikely that sth bad or 4. I know the crash has scared you, but lightning doesn't
unusual will happen to the same person twice. strike twice.

5. Like a streak of lightning 5. Extremely quickly. 5. She grabbed the money and ran out of the shop like a
streak of lightning.
6. Like greased lightning 6. Very fast. 6. As soon as I mentioned work, he was out of the door like
greased lightning!
7. Like lightning 7. Extremely quickly. 7. I ran across that room like lightning and pushed back the
8. Steals someone’s thunder 8. To do something that takes attention away 8. I kept quiet about my pregnancy because Cathy was
from what someone else has done. getting married, and I didn't want to steal her thunder.
1. Be/feel under the weather 1. To be or feel ill. 1. I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I'm getting a
2. Brass monkey weather 2. Extremely cold weather. 2. It's brass monkey weather today, isn't it!
3. Fair-weather friend 3. Someone who is your friend only when things 3. Bill stayed for lunch but he wouldn't help me with the
are pleasant or going well for you. yard work. He's just a fair-weather friend.
4. In all weathers 4. In every type of weather. 4. He goes fishing in all weathers.
5. Keep a weather eye on 5. To watch sth or sme carefully, because they 5. I'd like you to keep a weather eye on the situation and
may cause trouble or they may need help. report any major developments to me at once.
6. Make heavy weather of sth 6. To find something hard to do and spend a lot 6. She's making such heavy weather of that report she's
WEATHER of time on it, although it is not difficult. writing.
1. Be pissing in the wind 1. To be trying to do something when there is 1. You can try to change her mind if you like, but you'll be
no hope of succeeding. pissing in the wind.
2. Get wind of something 2. To hear a piece of information that someone 2. I don't want my colleagues to get wind of the fact that
else was trying to keep secret. I'm leaving.
3. Have/put the wind up 3. To be very anxious, upset, or frightened. 3. They had the wind up after we threatened them with
legal action.
4. Have the wind at your back 4. To be in a good situation in which you can 4. The president has the wind at his back on this issue.
5. In the wind 5. a) If sth is in the wind, people are talking 5. a) Rumours of a takeover are in the wind.
about it and it may happen, but none is sure.
b) If someone is in the wind, they are missing, b) The suspects are in the wind.
especially after escaping
6. It’s an ill wind 6. Said to show that even a very bad situation 6. But it's an ill wind. The wettest June in history has
must have some good results. replenished the reservoirs.
WIND 7. Put/get the wind up somebody 7. To make someone feel worried about their 7. Tell them your father's a policeman - that'll put the wind
situation. up them!
8. Second wind 8. A return of strength or energy that makes it 8. We started to feel we couldn't walk any further but
possible to continue in an activity that needs when we saw the town in the distance we got our
a lot of effort. second wind.
9. Sail against the wind 9. To be trying to achieve sth that is unlikely to

succeed because most people would oppose 9. He's sailing against the wind in his attempt to stop
it. women joining the club.
10. Sail close to the wind 10. To do something that is dangerous or only
just legal or acceptable. 10. You were sailing a little close to the wind there when you
11. Straw in the wind 11. Something that suggests what might happen. made those remarks about his wife.
11. She described the theatre's closure as "a straw in the
wind" as companies faced up to the realities of life after
12. Take/knock the wind out of 12. To make sme feel less confident or less the lottery.
sb’s sails determined to do sth, usually by saying or 12. I was all ready to tell him that the relationship was over
doing sth that they are not expecting. when he greeted me with a big bunch of flowers - that
13. Throw caution to the 13. To do something without worrying about the took the wind out of my sails.
wind/winds risk or negative results. 13. I threw caution to the wind and bought the most
14. Way/direction the wind blows 14. To try to discover information about a expensive one.
situation, especially other people's opinions, 14. I think I'll see which way the wind is blowing before I
before taking action. vote at the board meeting.


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