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The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering

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New analytical solution for bending problem of

uniformly loaded rectangular plate supported on
corner points

Milan Batista

To cite this article: Milan Batista (2010) New analytical solution for bending problem of uniformly
loaded rectangular plate supported on corner points, The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural
Engineering, 3:2, 75-84, DOI: 10.1080/19373261003607907

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Published online: 19 May 2010.

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The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 2, May 2010, 75–84

New analytical solution for bending problem of uniformly loaded rectangular
plate supported on corner points
Milan Batista*
Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU
(Received 10 December 2009; final version received 9 January 2010)

Presented herein is a new analytical solution for the bending problem of a uniformly loaded, thin rectangular elastic
plate supported on corner points. The solution is given in the form of a trigonometric series where the coefficients of
the series form a fully regular infinite system of linear equations. Accurate numerical values for deflection, moments
and shear forces for various aspect ratios of the plate are given. The results are compared with those obtained by
other researchers.
Keywords: elasticity; plate theory; thin plates; rectangular plates; analytical solution

Introduction values for deflection of a quadratic plate. Lee and

In this article, we derive an exact analytical solution Ballesteros (1960) published a simple approximate
for the bending problem of a uniformly loaded, solution of the FFFF plate problem by using a
rectangular, elastic thin plate supported on corner deflection function in the form of a symmetric
points with all edges free (FFFF plate). Historically, polynomial of the fourth order. The polynomial
the first analytical solution for the bending of an FFFF coefficients were determined by the condition that
plate was given by Galerkin in 1915 (Galerkin 1933, they satisfy the governed biharmonic equation and
1952, Timoshenko and Woinowsky-Krieger 1959). He zero effective shear force boundary condition at the
considers a rectangular plate having elastically sup- free edges. Since such a polynomial cannot satisfy zero
ported edges which in a limiting case, when the flexural bending moment conditions at free edges, they
rigidity of edge support vanishes, is tantamount to an replaced this condition with the condition that the
FFFF plate. Galerkin assumed the deflection of the average bending moments on free edges are zero.
plate to be in the form of a Fourier series and as a Wang et al. (2002) provided a critical review of the
solution of the problem he obtained an infinite system previous works on the FFFF thin plate problem and
of linear equations for coefficients of the series. He concluded that ‘earlier works show that the focus is put
provided no analysis of the obtained solution and due on determining the deflection accurately’ and that
to lack of computational facilities at that time, he previous analytical solutions ‘produce rather inaccu-
calculated some numerical values only for a square rate stress resultants distributions’. They then con-
plate by keeping only four terms in the series for the sidered a shear deformable FFFF plate and
deflection. Nadai (1922) gave another analytical approximated the deflection function and the rotations
solution for an FFFF plate where he, for the particular of plate cross-sections by complete two-dimensional
solution of the governed biharmonic equation for polynomials of arbitrary orders. For determination of
deflection, used a symmetric fourth-order polynomial polynomial coefficients from the energy functional,
which satisfies the zero bending condition on free they used the Ritz method and in order to satisfy the
edges. By the method of superposition with two natural boundary conditions they utilised the La-
Fourier series solutions of homogeneous biharmonic grange multiplier method. By post-processing results
equation, which also satisfies the zero bending moment of calculation with a smoothing technique, they
condition, each of them giving a constant effective obtained accurate results that are in close agreement
shear force along one pair of opposite edges, Nadai with the results from the ABAQUS FE program in
approximately satisfied the zero effective shear forces which an extremely fine mesh was used. Recently, the
condition on free edges. He provided some numerical analytical solution of the FFFF plate problem was


ISSN 1937-3260 print/ISSN 1937-3279 online

Ó 2010 The Institution of Engineers, Singapore
DOI: 10.1080/19373261003607907
76 M. Batista

given by Lim et al. (2008) by using the symplectic modulus and n Poisson’s ratio. The bending moments
method. Essentially, they provided a solution for the Mx, My, twisting moment Mxy, transverse shearing
deflection of a plate in the form of a series of forces Qx, Qy and effective shearing forces Vx, Vy, all
eigenfunction where eigenvalues are obtained from a defined by unit of length, are given in terms of w by the
transcendental equation and the coefficients corre- following expressions (Timoshenko and Woinowsky-
sponding to the eigenfunctions’ expansion are obtained Krieger 1959)
from the linear system of equations that results from
the boundary conditions. They presented some accu- @ w @2w
rate numerical values for deflection, moments and Mx ¼ D þn 2
@x2 @y
shearing forces. However, it must be noted that the  2 
@ w @2w
method leads to a numerical solution of a transcen- My ¼ D þ n ð2Þ
@y2 @x2
dental equation which has an infinite number of
complex roots and the coefficients of series expansion @2w
Mxy ¼ ð1  nÞD
are defined by an infinite system of linear equations so @x@y
that a large amount of numerics are involved in their
solution. Beside the numerical calculation, the authors @Dw @Dw
Qx ¼ D Qy ¼ D ð3Þ
give no analysis of the obtained solution, only the @x @y
observation that by increasing the number of term in a
series ‘theoretically speaking, absolute convergence is @3w @3w
achieved’. Vx ¼ D þ ð 2  nÞ
@x3 @x@y2
In what follows, we present a new solution of the  3  ð4Þ
@ w @3w
problem of the bending of an FFFF plate. First, the Vy ¼ D þ ð 2  n Þ :
@y3 @x2 @y
problem is formulated and then its solution is derived
by the method used by Galerkin. The derivation is a bit
longer, necessary only in order to demonstrate that the For the present problem, Equation (1) is to be solved
solution may be obtained in a completely rational subject to the following boundary conditions
manner, without any special assumptions. The ob-
tained solution is then analysed in some detail and at wða; bÞ ¼ 0 ð5Þ
the end some numerical data, figures and comparison
studies with results obtained by other researchers are Mx ða; yÞ ¼ 0 Vx ða; yÞ ¼ 0 ð6Þ
My ðx; bÞ ¼ 0 Vy ðx; bÞ ¼ 0: ð7Þ

Definition of plate problem, governing equation and Note that as usual in the classical thin plate theory, we
boundary conditions replace the Poisson boundary conditions, which
We consider the bending problem of a homogeneous assumes that at the free edge there no bending and
and isotropic, elastic, thin, rectangular plate with side twisting moments and no shearing forces, with the
lengths 2a and 2b, which is supported on corner points Kirchhoff conditions, which require that bending
and subjected to a uniformly distributed load p. In moments and the effective shear forces vanish along
order to preserve the symmetry of the problem, the the free boundaries (Timoshenko and Woinowsky-
Cartesian coordinate system (Oxy) has the origin at Krieger 1959).
the centre of the plate in the way that the plate
occupies the region bounded by 7a  x  a and
7b  y  b. Analytical solution
According to the classical thin plate theory, the Since Equation (1) is linear, we may seek its solution in
bending of the considered plate is governed by the the form
biharmonic differential equation (Timoshenko and
Woinowsky-Krieger 1959, Chapter 4). w ¼ w0 þ w1 ð8Þ

@4w @4w @4w p where w0 is a particular solution of Equation (1) and

þ 2 þ ¼ ð1Þ w1 is a homogeneous solution of the homogenous
@x4 @x2 @y2 @y4 D
equation D2w1 ¼ 0. Note that because of the double
where w is deflection of the plate and D  12ðh1n
2 Þ is the symmetry of the problem both solutions must be even
bending rigidity, h the plate thickness, E the elastic functions of x and of y.
The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering 77

A particular solution of Equation (1) may be By Equations (11) and (14), the solution (8) satisfies
sought in the form of a symmetrical polynomial of the boundary condition w(+a,+b) ¼ 0 and so for the
fourth order in x and y. determination of coefficients An, Bn, Cn, Dn (n ¼ 0, 1,
2, . . .) four boundary conditions (given by Equations
w0 ¼ c0 þ c1 x2 þ c2 y2 þ c3 x4 þ c4 x2 y2 þ c5 y4 ð9Þ (6)–(7)) remain.
From the boundary conditions My(x,+b) ¼ 0 and
where ck are unknown constants and where, in order to Mx(+a,y) ¼ 0, we find the following explicit expres-
satisfy the biharmonic Equation (1), the following sions for coefficients An and Cn
should hold  
bBn 2 1
q An ¼  tanh an b þ
3c3 þ c4 þ 3c5 ¼ : ð10Þ a 1  n an b
aDn 2 1
Cn ¼  tanh bn a þ ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ:
b 1  n bn a
There are several possibilities for defining the poly-
nomial constant, but it turns out that the solution ð15Þ
process is most simplified if we require that the parti-
cular solution (9) satisfies the boundary conditions Further, by expanding the boundary conditions
w(+a,+b) ¼ 0, Mx(+a, y) ¼ 0 and My(x,+b) ¼ 0. Vy(x,+b) ¼ 0 and Vx(+a,y) ¼ 0 into a trigonometric
These boundary conditions yield the particular solution series on cos anx and cos bny, respectively, we obtain
which may be written as (Nadai 1922) the following pair of infinite systems of linear algebraic
h  equations
w0 ¼ 5 a4 þ b4  6na2 b2  6 a2  nb2 x2  
48ð1  nÞD 3þn an b
  i Bn tanh an b 
 6 b2  na2 y2 þ x4  6n x2 y2 þ y4 : ð11Þ 1n cosh2 an b
4X 1 2
an bm b
¼ Dm  2
þ 3 ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ
b m¼0 a2n þ bm 2 an
For the homogeneous biharmonic equation, the
method of separation of variables (Vinson 1974, pp ð16Þ
27–31) yields the double symmetrical class of particular  
solutions. 3þn bn a
Dn tanh bn a 
1n cosh2 bn a
cosh an y cosh bn x 4X 1
a2 b a
cos an x cos bn y ð12Þ ¼ Bm  m n 2 þ 3 ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ:
y sinh an y x sinh bn x a m¼0 a2m þ bn 2 bn
The system of Equations (16)–(17) is very similar to
ð2n þ 1Þp ð2n þ 1Þp those obtained by Hencky for the case of a plate of
an  bn 
2a 2b with all edges clamped (Meleshko 1997). In fact, the
ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; 3; . . .Þ: ð13Þ systems differ only by signs of coefficients and the form
of diagonal terms on the right side of equations. So we
From these, by linear combination, we form the homo- may, as was done by Meleshko for a clamped plate,
geneous solution which may be written in the following shows that that system of Equations (16)–(17) is fully
convenient form regular, and since it has bounded free terms it therefore
has a unique bounded solution which may be obtained
  by the method of successive approximation (Kantor-
pX 1
cosh an y y sinh an y
w1 ¼ ð1Þn1 An þ Bn ovich and Krylov 1958). Observe that all terms in the
D n¼0 cosh an b a cosh an b
system are positive so that we have
pX 1
 cos an x þ ð1Þn1
D n¼0 Bn > 0 Dn > 0 ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ: ð18Þ
cosh bn x x sinh bn x
 Cn þ Dn cos bn y: The solution of the truncated system will therefore give
cosh bn a b cosh bn a an approximation of the solution from below. Note
ð14Þ that in the case of a square plate, we have a ¼ b and
78 M. Batista

therefore, by Equation (13), an ¼ bn. By subtracting Case of a very narrow strip. Introducing a small
Equations (16) and (17), we obtain a homogeneous parameter e : b/a and expanding the system (16)–(17)
system from which we find that Dn ¼ Bn. Thus for with respect to e we obtain
determination of Bn we have to solve only Equation (16).
From Equations (16)–(17), we may also extract 1 1  n a4  
Bn ¼ 4
þ O e3
some information regarding the rate of convergence of 2 1 þ n kn
coefficients Bn and Dn. By multiplying Equation (16) by Dn ¼ O e3 ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ ð25Þ
a2n and Equation (17) by b2n and taking the limit, we
obtain where kn  ð2n þ2 1Þp. By substituting these coefficients
into Equation (15) we get
lim a2 Bn ¼0 lim b2n Dn ¼ 0: ð19Þ
n!1 n n!1
1 a4  
On that basis, we may establish the following An ¼  5
þ O e3
1 þ n kn
inequalities  3
Cn ¼ O e ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .Þ: ð26Þ
Bn < Dn < ð20Þ
a2n þ g b2n þ g Introducing Equations (25) and (26) into Equation
(14) and taking into account that y ¼ O(e) yields the
where C and g are some positive constants. By homogeneous solution in the form
numerical solution of the Equations (16)–(17) we find
that at least for b/a 4 1/50 we have approximately 1 pa4 X1
w1 ¼ cos an x þ O e2
g 5 0.8. Similarly, by multiplying Equation (16) by a3n 5
1 þ n D n¼0 kn
and Equation (17) by b3n and taking the limit, we
1 pa4 5  6ðx=aÞ2 þ ðx=aÞ4  
obtain ¼ þ O e2 : ð27Þ
1þn D 48
3 1n 4X 1
lim a Bn ¼ b b Dm  1 In view of Equations (27) and (11), the final deflection
n!1 n 3 þ n b2 m¼0 m
! ð21Þ defined by Equation (8) becomes
3 1n 4X 1
lim b Dn ¼ a a Bm  1 :
n!1 n 3 þ n a2 m¼0 m pð2aÞ4 5  6ðx=aÞ2 þ ðx=aÞ4  
w¼ 2
þ O e2 : ð28Þ
ð1  n ÞD 384
With regard to previous consideration, we conclude
that for a plate that is not too narrow we have This is a well-known solution for deflection of a simply
limn!1 a3n Bn ¼ 1 and limn!1 b3n Dn ¼ 1 and hence supported beam. Note that in the case of a very narrow
the series in Equation (21) diverges: strip the problem becomes essentially one-dimensional
so the boundary conditions (7) become meaningless.
1 X
b2m Dm ¼ 1 a2m Bm ¼ 1: ð22Þ
m¼0 m¼0
Deflection, moments and shearing forces
To that we add the following useful sums On the basis of Equations (11), (14) and (15), we may
now express the deflection of a plate in the form
1 X
Bn an b tanh an b ¼ Dn bn a tanh bn a ð23Þ p h    
n¼0 n¼0 w¼ 5 a4 þ b4  6na2 b2  6 a2  nb2 x2
48ð1  nÞD i
1n an b  6 b2  na2 y2 þ x4  6n x2 y2 þ y4
Bn an b tanh an b 
1 þ n cosh2 an b  
  pX 1
n 2 1
1n bn a þ ð1Þ Bn tanh an b þ
þ Dn bn a tanh bn a  D n¼0 1  n an b
1 þ n cosh2 bn a 
n¼0 b cosh an y y sinh an y
  cos an x
1  n a2 b2 a cosh an b a cosh an b
¼ ð24Þ   
1þn 2 pX 1
n 2 1
þ ð1Þ Dn tanh bn a þ
D n¼0 1  n bn a
which are obtained by summing up each of the 
equations of system (16)–(17) and then subtracting a cosh bn x x sinh bn x
  cos bn y: ð29Þ
and adding the results. b cosh bn a b cosh bn a
The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering 79

By substituting Equation (29) into Equations (2) and even functions of both coordinates x and y, the
(3) we obtain the corresponding expressions for shearing force Qx is an even function of y but an odd
moments and shearing forces function of x, while the shearing force Qy is an even
function of x and an odd function of y. The twisting
1þn  2  X 1
moment Mxy has no such symmetrical properties.
Mx ¼ p a  x2 þ ð1  nÞp ð1Þn a2n Bn By taking into consideration the asymptotic
4 n¼0
"  expansions
1 þ n 2 b cosh an y
 tanh an b þ
1  n an b a cosh an b cosh bn x jxj sinh bn x jx j
#  ebn að1 a Þ  sgnðxÞebn að1 a Þ
y sinh an y X 1 cosh bn a cosh bn a
 cos an x  ð1  nÞp ð1Þn b2n Dn ð34Þ
a cosh an b n¼0
a cosh bn x x sinh bn x (similar for y cases), we may see that for all points
 tanh bn a  cos bn y
b cosh bn a b cosh bn a inside the plate the coefficients in the series in the
ð30Þ expressions (29)–(33) decrease exponentially. Hence all
these series are uniformly and absolutely convergent
1þn  2  X1
My ¼ p b  y2  ð1  nÞp ð1Þn a2n Bn for all points inside the plate and therefore represent
4 n¼0 continuous functions.
b cosh an y y sinh an y Consider next the boundary of the plate. On the
 tanh an b  cos an x boundaries y ¼ +b the expression for deflection (29)
a cosh an b a cosh an b
X1 simplifies to
þ ð1  nÞp ð1Þn b2n Dn
" n¼0
 2 p X 1
1 þ n 2 a cosh bn x w ¼ w0 ðx; bÞ þ ð1Þn cos an x: ð35Þ
 tanh bn a þ 1  n aD n¼0 an
1  n bn a b cosh bn a
x sinh bn x By using the inequality (20) , where we assume that
 cos bn y ð31Þ
b cosh bn a 0 5 g 5 1, we see that the coefficients of the above
series satisfy the condition Bann < a3Cþ g . Therefore the
np X1 series is absolute and uniformly convergent and
Mxy ¼ xy þ ð1  nÞp ð1Þn a2n Bn represents a function which is two times continuously
2 n¼0
"  differentiable and has a piecewise continuous third-
1 þ n 1 b sinh an y order derivative (Courant 1965, Chapter 8). This is
 tanh an b þ
1  n an b a cosh an b true also for boundaries x ¼ +a.
# In a similar way to deflection it may be shown that
y cosh an y X1
 sin an x þ ð1  nÞp ð1Þn b2n Dn the series in expressions for moments (30)–(32) are
a cosh an b n¼0 convergent at all points on the boundary and they
1 þ n 1 a sinh bn x represent a continuous function that has piecewise
 tanh bn a þ continuous first-order derivatives. As an example
1  n bn a b cosh bn a
# consider the bending moment Mx given by
x cosh bn x Equation (30). At the boundaries x ¼ +a we have
 sin bn y ð32Þ
b cosh bn a Mx(+a,y) ¼ 0 exactly and at the bounders y ¼ +b we
p 2p X1
cosh an y
Qx ¼  x  ð1Þn a2n Bn sin an x " #
2 a n¼0 cosh an b 1þn  2  4X 1
2 n
2p X1
sinh bn x Mx ¼ p a x þ ð1Þ an Bn cos an x :
þ ð1Þn b2n Dn cos bn y 4 a n¼0
b n¼0 cosh bn a
ð33Þ ð36Þ
p 2p X1
sinh an y
Qy ¼  y þ ð1Þn a2n Bn cos an x
2 a n¼0 cosh an b By using Equation (20), we may see that the co-
2p X1
cosh bn x efficients of the series in this expression obey the
 ð1Þn b2n Dn sin bn y: inequality an Bn < a1Cþ g from which follows the above
b n¼0 cosh bn a n
From the foregoing expressions, we see that the The twisting moment at the corners of the plate
deflection w and the bending moments Mx, My are requires special attention. For example, at a corner
80 M. Batista

with coordinates x ¼ a and y ¼ b the twisting moment So if the plate is not too narrow, the convergence, by
given by Equation (32) becomes Equation (22), fails. In this case the corners of the plate
are singular points for shearing force
np ð1 þ nÞp X 1
Mxy ða; bÞ ¼ ab þ an B n Qx ða; bÞ ¼ 1
2 a n¼0 ð41Þ
  Qy ða; bÞ ¼ 1:
1n an b
 tanh an b 
1 þ n cosh2 an b This result may be justified also on the physical basis
ð1 þ nÞp X1
by noting the presence of concentrated reaction forces
þ bn Dn at the corners of the plate. By using Equation (23), the
b n¼0
  reaction forces along the sides of the plate are
1n bn a
 tanh bn a  : ð37Þ
1 þ n cosh2 bn a Zb
Fx ¼ Qx ða; yÞ dy ¼ pab
By using Equation (24), the twisting moment b !
simplifies to 4p X1 X1
 b an Bn tanh an ba bn Dn tanh bn a
p ab n¼0 n¼0
Mxy ða; bÞ ¼ ab: ð38Þ
2 ¼ pab
Now, as it is well known (Timoshenko and Woinowsky- Fy ¼ Qy ðx; bÞ dx ¼ pab
Krieger 1959) that a twisting moment at corners a !
produces the corner force F ¼ 2Mxy. From the static 4p X1 X1
equilibrium of the plate, we have F ¼ pad and thus  b an Bn tanh an ba bn Dn tanh bn a
ab n¼0 n¼0
Mxy ¼ pad/2 which matches Equation (38). We note
that Equation (38) represents the difference between the ¼ pab:
present solution and the symplectic solution (Lim et al. ð42Þ
2008), where this value was not derived from an
expression for twisting moment but only from the static Therefore, the sum of forces is 2Fx þ 2Fy ¼ 74 pad
equilibrium of the plate. which satisfies the equilibrium condition of the plate.
On the boundary, from Equation (33), we obtain
the following expressions for the shearing force Qx
Numerical results
" # For the numerical calculations, the above theory was
p 4X 1
Qx ðx; bÞ ¼  xþ ð1Þn a2n Bn sin an x implemented into the special computer program where
2 a n¼0 for all calculations we use the quad precision numerical
p 4X 1
cosh an y model. For the solution of the system of Equations (16)–
Qx ða; yÞ ¼  a þ a2 Bn (17), we use the method of simple iterations which starts
2 a n¼0 n cosh an b
# from a zero initial guess. The iteration process stops
4 X1
n 2
when the results of successive approximations match
 ð1Þ bn Dn tanh bn acos bn y : exactly for all unknowns. In this way the maximum
b n¼0
possible precision of calculation is obtained. We found
ð39Þ that the number of iterations is roughly independent of
the number of unknowns and it was in all the cases less
On the basis of Equation (20), we have estimations than, say, 30. Table 1 presents the convergence study for
a2n Bn < aCg and b2n Dn < bCg . Hence for 7a 5 x 5 a and the solution of the system (16) for a square plate. As was
n n
7b 5 y 5 b the above series still converge, but we expected on the basis of the regularity of the system, the
may expect a very slow convergence rate. The same is successive solutions for particular coefficient forms a
true for Qy. At the corners of the plate we have monotonically increasing sequence where by doubling
! the number of equations we gain approximately one
p 4X 1
2 decimal place more precise a result.
Qx ða; bÞ ¼  aþ a Bn
2 a n¼0 n On the basis of the convergence study, we may
! ð40Þ expect slow convergence in the calculation of moments
p 4X 1
Qy ða; bÞ ¼  bþ b Dn : and especially shearing force on the boundary of the
2 b n¼0 n plate. A more serious problem is, however, the
The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering 81

Table 1. Convergence of coefficients Bn/a4 calculated from the truncated system (16) for square plate with v ¼ 0.3 for various
number of equations N.

n/N 5 10 20 40 80 160
0 0.0699601968 0.0699607968 0.0699608694 0.0699608769 0.0699608776 0.0699608776
1 0.0031506594 0.0031517686 0.0031519069 0.0031519213 0.0031519226 0.0031519227
2 0.0007692731 0.0007707646 0.0007709646 0.0007709857 0.0007709877 0.0007709878
3 0.0003021032 0.0003037694 0.0003040181 0.0003040452 0.0003040478 0.0003040480
4 0.0001496564 0.0001513341 0.0001516188 0.0001516512 0.0001516544 0.0001516547
5 0.0000850753 0.0000866599 0.0000869685 0.0000870056 0.0000870093 0.0000870096

presence of the singularity of shearing forces at plate Table 2. Deflection and bending moments in centre of a
corners. As it is known (Lanczos 1956, Chapter 4), any uniformly loaded rectangular plate supported on corner
presence of a discontinuity in a function represented by points.
the Fourier series results in high-frequency oscillations Centre: x ¼ y ¼ 0
around the true value and amplitudes decrease very 4
slowly with an increasing number of terms. To w ¼ apL /D Mx ¼ bpL2 My ¼ b1pL2
somehow improve the convergence rate and reduce b/a a N b N b1 N
oscillations we use the s method (Lanczos 1956, pp
1 0.02550650 5 0.1117108 4 0.1117108 4
219–229). By this method the coefficients obtained by 1.5 0.07982476 6 0.0979679 7 0.2689618 6
solving the system (16)–(17) are corrected as 2 0.23116248 8 0.0854994 9 0.4893227 8
3 1.14678735 10 0.0691765 13 1.1166264 11
sin ½pð2n þ 1Þ=2N 4 3.63048838 12 0.0619329 18 1.9926625 14
Bn Bn 5 8.8837934 14 0.0591613 22 3.1180590 17
pð2n þ 1Þ=2N 10 142.7959984 22 0.0576971 45 12.4932680 29
sin ½pð2n þ 1Þ=2N
Dn Dn ðn ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . . ; NÞ: N is number of terms used in calculation of corresponding quantity.
pð2n þ 1Þ=2N v ¼ 0.3, L ¼ 2a.

We found that this smoothing has practically no effect

on the calculation of deflection, some minor effect on
calculation of moments near the boundary; but it
approximately doubles the convergence rate in the Table 3. Deflection, bending moments and shear force at
middle of the edges in uniformly loaded rectangular plate
calculation of shearing forces and also it noticeably supported on corner points.
smoothes the shear forces and equivalent shearing
forces functions (see Figure 2). x ¼ 0 y ¼ +b
In the calculation of deflection, moments and w ¼ a2pL4/D Mx ¼ b1pL2 Qy ¼ g2pL
shearing forces by expressions (29)–(33), the termination
b/a a1 N b1 N g2 N
criteria for series summation was taken to be |snþ17snj
5 tol 6 jsnj where sn is the value after summing n terms 1 0.01774741 101 0.1504393 2947 70.20166 4480
1.5 0.02155586 104 0.1814091 3083 70.32125 4378
and where tol was taken as 1079, 1077 and 1076 for 2 0.02595590 105 0.2176284 3150 70.43829 4316
computing the deflections, moments and shear forces, 3 0.03536734 107 0.2954803 3196 70.66969 4238
respectively. In the tables below, we also provide 4 0.04496160 107 0.3749508 3198 70.90037 4183
5 0.05457739 108 0.4546119 3183 71.131 4140
information regarding the number of terms used in the 10 0.10266849 109 0.8530248 3067 72.283 4004
calculation of the particular value of a quantity. In order
to avoid problems with overflow in calculation of a
combination of hyperbolic functions in expressions w ¼ a1pL /D My ¼ b2pL2 Qx ¼ g1pL
(29)–(33), we code such functions as b/a a1 N b2 N g1 N

jxj 1 þ e
2bn jxj 1 0.01774741 101 0.1504393 2947 70.20166 4480
cosh bn x
¼ ebn að1 a Þ 1.5 0.08006698 98 0.3042747 2783 70.18014 4602
cosh bn a 1 þ e2bn a 2 0.24184153 96 0.5201808 2663 70.16033 4691
2bn jxj
ð44Þ 3 1.18508931 92 1.1412534 2497 70.13401 4793
sinh bn x jxj 1  e 4 3.7056776 90 2.0144928 2385 70.12227 4841
¼ sgnðxÞebn að1 a Þ : 5 9.0056600 88 3.1388186 2303 70.11776 4868
cosh bn a 1 þ e2bn a 10 143.3043651 82 12.5134633 2070 70.11540 4919
In Tables 2 and 3, the numerical values of N is number of terms in calculation of corresponding quantity.
deflection and bending moments at the centre of a n ¼ 0.3, L ¼ 2a.
82 M. Batista

Figure 1. Distribution of deflection, bending moment, twisting moment and shearing force over uniformly loaded square plate
supported on corner points.

plate and the middle of the edges of a plate for various shearing force Qx over a square plate. The effect of
values of the ration b/a are given. In Table 2, the values the smoothing of coefficients (43) on calculations is
of shearing forces are also provided. As expected, the illustrated in Figure 2 where distribution of the
calculations of deflection and moments at the centre of effective shearing force Vx is displayed.
a plate exhibit rapid convergence. At the edges of the In Table 4, we compare the values of twisting
plate, the convergence in the calculation of deflection is moment at plate corners calculated by Equation (32)
slower, and the calculation of bending moments and and exact values given by Equation (38). It can be seen
shearing forces to desired precision requires summa- that the relative discrepancy between the calculated
tion of several thousands of the terms of the series. and exact values is less than 0.1%.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of deflection w, Table 5 presents a comparison study of the bending
bending moment Mx, twisting moment Mxy and results obtained by various researchers. All the
The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering 83

Figure 2. Distribution of effective shearing force Vx over uniformly loaded square plate supported on corner points: non-
smoothed (left) and smoothed (right).

Table 4. Twisting moment at corner of uniformly loaded rectangular plate supported on corner points.

b/a Exact Series N error %

1 0.125 0.12493 3221 0.06

1.5 0.1875 0.18739 3282 0.06
2 0.25 0.24985 3393 0.06
3 0.375 0.37474 3623 0.07
4 0.5 0.49962 3825 0.08
5 0.625 0.62448 4003 0.08
10 1.25 1.24853 4667 0.12

N is number of terms used in calculation of corresponding quantity. n ¼ 0.3, L ¼ 2a

Table 5. Comparison of bending results of uniformly loaded square plate supported at the corners.

Modified Ritz ABAQUSa,

FEM, Zienkiewicz with smoothinga, Wang et al. Symplectic, Present
x y and Taylor (2000) Wang et al. (2002) (2002) Lim et al. (2008) study Factor
w 0 0 0.0244 – 0.0257 0.0255065 0.0255065 pL4/D
w 0 a 0.0173 – 0.01795 0.0177474 0.0177474 pL4/D
Mx 0 0 0.109 – 0.1115 0.111711 0.111711 pL2
Mx 0 a 0.150 – 0.1499 0.150439 0.150439 pL2
Mxy 70.6a 70.6a – 0.0418 0.0419 0.041317 0.04132 pL2
Mxy 7a 70.6a – 0.0611b 0.0631b 0.06349 0.06345 pL2
Qx 70.8a 0 – 0.1756 0.1754 – 0.17374 pL
Qx 7a 0 – 0.2001b 0.1989b – 0.20166 pL
Vx 70.8a 0 – – – 0.000272c 0.00027 pL
Vx 7a 0 – – – 0.001649c 0 pL
shear deformable plate model with h/a ¼ 0.01.
calculated at x ¼ 70.977a.
in Lim et al. (2008) these values are attributed to Qx). n ¼ 0.3, L ¼ 2a.
84 M. Batista

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