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'JONAH' By Petter Ivar Amundsen (gann)

By Petter Ivar Amundsen
One of the most amazing books ever written is WD Gann's 'Tunnel Thru The Air or
Looking Back From 1940'. During your first reading it will probably not strike y
ou as being of Pulitzer Prize caliber, but that would be to demand too much. The
fact is, that this book is one of the most elegant compilation of words that ev
er was delivered from a typist's hand.
When you read it, as you owe it to yourself to do, you will probably make a ment
al note about page 69, because here Robert Gordon tells us that he has found the
key to foretell the future, basis some bible quotes from Matthew. I have often
wondered about this page and the meaning of the three days and the three nights.
I even planned to see Gann if I went to heaven one day (God forbid not soon) an
d ask about it!
Through years of intense study the meaning has been revealed to me. At least ONE
of the meanings, that is, because there are several meanings to some of the Tun
nellial symbols. For the number 1940 I can think of 8 - 10 different uses .. ..
So, what I offer here may not be the end all of Jonah.
Some of you may have read my Moon-beam article in Trader's World Magazine some y
ears ago. In it I mention the Hebrew tradition of the new moon's disappearance a
nd reappearance. It is gone for exactly three days and nights. I will now try to
prove that this is the real meaning of page 69, but the lunation in question is
not just any lunation &#59; it is the Newmonia: the first new moon after the sp
ring equinox. The books of James Mars Langham will teach all you need to know ab
out it's usage for predicting the future.
My Traders World article was published about 1,940 days ago, as I write these wo
rds. That is a little over five years. 'Tunnel' was published in 1927 and the st
ory ended in 1932. That is also about five years . The signing off date was May
9th, 1927 and the last date was August 30th, 1932. How many days are there betwe
en these dates? That's right, it is exactly 1,940! So, Gann is looking back from
1,940 days ahead when he is writing this masterpiece. It has very little to do
with the year 1940.
How does this affect Jonah then? Well, when we read page 69 carefully we may not
ice that Robert picked three verses from Matthew 12. He may just as well have pi
cked two in order to make his Jonah point and just quoted 12:39-40 . But he chos
e to include verse 12:38 as well. So, we have three verses and three days and ni
ghts. What if we could remove the colon and read 1,238 - 1,240 instead? And then
look back from day 1,940? Then we would find three days that maybe could tell u
s something?
And boy do they tell us something ...! The period we find is April 8th-10th, 192
9. The first full moon of this year occurs at eight o'clock pm on the ninth. So,
'Jonah & # 39; is then invisible from day T minus 1,240 to T - 1,238. Try to wo
rk out the odds for this being a coincidence ....
I am not such a generous person to give you this if this is all there is to 'Tun
nel'. Personally, I find it to be just the beginning of it all, a teaser. There
is much more to be found that is much better hidden and is just as beautifully c
onstructed, and that is not a little thing. Imagine the stress of having to fit
everything in between thes two dates. I wonder what day the book really hit the
press .... Maybe someone out there could tell me? Happy reading!

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