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Name: Kiand Albert

Grade: 10 Science

Subject: English

The summary on tobacco

The major preventable source of cancer is Tobacco and has predicted to for about almost a third of
cancer deaths in the United States. Smoking accelerates the risk of numerous variations of cancer
inclusive of cancers of the lung, throat, mouth, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervix, and others.

The summary on Caribbean Coral Reefs

The coral reefs of many nations within the Caribbean Sea, provide vital protection from the rages of
frequent summer hurricanes and from coastal erosion, as well to construct the region’s attractive white
sand beaches. Island and coastal residents greatly rely on coral reef fisheries for supplies and livelihoods.
Scuba diving is associated with coral reef tourism and portrays a vital source of revenue across the

Caribbean coral reefs make up 0.08 (by surface area) of the world’s coral reefs. ‘Caribbean coral reefs’
(as used herein) is not used in the close gist of the Caribbean Sea proper, but preferably is used to
involve reefs of the entire Greater Caribbean region, including Florida, The Bahamas, Bermuda and the
north-eastern coast of South America.

Fringing reefs tremendously vanquish the Greater Caribbean region. These are reef systems that enlarge
quite close to or directly from shore, with a complete shoal lagoon or no lagoon at all. In numerous
cases these are quite huge and well evolved, such as those that are aligned much of the coast of Cuba,
and the east coasts of Andros Island and Eleuthera in The Bahamas. Fringing reefs enclose some smaller
islands of the Caribbean region, such as Aruba, Bonaire, Antigua and the Cayman Islands, supplying
some of the best Caribbean snorkelling chances to be had.

Because they are located quite close to island or mainland shores, fringing reefs are normally the most
vulnerable to coastal development, agriculture, pollution and other human pursuits that result in
sedimentation and freshwater runoff. Over the last 30 years, Caribbean coral reefs have undergone
huge reduction in terms of both overall coral reef ecosystem ‘health’ and the efficiency of reef fisheries.
Overdevelopment of coastal areas, overuse of specific reefs for recreational diving and snorkelling, and
simultaneous reduction in water quality have in many cases have led to enlarged areas of sturdy coral
becoming too grown with smothering algae, resulting in a wrecked underwater seascape where once
stood thriving hard coral colonies.

That this is caused by human pursuits cannot be in unsureness. While the state and range of Bahamian
reefs have vastly reduced near the more evolved and inhabited islands, they normally remain in good
condition on more isolated outer islands largely because of low levels of human impact.
In awareness of the intrinsic value and exposure of their coral reef ecosystems, many Caribbean nations
are establishing more Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and growingly strict rules aimed at better
shielding their coral reefs and associated marine life, and ensuring the continued quality of Caribbean
diving for future generations.

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