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Unit: Final Review Name:_________________

Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________

Physics 11 Year End Review Package
1. A marathon runner runs 15 kilometers east then 10. Kilometers south. What is the runner’s displacement?
2. Find the x and y components of the displacement: 20.0 m 52.0 W of N.
3. A student walks 45 m south, and turns to walk 35 m 23 S of W. Find the displacement.
4. Add the following vectors: 5.00 m E, 7.50m 60.0 S of W, 10.0m S, 3.50m 35.0 N of E.
5. Calculate the displacement and distance: 6.2km N, 3.5 km E, 2.5 km W and 8.5 km S.
6. A boat sails 35.0 N of E, then 20.0km west. What is the boats displacement?
7. An air balloon drifts 30.0 km 75 W of S, then its engines are turned on and it flies 20.0 km 40 E of S. What is
the total displacement?
8. A boat leaves port and sails 26 km at 72 S of E. Then the ship turns north and sails 4.0 km. How far is the ship
from port and what heading is the shortest way home?

1) 18 km 34 S of E 2) -15.8 m, 12.3m 3) 67 m 61 S of W 4) 15.1 m 74.1 S of E 5) 2.5 km 67 S of E, 21 Km. 6) 84.4
Km 42.8 N of E 7) 28 km 55 S of W 8) 22 km 69 S of E, 22 km 69 N of W

1 – D Kinematics

1. A bike first accelerates from 0.0 m/s to 5.0 m/s in 4.5 s, then continues at this constant speed for another 4.5 s.
What is the total distance traveled by the bike?
2. A car traveling at 20 m/s when the driver sees a child standing in the road. He takes 0.80s to react, then steps on
the brakes and slows at 7.0 m/s2. How far does the car go before it stops?
3. Answer the following questions about the car whose motion is graphed below:
a. When was the car 20 m west of the origin?
b. where was the car at 50 s?
c. The car suddenly reversed direction. When and where did that occur?

4. A car starts 200. m west of the town square and moves with
a constant velocity of 15 m/s toward the east. Draw a graph that represents the motion of the car
a. Where will the car be 10. minutes later?
b. When will the car reach the town square?
5. At the same time the car in #4 left, a truck was 400 m east of the town square moving west at a constant velocity
of 12 m/s.
a. Add the truck’s motion to the graph you drew for question #4.
b. Find the time where the car passed the truck.
6. A car is coasting backwards downhill at a speed of 3.0 m/s when the driver gets the engine started. After 2.5s, the
car is moving uphill at 4.5 m/s. Assuming that uphill is positive direction, what is the car’s average acceleration?
7. A car slows from 22 m/s to 3.0 m/s at a constant rate of 2.1 m/s2. How many seconds are required before the car
is traveling 3.0 m/s?
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________
8. Look at the velocity-time graph given:

a. During which time interval or intervals is

the speed constant?
b. During which interval or intervals is the
train’s acceleration positive?
c. During which time interval is its
acceleration most negative?
d. Find the average acceleration during the
following time intervals:
i. 0 to 5 s. ii. 15 to 20 s. iii 0 to 40 s.

9. An airplane starts from rest and accelerates at a constant rate of 3.00 m/s2 for 30.0 s before leaving the ground.
a. How far did it move?
b. How fast was it going when it took off?
10. A brick is dropped from a high scaffold.
a. What is its velocity after 4.0 s?
b. How far does the brick fall during this time?
11. A tennis ball is thrown straight up with an initial speed of 22.5 m/s. It is caught at the same distance above the
a. How high does the ball rise?
b. How long does the ball remain in the air?
12. Consider the following velocity-time graph and Determine the displacement after t = ...
a. 10 s. b. 20 s. c. 30 s. d. 40 s.

13. A bag is dropped from a hovering helicopter. When the bag has fallen for 2.00 s,

a. what is the bag’s velocity?

b. how far has the bag fallen?

1) 33.8 m 2) 44.6 m 3) a. Between B and C b. 30 m East of origin. C, t = 50s, 30 m east of origin. 4) a. 8800 m b. 13s 5) b.
22.2 s 6) 3.0 m/s 7) 9.04 s 8) a. Between 5 and 15 s b. Between 0 and 5 s c. Between 15 and 20 s d. i. 2.0 m/s2 ii. 1.2 m/s2
iii 0 m/s2 9) a. 1350 m b. 90 m/s 10) a. 39.2 s b. 78.4 m 11) 25.8 m b. 4.6 s 12) a. 40 m b. 130 m c. 230 m d. 265 m 13) a.
19.6 m/s b. 19.6m
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________
Graphing dvt and vvt

2 – D Kinematics

1. A ball rolls off a desk at a speed of 3.0 m/s and lands 0.40 seconds later.
a. How far from the base of the desk does the ball land?
b. How high is the desk?
c. What is the speed and angle of impact?
2. A ball rolls with a speed of 2.0 m/s across a level table that is 1.0 m above the floor. Upon reaching the edge of
the table, it follows a parabolic path to the floor. How far along the floor is he landing spot from the table?
3. A skier leaves the horizontal end of a ramp with a velocity of 25.0 m/s [E] and lands 70.0m from the base of the
ramp. How high is the end of the ramp from the ground?
4. A baseball player leads off the game and hits a long home run. The ball leaves the bat at an angle of 30.0 from
the horizontal with a velocity of 40.0 m/s. How far will it travel in the air?
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________
5. A golfer is teeing off on a 170.0 m long par 3 hole. The ball leaves with a velocity of 40.0 m/s at 50.0to the
horizontal. Assuming that she hits the ball on a direct path to the hole, how far from the hole will the ball land (no
bounces or rolls)?
6. A projectile is launched over level ground at 85 m/s, 25 above the horizontal. Ignore air resistance, what is the
range of the projectile?
7. A projectile is launched over level ground at 35 m/s at an angle of 24 above the horizontal.
a. What is the time of flight of this projectile?
b. What is the velocity (magnitude and direction) of this projectile 2.5 seconds after launch?
8. A cannonball is shot 70.0 m/s at 20.0 above the horizontal from a 450 m high cliff.
a. What is the maximum height reached?
b. How long does it take to get there?
c. What is the range?
d. What is the velocity and angle it hits the ground?
9. A canon ball fired horizontally from a cliff has a velocity directed at 60. below horizontal when it hits the ground
3.0 seconds later. (Challenging question)
a. How high is the cliff?
b. How far from the base of the cliff does the canon ball land?

1. a. 1.2 m, b. .79 m c. 4.9 m/s @ 52 S of E 2. 0.90 m 3. 38.5 m 4. 141 m 5. 9.38 m 6. 560 m 7. a. 2.91 s, b. 33.5 m/s
@ 18 below the horizontal 8. 29.1 m above the launch (479.1 m above the ground), 2.44 seconds, 809 m, 9. 44 m, 51 m.

Dynamics 1 – D

1. A boy exerts a 36 N horizontal force as he pulls a 52 N sled across a cement sidewalk at a constant speed. What is
the coefficient of friction between the sidewalk and the metal sled runners?
2. A 50 kg bucket is being lifted by a rope. The rope is guaranteed not to break if the tension is 500 N or less. The
bucket started at rest, and after being lifted 3.0 m, it is moving at 3.0 m/s. Assuming that the acceleration is
constant, is the rope in danger of breaking?
3. A car brakes to a halt. What forces act on the car? What are the other parts of the action reactions pairs to which
those forces belong? On what objects are they exerted?
4. A 4500 kg helicopter accelerates upward at 2.0 m/s2. What lift force is exerted by the air on the propellers?
5. A force of 40.0 N accelerates a 5.0 kg block at 6.0 m/s2 along a horizontal surface.
a. How large is the frictional force?
b. What is the coefficient of friction?
6. A spring is stretched by a mass hooked to the end. The mass is 200 g and the spring constant is 7.5 N/m. How
much has the spring been stretched?
7. As a baseball is being caught, its speed goes from 30.0 m/s to 0.0 m/s in about 0.0050 s. The mass of the baseball
is 0.145 kg.
a. What is the baseball’s acceleration?
b. What is the magnitude and direction of the force acting on it?
c. What is the magnitude and direction of the force acting on the player who caught it?
8. A 1.25 kg book in space has a weight of 8.35 N. What is the value of the gravitational field at that location?
9. A 75 kg man stands on a scale while accelerating upwards in an elevator. If the scale reads 850 N, what is the
magnitude of the acceleration of the elevator?
10. A 15 kg block on a horizontal surface has a 100 N force acting on it in an upward direction. What is the normal
11. AN 810 kg dragster is being decelerated by a parachute at 2.5 m/s 2, what is the force of drag being caused by the
12. A student exerts 120 N horizontal force on a 25 kg carton of apples causing it to accelerate over level ground at
1.8 m/s2. Find the coefficient of friction between the carton and the ground.
13. A 45 kg toboggan and rider decelerate on level snow at 0.53 m/s 2. What is the coefficient of friction between the
toboggan and the snow?
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________

1. 0.69 2. Yes... force of tension on the rope is equal to 565 N 3. Force of friction; Forces of gravity and normal force;
gravity is exerted on ground while the other two are exerted on the car 4. 5.3 x 10 4N 5. a. 10 N b. 0.20 6. 0.26 m 7. a. -6.0
x 103 m/s2 b. 8.7 x 102 m/s2, opposite the original path of the ball. c. 8.7 x 102 m/s2, towards the player. 8. 6.68 N/kg 9.
1.5 m/s2 10. 47 N 11. 2.0 x 103 N 12. .31 13. .054

Dynamics 2 – D

1. A 15 kg cart on a frictionless table is attached to a hanging 25 kg mass. What is the acceleration of the cart?
2. A 20. kg mass is on a table that has a coefficient of friction of .18 between the mass and the table. It is attached to
a string goes over a frictionless pulley attached to a block that has a mass of 28 kg.
a. What is the acceleration of this system?
b. What is the tension in the string?
3. Two masses are connected by a light string over a frictionless massless pulley. There is a coefficient of friction of
0.27 between m1 on the horizontal table. M1= 2.0 kg and M2 = 4.0 kg.
a. Draw a free body diagram showing the forces acting on both masses.
b. Find the acceleration of m2.
4. A 20 kg mass is attached to a 4.0 kg mass. A string is attached to the 4.0 kg mass and is being pulled with 30. N
of force. The coefficient of friction is equal to 0.10. Find the acceleration of the system and the tension of the
cord between the 20.0 kg mass and the 4.0 kg mass.
5. A computer base unit of mass 7.5 kg is dragged along a smooth desk. If the normal contact force is 23 N and the
tension in the arm of the person dragging it acts at 23◦ to the horizontal, then what is the total tension in the
person’s arms?
6. A child on a sled is being pulled along a horizontal path by its parent. The child and sled have a combined mass of
18 kg and there is a normal contact force of 135 N. Given there is no resistance to motion and the parent pulls
with a force of F N at an angle 25 to the horizontal, then what is F?
7. A 60.0 kg object is placed on a 70.0 slope. If the friction coefficient is 0.0800, what is the acceleration of the
8. A 15 kg block has a constant acceleration of 2.2 m/s 2 down a 30 incline. What is the magnitude of friction on the
9. A 15 kg block is being pushed up a 35 incline. A force of friction of 110 N exists between the block and the
incline. What is the minimum force that would be necessary to move the block up the incline at a constant speed
(a = 0 m/s2)?
10. A .30 kg mass box is on a ramp with an incline of 35. The box is attached to a frictionless pulley that is attached
to a .50 kg box that is hanging beside the ramp. The coefficient of friction between the .3 kg box and the ramp
is .249.
a. Which direction is the system moving?
b. What is the acceleration of this system?
11. A 4.0 kg block shown below accelerates across a frictionless horizontal table at 1.5 m/s. What is the mass of
object m1? (challenge)
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________
1. 6.1 m/s2 2. a. 5.0 m/s2, b. 134 N 3. a. drawing b. 5.7 m/s2 4. .27 m/s2, 25 N 5. 130 N 6. 98 N 7. 8.95 m/s2 8. 41 N
9. 190 N 10. a. CW or .3 kg mass is moving up the ramp. b. 3.28 m/s2 11. .72 kg

Work, Power and Energy

1. A student lifts a box of books that weighs 185 N. The box is lifted 0.800 m. How much work does the student do
on the box?
2. An 80.0 N box is pulled 6.00 m along a level surface by a rope. If the rope makes a 10.0 angle with the surface
and the force exerted through the rope is 70.0 N, how much work is done on the box?
3. A 1165 kg car travelling at 55 km/h is brought to a stop while skidding 38 m. Calculate the work done on the car
by the frictional forces.
4. A 90.0 N box of papayas is pulled 10.0 m along a level surface by a rope. If the rope makes an angle of 20.0 with
the surface, and the force in the rope is 75.0 N, how much work is done on the box?
5. What is the kinetic energy of a 3.0 kg object travelling at 7.5 m/s?

6. A 10.0 N object is accelerating uniformly from rest at 2.5 m/s 2. What is the kinetic energy of this object after it
has travelled a distance of 15.0m?
7. Two small toys, one with a mas of 3.2 kg and the other with a velocity of 2.4 m/s, each have the same kinetic
energy of 16 J. Determine the velocity of the first toy and the mass of the second toy.
8. A 25.0 N object is held 2.10 m above the ground. What is the work being done to the object and what is the
potential energy with respect to the ground?
9. A person running at 6.0 m/s grabs a vine hanging vertically from a tree in the jungle. How high can he swing
upwards vertically? Does the length of the vine affect your response?
10. A roller coaster car starts from rest at point A. What is its speed at point C if the track is frictionless?

11. A 16 kg object is dropped from a height of 25 m and strikes the ground with a speed of 18 m/s. How much
energy was produced during the fall?
12. A 45 kg child on a water slide passes point A at 8.3 m/s. As the child descends from A to B, 3,600 J of energy is
created due to friction. What is his speed at B?
13. If a girl lifts her 30.0 kg body a distance of 0.350 meters in 4.00 seconds, what is the power needed to move her
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________
14. A dishwasher has a power consumption rating of 2340 W. If this unit is operated for 36.0 minutes per day for
30.0 days in a month, how much energy is used per month?
15. A 180 W lightbulb produces 20 W of light energy and 80 W of heat. What is the efficiency of this device to
produce light? What is the efficiency of this device to produce heat?
16. A 1,300 W kettle is turned on for 5.0 minutes. How much electrical energy is consumed? If the efficiency is 86%,
how much energy goes to heating the water?
17. If 26 kg of water cools from 98C to 20C, how much heat will it release into the environment?
18. A 7.00 kg block of lead, with a specific heat capacity of 130 J/KgC, was cooled down from 120C to 45.0C,
how much heat does it give off in doing so?
19. 250,000 J of heat is given to a pan containing 1.8 kg of water. What will be the increase in temperature? What
will be the final temperature if it started at 22 C?
20. If 3.0x104 J of thermal energy is transferred to 70.0 kg of water initially at 22C, what will be the final
temperature of the water?
21. A student did an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of an unknown metal. She heated .325 kg of
the metal to 205C and quickly placed it in an insulated container that contained .265 kg of water at a temperature
of 26.0C. If the final temperature of the water is 33.0C, what is the specific heat capacity of the metal?
22. The mechanical advantage of an automobile’s wheel and axle is 0.0893. If the wheel’s output (resistance) force is
2220 N, what is the input force that turns the axle?
23. The power steering in an automobile has a mechanical advantage of roughly 75. If the input force (effort) on the
steering wheel is 49 N, what is the output force that turns the car’s front wheels?
24. An Archimedean screw is a screw within a closely fitting cover, so that water can be raised when the screw is
turned. Suppose the screw has an ideal mechanical advantage of 12.5. If the screw is turned several times, so that
the input distance is 15.7 m, how much has the water been lifted upward by the screw (output distance)?
25. A sledgehammer is used to drive a wedge into a log to split it. When the wedge is driven 0.20 m into the log, the
log is separated a distance of 5.0 cm. A force of 1.7x10 4 N is needed to split the log, and the sledgehammer exerts
a force of 1.1x104 N.
a. What is the IMA of the wedge?
b. What is the MA of the Wedge?
c. Calculate the efficiency of the wedge as a machine.
26. A complex arrangement of pulleys forms what is called the block in a block and tackle. The rope used to lift the
pulleys and the load is the tackle. A block and tackle is used to lift a truck engine 5.0 m, which has a weight of
nearly 8575 N. The input force required to lift this weight using the block and tackle is 1715 N.
a. What is the mechanical advantage of the block and tackle?
b. If this machine lifts the engine 5.0 m, how many meters of chain needs to be pulled if the IMA is 6?
c. What is the efficiency of this machine?

1. 148 J 2. 413 J 3. -1.3 x 105 J 4. 705 J 5. 84 J 6. 38 J 7. 3.2 m/2, 5.6 kg 8. 0 J of work,52.5 J
9. 1.8 m, No 10. 13 m/s 11. 1300 J 12. 17.9 m/s 13. 25.7 W 14. 1.52x108 J 15. 11%, 44 % 16. 390,000 J, 331,500 J
17. 8.5x106 J 18. 6.8x104 J 19. 33.2C, 55.2C 20. 22.1C 21. 139 J/KgC 22. 24636 N 23. 3675 N 24. 1.26 m
25. 4.0, 1.5, 38%. 26. 5, 30 m, 83%.

Electric Circuits

1. A 9.0 V battery was recharged with a current of 1.2 A in 1.8x10 4 s. How much charge was transferred during that
2. Which of the following correctly labels arrows 1 and 2 and polarities of X and Y in the circuit below?
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________

3. Current is a measure of
a. The number of charges stored in a cell.
b. The amount of energy given to a charged object.
c. The charge passing a point in a circuit in a given time.
d. The resistance to the flow of charged particles in a circuit.

4. Explain and describe Kirchhoff’s Voltage and Current Law.

5. Find all unknown voltages and currents.

6. Find all voltage drops and currents.

7. Find the Resistance Total and Current Total first. Then all the voltages and currents.
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________
8. A potential difference of 12 V causes 0.35 C of electric charge to pass through a resistor in 2.6s. What power
does the resistor dissipate?
9. What is the voltage at V1 and V2?

10. What is the current running through the 10 ohm resistor?

11. A 12 V battery transfers 33 C of charge to an external circuit in 7.5 s.

a. What is the current that flows through the circuit?
b. What is the resistance of the circuit?
c. What is the power output of the battery?

12. The battery in the diagram to the right is delivering a current of 2.0 A. The internal
resistor is .50  and the EMF voltage is 6.0 V. What will be the reading on the
voltmeter connected to the battery terminals?

13. The current through the 50 ohm resistor in the circuit is 0.14 A.
a. Determine the emf of the battery.
b. The power dissipated in the battery’s internal resistance.
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________

1. 2.2x104 C 2. C 3. C 4. Definitions 5. 2.5 A, 15V, 2.5A 25 V, 2.5 A, 20 V. 6. 120 V, 12 A, 120 V, 8.0 A, 120 V 4.0A
7. 30 Ohm, 2.0 A, 1.6 A, 24 V, 2.4 A, 24 V, 96 V, 4.0 A 8. 1.6 W 9. 5 V, 1V 10. .37 A 11.a. 4.4 A, b. 2.73 , c. 52.8 W
12. 5 V 13. a. 11.9 V b. 0.16 W


1. Name the three types of waves.

2. What gives a wave its ability to move, what must it move through and describe how a wave moves.
3. Draw a transverse wave and identify the following:
a. Crest
b. Trough
c. Amplitude
d. Wavelength
4. Draw a longitudinal wave and identify the following:
a. Compression
b. Rarefaction
c. Wavelength
5. Determine the speed and period of a wave disturbance that has a frequency of 2.50 Hz and a wavelength of
6. Two men are fishing from small boats located 30 m apart. Waves pass through the water, and each man’s boat
bobs up and down 15 times in 1.0 min. At a time when one boat is on a crest, the other one is in a trough, and
there is one crest between the two boats.
a. Find the frequency of the waves.
b. Determine their wavelength.
c. What is the speed of each wave?
7. Define the following:
a. Transmission
b. Reflection
c. Refraction
d. Diffraction
8. Define what sound is and how does sound travel?
9. What happens to the amplitude if a sound gets louder? What happens to the pitch if a sound has more pitch?
10. Calculate the speed of sound in air when the temperature is 16C.
11. Define the Doppler Effect.
12. A source emitting a sound at 300.0 Hz is moving toward an observer at 25 m/s. The air temperature is 15 °C.
What is the frequency detected by the observer?
13. A baseball player hits a homerun. The period of a sound wave of the bat hitting the ball is .00100. seconds. The
temperature is 28.00°C,
a. What is the velocity of the ball?
b. What is the frequency of the wave?
c. What is the wavelength of the sound?
d. If it took 3 seconds for a fan to hear the sound, how far away are they from the batter?
14. For each of the following pairs, state the number of times the intensity level of the first sound exceeds the second:
a. 100 dB, 70 dB b. 80 dB, 60 dB
15. A sound source emits a sound energy of 5.90 J/s. Find the sound intensity, the decibels for the following
distances from the source:
a. 8.50 m b. 17.0 m
16. What is the dB difference between the two intensities?
a. 1.0 x 10-7 W/m2 and 8.75 x 10-5 W/m2
b. 4.28 x 10-8 W/m2 and 2.68 x 10-2 W/m2
Unit: Final Review Name:_________________
Physics 11 Final Review Date: _________________
17. The F-4 was the first plane to break the speed of sound at sea level and could fly at 750. m/s at altitude. The
temperature in the air is 11.2C, what is the Mach speed of the F-4?
18. The SR-71 has a max speed of Mach 3.2. Assuming that the air temperature is 18.8C, how fast is that in m/s?
19. The F-15 was the first aircraft to be able to accelerate straight up.  Top speed is Mach 2.6. The speed of the F-15
is 900 m/s, what is the speed of sound? What is the air temperature?

1. Transverse, Longitudinal and Surface 2. Energy, it must move through a medium and it does so by moving particles in
the medium. 3. Drawing 4. Drawing 5. .4 seconds, 1.5m/s
6. a. 0.25 Hz b) 20 m c) 5.0 m/s 7. Definitions 8. Definition 9. Amplitude increases, the frequency increases.
10. 341 m/s 11. Definition 12. 324 Hz 13. a. 348 m/s, b. 100 Hz, c. .348 m, d. 1043 m 14. a. 1000, b. 100
15. a. 6.50 x 10-3 W/m2, 98.1 dB, b. 1.62 x10-3 W/m2, 92.1 dB 16. a. 29.4 dB, b. 58.0 dB 17. 2.22 18. 1095 m/s
19. 346 m/s; 25.2C

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